Chapter 260 The Arrival of Zhuge and Sima
Guo Jia looked at the chaos in the team caused by the issue of eating and couldn't help shaking his head. Yuan Shao and his men really sent people to cause trouble.

Although this was within their expectations, after all, 300,000 people from Jizhou were taken away in one go. Who wouldn't be heartbroken?

Oh, that’s not right. Yuan Shao, a young man from an aristocratic family, should not care about the people under his rule.

After all, in the eyes of these high-handed people, isn’t working on the land just about harvesting one crop of leeks, and then another crop will sprout by itself?

The reason why Yuan Shao sent people here to cause trouble was probably not to get back the people who were willing to follow them to Qingzhou.

But it was because these people betrayed him, Yuan Shao, which was the biggest reason for Yuan Shao's anger and shame.

[Yuan Benchu, Yuan Benchu, you still have that condescending attitude, huh...] Guo Jia's eyes turned slightly cold, and he couldn't help but recall the scene when he first wanted to surrender to Yuan Shao.

After recalling the past, Guo Jia's eyes flickered, and he wondered whether he should find some fun for Yuan Shao in Jizhou.

After all, they can't just let Yuan Shao cause trouble for them, they have to cause trouble for Yuan Shao too, only that way it's fair and just.

[Well, I heard that Zichuan has planted a nail in Jizhou. Should I borrow it from Zichuan? ] Guo Jia muttered to himself.

"Go, hang those people up. If you don't want to eat properly, then don't eat." Guo Jia pointed at a few people and directed Ruan Yuliang.

"Sir, do you want the rest of us to go together..." Ruan Yuliang was a little hesitant about Guo Jia's order.

If those troublemakers were hung like this, the spies who had not taken action might spread rumors among the uninformed people.

"Don't worry about other people, just hang up all the troublemakers. You see, some people are already dissatisfied, we are just following public opinion." Guo Jia said as he looked at the people who were complaining at the back of the food queue.

Ruan Yuliang followed Guo Jia's gaze and saw the people rolling up their sleeves and wanting to beat up the guy who was preventing them from eating.

"Yes." Ruan Yuliang stopped talking and took a few people to hang up those troublemakers who intended to prevent people from eating.

Seeing the people no longer making trouble but happily queuing for food, Guo Jia nodded with satisfaction. This is the benefit of following the will of the people.

Just when Yang Ji, Zhao Yun and others were busy relocating the people, a rather eye-catching event occurred in Fenggao City.

After inspection by ten scholars including Chen Chi, it was confirmed that the Fenggao Library did contain more than 100,000 volumes of books, which was true.

Therefore, in order to make Chen Xi fulfill his original promise, some radical scholars, under the instigation of unknown people, chose to attack the library.

Chen Xi looked at the messenger who came to report the information and didn't know what to say.

Should we say that these scholars are too easily misled by others, or that they are too stupid?
Chen Xi just wanted to laugh at this moment. Can't these guys take a closer look at the notice posted on the government office notice board?

If they had taken one more look, they would not have listened to others' instigation and rushed to attack the library.

These scholars wouldn't stop going to the notice board to read the notices posted in the government office just because they don't like the people crowding there, right?

If this is true, Chen Xi has to go talk to great scholars like Lu Zhi.

"Okay, go and ask General Hua to arrest all the scholars who are causing trouble. Tell them that because of their disturbance, the review of their qualifications to borrow books will be postponed.

Also, tell them to go to the government office notice board and read it before confronting the officials. Chen Xi waved his hand and asked Hua Xiong's personal soldiers to inform Hua Xiong of his order.

"Yes." The messenger saluted to Chen Xi and others, then walked out of the Government Affairs Hall and reported Chen Xi's order to Hua Xiong.

"Zichuan, don't you go to the scene to solve it? After all, it was you who made the promise." Lu Su put down the document in his hand and said to Chen Xi with a frown.

"Yes, the news even spread to Chenliu in Yanzhou." Xun Yu echoed.

After all, Xun Yu had strong scholar ideas and didn't want to have any overt conflict with the scholar class.

Chen Xi glanced at Xun Yu. This guy really needed to be re-educated. Otherwise, if something even more unimaginable happened in the future, wouldn’t his heart be in trouble?
[I heard that Xun Shuang is also in Fenggao. Why not find some time to visit him and let him personally teach his younger generation?] Chen Xi pondered it in his heart and felt that it was a good idea.

Xun Yu suddenly felt a chill on his back for no reason. He looked behind him suspiciously, but there was no one else except Cheng Yu.

Cheng Yu looked at Xun Yu who suddenly looked back with some confusion, wondering what was wrong with him.

"Let's go together later and see what these guys are doing." Chen Xi thought about it and felt that Lu Su was right.

After all, the library was the promise he had made in the past, so it would be a good choice to go and see what those scholars actually thought.

"Alright, let them make a fuss for a while, since Zijian is there to watch over them anyway.

Hey, go find Fa Xiaozhi for me." Lu Su shouted to the guard outside the door.

"Are you planning to take this opportunity to publicize our policies on universal education and related welfare?" Chen Xi said with interest.

"Well, I guess everyone in the city should be paying attention to the developments in the library at this time.

It just so happens that we can take this opportunity to publicize some of our recent policies regarding the household registration policy for scholars, universal education, etc.

And some related welfare policies are also given out, so that some people will not miss the relevant information because they don’t want to look at the government notice board.”

When Lu Su said this, the expression on his face made it unclear who he was mocking.

Just when Chen Xi and Lu Su were planning to take advantage of this opportunity of the scholars' attack on the library to announce the long-prepared welfare policy for scholars' naturalization and the benefits of participating in the universal education project.

Fenggao City also welcomed two pairs of brothers. One of them, named Sima, was so arrogant that he wanted to seal all the talents in Fenggao City.

Another person named Zhuge modestly said that if he was not a teammate in his own camp, he would not be able to use the opponent's talent.

Well, including spiritual talents and legion talents.

"Brother, let's go and see what the library that Chen Zichuan promised is like." Zhuge Liang raised his head to take a look at the spiritual power flowing above, then turned and said to Zhuge Jin.

Zhuge Jin sighed and followed his brother's footsteps. What was going on?

Why would my brother meet Pang Tong at this age? Even if they did, it would take two years. If so, they would be about the same age.

Well, what I meant is that after two years, the physical fitness of these two people will be able to easily withstand the pressure of spiritual talent.

Before reaching the street where the library was located, Zhuge Liang saw the bright red glazed tiles on the roof of the library from afar, which was quite eye-catching in the sun.

If you can't find the location of the library, please look up when there is sunlight and find the red direction illuminated by the sunlight, which is the direction where the library is located.

When he arrived at the street in front of the library gate, Zhuge Liang saw more than a thousand scholars gathered outside the library gate, as well as scholars rushing towards this side.

Zhuge Liang frowned. The atmosphere among these scholars seemed to be a little off. It looked like they wanted to forcibly attack the library.

Even when Zhuge Liang was frowning, Zhuge Jin caught a passerby and asked him about the whole matter.

"Father-in-law, why are there so many people gathered in front of the library?" Zhuge Jin stuffed something into the hand of a man who was passing by.

Although Zhuge Liang, who was only twelve years old, was somewhat dissatisfied with his brother's little tricks, he also knew that this was the only way to get the information they wanted from the old man in his forties in front of him.

The brother who was held by Zhuge Jin touched the thing in his hand, and his originally impatient expression immediately turned into a smile.

"I'm not worthy of being called Young Master." The old man passing by immediately expressed his modesty.

"What you want to ask is why these people gathered here, right?" The elder brother once again confirmed the question that Zhuge Jin wanted to ask.

Zhuge Jin nodded and said, "We came here from Xuzhou just because we heard about the reputation of Fenggao Library.

When I arrived at the door of the library, I found that it was surrounded by people, and it seemed that these scholars were quite excited.

May I ask why, old man? " Zhuge Jin's attitude was very sincere. Although the old man in front of him had already accepted the small gift he gave, he still had to show proper etiquette.

After hearing that Zhuge Jin and his group came here for the library, the elder brother became even more enthusiastic about Zhuge Jin.

"Hey, this matter is nothing more than a group of scholars who don't know how to collect information... who were incited to cause trouble.

"Yes, see, the generals stationed in the library haven't moved. If they did, these troublemakers would definitely be arrested." The elder brother pointed to the guards in front of the library gate.

Zhuge Jin and Zhuge Liang looked at each other. Of course, they both understood what the elder brother's pause wanted to express.

However, this is not what they care about. After all, if it is true as the old man in front of them said, that these scholars who started the riot were instigated because they did not pay attention to collecting information, then they really deserve the term that the old man in front of them did not say.

"I wonder what news my father-in-law is talking about?" Zhuge Jin stuffed some small gifts into his brother's hands again.

The brother's eyes lit up. This young man looks like a talented person. Why don't we take him to the Zhaoxiantai for a visit?
But I shall answer the young man’s question first. After all, you are very sincere and I am not the kind of person who takes money but does not do anything.

“The reason these people attacked the library was because they wanted to ask Chen Hou of Fenggao Government Affairs Office.

When will he fulfill the promise he made in Yuzhou, that is, when will he open the library and let them borrow books in it? " The elder brother had a little sarcasm on his face.

"But Lord Chen has already released the qualifications required to enter the library. It's just that these people didn't go to the notice board in front of the government office, so they don't know about it." The sarcasm on the elder brother's face became even stronger.

Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jin looked at each other and caught a hint of inexplicable meaning in each other's eyes.

These scholars have been in Fenggao for so long, how could they not know that some important news would be announced on the government notice board?

Even ordinary people who have basically nothing to do with the library know what qualifications are required to enter the library.

On the other hand, the scholars who came to cause trouble did not know that if there was no explanation, it would not be in line with the current development of the situation.

Perhaps those scholars considered themselves to be noble and disdained to go to the notice board of the government office.

Perhaps the people of Fenggao couldn't stand these self-righteous guys and thought they were too arrogant.

Then they spontaneously excluded those scholars who did not want to integrate into Fenggao and blocked their channels for obtaining information.

In short, no matter what the situation is, these scholars who dare to cause trouble in the library are quite unpopular.

"Kong Ming, what do you think?" After sending his brother away, Zhuge Jin turned to Zhuge Liang and asked.

"If these scholars make more trouble, the guards will no longer be polite to them." Zhuge Liang said to the guards who were already a little impatient.

"In other words, the Fenggao Government Affairs Office has already sent people to resolve this matter." Zhuge Jin said, pointing at the three young men who suddenly appeared in front of the library gate.

Zhuge Liang looked in the direction Zhuge Jin pointed, and sure enough, he saw three young men standing outside the gate of the library.

[By the way, did those three people come out of the library? ] Zhuge Liang tilted his head, somewhat puzzled as to how the three people managed to bypass the many scholars present and appear in front of the library gate.

After the three people appeared, the military general who was originally sitting lazily on the doorstep also stood up, and it seemed that he had a good relationship with the three people who were obviously civil officials.

After the middle-aged general talked to the three young men for a while, he waved to his soldiers, and then Zhuge Liang heard the soldier's shout.

"Lord Chen has ordered that the scholars who were willing to come to Fenggao should stand on the left, and those who were tied up should stand on the right." Hua Xiong's personal guards rushed out and shouted fearlessly.

With the help of Chen Xi's secret amplification technique, the voice of Hua Xiong's personal guards was transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

In Zhuge Liang's eyes, after the soldier finished yelling, the middle-aged man who was obviously a garrison general turned around and said something to a young general next to him, then stood behind Chen Xi and the other two civil officials.

Before the scholars could make any move, one of them who seemed to be the leader jumped out and questioned Chen Xi:

"Lord Chen, since you promised to give us the right to borrow books, why are you sending troops to guard the library now?

Isn't that breaking one's word? "

(End of this chapter)

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