Chapter 226 Chen Xi's Arrogance

Chen Xi looked at the wise men in front of him with frowns on their brows and sighed in his heart. It turned out that their vision was still limited by the environment.

Chen Xi said in a cold voice: "You can't stop this. Even if you all stand on the opposite side of me, I must push for the passage of this bill. I have the authority to veto all of your vetoes."

As he spoke, Chen Xi subconsciously released the martial arts will that he had just condensed yesterday.

The fluctuation of will set off a tide of the essence of heaven and earth. Although it was not violent, it actually stirred everyone's hair and clothes.

The pupils of Liu Ye, Lu Su and others suddenly shrank. From the will released by Chen Xi, they sensed Chen Xi's determination to promote the new tax bill.

It is a belief that we must push forward no matter how difficult the road ahead is.

Moreover, this belief is mixed with some beliefs that are difficult for them to understand, but feel extremely familiar.

Yang Ji felt the tide of energy and spirit caused by the fluctuation of Chen Xi's will. It was not a violent tide of energy and spirit, and it even had a hint of gentleness, but it was mixed with an extremely tenacious belief.

Raising his eyebrows, Yang Ji remembered that before yesterday, Chen Xi was a person whose internal energy had not yet condensed into a martial arts will.

Although it is read as internal energy leaving the body, in essence it is indeed the internal energy leaving the body. After all, Chen Xi has broken the constraints of the human body and drawn in the essence of heaven and earth to cleanse his body, allowing the essence of life to leap forward.

It’s just that Chen Xi has not condensed his own martial arts will, or it may not be a martial arts will, but some other kind of will.

Before he condensed his own will, Chen Xi had been fighting at the lower limit of his internal energy leaving his body.

Maybe Chen Xi couldn't even defeat some people who had already condensed their own martial arts will into Qigong.

However, this situation is gone forever as Chen Xi condensed his will.

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully as his face was filled with determination. Yang Ji remembered clearly that before Chen Xi chatted with Liu Bei yesterday, he had not yet solidified his will.

[Is it the awareness of dying for one's confidant, or the confidence that I can manipulate the world's situation, or the determination and belief to fight for my own ideals? ] Yang Ji guessed in his heart which one Chen Xi's will was, or all of them?
Chen Xi held a double-edged sword in his hand, standing opposite everyone except Yang Ji, and announced to everyone in a majestic manner: "Whether you agree or not will not change the final result.

Because I have decided to do this, no matter how you veto me, you can't shake my determination!"

Chen Xi lowered his eyes, and a deep voice echoed in his ears, "This is a notification, not a discussion!"

"If you want to help me, I'd be more than welcome to do so."

"If you don't want to join, then please don't obstruct the implementation of my decree. Just stand aside and watch quietly."

"But if you not only do not want to join, but even want to undermine the implementation of the decree -

Then don’t blame me for not warning you…”

Hearing this, the faces of Liu Ye, Mi Zhu, Man Chong and others couldn't help but become gloomy. They didn't expect Chen Xi to say such a thing.

Is this still the Chen Xi and Chen Zichuan who used to have a gentle face and look like a noble gentleman?
"Zichuan, let's discuss this matter later." The good old man Lu Su looked directly at Chen Xi and said slowly, using the tactic of procrastination.

"Long-term plan? Ha, I don't have a long-term plan here. We will only start work this afternoon!" Chen Xi looked at Lu Su without dodging.

Chen Xi understood very well what the good old man Lu Su meant by taking the long view. It was nothing more than buying time so that they could persuade Liu Bei, and then Liu Bei would persuade Chen Xi.

They didn't know what Chen Xi said to Liu Bei that could make Liu Bei agree to such a ridiculous decree.

Having just annexed Yanzhou, they did not need such a radical decree that had never been recorded in history books.

What they need to do now is to take it step by step. As long as they accumulate enough strength, they will be able to conquer the world in one fell swoop.

They didn't know why Chen Xi issued this unprecedented decree. Didn't Chen Xi know how much change this decree would bring to the entire Liu Bei?

"Zichuan, why do you think you can succeed?" Faced with Chen Xi's relentless pressure, Jia Xu also questioned Chen Xi.

"Our current situation is not that dangerous at all. It is more realistic to win by playing it safe than to make a sudden and gamble-like advance.

Have you ever thought about the kind of pressure we will face after failure, and what kind of pressure you will face too?
And what kind of pressure will the lord who supports you face?"

Jia Xu did not directly reject Chen Xi, but asked Chen Xi if he had ever thought about his failure, and what kind of changes the failure would bring to him and Liu Bei's rule.

To be honest, Jia Xu did not want to see the day when Chen Xi failed, because as long as Chen Xi was still suppressing them, there would not be too much internal strife among them before Liu Bei took that position.

There is no doubt about the importance of Chen Xi to Liu Bei's forces, and everyone knows how much Chen Xi has contributed to the development of Liu Bei's forces.

As long as nothing unexpected happened to Chen Xi, these wise men with their own wills would be able to unite under Liu Bei's group of civil officials with Chen Xi as the core.

If Chen Xi fails this time, it will be a major blow to the prestige that Chen Xi has been building, and even Chen Xi's position as the chief will be affected.

Those who know (in fact, that is just the appearance released by Chen Xi) what kind of abilities Chen Xi possesses may not have any ideas about Chen Xi's position just because of Chen Xi's one or two failures.

But those idiots below will definitely incite, even though they are idiots who don’t even understand what abilities Chen Xi possesses.

Those idiots may not cause any impact on Chen Xi and Liu Bei, but they will definitely affect the stability of the two states and three counties under Liu Bei's rule.

"Yes, Zichuan, you have to consider what kind of impact your failure will have on the two states and three counties under the rule of your lord." Guo Jia didn't want Chen Xi's myth to be shattered like this, so he just tried to smooth things over and played Tai Chi.

"Failure? Haha, yes, everyone will fail one day, and I am no exception." Chen Xi smiled sarcastically.

When everyone heard Chen Xi say the word "failure", they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. They finally managed to persuade Chen Xi a little.

As a result, they heard Chen Xi's next words, which brought their slightly relaxed atmosphere back to life.

"But, this is the only aspect where I will not fail!" Chen Xi said firmly.

"Since the battle at Hulao Pass, I have been suppressing the world's situation until now. What do you think I rely on?" Chen Xi looked at everyone with cold eyes.

When Yang Ji heard this, a smile appeared on his face. It was really rare to see Chen Xi looking so domineering and confident.

Well... maybe after today, I'll never have the chance to see it again.

Record it, record it, and when there is a chance in the future, share it with others to show how domineering Chen Xi was when he was young. At this time, even Guo Jia, who was vaguely standing on Chen Xi's front line, restrained his expression and slowly asked Chen Xi: "Can you guarantee that the world's situation will always be in your hands?"

"Heh--" Chen Xi's eyes revealed seven parts of disdain, one part of indifference, one part of looking down on the world, and one part of self-confidence and arrogance.

“When I can see the general trend clearly, this general trend is just something in my hands, and I just need to follow it.

When I cannot see the general trend, the general trend of the world will be created by me. The general trend of others is nothing but their own conceit.

I have this ability!"

Chen Xi stretched out his right hand and clenched it into a fist in mid-air, as if the world was in his palm.

Chen Xi's words left Guo Jia, Jia Xu and others completely confused, and only Yang Ji knew what Chen Xi was talking about.

[Your existence has already messed up the original history. The future now depends on what kind of future you want...]

Yang Ji shook his head. Perhaps only someone like him who knew the future development of history could guess what Chen Xi meant.

"Tsk, what an arrogant guy, don't you think, Zichuan--" Yang Ji, whose presence in the corner was almost zero, suddenly spoke.

Suddenly, everyone subconsciously looked towards the corner where Yang Ji was squatting, and saw that Yang Ji put his heels on the table, leaning back, with only his two legs left supporting the chair.

Seeing Yang Ji being so rude, everyone's eyes widened.

However, they did not care about Yang Ji's rudeness. They cared more about what Yang Ji had just said.

What happened? Wasn't Yang Ji hired by Chen Xi to support him? Why did he suddenly turn against him?

At the same time, they were secretly cursing themselves in their hearts, wondering how they could have forgotten such a living person like Yang Ji, and they had forgotten the existence of this person right under their noses.

After seeing Yang Ji speak, everyone started to make all kinds of plans in their hearts, trying to pull Yang Ji to the opposite side of Chen Xi.

Although Yang Ji is not very involved in government affairs now, his position in the government system is only a secretary of the Secret Arts Department, and his rank seems to be lower than that of everyone present.

However, if you really think that Yang Ji's qualifications and authority are not high, then you should just quit the circle. This circle does not need someone as ignorant as you.

If Liu Bei could definitely stop Chen Xi's decision at Mount Tai, then Yang Ji would definitely be half of the likely culprit.

Even if Yang Ji could not stop Chen Xi's decision, Chen Xi would definitely be willing to sit down and talk slowly, postpone the decision or use another way to deal with current affairs.

Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji steadily, then laughed, "Am I arrogant?"

"Of course," Yang Ji nodded, "You have the qualifications to be arrogant, so you can be as arrogant as you want.

No one here except Lord Xuande can disprove your arrogance." Yang Ji said calmly.

Yang Ji looked at Liu Ye, Mi Zhu and the others, "In just less than a year and a half, Lord Xuande, who started from scratch, was assisted all the way to become a vassal lord occupying two states and three counties.

"Excellent soldiers, good generals, sufficient money and food, the whole world is looking at you with awe, and the princes are afraid of you. These can all be used to describe the people under Lord Xuande's command."

Yang Ji turned to look at Chen Xi, "If even you don't have the qualifications to be arrogant, who else in this world has the qualifications to be arrogant?"

Yang Ji turned his gaze to Guo Jia and Lu Su again, "What do you think?"

"Or do you think you can be better than Chen Zichuan in controlling the overall strategic situation?"

"If..." Yang Ji paused, "If you admit that you can surpass Chen Zichuan in this aspect, please stand up."

"As long as any one of you stands up--" Yang Ji tilted his head, "I will immediately jump from Chen Zichuan's front to yours and help you suppress Chen Zichuan.

Even if Chen Zichuan goes to invite Lord Xuande over later, I will help you stop him and veto Chen Zichuan's resolution.

How about it? Do you want to try it? "


"What's wrong? Why aren't you talking?" Yang Ji tried his best to keep his voice steady to avoid accidentally exploding.

Chen Xi is just too low-key in normal times. His idle appearance always makes people think that as long as they persist, Chen Xi will give in.

If it were an ordinary matter, Chen Xi might have taken a step back.

However, this matter is different. This is the first time that Chen Xi has taken the initiative to promote this law.

Moreover, this decree has long been verified by history. It can indeed gather enough money and food in a short period of time to allow Liu Bei's forces to embark on the road of expansion again.

This is the right path. Both Chen Xi and Yang Ji believe that this is the right path, a correct path that has been verified by history.

These people in the Government Affairs Office had not witnessed it, so they thought that the path proposed by Chen Xi was too radical, and even the result of Chen Xi's youthful recklessness.

Once implemented, it will inevitably affect the development under Liu Bei's rule, will inevitably affect Liu Bei's prestige, and will inevitably affect Chen Xi's position in the political system.

In their view, since they occupied two states and three counties, or even another Bingzhou, there was no need for them to implement such a radical approach. They didn't know what the new tax law would be in the future.

They just need to proceed step by step and develop peacefully for a year or two, and sooner or later they will accumulate the strength to sweep the world.

Their way of thinking is not surprising, and Yang Ji does not feel any emotion about it.

They were just limited by the times.

They were just temporarily frightened by the unknown.

"How could Lord Xuande's rule be in turmoil just because of the implementation of a new tax law? Don't you know how stable these two states and three counties are?

So, give Zichuan more confidence. "You still have a lot to deal with in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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