The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 253 Liu Bei Wants to Move Away Jizhou

Chapter 253 Liu Bei Wants to Relocate the People of Jizhou

Looking at the faintly visible etching patterns on the door panel, Chen Qun had only one feeling: can this world still be friendly to those who stay at home?
It has only been a short time since I last stayed at home and refused to receive any information from the outside world, but this kind of advanced secret etching technique has appeared in the world?

"Well, you must have met Xi Zhicai and the others these days, right?" Fan Qin looked at Chen Qun puzzledly. Wasn't this guy quite high-profile when he was in Yingchuan? Why did he become autistic after arriving in Fenggao?

Perhaps it was because Fan Qin's gaze was too scorching, Chen Qun turned his head stiffly and looked at Fan Qin, and said stiffly: "I haven't left the house these days, and they haven't come to see me."

"Ah?" Fan Qin was also a little stunned. What was going on? Although Chen Qun had done a lot of good things in Yingchuan by relying on the Chen family, he shouldn't have ended up like this under Cao Cao, right?
"Master, you forgot that you said before that you wanted some quiet time these days, so those people didn't come to see you." The butler said with his head down.

"..." Chen Qun remembered that he had indeed said this at that time, and he also said that unless the final result came out or someone from the Chen family came, he should not be disturbed from his autism.

"Well, let's go. I'll take you to find Xi Zhicai." Chen Qun awkwardly opened the door again and said to Fan Qin.

"I now seriously doubt whether you know where Xi Zhicai lives." Fan Qin stepped out of Chen Qun's house and couldn't help but complain to Chen Qun.

"..." Chen Qun looked embarrassed for a moment, then said: "I know this, after all, we chose the house together."

Fan Qin nodded and said, "That's fine. Otherwise, I'd have to go ask someone else." Fan Qin was so busy that he certainly had no time to visit his old friends in Yingchuan.


Chen Qun sat in the Fenggao Government Affairs Hall quite unnaturally, although he took the initiative to choose a seat closer to the corner.

But from his position, he could still see Chen Xi drinking tea, or in other words, no matter where he was in the Government Affairs Hall, as long as he looked up, he could see Chen Xi drinking tea.

"What does Lord Cao have to say about you coming to work at the Fenggao Government Affairs Office?" Chen Xi put down his teacup and asked Xi Zhicai.

Xun Yu and Xun You were not in the Government Affairs Hall at this time, because Xun Shang had taken the young people of the Xun family to Fenggao for treatment. They were busy with this matter and it would probably take a few days before they could go to work in the Government Affairs Hall.

Xi Zhicai shook his head. "The Lord didn't say anything. He just told us to work hard in the Government Affairs Office and not to worry about anything else."

"What about Cao Gong himself? Does he choose to stay in the military camp or work in the Government Affairs Office?" Chen Xi asked again.

Cheng Yu couldn't help but ask Chen Xi, "Didn't you arrange this? Why do you act like the Lord has made the decision now?"

Chen Xi smiled and ignored Cheng Yu's anger. "Well, although we are indeed the ones who arranged it, we still have to listen to the wishes of the person involved. What if the person involved doesn't like the job we arranged?"

"..." Cheng Yu and Xi Zhicai looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. They were defeated generals. Was it still their turn to choose?

If given a choice, they choose...well, it's better not to say it.

"Lord Xuande invites our lord to stay in the military camp." Cheng Yu said unhappily. He really wanted to leave a fist mark on Chen Xi's face.

Unfortunately, with Cheng Yu's current fighting strength, he would be pinned to the ground by Chen Xi before he could even throw a punch.

Cheng Yu glanced at Chen Xi who was pinching a piece of dessert, and couldn't understand how this guy could achieve the ability of internal energy leaving his body.

"Have you chosen to stay in the military camp? Well, it's a good destination." After Chen Xi sighed, he no longer paid attention to Cao Cao's affairs.

"Yes, these are the government affairs assigned to you. If you don't understand anything, you can come and ask me." Chen Xi said, pointing at the official documents on the desk of Xi Zhicai and others.


"How come Lord Xuande has time to come to Jie Bridge?" Yang Ji asked Liu Bei curiously, and at the same time greeted Guo Jia, who was pale.

"Greetings, Lord Xuande!" Gan Ning, Tian Kai and others who were still in the camp saluted Liu Bei in a mess.

Liu Bei ignored Yang Ji's question for the time being. After all, Yang Ji could be put aside for the time being. Gan Ning, the guy with the glowing eyes, was waiting for Liu Bei's praise.

"No need to be polite, no need to be polite." Liu Bei waved his hand, then stepped forward, shook Gan Ning's hand and said, "Xingba, this time you, as the chief of the navy, have made a name for yourself.

I guess right now, the people and princes of the world are discussing your feat of robbing a camp with a hundred men, and are trying to find ways to recruit you."

Gan Ning was stunned for a moment, holding Liu Bei's hand, and his excitement suddenly froze. With his wisdom, he quickly figured out what Liu Bei was talking about.

Gan Ning quickly shook his head and said, "My lord, other princes will not allow me to waste resources recklessly at sea."

Gan Ning didn't want Liu Bei to take back his position as chief of the navy because of this incident. If that happened, all the boasting he made to his brothers would turn into a tragedy.

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, then laughed and scolded: "So you also know how much resources you consume at sea."

The smile on Liu Bei's face faded. "However, your achievements this time are enough to shut up those who have been complaining about you. You don't have to worry about Zichuan reducing his support for you."

After listening to Liu Bei's words, Gan Ning's heart was finally at ease. Just now, he was really worried that Liu Bei would hide him away because of his achievements.

After all, after this battle, Gan Xingba made all the princes in the world realize his abilities.

Moreover, some people have come to contact him in the past few days. Gan Ning just didn't realize how powerful his achievement of robbing a camp with a hundred people was.

Now with Liu Bei's reminder, how could Gan Ning not think about the purpose of those people who came to find him in the past few days.

To be honest, Gan Ning was very happy staying with Liu Bei and did not want to jump to other princes.

Not to mention whether other princes could delegate power to Gan Ning like Liu Bei did, as long as they could turn their eyes to the sea, Gan Ning could be considered as having a far-sighted vision.

Navy, navy. No one who has come into contact with Gan Ning in the past few days mentioned the navy at all. It was all about the navy, as if there was no other branch of the military engaged in surface combat except the navy.

Liu Bei looked at Gan Ning who was grinning foolishly, and pondered for a moment, "Xingba, I have to remind you of one thing here." Gan Ning's smiling face immediately became serious. The thing that Liu Bei specifically reminded him of must not be a simple matter, and Gan Ning had a hunch that what Liu Bei was going to say now was most likely related to the authority of the chief of the navy.

"You should know how special the authority of your current position as the Chief of the Navy is, right?" Liu Bei asked in a deep voice.

Gan Ning was silent for a while. How could he not know how special the authority of his position as the chief of the navy was? It was an authority that even the original veterans like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun and Hua Xiong did not have.

"Yes, lord, I know how special the authority I have is." Gan Ning said in a deep voice. He knew very well where his current authority came from.

Likewise, he also knew when his authority would be revoked. At least it would not be as special as it is now, to the extent that even Guan Yu and others were slightly inferior to it.

The reason why Gan Ning was granted such outrageous authority in the first place, in addition to Chen Xi's support, was also because he was the one who established the Qingzhou Navy. This was the main reason why Gan Ning was able to obtain such special authority.

When a force tends to be stable internally, perhaps the generals outside will have the power to make wartime decisions, but they will definitely not have the authority like Gan Ning, who is almost an independent warlord.

"If it weren't for your achievement this time, someone would most likely propose to revoke your authority.

However, after this achievement, Zichuan and others decided that your authority will remain unchanged until you fail and leave office.

So, Xingba, you have to be an invincible naval commander." Liu Bei said to Gan Ning with a smile, with a hint of earnest hope.

"Bang!" Gan Ning's cheeks suddenly turned red. He really didn't expect Liu Bei to say such words. It was really exciting.

"I will live up to my lord's trust!" Gan Ning decided that he would stay in the position of chief of the navy until his death.


"Zi Yu, it seems that the night attack you organized caused considerable casualties to Yuan Benchu. The camp has not been cleaned up yet." Liu Bei put down the secret version of the bamboo telescope given to him by Yang Ji and turned to Yang Ji and said.

"The casualties I brought to them are not as high as those they caused themselves." Yang Ji put away the telescope in his hand.

He said to Liu Bei expressionlessly, "Moreover, the reason why Yuan's army hasn't packed up the camp yet is because the night attack happened the night before yesterday, and they are going to withdraw today. There is no difference between packing up and not packing up."

To be honest, when Yang Ji saw the messy camp opposite yesterday, he thought that Yuan Shao, Ju Yi or Shen Pei would order people to clean it up.

As a result, Yang Ji sat on the high platform in the camp for the whole morning, but he didn't see anyone from the opposite side come out to clean up the burnt tents in the camp.

The soldiers without tents spent the night outside in armor, enduring the cold wind of November, while the officers of Yuan's army spent an uneasy night in the warm tents. (Although the tents were not warm, they were warmer than the soldiers outside.)
PS: There are two Novembers in 192, and now is the first November.

Although this happened because they were going to retreat the next day, there was no need to rebuild the tents. They only needed to stabilize the camp walls to prevent Yang Ji from launching another night attack.

However, after seeing this scene, Yang Ji still felt that Yuan Shao, who came from a noble family, was indeed not a good person.

However, Yang Ji also knew that in today's chaotic world, giving people a bite to eat was already a great favor, so what was the big deal of blowing in the cold wind of November for a night?

Yang Ji sighed silently, hoping that the injured soldiers would not die in the cold wind because they could not get effective treatment.

Listening to Yang Ji's flat voice, Liu Bei knew that this comment, which made no difference between cleaning up and not cleaning up, was just for listening and not to be taken seriously.

In this howling cold November wind, if there could be a tent for the soldiers to rest, the soldiers of Yuan's army would probably have a higher regard for Yuan Shao, even if the tent they sleep in tonight will be dismantled tomorrow.

"Let's go, Lord Xuande, since the opposite side has begun to retreat, we must also organize a retreat." After taking another look at the crowded Yuan camp opposite, Yang Ji called out to Liu Bei.

Before jumping off the platform, Liu Bei took a last look at the camp opposite. A gloomy atmosphere shrouded it, probably caused by the cold night wind.

After jumping off the platform, Liu Bei caught up with Yang Ji and said, "Zi Yu, do you think the enemy will come to steal the food? They probably don't have enough food to return to Yecheng, right?"

"Maybe, but the possibility is not high. After all, this is Jizhou, and Guangzong is nearby. If we transfer grain from Guangzong, it should be enough to hold out until the army returns to Yecheng.

If all else fails, we can just eat up all the cities along the way. Yuan Benchu, who has the support of many aristocratic families, will not be hindered by food in Jizhou." Yang Ji said casually.

Liu Bei thought about it, sighed and said, "Yes, this is after all Yuan Benchu's base camp. Even if we can't get enough food and grass for the time being, we can collect food and grass from the people along the way. Alas..."

Given Yuan Shao's current situation, it would definitely be too late for him to draw grain and fodder from granaries across the country and transport them to Jieqiao.

However, the situation of Yuan's soldiers did not allow them to march quickly back to Yecheng, so they could only march slowly and cautiously to avoid stimulating the soldiers' emotions and causing another camp roar.

However, the existing food and grass of Yuan’s army do not allow them to march slowly.

Therefore, it seemed that Yuan Shao and Shen Pei had no other solution except to collect food rations from the people along the way.

"Lord Xuande, please don't think about this. It's useless to think too much. It will be difficult for us to help the people in Jizhou in a short period of time.

You should spend this time thinking about how to ensure that the people in the two states and three counties have enough food and clothing during the winter." Yang Ji comforted Liu Bei.

Liu Bei thought about it and felt that Yang Ji was right. The most important thing for them now was to ensure that the people in the two states and three counties had food to eat and clothes to wear during the winter, not to mention having a house to live in.

Although one feels a little sympathetic about how the people in Jizhou whose food rations have been confiscated will survive the winter, that is Yuan Shao's business. After all, they are not the people under Liu Bei's rule.

"Or, why don't we move some people back from Jizhou? Doesn't Zichuan say every day that the eastern part of Yanzhou is sparsely populated and difficult to develop?" Liu Bei suddenly proposed to Yang Ji with a bright idea.

[Even if they are not the people under my rule, they are still the people of the Han Dynasty.] Liu Bei thought so.

Yang Ji glanced at Liu Bei and without any hesitation, he directly answered "Okay!"

(End of this chapter)

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