The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 218 Yuan Shao’s actions in Bingzhou

Chapter 218 Yuan Shao’s actions in Bingzhou
Yang Ji looked at Jia Xu thoughtfully. Listening to what Jia Xu meant, the 100,000 troops sent by Yuan Shao were not meant to confuse them, right?
But if you think about it carefully, it's really possible.

After all, who is competing with Yuan Shao? That is the white horse general Gongsun Zan, who looks like the king of Zhao Wuling.

Even Yuan Shao, who was in Jizhou, had to be cautious when facing Gongsun Zan's troops.

Although according to Jia Xu's analysis, Gongsun Zan will eventually be defeated by Yuan Shao.

It's not because of anything else, but because Gongsun Zan's health bar is not as long as Yuan Shao's.

Facing Gongsun Zan's military front, Yuan Shao could lose several times, but what about Gongsun Zan?

Is it true that Yuan Shao would not seize the opportunity to provide one-stop service to Gongsun Zan, who was at odds with Liu Yu, the shepherd of Youzhou?
Although Liu Bei now serves as the middleman, the conflict between the two parties has been slightly alleviated.

But Liu Bei is an outsider after all, and there is not much he can do to interfere.

Yang Ji looked up at the sky, and then asked Jia Xu, "Wen He, let me ask, where are Yuan Benchu ​​and Gongsun Zan confronting each other now?"

After hearing this, Jia Xu rummaged around, pulled out a book of official documents, and opened it to read the contents.

Looking left and right, Jia Xu didn't see any mystery in the place name Jieqiao.

Gongsun Zan's head was so hot that he directly knocked Liu Yu. Then Gongsun Zan completely lost his morality.

But the conflict between the two still ended after Gongsun Zan died.

"Jieqiao, that place seems not suitable for cavalry combat." Yang Ji sighed.

However, since Yang Ji specifically named the name Jieqiao, there must be a meaning in it.

"Jieqiao, what's wrong?" Jia Xu asked with some confusion.

Liu Yu would go to Gongsun Zan's grave from time to time to express his condolences, and by the way, he would educate Gongsun Zan's son from time to time.

When it comes to conspiracies and intrigues, Jia Xu will not pay attention to Yang Ji. In this aspect, even ten Yang Ji are not enough to defeat Jia Xu.

He really didn't expect that after the original historical trajectory was distorted by him and Chen Xi, he could still hear some familiar things.

Jia Xu flipped through the information in his hand again and determined that Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan were now confronting each other at the boundary bridge.

In the Battle of Jieqiao, Gongsun Zan's white horse righteousness was not even one out of ten. In addition, Gongsun Zan was not familiar with literary strategy. At this time, he was constantly teased by Liu Yu.

Whether it is Gongsun Zan in the official history, Gongsun Zan in the novel, or Gongsun Zan in the mythical version, his defeat began at Jieqiao.

This is Gongsun Zan in official history and romance. Although the mythical version of Gongsun Zan did not kill Liu Yu with Liu Bei's intervention.

It is estimated that if Gongsun Zan knew what Liu Yu would do, he would definitely climb out of the underworld and fight with Liu Yu.

Is this the corrective power of history?

Judging from the intelligence received by Jia Xu, the reason why Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan turned to the boundary bridge was purely because Yuan Shao divided his troops and merged with the state, which caused the front to shrink.

But in terms of military strategy, even ten Jia Xu were not enough to defeat Yang Ji.

Then Gongsun Zan, the most powerful military leader in the north, came to an end.

After the Battle of Jieqiao, Yuan Shao had the big advantage.

So Jia Xu carefully recalled the relevant content of the boundary bridge.

Before the Battle of Jieqiao, Yuan Shao faced Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Zan had a big advantage.

Yang Ji remembered that the mythical version of the Battle of Jieqiao was not wiped out by Chen Xi's butterfly because Liu Bei put a lot of pressure on Yuan Shao, and then divided his troops to merge with the state, intending to merge with the Wolf Cavalry and Bingzhou...

After all, Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are brothers, and no one is sure whether Liu Bei will suddenly send troops to Jizhou.

Under such circumstances, it is not surprising that Yuan Shao and his men want to seek a third party to break Gongsun Zan's momentum and open up a way out.

Now, after annexing Yanzhou, Liu Bei put more pressure on Yuan Shao, and Yuan Shao would definitely focus on Bingzhou, which only had one warrior, Lu Bu.

Although Bingzhou is not a good place compared to Jizhou, the Wolf Cavalry above is what Yuan Shao wants most.

Even Yuan Shao, who was powerful in Jizhou and had many aristocratic families to help him, did not have many cavalry at his disposal.

It's not that Yuan Shao can't afford the money and food to train cavalry, but Yuan Shao doesn't have that many horses in his hands.

Although there are a lot of wild horses on the northern grasslands, except for Gongsun Zan of Youzhou and Ma Teng of Liangzhou, which prince in the Han Dynasty can produce enough horses for trading.

Hmm... maybe after returning to Bingzhou, Lu Bu could accumulate enough horses by seizing the horses of the northern barbarians.

However, due to the food output problem in Bingzhou, it was impossible for Lu Bu to leave too many horses.

Even if the horses were left behind, they would be left to Mount Tai, not Yuan Shao of Jizhou's turn.

Before Lu Bu took back the Hetao area from the grassland barbarians, it was probably impossible for Bingzhou to accumulate enough horses.

However, the mere problem of money and food cannot stop Yuan Shao from occupying Jizhou. If he can win Bingzhou, then Yuan Shao will have a stable source of horses.

But compared to Bingzhou's horses, what Yuan Shao wanted more was the wolf cavalry in Lu Bu's hands.

Of course, if Lu Bu is willing to join his subordinate Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao will welcome him.

I heard that Lu Bu has a daughter. It just so happens that his son Yuan Shao has reached the age of marriage...

Marriage is an important means used by aristocratic families to form alliances, so it is not a big deal that Yuan Shao can come up with such a trick.

That is, what Yuan Shao may not have thought of is what kind of person Lu Bu is.

As the pinnacle of martial arts in the world, would Lu Bu really choose a son-in-law with little martial arts skills?
What's more, does Yuan Shao, who comes from a wealthy family, really look up to Lu Bu? This is also a question worth thinking about.

Moreover, Yuan Shao has sent troops to Bingzhou. This does not look like a proposal for marriage, but more like a coercion.

Although Lu Bu's brain is not very good, he is not stupid, so how could he not see what Yuan Shao is asking for.

Even if Lu Bu, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others couldn't see what Yuan Shao wanted, couldn't Diao Chan in Lu Bu's backyard still see it?

Don't underestimate Diao Chan. Although she has awakened a quasi-spiritual talent, it doesn't mean Diao Chan's intelligence is inferior. Jia Xu suddenly looked at Yang Ji, what did he hear just now? 'That place at Jieqiao is not suitable for cavalry fighting? '

"Hiss!" If you think about the terrain of the boundary bridge carefully, it seems that it is really not suitable for cavalry combat.

The main combat force under Gongsun Zan is basically cavalry, especially the white horse Yi Cong.

Thinking again about Ju Yi that Yang Ji and Chen Xi repeatedly emphasized, it seems that Yuan Shao is deliberately attracting Gongsun Zan to run to the boundary bridge.

With Gongsun Zan's character, he should have noticed that the boundary bridge cannot displace cavalry... right...

Jia Xu, who knew people's hearts well, was a little unsure about Gongsun Zan's current situation.

"Ziyu, what do you think?" Jia Xu threw the question to Yang Ji. After all, it was Yang Ji who asked the question himself, so he must have a plan.

What's more, Yang Ji said that the boundary bridge is not suitable for cavalry operations, which shows that Yang Ji has realized Gongsun Zan's situation at this time.

"What do I think? Of course I sit and watch." Yang Ji didn't expect that Jia Xu's questions spanned such a wide range.

However, since Jia Xu asked, he just had to answer truthfully. After all, he really planned to sit and watch.

And this time, with Liu Bei's strong support, Gongsun Zan will not be defeated so miserably at Jieqiao.

What's more, although he didn't expect the Battle of the Boundary Bridge to happen as usual, he was not unprepared.

Jia Xu's brows were about to frown. What was going on with Yang Ji? He knew that Gongsun Zan might be defeated at Jieqiao, so why did he look so nonchalant?

If Yuan Shao really wins, it will have a great impact on their next plan to recuperate.

"Don't worry, Gongsun Bogui will not be defeated so easily." Yang Ji looked in the direction of Mount Tai, where Liu Bei was not the only one who had a close relationship with Gongsun Zan.

"Uh..." Jia Xu followed Yang Ji's gaze and looked into the distance, and then remembered that Lu Zhi was still in Mount Tai.

"..." The corner of Jia Xu's mouth moved. He was obviously in charge of intelligence in Taishan. Why is this happening...

Why is this so?
Jia Xu couldn't understand, could a person's planning ability really be so calculating?

Or is it that Yang Ji had thought of this scene as early as when he invited Lu Zhi to Mount Tai?
"Oh, by the way, did Yuan Benchu ​​send troops to Bingzhou?" Yang Ji turned to look at Jia Xu, who had complicated eyes, "Huh? You seem hesitant to speak. Do you want to ask me something?"

Looking at the confused Yang Ji, Jia Xu twitched the corners of his mouth a few times, but finally did not ask.

"Nothing to ask." Jia Xu shook his head. Even if he asked, he probably wouldn't be able to get anything out of it. Yang Ji would pretend to be stupid.

"However, you guessed it right. Xianhe sent news from Jinyang that Yuan Benchu ​​really sent Guo Yuan, Gao Gan and others to lead 30,000 troops through Jinyang via Jingjing Road to the northern part of Bingzhou. , now it’s most likely the Yanmen area.”

Yang Ji blinked and asked a little strangely: "Is Lu Fengxian just watching the Jizhou army passing by his lair?"

What's more, Jian Yong is also in Jinyang now, so he should prevent Lu Bu from letting him go. Why did he still let Guo Yuan and Gao Gan lead the troops through Jinyang to Yanmen and Yunzhong?

"They said they were going to recover Northern Xinjiang..." The corners of Jia Xu's mouth also moved. What kind of brain circuit does the guy in charge of this work have? He can even say such things.

"Ah?" Yang Ji was a little confused. What was going on? According to his idea, Yuan Shao should have gone to form an alliance with Lu Bu. Why was he suddenly going to fight the barbarians?

"Isn't it true that the reconquest of the five counties in Hetao is a lie, and that it is true that he has climbed to Junduxing and entered Youzhou?" Yang Ji said this as a joke.

"..." Jia Xu looked at Yang Ji with strange eyes. Wasn't this guy always claiming that he was not familiar with the northern terrain? How did he know that he could still enter Youzhou from Baidengdong?

However, now is not the time to talk about these irrelevant things. After all, what Yang Ji said still makes sense.

Seeing Jia Xu's expression, Yang Ji couldn't help but swallowed his saliva, "Should we...shall we inform Gongsun Bogui?"

Yang Ji really didn't expect that his casual words would really be recognized by Jia Xu.

In Yang Ji's previous life, he was a pure southerner. The farthest north he had ever been was the Jiangsu area. He had only visited places further north in short videos or maps.

Even the place Baideng is known from middle school history books.

Yang Ji stopped talking. Do you want him to talk about the great achievements of the Ming Dynasty War God named Men Tianzi last time?
Fortunately, Jia Xu didn't care about Yang Ji's evasive remarks. He was more concerned about the real purpose of Yuan Shao in sending troops to merge with the state.

Could it be that he was going to steal the horses from the barbarians?
[Hmm... It's really possible. By the way, it can also win over the hearts and minds of the five counties in Hetao. It's such a good plan.

I hope you won’t be maimed by the barbarians entrenched there...] Jia Xu looked towards the north with a faint look.

Because Yang Ji persuaded Lu Bu to return north, Guo Jia and others also sent many spies to explore the northern part of Bingzhou.

Now that Lu Bu has returned to the north and merged with the state, Lu Bu will definitely send troops to recapture the five counties of Hetao. This is Lu Bu's oath, and it is also a place that the Han Dynasty must recapture.

This is also the reason why Liu Bei sent Jian Yong to Bingzhou. In addition to Lu Bu's request to send civil servants to help handle government affairs, there was also a reason to explore the intelligence of the Hu people in the north.

Although Jian Yong's intelligence work is not very good, Jian Yong can get away with wherever he goes.

Moreover, his political and strategic abilities are also very good. Before Chen Gong was in place, he happened to be a very suitable civil servant to go to Bingzhou.

Judging from the intelligence sent back by Jian Yong, those squatting in the Hetao area are almost the strongest troops of the Hu people.

Around that place, the Han Dynasty and the Hu people did not know how many rounds they fought, always going back and forth between losses and gains.

Although the Hu people are not good at farming, the Han people living there are very good at it.

Jia Xu sneered and said, "Don't think about it. The intelligence from Xianhe a few days ago showed that Guo Yuan and other high-ranking officials have been wandering along the Yanmen line, exterminating the nearby barbarians, and have not gone north to Dingxiang Yunzhong.

The Jizhou army in Bingzhou most likely wanted to join the army and march into Youzhou, directly into the hinterland of Gongsun Bogui. "

"Then should we inform Gongsun Bogui?" Yang Ji frowned.

Although the 30,000 troops sent out by Jizhou may not even make a splash, as teammates, we still need to inform those who need to be informed.

"Weren't you just talking about sitting and watching? Why are you worried about this again now?" Jia Xu looked at Yang Ji and said teasingly.

"Haha, I'm just sitting and watching. I didn't say I couldn't send information." Yang Ji chuckled softly.

"What's more, even if we don't give you this kind of information, do you think Gongsun Bogui won't take precautions?"

(End of this chapter)

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