The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 266: The Gloomy Little Prince with a Dissonant Mind and Body

Chapter 266: The Gloomy Little Prince with a Dissonant Mind and Body

Sima Yi looked at Chen Xi's hand extending to Zhuge Liang and inexplicably felt a sense of jealousy.

Why did Zhuge Liang get Chen Xi's invitation, while he could only choose to join under duress without any choice at all?

Besides, cousin, you are my cousin, you can't treat me differently like this -

What? You said I made this myself?

Oh, so I made it myself. That’s okay.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang was invited by Chen Xi, while he was forced to join, which doesn't seem to be something to be jealous of.

After all, if he didn't choose to join, would those big guys whose talents he had banned really allow a dangerous person like him to hang around outside? Sima Yi asked himself.

If Sima Yi had not been exposed yet, the senior officials in Fenggao City might not have started a war. After all, they couldn't find the person, and they didn't know who to attack if they wanted to.

However, now that Sima Yi has been exposed to others, he should just obey Chen Xi's command.

Otherwise, Sima Yi was really afraid that he would die at the hands of some unknown bandit.

Or it is possible that he died of suicide by seventeen bullets in the back.

Thinking of this, Sima Yi wanted to slap his past self.

What kind of hatred or grudge was it that was enough to make you activate your spiritual talent in front of a twelve-year-old child and, in the process, almost wipe out all the gifted people within a radius of hundreds of miles?

I was young, too young at the time, and I didn’t consider the possibility of exposing myself.

Under the witness of Sima Yi, Sima Lang and Zhuge Jin, Zhuge Liang officially joined Liu Bei's army at the invitation of Chen Xi.

By the way, Chen Xi also gained two adults during this trip who could be directly assigned to work in the Government Affairs Office.

As for the two minors, Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi, Chen Xi would not throw them directly into the Government Affairs Hall.

It would be better to let them study hard in Taishan Academy for a year or two first.

In other words, he studied in Taishan Academy while doing odd jobs in the Government Affairs Office, just like Fa Zheng and Xu Shu before.

As for now, both of them are still too immature. Maybe Sima Yi is better, but he is just a fourteen-year-old kid. How much use can he be?
Although, Chen Xi was able to behave so humanely, it was only because there were people like Xun Yu and Xi Zhicai in the Government Affairs Office, and child labor was not needed for the time being.

"By the way, Zhongda, your teacher Hu Kongming is also teaching at Fenggao Academy. Remember to go find him when the time comes."

Chen Xi suddenly remembered that he had kidnapped a great scholar in Yuzhou and brought him to Fenggao.

It just so happened that this Hu Zhao Hu Kongming was Sima Yi's teacher, so Chen Xi didn't have to find a teacher for Sima Yi.

"Ah?" Sima Yi was stunned. Wasn't his teacher in Yuzhou? Why did he go to Fenggao Academy to teach?
"The last time Zichuan was in Yuzhou, he accidentally invited Hu Kongming to Fenggao." Yang Ji tactfully explained why Hu Zhao was in Fenggao.

"Ah, this..." Sima Yi didn't know how many times he had been speechless today.

Was it that he and his cousin were born incompatible? First, his teacher was "invited" by Chen Xi to teach at Fenggao Academy, and then he was also "invited" by Chen Xi to serve under Liu Bei.

Moreover, my... friend, aren't you being too euphemistic? If you want to force us to relocate, then just do it. Why do you have to be so euphemistic? Is my cousin the kind of person who holds grudges?
Sima Yi turned his head and looked at Yang Ji who spoke, wanting to see what kind of person was able to say such euphemistic words.

Yang Ji looked at Sima Yi in a strange way as his head turned towards him but his body did not move.

Yang Ji tried hard to hold back his smile, and it was quite uncomfortable.

"Zhongda, what's the matter with you, your brain and body are not in sync?" Yang Ji seemed to have no idea what it meant to look like a wolf with the eyes of an eagle.

After hearing Yang Ji's question, Sima Lang staggered and fell to the ground.

Zhuge Jin, who was standing by, subconsciously reached out his hand to help, but perhaps because thinking about the scene of Sima Yi's head and body being out of sync occupied too many of his brain cells, Zhuge Jin was still a step too slow and failed to support Sima Lang.

Chen Xi and Zhuge Liang both looked at Sima Yi with strange expressions, as his head and body were still out of sync.

You know what, it does seem to be the case. From this perspective, Sima Yi's head and body are indeed out of sync as Yang Ji said.

Seeing Sima Yi's gloomy expression, the outspoken Zhuge Liang blurted out: "Zhongda, are you depressed because your brain and body are not in sync?"

Sima Lang, who was still lying on the ground, was thinking back and forth about which image was better: the wolf-like and eagle-like appearance or the gloomy little prince whose brain and body were not in sync.

Sima Lang thought about the influence of the wolf-like and eagle-like appearance, and the funny effect brought by the gloomy little prince whose brain and body were out of sync.

I think my younger brother should just be a gloomy little prince whose brain and body are out of sync.

After all, the suspicions brought about by the wolf-like and eagle-like appearance and the funny man cannot be compared at all.

The two cannot be compared on the same table.

After getting up from the ground, Sima Lang looked at Sima Yi, who was standing there stiffly with his head and body out of sync.

The more I read it, the more I feel that Zhuge Liang's description is so suitable for my younger brother.

Wolf-like and hawk-like appearance? What wolf-like and hawk-like appearance? This is clearly a gloomy little prince whose brain and body are out of sync.

If you dare to spread rumors again, I will sue you for defamation.

Sima Yi looked stiffly at the strange smiles on everyone's faces. He could already imagine how others would view him, a man with a wolf-like look and an eagle-like appearance, after today's words spread.

Sima Yi looked at Yang Ji, who was the first to ask him the question, with his empty eyes.

"Zhongda, do you have any opinion about me?" Yang Ji smiled and revealed a little mental power, as well as a trace of internal energy leaving his body.

Sima Yi's pupils suddenly shrank. He felt the fatal threat from Yang Ji, which was a heavy pressure he had never felt before.

If it was just someone with awakened spiritual talent, or whose internal energy had left the body, Sima Yi would not be panicked at all.

However, if these two qualities are combined in the same person, then Sima Yi should find a way to avoid close combat with such a person.

Because the previous self-destructive mental power is no longer effective when facing such people.

After all, they have enough mental power to offset your self-destructive mental power.

Moreover, they can use their own mental power to offset your mental power, and at the same time use their internal energy to rush into close range and kill you.

"Cough..." Sima Yi coughed lightly and shifted his gaze to Zhuge Liang.

After all, the only kid of the same generation as him he could deal with here was Zhuge Liang.

[PS: Lord Chen... well, forget it. After all, he is my cousin (laughs). Why not give him this face and skip my elder brother. Zhuge Jin? Forget it. Maybe he can defeat me, who is only fourteen years old, with his experience a few years older than me.

After counting them all, it seems that only Zhuge Liang is the soft persimmon that can be pinched.

Hmm... maybe I can pinch it...】

Yang Ji looked at Sima Yi, who shifted his gaze reluctantly, and couldn't help but smile. It turned out that violence was the best means of threat.

Looking at Sima Yi who was looking for trouble with Zhuge Liang, Yang Ji was digging out other classic jokes about Sima Yi in his mind.

[Forget it, I won't look for it anymore. There are only a few classic jokes that are popular all the time. I might as well learn from Seno and think of a few bad jokes.]

Yang Ji searched his mind and found that most of the relevant things in his mind had become blurred.

Apart from those things that are truly memorable, other things require digging deep into the memory to be dug out.

So, who can be blamed for this? Yang Ji decided to expose it.

Chen Xi had no reaction to Sima Yi's behavior of causing trouble for Zhuge Liang.

Rather, the most abnormal thing is that Sima Yi did not cause trouble for Zhuge Liang.

Of course, if Sima Yi really didn't go looking for trouble with Zhuge Liang, Chen Xi would definitely go and watch.

After all, he had never seen these two people living in harmony.

Not to mention Chen Xi, who has nothing to do but watch the show, even Yang Ji, who is rather slow in this regard, wants to see Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi getting along harmoniously.


I don’t know why, but I find it very funny when I think about this.

"Yes, this is Taishan Academy." Chen Xi turned around and introduced it to Sima Yi, Zhuge Liang and others. (Mainly Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi)

"You two will stay here to study for some time." Chen Xi said to Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.

“Taishan Academy does not prohibit the hundreds of schools of thought from recruiting students here, so you can find hundreds of schools of thought that are still being passed down here.

If you are interested in any of the hundreds of schools of thought, you can also find a school you like as a minor here.

What they are studying now is quite interesting." Chen Xi thought of the research carried out by the various philosophers in Taishan Academy.

Although Chen Xi had guessed this long ago, in this era, the heritage of the various schools of thought had not yet been completely swallowed up and destroyed by Confucianism.

However, when the inheritance of these various schools of thought actually appeared before Chen Xi, he still couldn't help feeling a little dazed.

When Chen Xi saw with his own eyes the philosophical thoughts of the ancient sages of which only a few words or even just a name remained in later generations, it was really hard for him not to lend a helping hand.

"By the way, Zi Yu, do you know how many great scholars are gathered in Taishan Academy?" Chen Xi asked Yang Ji.

Speaking of the great scholars gathered in Taishan Academy, Chen Xi couldn't help but feel a headache.

A considerable number of the great scholars in Taishan Academy were only wearing the cloak of great scholars, but in fact their inner core belonged to the traditions of other schools of thought.

The reason why they put on a Confucian cloak was just to avoid being persecuted by Confucianism.

Well, apart from the military strategists, even the Legalists, who were the first to harm themselves in reforming the law, had to put on an almost transparent Confucian cloak.

The reason why the title of great Confucian scholar is still used today is simply that the descendants of the Hundred Schools of Thought have no time to deal with it, otherwise they would have given scholars of this level of great Confucian scholar their own exclusive title long ago.

"Do you think it's useful to ask me how many great scholars are gathered in Taishan Academy?" Yang Ji asked speechlessly.

He has been busy with other things these days and has no time to care about how many great scholars have gathered in Taishan Academy.

"..." Chen Xi was silent for a moment, and felt that he was asking a lonely question.

Yang Ji has not been in Fenggao for some time, so how could he know what happened in Taishan Academy?

Chen Xi turned his head away from looking at Yang Ji, and said to Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi: "If you want to know the specific situation of the Hundred Schools of Inheritance in Taishan Academy, you can go to Jian Yong and Jian Xianhe, he is in charge of these matters."

Sima Yi and Zhuge Liang nodded, indicating that they understood and would go to Jian Yong for some information if necessary.

Although they were both very interested in how many great scholars gathered in Taishan Academy, they had plenty of time to find out for themselves.

What really excited them was that Taishan Academy actually gathered a lot of inheritances from hundreds of schools of thought.

When they were admiring the philosophical thoughts of the ancient sages, how could they not have imagined an era where wisdom collided with each other?

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi were completely distracted by the news of the gathering of various schools of thought.

No one noticed why the descendants of the Hundred Schools of Thought chose to come out of their hiding places and risk being persecuted by Confucianism.

Or, in other words, they have actually noticed it, but they just didn't take it seriously.

We don’t know what Sima Yi’s situation was, but Zhuge Liang must have known something about the other Hundred Schools of Thought besides Confucianism. After all, the family of his future wife Huang Yueying was related to the inheritance of the Hundred Schools of Thought.

Maybe this time Zhuge Liang can meet his fiancée in Taishan Academy.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing you need to pay attention to," Chen Xi seemed to remember something.

"If you want to work in the government office under Lord Xuande, you must master martial arts, even if you choose to be a civil official.

If you don't have any martial arts skills, you'd be embarrassed to say you're a civil official under Lord Xuande." Chen Xi shook his head.

Recently, the civil officials under Liu Bei have become more and more competitive, although the direction of their competitiveness is in their martial arts.

Originally, among the many civil officials under Liu Bei, only Yang Ji and Zhao Yun seemed extremely different. They actually possessed combat power that even surpassed the level of internal energy leaving the body.

Of course, if Yang Ji and Zhao Yun were the only two exceptions, pure civil officials like Fan Qin and Guo Jia would not think about improving their combat effectiveness.

After all, what they need is the physical fitness brought by internal energy, not the combat effectiveness brought by internal energy.

However, ever since this guy Chen Xi demonstrated his martial arts will and fighting power with internal energy leaving his body.

The consensus that pure civil officials only needed the physical fitness brought by internal energy was broken under Liu Bei's command.

(End of this chapter)

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