The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 216 Zhao Yun’s spiritual talent, the fact that Cao Cao wants to forget

Chapter 216 Zhao Yun’s spiritual talent, the fact that Cao Cao wants to forget
Facing the dark-faced Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai could only smile awkwardly. He really didn't know much about martial arts.

Does he know the concept of inner Qi separated from the body, or is it because Xia Houyuan became the inner Qi separated from the body after Hulao Pass, which allowed him to make a precise comparison.

If Cao Cao didn't have two inner-qi-separated warriors, Dian Wei and Xia Houyuan, under his command, Xi Zhicai might not have taken the initiative to learn the relevant knowledge.

After all, he is a typical civil servant. Although he is not to the extent of looking down on vulgar warriors, if you want him to take the initiative to learn relevant knowledge, it depends on the situation.

After all, based on his physical condition, even if he wanted to understand, it would be powerless.

What's more, now I know from Xun Yu that the knowledge about martial arts has obviously been updated.

He has been playing the role of a "waste" who has been lying in bed recovering from his injuries these days. How could he have the opportunity to understand this?

Fortunately, Xun Yu knew what was going on with Xi Zhicai, and the reason for his dark face was simply because Xi Zhicai didn't collect relevant knowledge himself.

You know, since Cao Cao decided to surrender to Liu Bei, Chen Xi, Yang Ji and the others no longer blocked information from Cao Cao and the others.

As long as Cao Cao and the others thought about something, saw something, and didn't understand anything, they could ask them.

As for whether Chen Xi, Yang Ji and others will answer, it depends on their mood at the time.

As mentioned before, Chen Xi's legion talent is a talent derived from the spiritual talent as the core, which can infect the will of the soldiers.

If a warrior whose inner energy has left his body wants to awaken his spiritual talent or quasi-spiritual talent, he must use the legion's talent to reflect his will on the sublimated spiritual power.

Xun Yu came to a conclusion: "So, the secret technique of essence and energy is generally for those warriors to practice.

The reason why warriors whose inner energy leaves the body cannot awaken their spiritual talents is because the martial arts will of the warrior is solidified in the body after achieving inner energy separation.

The reason why he, Chen Xi, was able to achieve the separation of inner energy from the body was just because he was lucky enough to be Yang Ji's experimental subject.

After all, their foundation is inner energy. Even if they awaken spiritual talents or quasi-spiritual talents, it is a reflection of their own will in their sublimated spiritual power. "

Chen Xi also told Cheng Yu two methods. One is to hone his martial arts, condense his martial will, break the constraints of the human body, draw in the essence of heaven and earth to cleanse his body, and build the core of inner energy in the human body.

One is to use one's own spiritual power as a guide to forcibly break the shackles of the human body, draw in the essence of heaven and earth, cleanse the body, and shape the core of inner qi. The premise is that one must have the inner qi cultivation to become a gang.

Chen Xi even directed Cheng Yu to seek advice from Yang Ji, saying that Yang Ji knew these things best. After all, this knowledge was researched by Yang Ji.

After the sublimated mental power is combined with the reflection of will, a spiritual talent will be derived with the legion as the core.

Just like Zhao Yun, after the spiritual power sublimated by farming was combined with the spiritual reflection of the legion's talent, a talent was derived that could expel negative conditions on crops.

After listening to Xun Yu's story, Xi Zhicai's face was filled with sadness.

If Zhao Yun hadn't been watching from the side, Chen Xi would have left himself semi-disabled.

Yang Ji, Chen Xi and the others would not take the initiative to tell Cao Cao and the others everything. Cao Cao and the others had to discover everything by themselves and find the answers themselves.

Just like Cheng Yu, after learning that Chen Xi was an internal Qi separated body, he directly asked Chen Xi how to become an internal Qi separated body like him.

This is a quasi-spiritual talent, which is different from the spiritual talent that Yang Ji, Chen Xi and the others had guessed at the beginning.

The will solidified in the body cannot be combined with mental power, and there is no way to mobilize mental power to release it and change reality.

It doesn't matter whether you get the answer through your own thinking, or you can find someone who knows the answer to answer your doubts.

Although Yang Ji refuted the rumors later, if Chen Xi had not been too anxious at the time, he would not have become Yang Ji's experimental subject, but who told Chen Xi to be too anxious?

The spiritual talent of a warrior who has internal Qi separated from his body is also a derivative talent based on the martial arts will of the warrior reflected on the spiritual power after sublimation.

With Zhao Yun's current achievements in farming, no one would be surprised to awaken such a quasi-spiritual talent.

What really surprised them was, why wasn't it a spiritual talent?
With Zhao Yun's ability, he can definitely awaken a spiritual talent, but Zhao Yun just awakened a quasi-spiritual talent.

It's not that he thinks his spiritual talent isn't good enough and can't compete with his spiritual talent, but Zhao Yun's ability and wisdom are not limited to farming.

Although Zhao Yun has always been shown to be a powerful general and an agriculturist with extremely high attainments in farming, the kind who can even compete with cookies,

But don't think that what Zhao Yun has shown is all he has.

With Zhao Yun's humble and cautious character, if he didn't want to show it himself, who would have discovered that he was hiding his clumsiness.

In other words, it's not that Zhao Yun is hiding his clumsiness, but that Zhao Yun's nature is like this. He is really a treasure boy. (A treasure boy in his thirties?)
With Zhao Yun's wisdom and knowledge level, he could awaken a spiritual talent, but now he has awakened a quasi-spiritual talent.

Who would believe that there is nothing fishy in it?

The biggest black hand can only be Zhao Yun himself.

But since it was Zhao Yun's own will, it seemed to be a normal thing.

Xun Yu looked at Xi Zhicai with a sad face and said, "So, people like me who have awakened their spiritual talents do not need to specifically accumulate inner energy.

You only need to accumulate enough mental power, and then ask an inner qi separation warrior who is proficient in inner qi to help protect the law, and then you can forcefully break through the inner qi separation..."

Compared with the warriors who have not yet sublimated their spiritual power, these people have already taken advantage of them.

After all, they only need to cultivate the inner energy to the point where it becomes a gang, and then let it settle for a period of time so that the inner energy can permeate the entire body.

Because the mental power is also infiltrating the body at the same time, they can complete the infiltration of the body at a relatively fast speed.

Then you can use your mental power to forcibly break the constraints of the body, draw in the essence of heaven and earth to cleanse your body, and shape the core of condensed inner energy to achieve the separation of inner energy from the body.

"So, do I want to destroy the virtual seed that I have worked so hard to cultivate?" Xi Zhicai looked at Xun Yu with a sad face.

Xi Zhicai's heart was bleeding at this moment. It was obviously a secret technique that he had successfully cultivated with great difficulty, but in the end he had to resolve it with his own hands.

What kind of misfortune is this?

Is it because he is still planning Cao Cao's hegemony in his heart, and Liu Bei is the son of destiny in the new era, so is he so unfortunate? Xi Zhicai couldn't help but feel an extremely absurd feeling in his heart.

" depends on what you think." Xun Yu said thoughtfully.

"After is not impossible to cultivate the essence of energy to break through the separation of inner energy from the body through mental power..." Xun Yu said hesitantly.

After all, this is Xi Zhicai's own private matter, and it is not easy for Xun Yu to get involved.

And in Xun Yu's view, no matter what kind of secret technique it is, when Yang Ji finds a way to allow those who have awakened spiritual talents to achieve internal Qi separation from the body, and to allow internal Qi separation warriors to awaken their spiritual talents, there is actually no difference.

After all, secret techniques are only auxiliary. If you want to achieve the separation of inner energy from the body or the awakening of spiritual talents, you still have to rely on yourself.

Xi Zhicai was silent. He also knew that what Xun Yu said made sense. After all, secret techniques were only secret techniques and were used to assist.

But for Xi Zhicai, this is a secret skill that he worked hard to refine, and it was solved just like this...

Isn’t it a loss?
After all, the reason why Xi Zhicai's secret technique was successfully cultivated was because of the secret technique ritual that he left from Yang Ji for free, which can transform the inner energy.

And as far as his current situation is concerned, although he has gained a lot of mental strength in the past few days, it is nothing compared to what he had at his peak.

"Oh, that's all..." Xi Zhicai shook his head, and then directly dissolved the virtual seed in his body.

The virtual seed that was dissolved by Xi Zhicai turned into a stream of pure inner energy and merged into the inner energy flowing in Xi Zhicai's body.

Under the infusion of this pure inner energy, the inner energy that was originally just a trickle in Xi Zhicai's body rapidly expanded and filled his whole body in a very short period of time.

Although the inner energy that filled Xi Zhicai's body was not condensed into one by him, it was only a matter of time.

"This..." Xi Zhicai blinked and looked at Xun Yu in confusion.

Xun Yu didn't say just now that after dissolving the virtual seed, it would help him fill his body with inner energy.

Could it be that Xun Yu didn't tell him on purpose and wanted to give him a surprise?
"Don't look at me, I don't know what the situation is." Xun Yu shook his head, he didn't know what the situation was now.

When I first asked Yang Ji for advice on secret techniques, Yang Ji didn't mention any relevant issues.

It is estimated that even Yang Ji himself does not know that such a change will occur after the virtual seed is dissolved.

After all, who would have nothing to do to play with the virtual seed that he had finally condensed?

"Tsk..." Since Xun Yu said so, Xi Zhicai stopped asking further questions.

As mentioned before, who would be free to resolve the virtual seed that they had finally condensed?

Xi Zhicai picked up the secret technique scroll on the table, which recorded not only the secret technique of Jing Yuan Qi Seed, but also the secret technique of Civic Spirit Seed.

Although Xi Zhicai's current mental strength is not enough for him to condense the virtual seed in one breath, he can still condense a secret seed.


While Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai were exchanging their experiences in practicing secret arts, Cao Cao and Cheng Yu were training with their original soldiers in the military camp outside Chenliu City.

In fact, it can't be regarded as training together, but training in the gravity field specially developed by Yang Ji for middle and high-level generals. After all, Boss Cao also wants to save face.

In this school field specially developed by Yang Ji, although the school field used for soldier training is next door, at least there is a two-meter-high wooden fence separating it.

The reason why a wooden fence was built was not for Boss Cao, but to prevent Guan Yu and others from injuring the soldiers next door when their attacks splashed out.

Moreover, there is no cloud cover in the sky above this school ground, it was opened up for those generals whose internal energy is separated from the body.

On these wooden fences, Yang Ji also etched a secret ritual to generate a cloud barrier to prevent splash attacks from destroying the wooden fences during their sparring.

Cao Cao sat down on a stool at the edge of the school field, breathing heavily, his body covered with sweat after strenuous exercise.

"Lord, how do you feel?" Cheng Yu, wearing a pair of training armor made by Yang Ji and wielding an eight-edged training sword beside him, asked Cao Cao.

Although this is the edge of the gravity field, and although the gravity multiplier is not as high as the central area, it is still a bit reluctant for Cao Cao, who has just started.

Cao Cao's qualifications in martial arts are pretty good. After all, among his brothers, nephews, and so on, who doesn't have some martial arts spirit in him?

It's just that Cao Cao himself didn't know how many years he had given up martial arts training. Compared with Liu Bei's persistence for many years, Cao Cao was indeed a child of a noble family.

You know, Liu Bei was already a warrior who practiced Qi and became a gang when he was at Hulao Pass, and he could be regarded as a fierce general at that time.

If Cao Cao could persevere back then, he might be able to become a Qi master now. After all, Cao Cao's qualifications are not bad.

Cao Cao, who had now re-trained in martial arts, had only just introduced Qi into his body. He only succeeded in attracting Qi with the help of military formations and secret techniques.

To be honest, if it weren't for his own face, Cao Cao would have wanted to run out and train with the soldiers next door. At least the gravity multiplier next door is not as high as here.

It's a pity that Boss Cao is unwilling to let go of his face.

"I'm fine, I'll just rest for a while." Cao Cao shook his head at Cheng Yu, reached out and picked up a water cup made of bamboo tube from the ground, and poured it into his mouth.

"Zhongde, actually you don't have to stay with me here." Cao Cao wiped his mouth and said to Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu was silent for a while, put down the eight-edged training sword, and said to Cao Cao: "My lord, with your status, there is no need to come here."

"Huh..." Cao Cao put his hands behind his back, propped himself up, and looked up at the sky, "If I don't come here, what can I do?"

If possible, Cao Cao would not want to come here to hone his martial arts, but other than hone his martial arts, Cao Cao could not find any way to divert his attention.

Only by squeezing his physical energy to the last drop can Cao Cao forget the fact that he was once a prince when he fell asleep alone.

(End of this chapter)

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