The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 265: Do we want to create our ideal world together?

Chapter 265 Do you want to create our ideal world together?
When Sima Yi first heard someone calling him, he didn't feel anything.

After all, he is such an eye-catching talented young man. No matter where he goes, there will be people who recognize him or want to know him.

Alas, there is no way to hide even if I want to - Sima Yi thought to himself.

However, when Sima Yi moved his head but not his body and turned his head to see who was coming, his heart stopped moving.

At this moment, Sima Yi's mind went blank for a moment, and the malice that had disappeared before once again enveloped Sima Yi.

When Sima Lang saw the smiling Chen Xi, his first thought was that his brother had gotten into trouble this time and the victim had come to him to demand an explanation.

Then Sima Lang's second thought was to quickly play the emotional card with Chen Xi.

After all, they learned from Fan Liang that Chen Xi was indeed from the Chen family of Yingchuan, and they were cousins ​​with Chen Xi.

However, before Sima Lang could speak, Sima Yi withdrew his gaze from Chen Xi and looked at Zhuge Liang fiercely.

Apart from his own family, in Fenggao City, only the brothers Zhuge Liang and Zhuge Jin knew the effect of Sima Yi's talent.

Moreover, when Sima Yi activated his spiritual talent and sealed off most of the talents within hundreds of miles of Fenggao City, he was targeting Zhuge Liang himself.

Now that Chen Xi appeared in front of them, it was possible that Zhuge Liang himself had a grudge against Sima Yi and reported Sima Yi to the Fenggao Government Affairs Office.

Although Sima Yi himself did not believe that someone like Zhuge Liang would do such a thing as reporting.

However, after all, Zhuge Liang was only twelve years old at that time. No matter how mature his thoughts were, he could not help but be a little childish.

Therefore, when faced with Chen Xi, who was obviously here to arrest people, the first person Sima Yi suspected was Zhuge Liang.

Zhuge Liang, whose eyes were originally on Chen Xi, felt the death gaze from Sima Yi and slowly shifted his gaze to Sima Yi.

"Brother Zhongda, you don't think that I reported you to the Fenggao Government Affairs Office, right?" Zhuge Liang asked Sima Yi calmly.

"Except for you," Sima Yi glanced at Zhuge Jin and then set his sights on Zhuge Liang again, "I can't think of anyone else who would do this."

When answering Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi had already calmed down. It was just his premonition that came true, and it was not a big deal.

Sima Yi looked at Zhuge Liang with a gloomy face. Although he had no expression on his face, Zhuge Liang could still see a hint of anger on Sima Yi's face, anger directed at him.

Zhuge Liang didn't know where Sima Yi's anger came from, just as he didn't know where the sense of relief that was rising in him came from.

Zhuge Liang looked at Sima Yi and said, "It's me and not me. Just ask Lord Chen and you'll know."

Zhuge Liang looked at Chen Xi and said, "I wonder if Lord Chen could explain this to Zhongda for me?"

When looking at Chen Xi, Zhuge Liang had a slight smile on his face, which was totally different from the expressionless face he had when facing Sima Yi.

Perhaps even Zhuge Liang himself did not know that he would show such a huge difference in front of the two people.

Chen Xi looked back and forth between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi with great interest.

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang are indeed a pair that loves and hates each other. The more you watch them, the more interesting they become.

After Sima Yi heard Zhuge Liang's words that he wanted Chen Xi to testify for him, he also looked at Chen Xi. He really wanted to know how Chen Xi found him.

After all, it’s impossible for someone in Fenggao Government Affairs Office to be born with a talent for cause and effect guidance, right?
Impossible, absolutely impossible.

Chen Xi did not answer Zhuge Liang's question immediately, but smiled and asked Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi: "Do you mind if I call you by your given names?"

After Chen Xi said this, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi were silent for a while, then looked at each other.

[Didn't Lord Chen come to arrest you? Why does it feel like he's here to recognize his relatives?] Zhuge Liang's eyes were a little weird, and he deeply suspected that Sima Yi and Chen Xi had a relationship.

[Isn't it because you brought this person here that things are like this now?] Sima Yi still looked gloomy.

Obviously, the two of them didn't have enough tacit understanding and couldn't read what each other wanted to express from each other's eyes.

Finally, it was Zhuge Liang who broke the silence first and said to Chen Xi: "Lord Chen, please do as you please."

Sima Yi and the other two adults nodded silently.

They did not introduce themselves because they knew that since Chen Xi had come to them, it proved that Chen Xi had already obtained their detailed information.

Chen Xi smiled and said to Sima Yi: "Zhongda, Kong Ming did not report your existence to the Government Affairs Office.

As for how I was able to find you so quickly, I have to ask the person behind me."

Chen Xi made way for Yang Ji, who was quietly standing behind him, so that Zhuge Liang and the others could see Yang Ji more clearly.

After Chen Xi gave up his seat, Yang Ji didn't say anything, but just smiled at them.

After all, when it comes to fooling people (crossed out)...making promises, Yang Ji cannot compare to Chen Xi, who has been tested in battle for a long time.

Therefore, it is better to let an old hand like Chen Xi communicate with these two young ones, while a little Karami like him should just stand aside and watch the show.

Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and the other three looked at Yang Ji behind Chen Xi. They felt that they had seen Yang Ji somewhere, but they couldn't remember where.

Several people looked at Yang Ji deeply. Now was not the time to think about who Yang Ji was. The most important thing now was how to deal with the arrest from Fenggao Government Affairs Office.

Moreover, since Yang Ji was able to follow Chen Xi and was introduced by Chen Xi himself, he must be one of the high-ranking officials in Fenggao.

After all, Yang Ji was very young, which fits their general impression of Fenggao's senior officials.

Chen Xi's eyes passed through Zhuge Liang and finally stayed on Sima Yi.

Chen Xi was not worried that Zhuge Liang would choose to leave. As long as Zhuge Liang was willing to learn everything about Fenggao, he would definitely choose to stay.

Because everything Liu Bei and his men did was so consistent with the world that Zhuge Liang imagined in his mind.

Although Zhuge Liang was only twelve years old at that time, the wise young genius had already formed his own mature values ​​and thoughts.

Therefore, even if Chen Xi did not invite Zhuge Liang to stay, Zhuge Liang would join Liu Bei's army in his own way.

However, Sima Yi was different. He had ideological conflicts with Liu Bei.

Liu Bei was not Sima Yi's first choice, and benevolence was not the core of Sima Yi's philosophy.

Chen Xi's gaze stayed on Sima Yi for a long time, and the expression on his face suggested that he seemed to be thinking about how to deal with Sima Yi's problem.

In almost everyone's mind, Sima Yi's spiritual talent was too dangerous, even Sima Yi himself thought so.

Therefore, Sima Yi knew that it was impossible for him to leave Fenggao since his identity had been exposed, because he was in too much danger.

Either you choose to join Fenggao and become a member of Liu Bei's army, or you choose not to join and then disappear from the world. There is no third choice.

Sima Yi didn't want to die yet, so he chose the first option and now was waiting for Chen Xi to invite him.

Although, in Sima Yi's idea, the lord he chose should come and invite him personally.

But, this is no longer possible now.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi couldn't help but look at Zhuge Liang, who was two years younger than him.

Seeing Zhuge Liang's slightly raised mouth corners, Sima Yi couldn't help grinding his teeth. If it weren't for this guy, he wouldn't be so angry as to activate his spiritual talent in Fenggao, a place where spiritual talents gather.

For some reason, Sima Yi suddenly had a feeling that Zhuge Liang would also choose to join Liu Bei's army.

Suddenly, Sima Yi felt that it was not a bad thing that Zhuge Liang was only twelve years old.

After all, even Liu Bei, who had the most young people under his command, would not allow a twelve-year-old kid to participate in government affairs.

Moreover, at this age, what Zhuge Liang needed was not practice, but theoretical learning.

Thinking of this, the gloom on Sima Yi's face faded a lot. It was very comforting to hear that he became Zhuge Liang's predecessor.

Looking at Sima Yi who suddenly showed a hint of excitement, Chen Xi raised his eyebrows. Could it be that this guy thought that he could avoid jail just because he was related to him?

"Okay, seeing how happy Zhongda is, he should have made up his mind mentally. Then come with me." Chen Xi went at his own pace.

If I disrupt my own rhythm because of my curiosity about Sima Yi's thoughts, I might fall into Sima Yi's rhythm.


"Which eye of yours saw that I was happy?" Sima Yi couldn't help but bulge out a few blue veins on his forehead, and said with gritted teeth.

He would never admit that he was happy to be Zhuge Liang's predecessor.


"I can see your happiness with both of my eyes." Chen Xi pointed at his eyeballs with the index and middle fingers of his right hand.

"Oh, I am happy to join Lord Xuande's army." Sima Yi said this against his own thoughts.

Hearing this, Chen Xi laughed, Yang Ji laughed, and the others were surprised.

"I don't remember inviting you to join Lord Xuande's army?" Chen Xi asked with a smile.

Sima Yi was silent. It seems that the psychological preparation you just mentioned is preparation for going to jail.

Looking at the veteran soldier approaching from behind Chen Xi, Sima Yi felt that his choice to join Liu Bei's army was not a bad thing.

"Yes, since you, my cousin, did not invite me to join Lord Xuande's army, I can only go to the Recruiting Talents Platform to take a look." Sima Yi said to Chen Xi with a somewhat resentful look in his eyes.


Caught off guard, Chen Xi slightly widened his eyes and looked at Sima Yi in confusion. This could only be described as being worthy of being called the old thief Sima.

Zhuge Jin glanced at Sima Lang with a strange expression, and his meaning was very clear: So this is the kind of personality your brother has.

Facing Zhuge Jin's gaze, Sima Lang remained silent. Could he say that he didn't know his younger brother was like this?
"Well... okay, although I know you are just using this excuse to fool me, I still welcome you to join us." Chen Xi said with a smile.

Since Sima Yi is so sensible, Chen Xi cannot be stingy. After all, Sima Yi is still his younger cousin, and it is not a bad idea to give him some resources.

After hearing that Chen Xi agreed to his request to join Liu Bei's army, Sima Yi breathed a sigh of relief, and the feeling of being targeted just now disappeared. The old soldiers behind Chen Xi also stepped aside.

Sima Yi didn't know who had targeted him just now, but it was definitely not those veterans.

Although those veterans are very strong, Sima Yi would not be their match in close combat.

However, it was impossible for those old soldiers to give him such a strong sense of danger.

It was a sense of crisis that even an outburst of mental strength could not offset.

Yang Ji, who had been ignored by everyone, quietly hid the light in his eyes, and then put on a smile again.

"What about you? Do you want to join us?" Chen Xi said to Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang, but Chen Xi's eyes were focused on Zhuge Liang.

Now, Sima Lang and Zhuge Jin understood that what Chen Xi wanted most were Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. As for the two of them, if they could succeed, that would be the best. If not, that would be it.

Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang smiled bitterly at each other. They never expected that they, who were awakened spiritual talents, would one day become a foil.

Zhuge Liang took a deep breath and asked Chen Xi with a burning gaze, "May I ask, Lord Xuande, what kind of world do you want to create?"

Although Zhuge Liang was an outsider and had no way of knowing Chen Xi and their overall plan.

But Zhuge Liang is Zhuge Liang. Even the twelve-year-old version of Zhuge Liang still managed to get some clues from the decrees issued by the Fenggao Government Affairs Office.

What Liu Bei and Chen Xi wanted to create was a world that had never existed before.

That was a world that Zhuge Liang longed for, and it was also a world that many wise and ambitious people longed for.

Hearing this question asked by Zhuge Liang, Sima Yi and others looked at Chen Xi closely. They also wanted to know what kind of world Liu Bei and others wanted to create.

In the eyes of these wise men, Liu Bei, who occupied two states and three counties, seemed to have the qualifications to rebuild the empire.

Perhaps Liu Bei did not have the power to sweep across the country and reshape the world at this time, but it was only a matter of time.

You see, taking advantage of Chen Xi’s wedding, many noble families have appeared in Fenggao City.

Before Liu Bei captured Yanzhou, there were not many wealthy families in Fenggao City.

Chen Xi looked at Zhuge Liang quietly, and suddenly smiled:

"There is a house to live in, medical care for the sick, work for the diligent, rewards for hard work, education for the young, and support for the elderly.

This is the world we want to create.

Want to come together? "

Chen Xi extended an invitation to Zhuge Liang.

(End of this chapter)

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