The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 267: The Three Evil Men of the Government Affairs Office

Chapter 267: The Three Evil Men of the Government Affairs Office

After all, Chen Xi, Yang Ji and Zhao Yun are fundamentally different.

Let’s not talk about Zhao Yun. He already had internal energy out of his body before he changed his career and became a civil official. There is nothing much to say.

As for Yang Ji, he also awakened his spiritual talent first and then achieved the state of internal energy leaving the body.

However, Yang Ji is not a normal human being, so it is not a big problem for him to have the will and fighting ability to leave his body with internal energy.

It would be shocking if there was no such fighting power.

But Chen Xi was different. Although Chen Xi was the same as Yang Ji, he clearly awakened his spiritual talent first and then possessed the internal energy outside his body.

However, based on Chen Xi's willpower before the business law incident, he was simply unable to exert the combat power that his internal energy could have.

Before Chen Xi condensed his own will, basically no one thought that Chen Xi could exert the combat power that his internal energy should have when leaving his body.

Even if you randomly find an officer who has practiced Qigong in the Fenggao camp, he can temporarily pin Chen Xi to the ground and beat him.

Although due to the super recovery ability of internal energy leaving the body, Chen Xi can win the victory through a war of attrition.

However, let alone Yang Ji who would certainly mock him, even Chen Xi himself did not think that his fighting ability was worthy of his internal energy level.

Therefore, when the commercial law incident was over, everyone suddenly realized that it seemed that Chen Xi had already condensed his own will.

After concentrating his own will, Chen Xi finally truly mastered the internal energy in his body, although he probably still couldn't beat Brother Tiao.

Fan Qin, Guo Jia and others suddenly discovered that Chen Xi, who was originally a poor fighter, suddenly became a rare master of internal energy.

If that were all, Guo Jia, Fan Qin and the others wouldn't have had much of an opinion. After all, there had been great men who had mastered both civil and martial arts and had achieved great success.

The fact that Chen Xi suddenly possessed the will and fighting power to allow internal energy to leave his body would stimulate some people who wanted to embark on the path of practicing both civil and martial arts.

But if Chen Xi had only become a leader who was proficient in both civil and military affairs, it would not have caused much shock under Liu Bei's rule.

After all, not everyone can embark on the path of mastering both civil and military skills, and this path cannot be achieved with just hard work.

However, when Cheng Yu, the pervert who was cultivating his physique every day, invited Chen Xi to a fist-to-fist fight after get off work one day, the nature of things began to change.

After watching a fist-to-fist fight between Cheng Yu and Chen Xi, Li Ru might have remembered his life in Liangzhou when he was young, or maybe he was simply displeased with Cheng Yu.

In short, Li Ru took off his robe in front of everyone in the Government Affairs Office, revealing his muscular body.

Then Cheng Yu was hung up and beaten by Li Ru because Li Ru's beating style was too brutal.

Only attack, no defense, fists and kicks go straight to the vital points.

Moreover, Li Ru's muscle defense was so thick that it seemed as if he was wearing a 200-layer armor shield. Cheng Yu's fists had no way of breaking through the defense and he could only take the beating unilaterally.

Having lost two games in a row, Cheng Yu suspected that Li Ru had achieved the state of leaving his body through intensive cultivation of internal energy, otherwise it would have been impossible for him to build up such a thick muscle defense.

To this, Li Ru simply replied calmly that he had not yet achieved the level of intensive cultivation to the point where his internal energy could leave his body.

The reason why he could stack such thick armor was because he had melted three elite talents of muscle defense. After all, this was the only elite talent he was proficient in...

Li Ru said the shocking words in a calm tone.

What do you mean by melting three elite talents of muscle defense? Ah——

Listen, is this human language? There are only three of them. How many muscles of defense did they have to forge?
The key is how Li Ru succeeded in smelting it. This is the key.

However, before others could ask clearly, Jia Xu, the insecure guy, jumped out and said that he wanted to have a fight with Li Ru.

After Jia Xu jumped out, he did not reveal his muscular little belly like Li Ru and Cheng Yu.

Instead, he took out a dagger that was very familiar to Li Ru.

Although the short sword in Jia Xu's hand looked very familiar to Li Ru, he couldn't remember where he had seen it in a short period of time.

However, Li Ru soon realized why the dagger in Jia Xu's hand looked so familiar.

Because Jia Xu made a sudden advance and then used the sharp warrior's [Hide the Spirit in the Sword].

If Li Ru's reaction and defense were not strong enough, the special edition ring-handled sword that Li Ru had just taken out would have been cut off by Jia Xu's sword.

Can you imagine the feeling of a 200-pound fat man leaving an afterimage? (I don't know how much Jia Xu weighs, but he is a fat guy, so you can imagine it yourself.)
Everyone was shocked. Anyone who saw Jia Xu's extremely agile afterimage was shocked.

Is this still the Jia Xu and Jia Wenhe who looks ordinary and only hurts Tianhe but not Wenhe?

"Three levels of concealing the spirit in the sword, plus one level of swiftness and agility?

It's really hard for you to choose to build such a talent structure. "Li Ru sneered.

How could Li Ru, who was born in Liangzhou, not see what elite talent Jia Xu was using?

Li Ru was not surprised that Jia Xu thought of the talent smelting technique to enhance physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

Yang Ji has been teaching veteran soldiers in the military camp the techniques of talent refinement for a long time.

As long as one is willing, it is not a problem to use their abilities to refine one or two elite talents that one can analyze.

Even Jia Xu's discovery of the fourth level of smelting was not enough to surprise Li Ru. After all, he was about to complete the fourth level of talent smelting.

Moreover, the fourth level of smelting that Jia Xu chose is the relatively simple talent of Swiftness and Agility.

The fourth level of smelting that Li Ru chose was idealistic defense. This talent was not something that could be achieved casually.

If Li Ru had not used the power of the Feixiong Army's military soul to build a natural defense structure for himself.

Otherwise, it would be nothing but a foolish dream for Li Ru to complete the talent smelting of idealistic defense in such a short time.

The reason why Li Ru was able to complete the triple smelting of muscle defense within such a short time after he thought of the talent smelting.

It relies on Li Ru's sufficient understanding of the talent structure of muscle defense. After all, the Xiliang Iron Cavalry was created by Li Ru.

And what about Jia Xu, what did he rely on, and how did he complete the smelting of the triple talent of hiding the spirit in the sword?

Li Ru clearly remembered that Liu Bei did not have a corps of elite warriors under his command, and he did not even have a corps that could use the elite talent of Hiding the Spirit in the Sword.

So, how did Jia Xu fuse the spirit into the sword? This is a big question.

It is undeniable that Jia Xu, who also came from Liangzhou, must have seen Duan Xing's elite army.

However, when Duan Xing led his elite soldiers to sweep across the Qiang tribes in Liangzhou, could Jia Xu really get close to Duan Xing's elite army?
However, these are not important. The most important thing for Liangzhou men is to be able to fight. As long as they can fight, there is no problem.

"Although the combination of Hiding the Soul in the Sword and Swiftness is a bit strange, don't you think this talent is very suitable for me?

Although I will have to replace swiftness and agility sooner or later." Jia Xu smiled.

Li Ru stared at Jia Xu's steps and replied casually: "Hiding your spirit in the sword is indeed quite suitable for your personality.

It's just that the agility is a bit laggy, maybe it would be better if it were replaced with a glimpse."

After all, an assassin's job is to hide in the shadows, looking for an opportunity to kill with one strike.

Well… although the four great assassins recorded in history books were not the type of assassins lurking in the shadows looking for opportunities.

However, after being influenced by Chen Xi and Yang Ji's knowledge, Li Ru and Jia Xu quickly agreed with the stereotype that assassins lurk in the shadows.

"A fleeting glimpse, this was also my original goal, but the difficulty is really a bit high.

I don't have the luxury of yours to build a talent structure directly by burning the power of the military soul. "Jia Xu shook his head and despised Li Ru's cheating behavior.

The two men stopped talking and started a fight that was even more dangerous than before. It was called a sparring match, but in reality, it was a bloody battle.

What’s even more terrible is that after the fight, the two were covered in blood, and Chen Xi wanted to send them to the medical school.

However, what is amazing is that although the two men shed blood with their swords, they looked full of energy and did not look like they had lost so much blood.

After Chen Xi asked, everyone understood that these two people used their internal energy to nourish their bodies.

It’s just that now my physical fitness has not reached the lower limit of practicing the internal energy leaving the body, so I have not achieved the internal energy leaving the body.

As for why they chose to refine their talents, Jia Xu and Li Ru said it was to strengthen their physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

As for why they wanted to strengthen their physical fitness and combat effectiveness, they both said it was to advance their internal Qi out of body.

Just a very nonsense sentence.

Perhaps this bloody battle left a very deep impression on the people in the Government Affairs Hall.

So Li Ru, who was already very scary, became even more terrifying now.

Otherwise, why do people say that Cheng Yu is a pervert? Others are afraid of the bloody battle between Li Ru and Jia Xu.

He went straight up to ask Li Ru for advice on the techniques of refining his talent.

Then one day, Xu Shu, who came back from Yanzhou to report on his work, also discovered the talent smelting technique that can be used to enhance physical fitness and combat effectiveness, and he also asked Li Ru for advice.

Then, the civil officials in the Government Affairs Office began to develop a trend of strengthening their physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

With the nourishment of internal energy to the body, it is relatively easy to reach a level of physical fitness sufficient to refine one's talent.

However, compared to refining their talents to strengthen their physical fitness, other people in the Government Affairs Hall prefer to improve their physical strength by honing their martial arts.

After all, practicing martial arts only requires persistence in order to improve your physical fitness through the nourishment of internal energy.

The path of talent refinement requires more than just simple self-training.

To refine your talents, you first have to join a legion and train to master the corresponding talents.

This alone is enough to discourage most people who are attracted by the fancy effects of elite talents.

Not everyone has the qualifications and ability like Li Ru to mobilize the power of military soul and forcibly construct a talent structure.

As the saying goes, what goes up must come down, and this is it.

The top leaders in the Government Affairs Office are all trying to find ways to strengthen their physical fitness and combat effectiveness.

Can't those middle and lower-level officials find ways to strengthen their physical fitness and combat effectiveness?
Originally, Guo Jia didn't want to join this trend. After all, he didn't think he had much talent in martial arts.

What Guo Jia wanted was to strengthen his own mental strength, forcibly break the constraints of the human body, and draw the essence of heaven and earth to cleanse his body.

After all, before Chen Xi achieved the true ability of leaving his body with internal energy, he also relied on such a secret technique to break through. He simply reproduced Chen Xi's operation.

However, when he expressed this idea, Chen Xi, together with Li Ru and others, beat Guo Jia up.

After all, everyone else is competing in physical fitness and fighting ability, and you are the only one who is just slacking off there. Who else should we beat if not you?

Even Xun Yu, who originally just wanted to hone his swordsmanship, took some time out to seriously hone his swordsmanship after seeing Guo Jia being beaten.

In short, under the high-pressure rule with Chen Xi, Li Ru and Jia Xu as the core, and Cheng Yu and Xu Shu as accomplices, the Fenggao Government Affairs Office has now completely changed its atmosphere.

When Yang Ji, who was standing next to him, heard Chen Xi advising Zhuge Liang and the others to focus on their martial arts, he looked at Chen Xi thoughtfully.

He said, how could a person like Guo Jia take the initiative to improve his physical fitness.

It turns out that Guo Jia did not forget to practice swordsmanship after arriving in Qingzhou. It turned out that it was because there were a few bullies in the Government Affairs Office.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi looked at each other, then immediately looked away in disgust, but both agreed with Chen Xi's advice.

After all, something that deserves Chen Xi's serious explanation is definitely not a simple matter.

Maybe the martial arts that are being honed now are in preparation for going to the battlefield.

"By the way, what's the current situation at the Government Affairs Office?" Yang Ji asked Chen Xi while looking at Sima Lang and Zhuge Jin.

After all, it’s obvious at first glance that these two guys can’t fight, so they won’t be bullied after they go in, right?
Chen Xi also understood what Yang Ji wanted to ask. After looking at Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang, he said to Yang Ji:
"If they work in the government office, they won't be bullied in the office.

After all, my spiritual talent has been awakened, so it should be relatively easy for me to catch up with them."

Yang Ji nodded. It seemed that the quality of the internal competition in the Government Affairs Department was still in a good state.

Those who want to make progress will naturally choose to get involved, and those who want to lie down will naturally not be affected by the internal circulation of others.

After all, although Chen Xi is the leader of the three evil men in the Government Affairs Office, he is also the king of the lazy ones in the Government Affairs Office.

Therefore, those who only want to work hard in their own track and do not want to cross tracks to cultivate immortals do not have to worry about being forced to be involved in the internal competition.

Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang looked at each other and saw confusion in each other's eyes.

What are Yang Ji and Chen Xi talking about? What is office bullying?

Also, do you need to take an assessment of martial arts skills to work in the Fenggao Government Affairs Office?

(End of this chapter)

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