The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 259: Straight Road or Galloping Road?

Chapter 259: Straight Road or Galloping Road?

Yang Ji, who had already returned to Jie Bridge at this time, had no idea that Zhang Fei, Liu Bei and Xu Chu had met in front of Jingling Hall.

However, Yang Ji received a transfer order from Liu Bei the next day, saying that Zhang Fei's headquarters in Leling would be transferred back to Fenggao to garrison Jingling Hall.

Yang Ji did not think much about it, but just asked Taishi Ci to lead his troops to Leling to take over the defense zone of Youyun Cavalry, and asked Zhang Fei's deputy general to lead Youyun Cavalry back to Fenggao.

Later we learned that Liu Bei, stimulated by certain events and deceived by Chen Xi, convened a meeting of civil and military officials, and distributed all the plans made by Chen Xi and others during this period for discussion and review.

Then, Zhang Fei was fooled by Chen Xi and took over the army reform plan on behalf of the military.

However, the plan proposed by Chen Xi should be considered a win-win situation. After all, Chen Xi achieved his goal, and the generals achieved the goal of expanding the legion's organization. It is truly a win-win situation.

Yang Ji just glanced at the military order sent from Fenggao, and then put it at the bottom of the official document. After all, his headquarters did not need to kick anyone out.

Moreover, Yang Ji's headquarters originally had a staff of 4,500 people, which was very consistent with the new corps structure planned in the military order sent from Fenggao.

"Hu——" Yang Ji let out a long breath, then slowly retracted his mental power, alleviating the shock to his mental sea caused by the high-intensity output of mental power.

After all, this time the military formation was not constructed by command and dispatch. It was a bit difficult to rely solely on his mental power to construct a cloud-solidified military formation covering 400,000 people, and he had to construct three cloud-solidified military formations at one time.

"It has to be you. If someone else were to construct a cloud-solidified military formation of this scale alone, it would not be a matter of a slight shock to the spiritual sea." Guo Jia shook his head and said as he looked at Yang Ji who was rubbing his head with his hands.

Ever since Huangfu Song came to Fenggao, Yang Ji figured out the basic structure of the cloud-solidified military formation from Hua Xiong and constructed his own exclusive solidified Xuanxiang formation.

Although Guo Jia and Li Ru didn't know how Yang Ji figured out the basic structure of the cloud-solidified military formation from Hua Xiong's lost legion talent.

However, this did not prevent them from using the cloud energy that Yang Ji had figured out to solidify the basic structure of the military formation.

In addition to the Xuanxiang Formation obtained from Huangfu Song, they combined it with their own abilities and talents to build a solidified Xuanxiang Formation that was unique to them.

After all, the exclusive Solidified Xuanxiang Formation that Yang Ji created was constructed based on his mental power as a civil official (? ). So, as top civil officials, how could they not have a Solidified Xuanxiang Formation of their own?
Although until now, only Yang Ji, Chen Xi, Guo Jia, Li Ru, Jia Xu, and Zhao Yun have completed their own exclusive solidified Xuanxiang Formation.

The progress of the other people is very worrying, especially Lu Su. He is probably even forgotten about this. After all, it's because all these guys except Zhao Yun are just slacking off.

Oh, by the way, although Zhao Yun also developed his own solidified Xuanxiang Formation, Zhao Yun's Xuanxiang Formation was constructed based on his own legion talents, mainly to make up for the defect that the legion talents can only cover the headquarters.

When Mao Jie, who was originally under Cao Cao's command, learned about this, he was simply astonished, because the cloud-solidified military formation that Yang Ji had taken out was exactly the path he had been exploring.

As a result, Yang Ji dug it out from Hua Xiong's missing legion talent...

Mao Jie just felt that his life was bleak. The path he had been exploring was discovered by others just through the talent of a legion that was incorporated into the army.

It's simply inhumane!

However, Mao Jie was a man of both civil and military talents after all. After a few days of chaos, he asked Yang Ji for a copy of the underlying structure of the cloud-solidified military formation, and directly developed a solidified Xuanxiang formation of his own.

Until now, Mao Jie is the only one under Cao Cao who has developed his own solidified Xuanxiang Formation.

After the others learned from Mao Jie about the Solidified Xuanxiang Formation, they were also very eager to try it, but because Liu Bei did not have an accurate arrangement for them, they put it on hold for the time being.

As for why Mao Jie was not within this range, that was of course revealed by Yang Ji on purpose.

Otherwise, how could someone who knew about this have the leisure to reveal Gu Xuanxiang in front of Cao Cao and others?

"How dare you say that? If you came to help me, would I have to spend so much mental energy to sort out and solidify the clouds?" Yang Ji said unhappily.

When Guo Jia heard that he was going to build a solid cloud army formation of 400,000 troops, he shook his head and rejected Yang Ji's invitation, saying that his spiritual energy was not enough to build a solid cloud army formation of such a scale, so he would not help.

"Hey, it's because I have so little mental power." Guo Jia said with a smile.

"You are just bluffing. With your spiritual talent and insufficient spiritual energy, do you think you can activate it?" Yang Ji said with contempt.

Even if Guo Jia himself had less spiritual energy, he might not be able to awaken such spiritual talent.

When Guo Jia heard Yang Ji's complaints, he just smiled and did not refute Yang Ji's contempt at all. After all, knew what his own situation was like.

"By the way, are you really planning to build a straight road from here to Pingyuan County?" Guo Jia asked another question.

Originally, Guo Jia thought that when Yang Ji relocated the people, he would use the 100,000 troops left by Gongsun Zan to escort them to Pingyuan County in batches.

Unexpectedly, Yang Ji's plan was to send away all 400,000 people, including 100,000 infantry, in one batch.

Moreover, Yang Ji also planned to build a straight road from Jie Bridge to Pingyuan County during the march, which was simply a provocation to Yuan Shao.

Yang Ji nodded and said, "This is the transfer of 400,000 people. If there is no straight road, we don't know when we will transfer.

If Yuan Shao attacked at this time, even if only one civilian was injured, it would have a major impact on our reputation.

Therefore, in order to transfer 400,000 people to Pingyuan County within ten days, it would be easier to build a straight road directly. "

Guo Jia was silent for a moment and made a simple estimate that the distance from Jieqiao to Pingyuan County was about four hundred li (about one hundred and fifty kilometers). If the army was marching, they would have to set up camp every fifty miles.

With such a large number of people, it would be good if we could walk twenty miles a day. It would take more than half a month to reach Pingyuan County.

With the support of the three military formations constructed by Yang Ji, it should not be a problem to travel thirty miles a day, and it does not seem to be a problem to reach Pingyuan County within half a month.

However, that was just an ideal situation. After all, with such a large-scale transfer of people, there would definitely be some problems along the way. "So, how do you plan to build this straight road? You can't build the straight road first and then mobilize the people to set off. How long will it take?" Guo Jia asked Yang Ji curiously.

"Of course we will build the straight road while marching." Yang Ji said as a matter of course.

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "You should have seen how much time Gongyou spent on building the road. I don't think you can build a straight road of 400 miles in ten days."

Guo Jia himself had participated in the initial construction of Mount Tai, so he also knew how much time Sun Qian had spent in connecting the counties, towns and villages within Mount Tai.

"Who told you that the straight road I want to build is of the same level as the one built by Gongyou?" Yang Ji asked with some confusion. It seemed that he said a straight road, not a galloping road?

It seems that the Chidao and the Zhidao are not the same thing, right?

At this time, Yang Ji suspected that he had made a mistake and confused the concepts of the Chidao and the Zhidao.

"..." Guo Jia was silent again. It seemed that the straight road and the chidao were indeed not the same thing. The straight road was a military road, while the chidao was a traffic road.

"Well, even if you want to build a straight road, it should not be possible to build it to Pingyuan County within ten days, right?" Guo Jia tried to change the subject.

"It's okay. There is no limit to the use of the temporary straight road. We can just use the cloud energy secret technique to press out a straight dirt road that can be passed along the route." Yang Ji said indifferently.

"Yes, it's just like this." Yang Ji pointed his hand, and saw a cloud roller protruding from the cloud above, and this cloud roller fell directly on their falling line.

Then it rolled...

Guo Jia watched helplessly as the place where the roller had rolled over turned into a dirt road about fifteen meters wide, and it was very flat. There were no weeds or shrubs sticking out on the road, as they must have been rolled under the soil.

Guo Jia consciously ran to the back to organize the people to set off. He was afraid that he would ask some questions that would make him look stupid.

In this way, Yang Ji used the secret technique of cloud energy to clear the way in front, while Guo Jia organized the people to march in the back, and at the same time let the white horses roam around to prevent this large-scale team from being ambushed or attacked.


"My lord, the scouts reported that they have already set off. Should we send someone to intercept those civilians back?" Shen Pei lifted the curtain and asked Yuan Shao.

Yuan Shao looked a little gloomy and asked Shen Pei: "Zhengnan, what do you think?"

If possible, Yuan Shao also wanted to send people to intercept those people who were willing to follow Yang Ji and bring them back to Jizhou.

After all, that was 300,000 people, which was ten times the number of tens of thousands of people they had originally expected.

But Yuan Shao didn't dare to do so, because he had been too cruel to the people and didn't even leave them any food. Now the people must be extremely hateful towards Yuan Shao.

Although Yuan Shao did not say to take away all the people's food rations when he gave the order, he still left some room.

But do the orders from above have much to do with the soldiers who carry them out? Especially such orders of plundering nature.

Moreover, under Yang Ji's order, the Baima Yicong widely spread what Yuan Shao's army had done to the people in the surrounding counties, causing Yuan Shao's reputation among the local people to plummet.

Even if many people were not plundered by Yuan's army, they would pack up their belongings and move with Yang Ji under the influence of their relatives and friends. After all, the benevolence of Liu Xuande of Mount Tai was known to the world.

Therefore, everyone originally expected only about 100,000 people, but under the layers of military orders, the number of people willing to follow Yang Ji finally became more than 300,000.

Shen Pei shook his head and said helplessly: "After those people have been plundered by our army, they no longer have any trust in us.

Even if they can be intercepted, they will most likely sneak towards Pingyuan County on their own."

Anyway, the food rations have been completely looted by Yuan’s army, so it is better to become a refugee. At least he can have a full meal under Liu Bei’s rule.

"According to reports from our spies who infiltrated the civilian population, Yang Ji and his men really did provide food, although it was only two meals of thick porridge a day." Shen Pei smiled self-deprecatingly.

Compared to the time under Yuan Shao's rule, it is obviously more promising to follow Liu Bei. After all, Liu Bei really provides you with food.

And it's not the kind mixed with rice bran, wild vegetables, grass roots and tree bark, but just white steamed buns and porridge, the kind that are steamed and cooked right on the spot, although it only takes three days for one steamed bun to rise.

Yuan Shao became even more gloomy after hearing this. If Gan Ning had not burned down the granary in Handan, they would not have had to resort to such a desperate measure.

"Let the spies mixed in the team confuse them. If possible, it would be best to let them clash with the escorting army and cause bloodshed!" Yuan Shao said with a fierce look.

Yuan Shao couldn't understand why those untouchables dared to abandon him. Didn't they just plunder their food supplies? Did they really just follow the enemy and leave?
It’s not that I, Yuan Shao, will not return the requisitioned food and grass to you, it’s just that it takes some time to get through.

Don’t you, the lowly people, know how rich my Jizhou is?
I can only say that Yuan Benchu ​​is worthy of being the third-generation nobleman for four generations, as he can even have such an idea.

I really thought that I would return the looted food to the people in the future. It is even a question whether I can remember how many people were looted.

And even if Yuan Shao suddenly had a brain storm and was willing to return the grain to the people, would those who were in charge of returning the grain return all the allocated grain to the people without any greed?

I can only say that I think too much.

"Yes." Shen Pei had no objection to Yuan Shao's arrangement. What kind of life did the lower-class people live? What did it have to do with him, a person from a poor family?
Moreover, the wealth of Jizhou is recognized by the world. How is it possible that the people living in the prosperous Jizhou would not have enough to eat?
On the contrary, Shen Pei was very angry at those people who were not robbed by Yuan's army but instead followed the rumors and followed Yang Ji, believing that this was a betrayal of Yuan Shao.

Since you have already betrayed Yuan Shao and voluntarily become the people under Liu Bei's rule, don't blame him for being rude to you!
After walking out of Yuan Shao's tent, Shen Pei looked back. Although he knew that his anger was unreasonable and the possibility of provoking Yang Ji's team was very low.

However, Shen Pei still had to do it, not only because of Yuan Shao's order, but also because these people had betrayed his lord Yuan Shao.

(End of this chapter)

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