The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 227 What are you going to do with Wancheng?

Chapter 227 What are you going to do with Wancheng?

After persuading Lu Su and others to come and help, Chen Xi took out five large seals and arranged them one by one on the table.

Lu Su, Liu Ye and others stared at Chen Xi's private seal, the seal of the governor of Taishan County, the seal of the governor of Qingzhou, the seal of the governor of Yanzhou, and finally the seal of Marquis Chen, which were arranged on the table in order.

Looking at these seals, the most intuitive feeling of the crowd now is that the seeds Chen Xi planted in the past have now come to be harvested.

In the past, no one believed that Chen Xi's almost chaotic approach could rebuild the government's credibility and establish Chen Xi's personal credibility.

However, Chen Xi managed to rebuild his credibility by relying on various notices with official seals.

So much so that now all the people of Taishan and Qingzhou will go to the notice board at the entrance of the government office when they have nothing to do, to see what the government officials are collecting.

Except for the newly arrived people from Yanzhou, Nanyang and Yingchuan who have not yet established this habit, the people from Taishan and Qingzhou believe in any notice stamped with any of the seals.

No matter how outrageous the content of the notice on the bulletin board at the entrance of the government office is, as long as it is stamped with any one of Chen Xi's private seal, Taishan County Magistrate's seal, Qingzhou Governor's seal, and Chen Xi's marquis' seal, the content of the notice is guaranteed to be authentic.

As long as the people take the things that Chen Xi or other officials need to the exchange office specially opened in the government office within the time limit, the government office will give the corresponding money and grain. The amount written on the notice is the amount.

And now Chen Xi actually took out all the four powerful seals on him, even the seal of the governor of Yanzhou that seemed to be useless.

From this we can see that even if Lu Su, Liu Ye and others cannot pass the resolution, Chen Xi will force it through.

As long as these seals are stamped on the notice issued by Chen Xi, even if they take the lead in opposing it, it will not have any effect, because the people will recognize the seals on the notice.

Everyone present sighed in their hearts. Just like Chen Xi said just now, he came here not to discuss with them, but to inform and give orders.

"Zi Yu, please help me make copies of this notice and the commercial law." Chen Xi handed the notice and the commercial law he had just written to Yang Ji, asking him to use the secret technique to make hundreds or thousands of copies so that he could stamp them with his seal.

Although he could ask the craftsmen to carve a woodblock overnight, Yang Ji, a master of the secret technique, was right here. So Chen Xi didn't want to go through the extra process of woodblock printing, and asked Yang Ji to copy it directly to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

Although Lu Su and others basically would not go back on their word once they had promised, it was better to finalize things as soon as possible.

Yang Ji took the notice and the new business law handed over by Chen Xi, lowered his head and glanced at them roughly, then put them on the table.

"Hey, you're Ruan Yuliang, right? Go find some wooden boards for engraving. We need them here." Yang Ji turned around and shouted outside the Government Affairs Hall.

Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji in surprise. He didn't remember that Yang Ji needed to use a woodblock when he performed the secret art of copying. Could it be that there was some version update in Yang Ji's secret art system?
"Zi Yu, have you updated the version of the secret technique again?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji curiously. Lu Su and others also looked at Yang Ji curiously.

"There is no update. There is no need to update such a small secret technique." Yang Ji shook his head.

“It’s just that this kind of formal notice and the implementation of the law must leave some traces in the procedure.

The engraving is the procedural justice, which is an indispensable trace. "Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi and said seriously.

He didn't feel anything about Chen Xi treating him like a photocopier. After all, it had happened more than once or twice, and he was used to it.

However, Liu Bei's territory alone occupied two states and three counties, and he had also established a government, so some procedural justice was necessary.

After a little thought, Chen Xi, Lu Su and others understood why Yang Ji wanted to make a woodblock print.

Lu Su glanced at the two notices that Yang Ji had placed on the table, and his brows immediately frowned.

"Zichuan, do we need to make the commercial laws public as well?" Lu Su turned his head and looked at Chen Xi.

After deciding to help Chen Xi, Lu Su also thought about how to implement the new commercial law formulated by Chen Xi.

At first, Lu Su thought that Chen Xi would promote the new commercial law through the Chamber of Commerce headed by Mi Zhu, but he did not expect that Chen Xi actually planned to make the contents of the commercial law directly public.

Chen Xi looked at Lu Su, paused, and then said: "Of course it must be made public, otherwise how can we attract merchants from the Han Dynasty to Mount Tai.

Not only will I make it public, I will also distribute it to every county in the Han Dynasty, with at least thirty copies in each county.

And I will stamp each copy with these four seals." Chen Xi picked up a seal and shook it.

"You..." Liu Ye opened his mouth, but in the end, nothing came out, only a sigh.

Chen Xi is indeed Chen Xi. Once he decides to do something, there is no room for turning back.

"If..." Lu Su was about to persuade Chen Xi not to be so radical, although this new commercial law was already radical enough, but he was interrupted by Chen Xi before he could finish his words.

"No ifs!" Chen Xi glanced at Lu Su, "I rebuilt these things." Chen Xi held up a seal of the Taishan County Magistrate.

"Now is the time to use it for my own benefit. I have been cultivating the people's hearts and reputation for so long. If I still cannot take off, then where will I be?"

Liu Ye looked at Chen Xi, whose face was calm but whose aura was full of confidence, and sighed in his heart again.

It is obvious that Chen Xi has been preparing for today for a long time, and he may have even been preparing when he first took charge of Taishan County.

To be more fantastical, we can even say that Chen Xi was thinking about these things when he was at Hulao Pass.

Every step taken by Chen Xi is linked to each other. Even without their help, Chen Xi will use the four most important seals on the table to hijack the entire jurisdiction and create an established fact.

[Is this the Chen Xi and Chen Zichuan that Yang Ji mentioned? I really saw it this time!

It would definitely be frustrating to be his opponent, after all, the enemy can never see clearly what cards he has in his hand, and it is even uncertain how many cards he has in his hand.

However, the cards in your hand were repeatedly targeted and dismantled by Chen Xi. Even if you took out a stunning card, it would eventually be suppressed or even cut off by the more stunning cards in Chen Xi's hand. 】

Liu Ye had unknowingly fallen into the pit of his own spiritual talent and was unable to extricate himself.

After feeling the fluctuation of Liu Ye's mental power, Chen Xi, Lu Su and others glanced at Liu Ye and immediately understood what Liu Ye's current situation was.

Chen Xi glanced around and saw that everyone had no objection. He stood up and bowed to them solemnly, "Xi, thank you all for your help!" Lu Su and others did not avoid Chen Xi's salute and accepted it.

After accepting Chen Xi's bow, no matter whether they were satisfied with the new business law promoted by Chen Xi, they would definitely obey Chen Xi's command in the coming days.

If you don't obey orders at that time, don't blame Chen Xi for killing you. Some things must be curbed at the very beginning.

After Chen Xi dealt with Lu Su and the others, Yang Ji knocked on the table to attract Chen Xi's attention.

"Zichuan, I don't know if you have noticed one thing. What are you going to do with Wancheng in Nanyang?" Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi calmly to see how he wanted to deal with Wancheng, the commercial center of the world.

You know, in the original world line, if the war between Cao Cao and Yuan Shu had not destroyed Wancheng, the commercial center of the Han Dynasty, even if Chen Xi's business law was excellent, it would be difficult to seize Wancheng's position as the commercial center.

And now because Wancheng was occupied by themselves, it did not suffer much damage.

In other words, the current Wancheng has not actually lost its status as the commercial center of the Han Dynasty.

If Taishan does not have greater advantages than Wancheng, the business of Fenggao is destined to be inferior to that of Nanyang Wancheng.

There is only one reason, and that is the geographical advantage.

The geographical advantage of being the center of the world alone was enough to ensure that Nanyang could firmly establish itself as the commercial center of the Han Dynasty.

Suddenly, Lu Su, Liu Ye and others looked directly at Chen Xi.

Yes, if Chen Xi couldn't solve the geographical advantage of Nanyang, the commercial center of the Han Dynasty, no matter how excellent Chen Xi's business law was, he would not be able to build Fenggao into a new commercial center.

And maybe he could take advantage of the question raised by Yang Ji to kick Chen Xi's business law back and then drag him to death.

[Zi Yu is indeed the best supporting teammate! ] Everyone couldn't help but shout in their hearts.

Chen Xi glanced at Yang Ji with a strange expression, then glanced at Lu Su, Liu Ye and others whose expressions changed a little.

[Sure enough, it was the right thing to bring Zi Yu here. The best teammate is you, Yang Zi Yu! ]

"Wancheng, Nanyang..." Although Chen Xi's eyes were looking at Yang Ji, Yang Ji always felt that Chen Xi's attention was not on him, but on Lu Su and Liu Ye.

"I remember you asked Yu Jin to lead hundreds of thousands of troops to station in Wancheng." Chen Xi said with a smile.

Although Chen Xi did not expect this to happen when Yang Ji proposed that Yu Jin lead the Cao Wei surrendered soldiers to station in Wancheng, he agreed.

But it just happened to be such a coincidence, otherwise how could Yang Ji be the best teammate of all of them.

Yang Ji's eyes twitched. "You, are you planning to open two trade centers in Fenggao and Wancheng?"

Damn it, Chen Xi is about to fly. One Fenggao is not enough, he is actually thinking of opening another trading center in Wancheng.

Moreover, one of them was the Nanyang Wancheng area, which was originally the trade center of the Han Dynasty. Yang Ji couldn't even imagine how much commercial tax Wancheng would collect at that time.

"Aren't you afraid that no one will be interested in Fenggao?" After letting go of his surprise, Yang Ji couldn't help but applaud Chen Xi's move.

At the beginning, Yang Ji proposed to settle the hundreds of thousands of Cao Wei surrendered soldiers in Wancheng and let Yu Jin guard it. This was just to prevent Yuan Shu from seizing Nanyang and to separate these Cao Wei surrendered soldiers from Cao Cao.

I really didn't expect that Chen Xi had this kind of calculation behind his agreement.

There are hundreds of thousands of troops there, and Guan Yu is waiting in Chenliu to help. Even if Yuan Shu wants to send troops to Nanyang, he has to consider whether his cards are strong enough to withstand Guan Yu's attack.

But now Chen Xi is planning to develop Fenggao into a trading center. Without favorable conditions, how can Fenggao compete with Wancheng?

“Hmph~ Although Fenggao’s geographical advantage cannot compare to Nanyang Wancheng, it is still a bit difficult to ignore it.

After all, this area has been managed by us for such a long time, and at least the road network is much more convenient than other places.

Although after taking Wancheng, we should remove Fenggao from the list of trading centers, but who made us start from here? "

How could Chen Xi not know that Fenggao was located in a remote area and could not be compared with Nanyang Wancheng, the center of the world? But who can blame Taishan for being their starting point?

However, although Fenggao cannot shake the status of the trading center in Nanyang Wancheng area, it can still challenge the status of the northern trading center.

After all, with the two major chambers of commerce of the Xuzhou Mi family and the northern Zhen family settled in Fenggao, and with the Donglai Port which is still under construction backed by Jiaozhou Bay, Fenggao will surely be able to secure its position as the northern trading center.

After hearing Chen Xi's explanation, for some reason, Yang Ji suddenly thought of the Donglai Port that was being built in Jiaozhou Bay.

It seems that after Sun Qian finished building all kinds of spectacular buildings in Fenggao City, the first road he wanted to build to go to Qingzhou was the road from Mount Tai to Donglai Port in Jiaozhou Bay...

"Okay, since it's in your plan, I won't say much. I hope everything is in your plan."

Yang Ji waved to Ruan Yuliang outside the door and asked him to bring the carved plate in quickly and not to stand outside the door and waste time.

Lu Su, Liu Ye and others originally thought that Chen Xi only planned to develop Fenggao as a trading center city, but they did not expect that Chen Xi actually planned to develop Wancheng as a trading center city as well.

They were almost ignited by the anger in their hearts, and then questioned Chen Xi why he did this.

And what does the more than 100,000 surrendered soldiers stationed in Wancheng mentioned by Yang Ji just now mean?
Is there any connection between developing Wancheng into a trading center and the more than 100,000 surrendered soldiers?

However, no matter how angry they were now, they had already approved Chen Xi's resolution, and Chen Xi had also saluted them.

All they can do now is wait, wait for Chen Xi's business law to fail, and then put everything right.

(End of this chapter)

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