The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 217 Construction of the defense lines of the two counties of Qinghe, Bohai Sea

Chapter 217 Construction of defense lines in Bohai and Qinghe counties

Although Cao Cao decided to surrender to Liu Bei after his defeat, after all, Cao Cao was also a prince with an army of hundreds of thousands, so how could he give up so easily.

But the reality is this. Even if his military strength is twice as strong, he will not be Liu Bei's opponent.

Liu Bei's military strength is no longer on the same level as theirs.

What's more, he has been captured now, unless someone can fish him out and then find a place to grow or something.

However, this is just a fantasy when you are bored.

So what if they are fished out? They can't defeat Liu Bei now. Will they be able to defeat him in the future?
When they were growing, Liu Bei was also growing, and he was still growing at a speed that they couldn't understand at all.

That can't be called development, it should be called expansion.

Cao Cao's wisdom is not bad, it's just that he doesn't show it very often.

Coupled with the analysis of his various advisers, Cao Cao also understood that if he surrendered now, he might still get preferential treatment or something. After all, there was no real hatred between the two parties.

You know, Cao Cao went to the gravity field to hone his physical fitness and martial arts, but it was Yang Ji's contribution.

Nothing can be solved.

No matter where he is, people like him are the type of people that monarchs need to be wary of.

"Just...literally." Yang Ji replied with a smile, which didn't look like a performance at all.

At least when we meet Liu Bei in the future, we can communicate with each other on a more equal footing.

As for the benevolence shown by Liu Bei? Although Chen Gong and others say it is highly credible.

But under the current circumstances, even if you have other ideas, you must put them away and contribute to the great cause of supporting the Han Dynasty.

"Tsk, tsk, has Cao Mengde given up all other ideas?" Yang Ji withdrew his gaze from Cao Cao and turned to look at Jia Xu, hoping that this guy who knew people well would give a judgment.

Then type and send.


However, what can be solved by random thinking?

Tsk - Cao Cao didn't even know when he offended Yang Ji. He actually asked him to always remember to find a doctor to open his skull. Obviously they didn't know each other before?
Under the entanglement of various factors, Cao Cao found this place where he could spend his energy and enhance his strength.

Yang Ji simply didn't believe that Cao Cao would sincerely surrender to Liu Bei, and he might be planning something in his heart.

Yang Ji sat on a chair, a five-baht coin flying up and down in his hand, drawing beautiful trajectories.

Of course, it is also possible that after seeing the strength of Liu Bei's army, it was completely destroyed.

Although Liu Bei's character would not have any thoughts towards him, the same cannot be said for the people under Liu Bei's command.

But considering Cao Cao's suspicion, it would be a big questionable matter if he could really believe in Liu Bei's benevolence.

Although Yang Ji said this with a smile at the time, in Cao Cao's view, this was the devil's smile.

Thinking about when I was still an independent prince, I thought about why I didn't keep up with the version, and I thought about why I didn't defeat Liu Bei.

Cao Cao was thinking wildly, weren't Cheng Yu and the others thinking wildly?

And everyone’s idea is to help the Han Dynasty, although there are definitely some people who have different ideas.

Because Yang Ji said that if Cao Cao really had a headache, he would personally ask the two miracle doctors Hua Tuo and Zhang Zhongjing to treat Cao Cao.

That's why Cao Cao came here to vent his energy that had nowhere to put it, lest he really get depressed.

"Oh - it's so boring. When will Zichuan and the others finish sorting out Yanzhou's government affairs? It's been so many days. Could it be that Zichuan is lazy again? Why don't you go and help?"

"I don't believe it either. I can only say that I was forced by reality. Otherwise, who would be willing to be like this." Yang Ji shook his head.

After Cao Cao rested, he stood up from the bench and continued to hone his martial arts and physical fitness, striving to fill his body with inner energy before heading to Mount Tai.

Yes, some of them are also thinking wildly. Even Xun Yu, who is in the mood to go to the Government Affairs Office to observe, will also be thinking wildly in his heart.

In this case, Cao Cao, who could have been regarded as an independent prince all the way, now became someone else's subordinate.

Cao Cao could feel that Yang Ji's attitude towards him was a bit bad. If it really came to this level, Yang Ji would really suggest to the two miracle doctors to open a hole in Cao Cao's head.

Cao Cao had a headache thinking about it.

"Do you believe it?" Jia Xu asked Yang Ji, "I don't believe it anyway. The reason why I came here to kill my energy is just to avoid thinking too much."

How can you not feel chest tightness?
Cao Cao didn't know what others were thinking. He only knew that he was very annoyed and would think randomly when he was free.

I heard that Liu Bei has already separated his inner energy from his body, so he should quickly get himself a cultivation level that allows him to separate his inner energy from his body, so as to enhance his value and so on.

Looking at the melancholy Cao Cao, Cheng Yu also put down the eight-edged training sword in his hand and remained speechless.

Jia Xu glanced at Yang Ji, and then said: "Oh, forget it... just say whatever you want."

Now I come here to kill my energy, just to avoid thinking too much and getting hot for a while.

Now I come here to ask people if they have given up on their inner thoughts. Isn’t this really intentional?

"Then what are you asking?" Jia Xu looked sideways at Yang Ji. He didn't believe that Yang Ji couldn't see what Cao Cao's current state was like.

After all, how could he not know what abilities he and the civil and military men under him had.

If the headache was serious, maybe Yang Ji would suggest the two miracle doctors to perform a craniotomy on Cao Cao...

Maybe Yang Ji will try it himself.

Yang Ji was looking for trouble and suggested to Jia Xu. After all, Jia Xu was also a member of the Government Affairs Department, so he would not give up the overtime pay, right?

"What stupid things are you talking about? If you are too busy, you can go to the Government Affairs Office to help." Jia Xu choked angrily.

He had finally managed to avoid the work of the Government Affairs Department because he wanted to sort out Yanzhou's intelligence system. How could he go there on his own and cause trouble for himself!
Although sorting out Yanzhou's intelligence system is not an easy task, for Jia Xu, as long as he knows a thread about many things, he can implicate a whole line of carrots.

How could he go to the Government Affairs Office to accept the punishment for such an easy job? "Hey, I'm not from the Government Affairs Department, how could I go to the Government Affairs Department to look for trouble?" Yang Ji casually gave a reason. After all, everyone likes to fish, so the eldest brother will not talk about the second brother.

The corner of Jia Xu's mouth moved. Yang Ji was not a resident of the Government Affairs Department. Of course, he could use this reason to avoid being assigned work by Xianyu Xi and the busy Guo Jia.

But he can't do it. As one of the staff stationed in the Government Affairs Department, if Chen Xi assigns him work, he has no reason to refuse.

Unless he has other work to do, Chen Xi will definitely find him.

After all, what Chen Xi is best at is dividing the work at hand and assigning it to different people to complete.

Moreover, Chen Xi's own work efficiency is so high, it's as if he doesn't need to think at all.

If Chen Xi's writing speed hadn't limited his government affairs processing speed, Jia Xu doubted that Chen Xi's efficiency could be greatly improved.

When Chen Xi finished processing his official documents, he would sit in his seat and drink tea and snacks while watching these inefficient people work hard to process the official documents in their hands.

That arrogant look made everyone who saw him want to leave a fist mark on Chen Xi's face to dispel the resentment accumulated in their hearts.

It's a pity that Chen Xi is now out of the body. Even if the people from the Government Affairs Department swarm over, they can't leave any mark on Chen Xi's face.

Oh, except Yang Ji and Zhao Yun.

These two people also have positions in the Government Affairs Office, but they are not permanent residents in the Government Affairs Office.

"If you feel bored, you can come and help me sort out Yanzhou's intelligence system." Jia Xu said through gritted teeth.

Jia Xu stretched out his hand and shoved an official document in front of Yang Ji. If Yang Ji didn't accept it, he would... take it back...

Fortunately, Yang Ji still took the official document from Jia Xu's hand and did not let Jia Xu take it back by force.

Yang Ji turned over the official document in his hand and raised his eyebrows, "This doesn't seem to be information from Yanzhou, right?"

Yang Ji looked at Jia Xu. He didn't believe that Jia Xu randomly pulled out the intelligence document. He definitely did it on purpose.

Jia Xu didn't even raise his head, "I didn't say that the information I have here only comes from Yanzhou."

"That's right. After all, you have now taken over all our intelligence lines, and it is not outrageous to receive the intelligence from Jizhou." Yang Jizao suddenly realized.

Yang Ji looked at the information in his hand again, "It seems that the pressure brought by Youzhou Gongsun Bogui on Yuan Benchu ​​is not strong enough.

Otherwise, how could he have mobilized 100,000 troops to deploy defenses in the two counties of Bohai and Qinghe. "

"Tsk... there is no defense at the border between Wei County and Dongjun. Is this because we are confident in the speed of the Yecheng defenders sending troops, or are we sure that we will not send troops from Dongjun?"

Yang Ji narrowed his eyes slightly. Jizhou Yuan Shao was indeed the most difficult party Liu Bei had encountered in the original world line. He could even predict their next moves.

Jia Xu glanced at the number of the official document in Yang Ji's hand, and then pulled out another corresponding official document from the pile of official documents in front of him.

"According to the latest news, Yecheng has sent 20,000 troops to Liyangjin. If they defend along the Yellow River, it will be difficult for us to invade Jizhou here.

It seems that we have to send troops to Baima Ferry. Otherwise, if even the south bank ferry is occupied by Jizhou, our deployment in Yanzhou will be passive. "

"Well... In this case, Jizhou sent 120,000 troops just to prepare for us. It seems that the pressure Gongsun Bogui brought to Yuan Benchu ​​was not very great." Jia Xu also shook his head.

Yang Ji and Jia Xu looked at each other and smelled something unusual.

You know, that is the White Horse General Gongsun Zan. Even Yuan Shao, who is in Jizhou, must take it seriously.

Otherwise, even if Yuan Benchu ​​occupied the land of Hebei and his advisers were like rain and fierce generals were like clouds, there was a great possibility that they would be sliced ​​into pieces by the light of the swift white horse's sword.

And now Chen Xi is doing business with Liu Yu. If Gongsun Zan does not offend Liu Yu again, then Gongsun Zan has nothing to worry about.

What's more, even if Liu Yu cuts off Gongsun Zan's food and grass, they can still send part of the food and grass to Gongsun Zan by sea from Donglai, still in exchange for horses.

Although because of Chen Xi's grain storage strategy, they didn't have much grain to support Gongsun Zan.

However, according to the strategic plan they formulated, this was not a good time to start a war with Jizhou, and Gongsun Zan was the prince who restrained most of Jizhou's energy.

Therefore, Chen Xi and the others would not just watch Gongsun Zan's defeat. If Gongsun Zan was defeated at this point in time, they would be the next ones to face Jizhou.

Although there is now a big gap in strength between Taishan and Jizhou, there is almost no problem even if they directly attack Jizhou now.

At the juncture when Taishan had just annexed Yanzhou, Chen Xi and the others did not really want to start a war with Jizhou now.

In addition to being more difficult to chew, governance is also a big problem.

They have already annexed Qingzhou and Yanzhou this year. If they annex another Jizhou, there will not be enough grassroots officials in Taishan.

Even if a lot of scholars were plundered in Yuzhou, plus the scholars from Yanzhou, Yingchuan, and Nanyang, they could barely manage the officials in the two states.

But Chen Xi and the others really didn't dare to select suitable officials directly from these new scholars.

In Chen Xi's plan, although in the end he still had to select the corresponding officials from these scholars.

But we have to let these scholars get tainted with the mainstream thoughts here in Taishan, otherwise they will have to be cleaned up again by then.

It's already October of 192, and they still have a lot of things to do this year. If they want to fight another Jizhou, they really don't have to go through it.

Yang Ji lowered his head and looked for the date of the official document in his hand, "Tsk... Sure enough, no wonder Xuande Gong sent a letter half a month ago saying that there was quite a movement in Jizhou.

It turned out that Yuan Benchu ​​sent 100,000 troops to build a defensive front in Bohai and Qinghe counties of Jizhou. "

"By the way, haven't we received any news?" Yang Ji turned to look at Jia Xu.

Logically speaking, for such a big matter, Guo Jia and Jia Xu, who were in charge of the intelligence, should have copied a volume of the intelligence for them to browse.

Jia Xu glanced at Yang Ji, then pointed at the official document in Yang Ji's hand and said, "Didn't you receive this?"

Yang Ji lowered his head and looked at the date he had just turned over, "'s true, but is there such little movement from the 100,000-strong army?"

"Perhaps this 100,000-strong army is just a cover." Jia Xu said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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