The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 252 Chen Qun: Is this still the world I am familiar with?

Chapter 252 Chen Qun: Is this still the world I am familiar with?

Chen Xi and others couldn't help but look at Liu Bei, wanting to confirm whether Liu Bei was serious about what he said.
"Lord Xuande, you don't really not know the reason why Zi Yu submitted the report to you only after the fact?" Chen Xi asked quietly.

Chen Xi now doubts that Liu Bei still hasn't realized the power of his memory photography ability.

If Liu Bei did not have the ability to remember and take photos, do you think Yang Ji would have just sent back a letter and then ran to Jie Bridge to take over the command of another prince's 100,000 elite infantry?

Then after the war was over, they just submitted a written battle report and that was it. No one even came back to write a performance report or anything.

What is this called?
That was Liu Bei. If it were any other prince, he would have to remove the person and put him in cold storage for a while, allowing him to think carefully about what mistakes he had made.

"Uh, this... I really don't know." Liu Bei paused. He had not really thought carefully about the question Chen Xi raised.

After all, Liu Bei had told Yang Ji, "You make your own decisions on military affairs," and Yang Ji was very obedient and made his own decisions. At most, he would submit a written report to Liu Bei afterwards.

Let Liu Bei understand what considerations Yang Ji had in mind when making such a decision, what consequences will be caused by making such a decision, to what extent the plan has been advanced, and how long it will take to complete the plan.

It was precisely because of Yang Ji's actions that Liu Bei felt that Chen Xi could also act like Yang Ji. Even someone like Yang Ji, who was in an extremely sensitive military position, dared to do so, so why couldn't Chen Xi do the same?
"Alas," Chen Xi sighed, "Zi Yu should have explained to you why he told you the whole story only after the fact, right?"

Chen Xi didn't believe that Yang Ji hadn't explained to Liu Bei why he executed first and reported later. Thousands of years of cultural influence had already made them passive, and avoiding taboos in the power field was also one of the passive effects.

Although there are endless political traps in the power field, even if there are passive factors, even old birds in the power field can fall into them unknowingly if they are not careful.

However, there is one thing that will definitely be etched into their bones, and that is military power. If one does not have ideas about that position, then one must never touch military power. If one does, they will die.

I know you have no intention of rebelling, but you have the ability to rebel.

How many famous ministers and generals died in history just because of this sentence.

No matter how thick-skinned Yang Ji was, he would not forget how much power he had in Liu Bei's military hierarchy, and how much turmoil he could cause in Liu Bei's rule by using his power in the military hierarchy.

"It seems like it's because I have some ability to take photos by memory?" Liu Bei said uncertainly. He didn't quite understand how the two were connected.

Chen Xi's words made Liu Bei start to think about the relationship between the two. It seemed that his memory ability had nothing to do with Yang Ji's acceptance of the proposal to self-determine military affairs?

"Yes, Lord Xuande, your ability to take photos by memory gives you absolute control over your troops." Looking at Liu Bei who was hesitant to speak, Chen Xi shook his head and said to Liu Bei:
"Don't rush to deny this fact. At least in this era, you, who know most of the officers and soldiers in the army and can even call out their names, already have absolute control over the troops under your command."

“And the reason why Zi Yu chose to accept your proposal is precisely because of your absolute control over the army, which allows him to integrate all the legions under his command according to his own ideas.

However, this stage should soon be over, and as we get on the right track step by step, many special permissions born out of personal abilities will be gradually revoked over time. "

"This is not because something has happened to these people with special privileges, but because we are now at a level where it is time to consider the future."

Chen Xi said slowly: "The reason why I don't accept your proposal to make your own decisions is because in the entire government system, apart from you, I am the absolute rule maker, and no one can check my authority."

Chen Xi will not elaborate on this point, because when many things have not reached that level, no one will realize that Chen Xi's existence in the government system is an unavoidable bug.

"You." Now that things had come to this, how could Liu Bei not understand what Chen Xi was thinking? Wasn't he just worried that he would be corrupted due to his overly absolute authority?

Although Liu Bei did not think that Chen Xi would be corrupted by power, since Chen Xi wanted to do so, he had no reason to stop Chen Xi from doing so.

After all, as he just said, all decisions on government affairs are made by Chen Xi himself.

If Chen Xi wants to find a point of checks and balances for himself, then let him decide for himself. Anyway, have you ever seen Liu Bei reject Chen Xi's suggestion?

"Okay, that's it. Is there anything else?" Liu Bei turned and asked others. If there was no one around, he would run to Yang Ji to observe how Yuan Shao withdrew his troops.

Chen Xi and others shook their heads, indicating that there was nothing else that needed to be done to trouble Lord Xuande, and the remaining matters could be handled with their current authority.

After watching Liu Bei walk out of the Government Affairs Hall, everyone except Chen Xi looked at each other in surprise. They really didn't expect that Liu Bei would trust Chen Xi and Yang Ji to such an extent.

This was no longer just an ordinary relationship between a ruler and his subjects, but Liu Bei had directly provided these two people with the tools and reasons to rebel.

However, judging from Chen Xi and Yang Ji's current actions, the two should have rejected Liu Bei's proposal and chose to tie themselves to Liu Bei's chariot.

"Hubby, I'll leave it to you to talk to Xun Wenruo. Tell them that if they don't plan to enter the Government Affairs Hall now, then they don't know when the next passage will be open." Chen Xi turned his head and said to Fan Qin.

Fan Qin nodded, indicating that he would go, "However, are you only referring to Xun Wenruo and the others, or do you apply the same standard to everyone else?"

"Of course, it's only targeting them. Our recruitment order is still hanging on the notice boards of government offices everywhere.

If they want to enter the Government Affairs Office as Cao Cao's subordinates, this is their only chance."

“Of course, if they choose to join the Government Affairs Office after leaving Cao Mengde’s command, I welcome them to join the Government Affairs Office through the Talent Recruitment Platform at any time, and this method has no time limit.

As for what kind of positions can be assigned to people who enter the Government Affairs Office through the Talent Recruitment Platform, it depends on how capable the person is and what suitable positions are available in the Government Affairs Office at that time.”

Jia Xu, Li Ru, Lu Su and others looked at each other, then nodded and agreed to Chen Xi's solution.

After all, Cao Cao and others are defeated generals. Just give them one chance. Any more would be inappropriate. After all, Xun Wenruo and others are still Cao Cao's subjects.

Moreover, Chen Xi's plan this time can be used as a routine. Next time such a thing happens, it can be used directly without having to think of other ways to deal with those captured capable ministers and generals.

After seeing that everyone agreed, Fan Qin stood up and said, "Then I will go inform them now and see what they think. You guys can help me deal with these documents first." After Fan Qin finished speaking, he walked out of the Government Affairs Hall quickly without giving others a chance to refuse.


Everyone looked at each other, and Lu Su unceremoniously moved the documents on Fan Qin's desk to Chen Xi's desk, then sat back in his seat, not paying any attention to Chen Xi's gradually distorted expression.

"Well, I'll make some preparations now. The transfer of a hundred thousand troops is not an easy task.

Zichuan, you can handle these documents as well." Guo Jia moved the documents on his desk to Chen Xi's desk, then walked out of the government affairs hall with small steps.

At this time, Chen Xi's face had turned black. When he turned his head and saw Jia Xu and others who were ready to make a move, Chen Xi's eyes were immediately covered with a shadow.

However, Chen Xi did not move. He just put his hand on the documents brought over by Fan Qin and Guo Jia. If anyone dared to move, he would definitely move the three documents, including his own, directly to the desk of the guy who was moved.

After seeing Chen Xi's actions, Jia Xu directly opened the official document on his desk, as if he was not the one who was ready to take action just now.

Lu Su and Jian Yong, on the other hand, did their work honestly and did not show any intention of cheating or being dishonest.


"Long article, open the door, send benefits!"


"So, this is why you come knocking on my door to find me at this time?" Chen Qun sighed.

Fan Qin in front of them had changed so much since the last time they met that they almost couldn't recognize him.

If his appearance had not changed much, when walking on the street, Chen Qun would not have dared to recognize that this was the Fan Qin who was immersed in the mountains and rivers of the past.

Fan Qin nodded and said, "Otherwise I wouldn't have come to you to be a middleman and accompany me to find Xun Wenruo, Xi Zhicai and the others.

If you guys want to enter the Fenggao Government Affairs Hall now, now is your chance. Lord Xuande has already spoken, and Chen Zichuan and the others have agreed.

Of course, this is the only chance. If you miss this opportunity, if you want to enter Fenggao Government Affairs Office again, you will have to go through the channels of Fenggao Talent Recruitment Office."

Chen Qun frowned, "What about Cao Gong? How do you plan to deal with him? If you want us to leave Cao Gong's army and then join you, who else do you think will agree except Chen Gongtai?"

"Lord Cao? I'm not very clear about Lord Cao's arrangements, but it was probably arranged by Lord Xuande himself.

As for whether you want to leave Cao Gong's army? You don't have to worry about that, at least not this time. "Fan Qin looked at Chen Qun and said.

Chen Qun lowered his head and said nothing, but his surging spiritual sea fully expressed his inner unrest.

Chen Qun thought many times during sleepless nights about how Liu Bei and Chen Xi would arrange them.

But they never thought that under the current situation, they would actually choose to preserve the small group with Cao Cao as the core, and even did not tear off the label of being under Cao Cao's command.

Chen Qun pondered for a long time, so long that Fan Qin wanted to go find Xun Yu and the others himself. After all, Xun Yu was someone he knew.

"Oh, never mind. I'll take you to find Xi Zhicai, Cheng Zhongde and the others. They must have been waiting for this day for a long time." Chen Qun stood up calmly and invited Fan Qin.

[Is this Liu Xuande’s benevolence? Benevolence should not be used in this kind of place…] Chen Qun took Fan Qin out of the house they hadn’t left for a long time.

Walking on the bustling street, looking at the busy streets with people coming and going, Chen Qun suddenly felt a little dazed. Is this still the same as when he first came to Fenggao?
[What changes have taken place during these days of my autism? ] Chen Qun stared blankly at the bustling crowd outside the door.

[Shouldn't this be the high-rise residential area of ​​Fenggao? Why are there so many pedestrians walking here?] With a little confusion, Chen Qun subconsciously looked at Fan Qin.

[Besides, the soundproofing effect of my front door is too good, isn’t it?] Before Fan Qin could react, Chen Qun looked at his front door again, wondering if he had etched the secret soundproofing technique on his front door for the sake of peace and quiet.

However, Chen Qun was very clear that he did not know the secret art of soundproofing, let alone etching the ritual of the secret art of soundproofing on the door.

Chen Qun took a few steps back and then closed the door directly, which made Fan Qin and the housekeeper from Yingchuan Chen family next to him stunned.

[Sure enough, this door has been tampered with.] Listening to the noise blocked outside by the door, Chen Qun sighed.

Fan Qin looked back and forth between Chen Qun and the gate several times before he realized what Chen Qun was doing.

"Didn't you tell your master what was going on?" Fan Qin turned his head and asked the butler who was standing aside, not knowing what to say.

The housekeeper smiled bitterly and said, “I told the master when someone came to do the etching, but the master let me decide for myself.

At that time, the master wanted some peace and quiet, so I took the initiative to have that person etch the soundproofing secret ritual on the door. "

When the housekeeper said this, Fan Qin was stunned for a moment, and looked at Chen Qun with a strange expression, "You haven't left this house in these days, have you?"

"Moreover, this secret soundproofing technique can be controlled. There is also one etched on the door of my house." Fan Qin pressed his hand on a conspicuous pattern on the door panel. As his mental power surged, the lively scene outside once again flooded into the ears of Chen Qun and Fan Qin.

"Yes, it's this etched pattern. As long as we inject internal energy or mental power into it, we can control the intensity of the sound insulation secret technique." Fan Qin pointed to the pattern on the door panel and said to Chen Qun.

"Ah?" Chen Qun was stunned as he looked at the etched lines that Fan Qin was pointing at. Is this still the world he is familiar with?
(End of this chapter)

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