Chapter 264: Cousin, come with me and lie down——

Not only his two cousins ​​were eyeing Sima Yi, but also some big guys who had no relationship with him but could easily control Sima Yi.

At this time, Sima Yi did not know that he had been exposed and was still on his way to visit Fan Liang.

However, when Chen Xi mentioned the name of the Henei Sima family in front of everyone, Sima Yi only felt that he was shrouded in malice.

"Zhongda, what's wrong with you?" Sima Lang looked at Sima Yi, who suddenly broke out in cold sweat, with some concern.

Could it be that my younger brother is being targeted by the Sima family’s enemies?
After all, as Chen Xi's wedding was approaching, too many forces had gathered in Fenggao City, and it was possible that one or two of the Sima family's former enemies were mixed in with them.

This world is an era of supernatural powers, so it is not uncommon to find some curse-like abilities.

What’s strange is that the curse can actually overcome Sima Yi’s mental barriers and directly affect Sima Yi himself.

A hint of coldness appeared in Sima Lang's eyes. It seemed that he had to go back and ask his father.

A curse that can break through the mental barrier built up by spiritual talent is not something that can be cast by ordinary people or forces.

"Huh - big brother, I'm fine." Sima Yi wiped the sweat off his face. There was such a lot of malice just now.

"It seems that the Fenggao Government Affairs Office has suspected us." Sima Yi looked at the patrol teams whose number suddenly increased on the street.

"Ah?" Sima Lang was stunned for a moment, and said quickly: "How about we just run away?"

Sima Lang was a little panicked at this time. If it was his enemy, Sima Lang would not panic at all.

However, now his younger brother Sima Yi has offended all the important officials under the command of Liu Xuande, the number one prince in the world.

Don’t even mention the nonsense that the people in Fenggao Government Affairs Office can’t deal with the Sima family.

Even if those people don't want to do it themselves, as long as some news gets out, there will be many people who want to get on Liu Bei's good side.

Sima Yi looked at Sima Lang seriously and naturally knew what his elder brother was worried about.

"Brother, if we really leave Fenggao as soon as possible, we will have truly proven that we were the one who did it." Sima Yi said without any fluctuation in his expression.

At this time, Fenggao City was gathering too many foreign tourists, not only coming for Chen Xi's wedding, but also a large part of them came because of Fenggao City, a trading center.

After the talents of the high-ranking officials in Fenggao City were sealed, the first suspects must have been these foreign tourists.

Perhaps infected by Sima Yi's calmness, Sima Lang also calmed down.

After all, with so many outsiders pouring into Fenggao City, even if they were suspected at the first moment, there was no way to confirm whether it was them who released the spiritual talents.

After all, the Henei Sima family is also a big family, and it is normal for one or two gifted geniuses to appear there.

Chen Xi and the others wouldn't ask about their spiritual talents without knowing them, right?

If Chen Xi and the others really did this, they would probably offend a large number of people in the world who have awakened spiritual talents.

After all, spiritual talent is a wise man's greatest trump card and most private privacy.

It is extremely rude to inquire about other people's talents without permission.

"Let's go, let's find the old patriarch of the Fan family and prove our identities." Sima Lang looked at his younger brother deeply and said finally.

Although I don’t know whether the Fenggao Government Affairs Office knows that the large-scale talent ban just now was initiated by Sima Yi.

However, given the value of the two living spiritually-awakened people, I hope they can consider the fact that they are cousins ​​of Chen Xi and Chen Qun and bring them into Liu Bei's camp.

After all, Sima Yi's spiritual talent is too dangerous for those who rely on it for a living.

I hope there is no one in Fenggao Government Affairs Office who makes a living purely by spiritual talent.

Seeing his elder brother looking as if they had been exposed, Sima Yi couldn't help but feel a headache.

Although the malice that had just enveloped him made him feel like he had been exposed.

However, Sima Yi believed that even if he was blocked, he could still make excuses...

Forget it, just do what you want and leave the rest to fate.

While Sima Yi followed his elder brother to Fan Liang's residence, he wondered when Chen Xi and the others would show up.

Although theoretically speaking, Chen Xi and the others should not have guessed that it was Sima Yi who came up with the idea of ​​banning other people's talents on a large scale.

However, just like the talent that Sima Yi awakened, who knows what talents others will awaken.

What if someone under Liu Bei's command really awakened a talent that allows him to obtain guidance out of thin air?
So, Sima Yi thought it would be better for him to just wait patiently for the summons.

What if those bigwigs whom he had offended, seeing that he was honest and had a positive attitude towards admitting his mistakes, directly recruited him to take up a position in the Fenggao Government Affairs Office?

After all, the value that a living awakened person with spiritual talent can create is much higher than that of a dead awakened person.

What's more, those who have felt the power of his spiritual talent should know what kind of role he can play.

Although the ideas Sima Yi felt in Fenggao these days were very different from his own ideas, he might not be valued under Liu Bei.

But I can definitely use my own abilities to...

Forget it, I'd better just be honest and endure it using the word "忍" that I just figured out.

Just as Sima Yi and Sima Lang went to find Fan Liang, Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jin also noticed the increase in patrols on the streets.

"It seems that Fenggao is already searching for that dangerous person Zhongda." Zhuge Liang chuckled.

“The household registration system in Fenggao has just started to be established, so it may not be easy to find someone.

If we hadn't informed them, or if they hadn't fallen into the trap, it would have been very difficult for Fenggao to find Zhongda, a dangerous person." Zhuge Jin shook his head.

"Brother, if we go to the Fenggao Government Affairs Office to report Zhongda, do you think they will approve a note for us to enter the library?" Zhuge Liang thought with his imagination running wild.

"..." Zhuge Jin looked at Zhuge Liang speechlessly. He always felt that his younger brother's personality had changed a lot after meeting Sima Yi.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's find a way to enter the library and take a look." Zhuge Jin sighed, obviously not wanting to argue with his younger brother about this.

For some reason, Jia Xu, Fan Qin and others in the Government Affairs Office who had originally wanted to arrest Sima Yi did not follow Chen Xi to arrest Sima Yi.

Instead, they all dispersed to deal with their own work, and the task of capturing Sima Yi fell on Chen Xi.

"By the way, weren't they just talking about letting Sima Yi see their swordsmanship? Why are they suddenly going to deal with government affairs?" Yang Ji asked Chen Xi curiously.

"Maybe it's because they have too many government affairs." Chen Xi said casually. As for whether it is true or not, it depends on how many government affairs Chen Xi arranges. "..." Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi speechlessly. Now he knew why Jia Xu and others gave the task of capturing Sima Yi to Chen Xi.

It turned out that they didn't want the idle Chen Xi to hang around in front of them.

In other words, they couldn't beat Chen Xi, otherwise Chen Xi would be put in a sack sooner or later.

"Well, do you know where those two guys are now?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji.

If Yang Ji could figure it out, he wouldn't have to look for those stalkers and could have directly attacked Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang.

"I don't know." Yang Ji waved his hands and said it directly. Anyway, Chen Xi had already sent people to follow him, so it made no difference whether he said it or not.

"Tsk." Seeing Yang Ji's bad look, Chen Xi couldn't help but shook his head.

However, Chen Xi did not force Yang Ji to expend his mental energy to find out the whereabouts of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.

After all, even he wouldn't be willing to waste his mental energy on something that could be known with just a wave of his hand.

"Let's go. They are at the library now." After getting the location of Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi from the spy, Chen Xi called to Yang Ji.

"I don't know where they got the credentials to enter the library." Chen Xi couldn't help but complain to Yang Ji.

Chen Xi remembered that if he wanted to enter the library, he needed to register his household registration in Fenggao.

As a result, the two of them used their own means to directly enter the library without having to leave their names on Fenggao's household registration card.

However, Chen Xi was just complaining. After all, when he linked the library and the household registration together, he did not tie them together.

If you want to borrow books from the library, you do need a household registration, but if you just want to read books in the library, you don’t need a household registration.

Of course, whether you can find a way depends on your own ability. After all, there are many people in Fenggao City who have the corresponding authority.

"Zi Yu, do you think we should go in and find them directly, or wait outside for them to come out?" After arriving outside the library, Chen Xi asked Yang Ji.

Yang Ji looked at the sky and said to Chen Xi, "It's almost time for the library to close. They should be coming out soon."

Chen Xi thought about it and felt that he couldn't be caught by Cai Zhenji, who was the assistant librarian in the library, otherwise he would be nagging about charging by the word and making a decision.

Although Chen Xi himself did not admit that the rule of charging by word was something he came up with on a whim.

But Chen Xicheng's denial was not Cai Zhenji's business. What was important was that the books Chen Xi sent needed to be deleted by her and many other people to remove the nonsense before they could be included in the classic bookshelf of the library.

Otherwise, those books that are fresh, but full of philosophy and speculation can only be placed on less important bookshelves.

It has to wait for librarians such as Cai Zhenji, Cai Yan, Fan Jian and others to refine it before it can be put on the bookshelves open to the public.

In the library, Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and the other three endured the discomfort and finished reading the entire book.

Although these books pulled out from Cai Zhenji's cart were mixed with nonsense deliberately injected by the author.

However, you have to admit the wisdom, philosophy and thinking contained in the book.

"Opposite but united." Sima Yi muttered to himself, the sum of the books he read in the past is just such a sentence in this book.

"The laws of everything are logic." Zhuge Liang closed the book in shock. "Everything will become easy if you grasp the laws. That's how it is."

"The opposition and unity of thick black and thin white." Sima Lang read the book with sympathy, always feeling that something was left unsatisfied.

“Internal and external, direct and indirect, essential and non-essential, necessary and accidental, a variety of connections.”

Zhuge Jin closed the book and sighed, "It is indeed a library known as the treasure of the world."

Zhuge Liang and the other three slowly closed the book. They needed to digest the knowledge and wisdom they gained from the book.

"Do you guys want to copy it?" Cai Zhenji asked Sima Lang and the other three after they finished reading it.

Looking at these four people with unhappy faces as they finished reading the book which was full of nonsense but also full of wisdom and philosophy, Cai Zhenji had a slight smile on her face.

"I've made note of it. Thank you, Miss Cai." Sima Lang bowed and said.

He now understood that if they had not met Cai Zhenji today, they would not have had such a rare book to read.

"..." The smile on Cai Zhenji's face faded. Damn it, how could she meet four guys with photographic memories all of a sudden?

"By the way, Miss Cai, you said before that these books are only the better ones. Can you let us see the top-quality ones?" Sima Lang asked.

Instantly the attention of the other three people was focused. It turned out that the book they were reading was only a medium-quality volume. What could the high-quality volume record?

"The best volume?" Cai Zhenji's mouth moved, and she said depressedly: "Delete the nonsense in these books and it will be the so-called best volume.

If it weren't for the rule that Chen Zichuan made about charging by the word, I wouldn't have to delete some nonsense from these books every day." Cai Zhenji couldn't help but complain to them.

Zhuge Liang and others looked at each other, not knowing how to comment on Cai Zhenji's complaints.

"These books were written by modern people!?" Sima Lang asked in shock. The other three also looked at Cai Zhenji in shock.

"Yes, a guy who has lost his moral integrity for money. He could have chosen not to write those nonsense, but he ended up padding his book for money, forcing me to delete the nonsense and re-edit it." Cai Zhenji said with an indignant look on her face.

By the way, Cai Zhenji learned the usage of the word "water injection" from Fan Jian.

As for where the traditional and simplified Chinese were learned, this is like asking where Chen Xi learned the skill of adding water.

The contents of these books were dictated by Chen Xi and recorded in traditional and simplified Chinese. At that time, Chen Xi even wondered if he would be criticized for having too many words if he wrote like this.

Later, because there was not enough time to organize and simplify the traditional and simplified Chinese, these first-hand watered-down books were sent to the library to be organized and simplified by other librarians.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this. The library is about to close. If you continue to stay here, be careful of being kicked out by the urban management." Cai Zhenji warned several people.

"Thank you, Miss Cai. We will leave now." Sima Lang and the other three bowed to Cai Zhenji.

After exiting the main gate of the library, Sima Lang found Zhuge Liang and started chatting with him.

As expected, he is a person who can awaken the spiritual talent of [Like a Spring Breeze]. Zhuge Liang had a very pleasant conversation with him.

The two reached an agreement regarding the books they read. They wrote down what they read and exchanged them with each other to increase their wisdom.

"Hey, have you agreed? If so, then come with me, Sima Zhongda." Chen Xi said to his little cousin with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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