The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 229 Chen Gong decides to enter Bingzhou

Chapter 229 Chen Gong decides to enter Bingzhou

Chen Xi warned Yang Ji, "Although the Third Brother only has 15,000 soldiers, these 15,000 soldiers are not something that those ragtag soldiers from Bohai County can contend with. Don't mess things up by accident.

I don't want to add Jizhou at this point in time. We are already a little full.

If we add another Jizhou at this time, our internal thoughts will be infiltrated to the core by the mainstream thoughts of the family."

Chen Xi didn't want Liu Bei to have another Jizhou under his rule at this point in time because of Yang Ji's casual move, at least not at this point in time.

Otherwise, they will have to spend longer time purifying the popular thoughts under their rule, which is not a real fight on the battlefield.

This time, the chaos caused by Chen Xi's commercial law reform was much bigger than that in the original world line.

If Liu Bei and Yang Ji had not joined forces to support Chen Xi this time, and if Zhao Yun had not been keeping an eye on the aristocratic families in Yanzhou, Yingchuan and Nanyang, most of the officials in the two states and three counties might have been instigated.

The chaos caused at that time would not be a problem that could be solved by the entry of troops. At the very least, it would have a huge impact on Liu Bei's government system.

If a big enough turmoil were caused at this critical juncture of digesting Yanzhou, Yingchuan and Nanyang, Chen Xi would really vomit blood.

After all, he will definitely be the one to deal with these problems when the time comes. Apart from him, no one else under Liu Bei can handle this problem.

Although the changes were basically caused by his new commercial law, don't others have any responsibility at all?
Yang Ji waved his hand and said, "Don't accuse me of anything. I sent my third brother to Leling just to take back Leling which belongs to Qingzhou.

Leling originally belonged to Qingzhou, so what's the big deal about it being occupied by people from Jizhou?" Yang Ji said to Chen Xi with a sincere look on his face.

Chen Xi stared at Yang Ji for a long while before turning around and flying into the sky. "Forget it, whatever you say is what it is. Just don't go too far."

Chen Xi believed Yang Ji's words that Zhang Fei was going to take back Leling, but Yang Ji did not say what Zhang Fei's mission would be after taking back Leling.

However, it is not a big problem. After all, how could Yang Ji, a useless guy, do something so shocking? He is not a monster like Perennis.

As long as Yang Ji doesn't do anything like defeating Yuan Shao and taking Jizhou at this point in time, he can do whatever he wants with the rest. After all, the authority given by Liu Bei is to be used at this time.

Moreover, Chen Xi was not unable to guess what Yang Ji's purpose in sending Zhang Fei to Leling was. It was nothing more than an insurance policy for Gongsun Zan.

If Gongsun Zan won, then Zhang Fei would only go to take back Leling. If Gongsun Zan lost, then Zhang Fei would cut off Yuan Shao's pursuit and provide Gongsun Zan with insurance to return to Youzhou.

By the way, we should also guard against the possible appearance of the Hu army. After all, Yuan Shao sent an army of 30,000 people to the north of the Great Wall.

He said that he was going to wipe out the Hu people in the five counties of Hetao, but his real intention was definitely to contact the Hu people in the north and let them launch a sneak attack on Gongsun Zan from behind.

I just don’t know which stupid Hu tribe would be persuaded by the 30,000 troops led by Gao Gan and Guo Yuan to go south to Youzhou to launch a surprise attack on Gongsun Zan.


Walking on the streets of Fenggao City, Chen Xi looked at the merchants coming and going, and the gloomy expression on his face couldn't help but relax a little.

Moreover, the number of merchants of this level is not as rare as Chen Xi originally estimated. On the contrary, there are much more of them.

Originally, Chen Xi thought that Wancheng, with its geographical advantages, would attract most of the world's merchants there.

However, I didn’t expect that Wancheng was not as attractive as I imagined. Instead, Fenggao became a popular check-in spot for businessmen.

It’s not because Fenggao is special. After all, the commercial laws implemented in Wancheng are basically the same as those in Fenggao. At most, it just occupies the place where Liu Bei started his career.

[This is good, the shop I bought won't be a loss. I just don't know how high it will go by then. I hope it will go up a bit, it would be nice to reap some of the rich people.]

Chen Xi stopped in front of an unsold shop on North Second Street and said, "Zijian, buy this shop. It's time for you to start a family and build a career..."

After saying this, Chen Xi suddenly realized something. It seemed that Hua Xiong had said at Hulao Pass that he was a family man...

[Well, forget it. Anyway, according to the etiquette of this era, it seems that the concubines in his family cannot be considered as principal wives. ]

Chen Xi thought about it briefly. It seemed that Hua Xiong had not chosen a principal wife among his concubines, so it seemed that starting a family was not a complete undertaking.

Hua Xiong didn't think much about it. Since Chen Xi asked him to buy the shop, then he would buy it. Anyway, he had never seen Chen Xi fail in an investment.

Besides, he also participated in the battle of Yuzhou, and so many things were looted. Hua Xiong also got some of the spoils, so Hua Xiong still has some wealth now.

In other words, after the tax revenue increased, Liu Bei supplemented the salaries of these high-ranking civil and military officials, and even added a lot of compensation, so the financial resources of the senior officials in Taishan were relatively solid.

But this is only compared with ordinary people. Compared with those truly rich people, they are still poor.

However, the one hundred strings of five-zhu coins needed to buy a shop could still be taken out. After all, at this time, the prices of shops in the north and south blocks that Chen Xi had originally designated had not yet shown a trend of skyrocketing.

After buying a shop for Hua Xiong, Chen Xi didn't want to wander around outside anymore, so he took Hua Xiong and walked straight towards his own residence.

Although because of the existence of Wancheng, the shops and land in the north and south blocks that Chen Xi had demarcated in Fenggao would definitely not be sold at sky-high prices.

But it still cannot be underestimated. After all, apart from Wancheng, Fenggao is the only place that can enjoy the benefits of Chen Xi's new business law.

After walking out of North 1st Street, Chen Xi looked back at the four streets he had drawn and said to himself, "Maybe we can catch up with our usual tax revenue tomorrow.

The suppression of merchants in this era is really great. It is only by loosening one or two cracks that these merchants can burst out with such strong enthusiasm..."

Chen Xi lowered his eyes. It had only been a dozen days since he started speaking, but the tax revenues in Fenggao and Wancheng had undergone tremendous changes.

Because Liu Ye and his colleagues do not have the ability to draw line graphs, they cannot easily perceive the exponential changes in transaction taxes between the two places. All they can see is that the current taxes are much lower than when the commercial law was not implemented.

This is because many merchants only came to Fenggao or Wancheng to explore the way, and the goods they carried were just for convenience. When the merchants of the Han Dynasty realized that Chen Xi was serious, they would definitely go back and call their friends to bring the goods to Wancheng or Fenggao.

Or they could take other people's goods into their own hands and then sell them in Wancheng or Fenggao. It all depends on who has better access to information.

Moreover, the merchants were also afraid that Chen Xi's business method would only be available for a limited time, so their trading volume in Wancheng and Fenggao during this period was extremely fierce.

"Zijian, do you think I'm bored?" Standing at the door of his house, Chen Xi turned to Hua Xiong and asked.

Without waiting for Hua Xiong's answer, Chen Xi asked himself, "Well, I am indeed bored. Otherwise, why would I not even want to go to the Government Affairs Office and instead go to Zi Yu's place?"

Chen Xi shook his head, looked up at the sky and smiled: "Haha, power is really a fascinating thing.

Money, power, political power, military power..." [You are probably worried about these things, Zi Yu and I will unite...]

"Military Advisor, I don't understand what you are saying." Hua Xiong scratched his head and smiled foolishly, as if he really didn't understand what Chen Xi was saying.

If Chen Xi were allowed to continue talking, he might reveal some big news that he shouldn't know.

Chen Xi looked at Hua Xiong steadily, and suddenly smiled and said, "Okay, if you say you don't understand, then you don't understand..."

Chen Xi waved his hand and told Hua Xiong to go home and not get involved in such matters.

It was not until Chen Xi closed the door that Hua Xiong put down his hand that was scratching his head, and the honest smile on his face gradually faded.

[Alas, how could I not understand? Even if I don’t understand, the military advisor must know what’s going on...] Hua Xiong looked at Chen Xi’s closed door with complicated eyes.

Hua Xiong turned around and walked slowly towards his own door, with no expression on his face. After three or two steps, Hua Xiong arrived at his own door, turned his head to look at the door of Chen Xi's house, and then looked up at the sky. [Is this a play you directed and acted in, or are you just going with the flow? ]

It's not just Lu Su and his colleagues who work in the Taishan Government Affairs Hall. There are more lower-level officials working in the houses in the backyard.

Chen Xi is really too young, so young that they can't see any hope of him getting promoted in the future. Even if their son died, Chen Xi might still be in that position.

However, Chen Xi, Yang Ji and their men annexed Yanzhou too quickly, and many guys who should have disappeared in the war were not liquidated.

Their ambitions were high as the sky, but their lives were fragile as paper. These fools without talent or morals were thinking of overthrowing Chen Xi, and they united by taking advantage of Chen Xi's mistake.

It is very likely that Lu Su, Liu Ye and others saw it, but they didn't want to care about it. They probably also wanted to give Chen Xi a warning.

As for the deeper reasons, perhaps some people were worried that if Chen Xi's commercial law was really successful, he would directly take control of all power under Liu Bei's rule except the power of adjudication.

After all, Chen Xi was in charge of the political power under Liu Bei, and Yang Ji, who was in charge of the military power, formed a strategic alliance with Chen Xi that outsiders could not understand.

If Chen Xi's business method is really successful this time, then Chen Xi will really have control over the military logistics.


"Are you really not involved in the hidden troubles in Fenggao?" Chen Gong withdrew his envious gaze at Chen Xi flying into the sky and asked Yang Ji.

It was precisely because he was far away from the center of the storm and came to Yang Ji's place that Chen Gong was able to use his intelligence that surpassed the peak of human beings to see what kind of evil wind was blowing over at Mount Tai.

Yang Ji sighed and shook his head, "Instead of thinking about this, I might as well get a good night's sleep. At least it's good for my physical and mental health." Yang Ji didn't want to and didn't have the energy to get involved in the evil wind and rain in Fenggao.

Liu Bei's power expanded too quickly, causing panic among some people. Not only was it due to the interference of external forces, but also due to the exaggeration of internal personnel...

Given Yang Ji's small stature in power struggles, he probably couldn't even make a splash. But if he led a large army into the water, he could create a huge splash.

However, Chen Xi did not come here just to relax, probably also to ask Yang Ji not to overturn the table. After all, Chen Xi was not incompetent in power struggles.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. What do you think of the advice I gave you a few days ago? Do you want to go to Bingzhou?" Yang Ji turned his head and looked at Chen Gong.

"..." Chen Gong pondered and said nothing.

"Whether it's feasible or not, just give me a definite answer." Yang Ji complained to Chen Gong speechlessly.

I don’t know what Chen Gong was hesitating about. It was obviously he who came to find Yang Ji, but in the end it was Chen Gong who was hesitating.

Chen Gong hesitated for a moment, then said, "I often hear people say that Lü Bu's character and morals are not very good."

"Character and morality? It's not like these things can't be changed. And as long as he really takes back the five counties of Hetao, do you think his character and morality will still be a problem?" Yang Ji glanced at Chen Gong.

"Who knows, you may be recorded in history... or something like that." Yang Ji said in a low voice. If Chen Gong's ears were not quite sensitive, he probably would not have been able to hear what Yang Ji was saying.

Yang Ji's voice suddenly became louder: "What's more, compared to Cao Mengde, who is extremely suspicious and will sooner or later be sent to the operating table of doctors Hua and Zhang, Lu Bu doesn't have so many tricks."

The corners of Chen Gong's mouth twitched a few times. He had been examined by two miracle doctors at the medical school, and he went there with Xi Zhicai at that time.

Hmm...should I say he is indeed a miracle doctor? The first thing he said was to perform a craniotomy. Fortunately, he didn't say that to him.

Chen Gong shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Oh, forget it, forget it, it's better to go and take a look, it's better than standing here and looking at Cao Mengde's sad face."

Although Cao Cao did not kill famous scholars this time, he was probably killed by Yang Ji's troops before he could do so.

But in Yang Ji's opinion, Cao Cao seemed to have become even more abnormal after being captured. This is not abnormal in a positive sense, but abnormal in a negative sense.

Although Cao Cao did nothing during this period except training himself in the gravity area of ​​the military camp, for some reason, Chen Gong always felt that Cao Cao had become more unfamiliar.

(End of this chapter)

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