Chapter 219 Jia Xu sighs silently

"Who do you plan to send to garrison the White Horse Ferry?" Jia Xu asked Yang Ji.

Since Jizhou sent 20,000 troops to Liyangjin, they must also have someone stationed at the White Horse Ferry.

Needless to say, the importance of Baima Ferry is very important. If Jizhou really takes over, their arrangement in Yanzhou will be a bit passive.

Yang Ji lowered his head and thought for a moment, "Let Changwen and Tanzhi go. It's time for them to go out and exercise."

"Wei Changwen and Tanzhi?" Jia Xu frowned, then relaxed again, "Alright, a general with inner energy separated from the body, coupled with a peak Qi practitioner, I think he can win Li Yangjin on the north bank. of."

Jia Xu thought about the strength of Wei Yan and Guan Ping, and finally agreed to Yang Ji's proposal.

After all, Wei Yan and Guan Ping are both strong, so blocking the enemies in the north is not a problem.

Unless the opponent sends a general who can unify the army, it will still be very difficult to stop a warrior who has separated his inner energy from his body and reached the peak of his Qi practice.

But given the current situation in Jizhou, is it really possible to spare the generals to seize the ferries on both sides of Liyangjin?
The enemy that Jizhou needs to face now is the White Horse General Gongsun Zan, and Gongsun Zan and Liu Bei are brothers, and their teacher Lu Zhi is still alive.

What’s more, there won’t necessarily be chaos!
Therefore, when Taishan needs to recuperate, what Jizhou has to do is to seize the time to capture Youzhou, so as to avoid directly launching a north-south pincer attack with Gongsun Zan after Liu Bei's rule has been restored.

It was originally agreed to divide Jizhou equally, but now it has become Yuan Shao's monopoly on Jizhou. This is a real contradiction on the surface.

It is impossible to say that Jizhou Wenwu was not shocked in his heart.

Now Ju Shou Tian Feng and others are probably regretting why they did not send troops in the first place.

However, because Liu Bian only has half of Nanjun left, he can only harvest so much money and food, and cannot afford to support so many soldiers.

It is a relatively simple matter to cause some trouble for Guan Yu and Guo Jia who are stationed in Yanzhou.

If Nanjun was really captured by Sun Ce, Liu Biao would really have no choice but to run to the four Jingnan counties to avoid disaster.

By the time Zhou Yu makes his move from Yangzhou, Liu Biao will probably be counting down the seconds.

Throwing Yanzhou out will make Taishan fall into the security war in Yanzhou, and Liu Bei will not be able to send too many troops to interfere with the decisive battle between Yuan Shao of Jizhou and Gongsun Zan of Youzhou.

However, Jia Xu had some objections to the handling of the hundreds of thousands of surrendered soldiers.

"It just so happens that we can give him the soldiers captured in this battle and let him re-formulate a training plan in Wancheng." Yang Ji looked at Jia Xu and said.

Although Liu Biao and Kuai Yue took advantage of the Jingzhou aristocratic family's eagerness to gain credit, they deceived a wave of Jingzhou aristocratic families, played a trick of killing people with borrowed knives, and purged the interior of Jingzhou.

It is even said that even the Cai family, who controlled the Jingzhou Navy, began to waver and had different thoughts.

However, they also knew that even if they sent troops, they probably wouldn't be able to stop Taishan from annexing Yanzhou. At most, they would just be able to snatch Cao Cao away.

"Nanyang?" Yang Ji thought carefully about who was more suitable to garrison Nanyang Wancheng.

"There is no problem in letting Yu Wenze and Guan Hai garrison Wancheng. Even with the hundreds of thousands of surrendered soldiers, do you really plan to incorporate them into our battle order?"

After all, Yanzhou also has a large number of aristocratic families, and the Yuan family is one of the leaders of the aristocratic families in the world.

However, this does not mean that Liu Biao is not constrained by the Jingzhou family, or that he is more constrained.

After all, now that Huang Zhong has gone to Mount Tai, Liu Biao, who does not have a strong general under his command, has no way of taking back the land of Jingbei.

Of course, if Zhou Yu hadn't been busy with matters in Yangzhou, Liu Biao would have gone to Jingnan long ago.

Although Yuan Shu was also under pressure from Liu Biao in Jingzhou, compared to the pressure on Yuan Shao, the pressure on Yuan Shu was much less, or even almost non-existent.

Except for Kuai Yue, who hoped Liu Biao could revive, and the Cai family, where Liu Biao's wife Cai lived, there were basically few aristocratic families in Jingzhou that Liu Biao could mobilize.

As for the Yanzhou family's unwillingness, the Yuan family is still a bit of a favor among these families.

Moreover, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are now guarding Jiangxia and Xiangyang. Liu Biao wants to cross these two places and put some pressure on Yuzhou, so that he will not be unable to solve the constraints of the noble families under his command until now.

Maybe Yuan Shu would get out of his mind and want to take Nanyang back.

Taishan, which had just annexed Yanzhou, needs most now to recuperate rather than use weapons again. This is the opportunity that Jizhou needs to seize now.

Even the naval force originally subordinate to Jingzhou has been partially separated from Liu Biao's account, so Liu Biao has no way to supply it.

Isn’t that what the so-called four generations and three nobles are like?
"What about Wancheng?" Jia Xu asked Yang Ji again.

After all, the enemy Wancheng needs to face is not Yuan Shao, who has suffered tremendous pressure from General Baima, but Yuan Shu, who has nothing to do.

Therefore, after facing the pressure from Gongsun Zan, Jizhou decided to abandon Yanzhou first.

If Liu Bei is really offended, do you think Liu Bei will endure the chaos under his rule for a period of time and directly send troops to the north?

Moreover, Sun Ce often harassed Jiangling where Liu Biao was located. If it weren't for the navy controlled by Cai Mao, he was pretty good and could barely block the attack of the Jiangxia navy.

After all, Gongsun Zan from Youzhou in the north put more pressure on them. Who told them to break their promise?

There is no apparent conflict between Jizhou and Taishan. Counting Chen Xi's previous raid on Nanpi, they only lost a little material and population, and at most gained a little face.

Jia Xu did not object to Yang Ji arranging Yu Jin and Guan Hai to go to Wancheng. After all, Yu Jin had no problem commanding tens of thousands of troops except for his lack of force.

"Uh..." Jia Xu looked at Yang Ji, really surprised that Yang Ji was still such a person.

Taishan's pressure on Jizhou was really too great. In just a few months, Yanzhou was directly annexed, and all the civil servants and generals including Cao Cao were captured.

"How are Wen Ze and Guan Hai?" Yang Ji thought of Yu Jin who followed them out. If he remembered correctly, Yu Jin was very capable and had the potential to command a large army, but his personal strength was a bit lacking.

Now Liu Biao can control basically no other power except all the 100,000 elites in Jingzhou that he integrated originally.

Even the four messy Jingnan counties are difficult to recover, leaving only a small half of Nanjun in the hands, which is the half of Nanjun in the south of the Yangtze River.

Otherwise, even the remaining half of Nanjun would have to be captured by Sun Ce.

Although it is a good thing to separate Cao Cao from these armies, so as to prevent Cao Cao and his men from having any bad ideas.

Judging from Yang Ji's tone, it seemed that he wanted to throw these soldiers into the battle order of Taishan's army after the circuit was rebuilt under Yu Jin.

In troubled times, military strength is very important, and Jia Xu still agrees with this.

However, the number of troops does not completely represent the level of combat effectiveness.

The existing army of 250,000 in battle order is enough for them to deal with all the princes of the Han Dynasty. With their current military strength, there is no need to recruit some new and chaotic soldiers into the battle sequence.

The original idea of ​​Jia Xu, Chen Xi and others was to throw these surrendered soldiers into the field soldiers under Zhao Yun.

After all, the battle order does not need to include so many soldiers, so only the garrison order requires so many soldiers.

After Yanzhou was captured, it was time for Zhao Yun and his field soldiers to shine.

Originally, the field soldiers under Zhao Yun were only enough in Qingzhou, but now there happened to be a group of surrendered soldiers, and there were hundreds of thousands of surrendered soldiers.

Doesn't this just meet most of the conditions for Zhao Yun to carry out farming affairs in Yanzhou?

"What are you thinking about? I didn't say that I would put them all into a battle order. I just wanted Wen Ze to use the Danyang soldiers' synergy talents on all these soldiers." Yang Ji said with a smile.

"..." Jia Xu looked at Yang Ji speechlessly. He really didn't expect that Yang Ji was already here, and he was still thinking about popularizing elite talents among the field soldiers.

"What's more, there are not no elite soldiers among the surrendered soldiers. It would be good to let Wen Ze choose them and add them to the Nanyang garrison."

Yang Ji told Jia Xu why he wanted to surrender hundreds of thousands of Cao's troops and stay in Nanyang.

In addition to separating these soldiers from Cao Cao and the others, it also means stationing troops in Nanyang.

Although most of these soldiers have to spend a long time in the field sequence under Zhao Yun.

After all, if you want to complete the farming work in Yanzhou, you still cannot do without the help of these soldiers.

The reason for stationing troops in Nanyang was to prepare for the future recovery of Jingzhou.

In the same way, he and Guan Yu, who was stationed at Chenliu, were mutual horns to prevent Yuan Shu from not respecting martial ethics and sending out surprise troops to recapture Yingchuan and cut off the connection between Yanzhou and Nanyang.

Listening to Yang Ji's explanation, the corners of Jia Xu's mouth moved. Who did Yang Ji learn this from? He actually laid the groundwork for the invasion of Jingzhou at this time.

Not only Jingzhou, but also Yuzhou is also in Yang Ji's layout. Besieging them on three sides is also a good plan.

"Did you come up with these ideas by yourself?" Jia Xu asked this sentence seemingly inadvertently.

Yang Ji paused and looked at Jia Xu with a half-smile, "What do you think?"

Jia Xu looked at Yang Ji with a slight smile on his face and didn't know how to answer Yang Ji's question.

Bit by bit traces piece together Jia Xu's understanding of Yang Ji. This long-term layout is basically impossible to come from Yang Ji.

Yang Ji is not the kind of person who would plan now for the long-term future.

It's not that Yang Ji doesn't know how to do it, it's that Yang Ji doesn't want to do it.

Yang Ji's temperament, to put it mildly, is to just go with the flow; to put it worst, it's to go with the flow.

Although there is a contrast with Fan Qin, Yang Ji's happy-go-lucky personality is already considered a very good character.

But such a capable person would actually want to stay at home!
Jia Xu really couldn't understand.

Chen Xi is already a salty fish, but I didn't expect Yang Ji to be even more salty than Chen Xi.

Chen Xi still has a dream so grand that it exceeds their imagination.

But as for Yang Ji, he could easily figure out the answer at a glance.

I guess if Chen Xi hadn't brought him under Liu Bei's command, he would have stayed in that small village and unified the Han Dynasty again.

However, it is also very likely that after learning about the recruitment order issued by Liu Bei, he ran to Mount Tai to find a safe place and continued to stay at home.

For such a person, if you want to say that he can come up with this kind of layout, there is a high probability that he can do it, after all, the ability is there.

But, he had a bad mentality in his heart. If he wanted him to do it himself, it would be better to expect other people's actions.

Jia Xu no longer wanted to ask, the answer was already obvious.

[Start hiding your traces now. Are you so confident in your abilities? 】

"Nuo, let's take a look. If there's nothing left behind, I'll send it to Zichuan." Yang Ji handed a letter to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu silently took the letter from Yang Ji, scanned it quickly, and said in a low voice: "No problem, just send it over."

After Yang Ji added the letter paper, he put it directly in an envelope without looking at Jia Xu and ordered someone to send it to Chen Xi on the spot.

Although they could also send the letter directly to Liu Bei, after all, Li Ru was by Liu Bei's side.

Although even without the help of this letter, Li Ru would probably be able to discover Jizhou's actions from clues.

But there is strength in numbers, and it would be terrible if there was something they didn't discover.

Therefore, it is better to read it to others before sending the final conclusion to Liu Bei.


After seeing Guo Jia put down the letter sent by Yang Ji, Chen Xi asked Guo Jia: "Fengxiao, what do you think of Ziyu and Wenhe's speculation?"

"What do you think? With our current situation, is it possible that we can really send out a large number of troops?" Guo Jia said angrily.

If they didn't capture Yanzhou, they could have a hand in Jizhou.

But, doesn’t this defeat Yanzhou?

Just as Jizhou had guessed, after defeating Yanzhou, the most important thing for Taishan was not to interfere in the war between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan.

Instead, seize the time to stabilize Taishan's rule in Yanzhou, otherwise it may be overturned by Yuan Shao.

Yanzhou is a place that is not conducive to defense.

"Indeed, given our current situation, it would be better to send some new soldiers to Pingyuan County for a round of fighting." Chen Xi nodded and agreed with Guo Jia's view.

"If you have no objections to Ziyu's arrangement, then I will send a copy to Mr. Xuande?" Chen Xi shook the letter in his hand.

"General Guan is the general stationed in Yanzhou. Let him decide on this kind of military deployment. It's not easy for me to interfere." Guo Jia said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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