Chapter 228 Chen Xi was finally affected——

"Hey, did you hear that Chen Zichuan almost had a falling out with the people from Taishan Government Affairs Office?"

"Look, given the atmosphere in Taishan Government Affairs Hall, I don't believe you if you say there's no falling out!
And I received a piece of gossip, do you want to hear it?"

"What kind of gossip can I have in Taishan that I don't know? Tell me what it is."

"I heard that Yang Ji was also pulled back from Pingyuan by Chen Zichuan to support him, and Chen Zichuan even took out Liu Xuande's sword to barely convince the people in the Government Affairs Office to pass the new commercial law."

"Hiss, no wonder this radical, outrageous, unprecedented, and future-proof new commercial law proposed by Chen Zichuan was approved by the Taishan Government Affairs Office. It turns out that these two people supported it."

"Alas," Cheng Yu sighed, "Who says it's not true? With the full support of the two military and political giants, plus Liu Xuande who holds the final decision-making power, whether it can pass the review of the Government Affairs Office depends on Chen Zichuan's own will."

Before arriving at Mount Tai, Cheng Yu had only one impression of the senior civil officials in the Government Affairs Hall of Mount Tai, and that was unity.

Otherwise, how could it be possible that so many top civil officials gathered in such a small government office without any friction, and instead showed a rhythm of unity, friendship and joint efforts for Liu Bei's hegemony.

After learning about Chen Xi's political strength in Yanzhou, Cheng Yu changed his impression to think that Chen Xi had suppressed them all, and that kind of political dominance was simply not something that ordinary people like them could contend with.

In other words, the friction within the Government Affairs Office was automatically suppressed by them because of Liu Bei's benevolence. At least before reaching the top, Liu Bei's benevolence could indeed suppress some of the unrest.

As a result, Chen Xi almost fell out with other people in Taishan Government Affairs Office, which overturned the new impression that Cheng Yu had just established not long ago.

So how can the Taishan Government Affairs Office be united and friendly? It relies not only on Chen Xi's dominance in political strategy, but also on Liu Bei's unconditional support, or even Yang Ji.

Xi Zhicai nodded, "Indeed, if we have the full support of those two, as long as Chen Zichuan is determined enough, we can still force the new commercial law through."

After following Chen Xi and his companions to Mount Tai from Chenliu, Yanzhou, they found that Chen Xi and his companions were temporarily unable to spare the time to take care of them.

However, Chen Xi and his men were not on guard against these defeated generals, so Xi Zhicai and other surrendered ministers and generals were not subject to any personal restrictions.

Cao Cao took a group of generals from the Cao and Xiahou families and stayed in the Fenggao camp, not wanting to pay much attention to the turmoil outside.

After all, defeat is defeat, and Cao Cao can't afford to lose.

PS: If I hadn’t seen something even more terrifying, do you think I would be willing to join the Taishan system and become Liu Bei’s subordinate?
Others, such as Xi Zhicai, Xun Yu, Chen Gong and Chen Qun, who did not pay much attention to improving their own qualities, wandered around various places in Mount Tai.

Of course, the people wandering around Mount Tai were mainly Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu, the armed civil servant who ran to the military camp every day.

Xun Yu and Xun You are now busy bringing their son from Yingchuan to Mount Tai to have him treated by the two genius doctors.

After learning some news from Xun Yu, Xun You, who was originally wondering when he could enter the Taishan Government Affairs Hall, almost jumped up and cursed.

Without further ado, he wrote a joint letter with Xun Yu and sent it to Xun Shuang, who was waiting to die at home, asking him to bring the young man in his family, who had a weak physique, to check out what was going on.

Therefore, Xun Yu and Xun You had little time to deal with the chaos in Mount Tai during this period.

And Chen Qun, well... this guy is now lying in the house prepared for him by Chen Xi, waiting for the elders of the Chen family to come and rescue him.

Chen Gong, I don't know if Chen Gong has had a quarrel with Cao Cao again recently, and has gone to hang out with Yang Ji. It's hard to say when he will completely break up with Cao Cao and join Liu Bei's army.

Therefore, the only ones who could come out to collect information seriously were Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu, two guys with ulterior motives.

It's just that their current situation is a bit bad. After all, the more information they collect and the more things they see, the more dim their inner thoughts become.

Until they met Liu Bei wandering on the street, and Liu Bei took the two of them for a walk, and the thoughts in their minds were completely wiped out.

Although within a few days, rumors spread that Chen Xi almost had a falling out with Lu Su, Liu Ye and others from the Government Affairs Office.

At first they did not believe the rumor, but after seeing the notice posted on the bulletin board at the entrance of the government office and the people watching around who looked like they were ignoring it, they still believed the announcement stated in the notice.

Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu had to believe that what was written on the notice was true. They might have heard that the rumor that Chen Xi almost had a falling out with others was not groundless.

However, who Chen Xi had a falling out with was none of their business as they had not yet officially entered the Taishan government system.

The important thing is, why would the people watching nearby believe such ridiculous things on the notice?
Does the Taishan government have such a good reputation among the people in Taishan and Qingzhou?
However, after careful analysis by Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu, they realized that the people of the two places did not believe in the credibility of the Taishan government, but in the four seals stamped on the notice.

As for the seal of the governor of Yanzhou? Sorry, the officials of Yanzhou cannot control the people of Taishan and Qingzhou, so let's just skip it.

When they heard the news from the people, Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu didn't know what to say, but if they didn't say it, there would always be something stuck in their throats that they couldn't feel relieved.

Then they met Liu Bei again in the crowd. Although they were curious about why they could always find Liu Bei in the crowd, it didn't matter. What was important was how Taishan had re-established its credibility, and it was a credibility of this level.

Liu Bei had no intention of hiding anything. After all, he would be able to find out all these news as long as he stayed in Mount Tai longer, so there was nothing to hide.

However, Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu would rather Liu Bei keep something secret rather than reveal everything.

Who the hell could have thought of using this method to rebuild the government's credibility? What kind of mood would one be in to use this method to rebuild credibility?

"But, what the hell is Chen Zichuan doing? How could he force through this new business law at this time, for no one knows who it's for?" Xi Zhicai couldn't help but complain.

Although the idea in his heart had been extinguished, it was impossible for Xi Zhicai to defect to Liu Bei with his will and belief.

And now Cao Cao has decided to join Taishan. As Cao Cao's minister, Xi Zhicai will of course worry about the future of Taishan.

After all, Taishan's future is also related to the future of his lord Cao Cao. What level Cao Cao can reach in the future depends on how high Taishan's upper limit is. After all, in this era, the tune of "My minister's minister is not my minister" is still quite popular.

"With his current achievements, he has long passed the time when he needed to prove his abilities. Why does he need to do something like this to add icing on the cake?" Cheng Yu was also very confused.

[I can’t figure it out. I can’t figure it out.] Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu looked at each other and sighed at the same time.

They didn't believe that Chen Xi didn't know what he was doing. In such a short period of time, he was able to assist Liu Bei from a commoner to a local lord who occupied two states and three counties. He didn't seem like the kind of person who would pursue fame.

As for being young and frivolous, that is possible. After all, Chen Xi is only eighteen years old, so it is normal for him to be arrogant.

But Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu had heard from other people in Taishan about Chen Xi's lazy personality, and they had even seen it with their own eyes.

With Chen Xi's personality, is it really possible that he could be so arrogant and unconscious?

Who knows, once Chen Xi's arrogance comes, he will be easily suppressed by his own salted fish, because it is too troublesome. It would be better to drink a few more cups of tea with this time!
"By the way, the tax revenue at the government office has begun to plummet. When will Chen Zichuan realize that his new business law doesn't work?" Cheng Yu asked Xi Zhicai.

Compared to Xi Zhicai, who basically did nothing, he still had to go to the Fenggao camp to hone his martial arts with Cao Cao and others, so he was much less well-informed about the news.

"Yes, it has only been a few days and the tax revenue has dropped a lot. If we don't count Yanzhou, Yingchuan and Nanyang, the tax revenue in Taishan and Qingzhou alone has dropped by one third.

With this huge tax gap, how does Chen Zichuan plan to appease those dissatisfied and stupid idiots?
I heard that some lower-level officials in the Government Affairs Office were already attacking him, but he ordered them to be beaten out of the office with sticks." Xi Zhicai looked up at the sky and said with emotion.

"Those idiots, hum!" Cheng Yu snorted coldly, "Even if Chen Zichuan made a mistake this time, so what? It's just a return to the past. Lord Xuande's rule will not collapse because of Chen Zichuan's one or two troubles.

Besides, they have no right to gossip here. These two states and three counties were not conquered by these idiots!" A cold light burst out from Cheng Yu's eyes.

For a ruthless person like Cheng Yu, the greatest use of these idiots is probably to be pawns that can be replaced at any time.

A chess piece should have the awareness of a chess piece, instead of being parasitic on someone else without realizing it, being confused by the words of people with ulterior motives, and becoming a discarded pawn thrown away by the person behind the scenes.

Xi Zhicai shook his head. "There are idiots like this everywhere. Otherwise, what else would those people use to test Chen Zichuan or Lord Xuande?"

"That's right. This kind of idiot with only a little cleverness is quite suitable for this kind of job, because there is no need to pay pension." Cheng Yu said viciously.


At this time, Chen Xi, who was on the city wall of Pingyuan City, had no idea that Xi Zhicai and Cheng Yu were talking about his actions these days behind his back.

"You should go to Wancheng to take a look. At worst, you can stay in Fenggao and keep an eye on it. Why do you have to come here?" Someone next to Chen Xi kept chattering.

Chen Xi glanced at Yang Ji who was still chattering, "I can go wherever I want, what's it to you?

And how do you know that I haven't been paying attention to the situation in Wancheng? What do you think the 100,000 troops under Yu Jin are used for?"

"Tsk..." Yang Ji sneered, "Are you sure there are still 100,000 troops in Wancheng? Then why don't you explain to me how those 100,000 Yanzhou garrison soldiers under Zilong came from? They can't have grown out of the ground, right?"

Chen Xi did not show any embarrassment at all, but said as a matter of course: "Given the scale of Wancheng, there is no need for a hundred thousand troops to guard it.

What's more, how could those businessmen who are used to exploiting loopholes in the law take the initiative to touch the red line that has just been set? They should at least wait and see the situation first, right?

If such a ruthless person appeared, I wouldn't mind going to see for myself what kind of person he is, to risk offending all merchants at this time to touch this newly implemented new business law."

The corner of Yang Ji's mouth twitched. Chen Xi's heart was indeed not as calm as he appeared on the surface.

Chen Xi looked towards the Jie Bridge and asked Yang Ji with a playful attitude, "What's the situation over there?"

"What else can we do? Gongsun Bogui has a huge advantage." Yang Ji said unhappily, "However, Taishi Ziyi has already entered Gongsun Bogui's camp."

"Is that so..." Chen Xi pondered for a while and asked another question, "How is Ju Yi doing now?"

Speaking of Ju Yi, Yang Ji's expression became a little solemn. "Although the halberd soldiers have been exposed to Gongsun Bogui, the first-line crossbow soldiers are estimated to have been trained and are waiting to make a stunning debut."

"Have Xiandeng come out too?" Chen Xi pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then murmured, "It looks like the decisive battle at Jie Bridge is about to begin."

Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi's slightly gloomy expression. It seemed that the situation in Taishan had affected him after all.

"Zichuan, go back. The decisive battle over there cannot begin until your business law yields results.

Zijian, send him back." Yang Ji called to Hua Xiong who was standing aside.

“Yes, Si Cheng.

Military Advisor, please." Hua Xiong bowed to Yang Ji and gestured to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi pointed at Hua Xiong and Yang Ji, shook his head and said, "You two, Lord Xuande is really something. Maybe even Zijian can't beat me now, and you actually want to find Zijian from the barracks."

However, Chen Xi did not say anything else. After all, his current situation was indeed a bit bad, and it was normal for Liu Bei to be worried.

Just as Chen Xi was about to take off, he suddenly remembered something and turned to Yang Ji and asked, "Did you send the third brother to attack Leling?"

(End of this chapter)

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