Chapter 272: Changes in Sun Ce and Zhou Yu
Liu Bei did not stop Xun Chen and Ju Shou from seeking intelligence from Xun Shuang.

In other words, this is what Liu Bei wanted them to do.

Today, he no longer needs to hide his strength.

The most important thing he should do is to show his strength openly and honestly.

"Zi Yu, are you really not going to attend tomorrow's sacrifice?" Liu Bei put down the documents in his hand and said in the empty Keji Hall.

As soon as Liu Bei finished speaking, a shadow suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Lord Xuande, you also know that my status is not suitable for me to appear in this kind of sacrificial scene.

Unless one day I become a sacrifice on the altar myself." Yang Ji made a small joke.

"When the time comes, you just need to bring Zichuan and the others with you. I will watch you from the viewing stand outside." Yang Ji had a slight smile on his face, and he did not show any disappointment at not being able to attend the grand ceremony.

Liu Bei looked at Yang Ji's shadow in silence for a long time, lowered his eyes, and solemnly promised Yang Ji: "Next time, the next time I offer sacrifices, I will definitely let you join the sacrificial team openly!"

Yang Ji chuckled, looked at Liu Bei with a determined face, restrained the smile on his lips, and replied to Liu Bei in the same solemn tone: "Okay, then I will wait for the day when you fulfill your promise."

After saying this, Yang Ji directly withdrew the projection of his will. This scene was too sensational and he couldn't handle it.

Yang Ji, whose real body is still in the Government Affairs Hall, wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead. He was indeed worthy of being the Han succubus Liu Xuande.

No wonder even Li Ru and Jia Xu, who understood human nature and had seen the darkness in it, were impressed by Liu Bei's benevolence.

I can’t bear it. I really can’t bear it.

[Is it the will of the empire? ] Yang Ji thought silently, looking towards the direction of the Self-Restraint Hall.

Liu Bei looked at the phantom in front of him that turned into tiny floating lights, and his thoughts drifted to the scene in the future when everyone would participate in the sacrificial ceremony together.

What a beautiful picture that would be.

After lowering his head and imagining the future, Liu Bei picked up the official document on the crystal desk and walked out of the Keji Hall. Now he wanted to check the preparations at the Jingling Hall again.

Turning our attention back to the Government Affairs Office, Chen Xi and others were discussing the affairs of Xuzhou.

Chen Xi held up the letter and said, "The envoy of Xuzhou Tao Gongzu sent a letter to Lord Xuande, saying that he wanted Lord Xuande to go to Xuzhou."

"It seems that Tao Gongzu should have made a decision about the future of Xuzhou." Jia Xu said after taking a look at the letter in Chen Xi's hand.

At the same time, Jia Xu also secretly glanced at Yang Ji, who seemed to be in a trance.

Hasn't Yang Ji been with Liu Bei these days? How did Tao Qian's letter end up in Chen Xi's hands?
"The Xuzhou aristocratic families will not sit idly by and watch Lord Xuande take over Xuzhou." Li Ru sneered. He knew very well what kind of people the aristocratic families were.

“Besides, Tao Gongzu is old now, and he is probably afraid that his son will not be able to suppress the Xuzhou family, so he came to Lord Xuande.

Using the land of Xuzhou to exchange for his son's wealth and honor, it's really..." Li Ru shook his head, not knowing how to evaluate Tao Qian's approach.

However, Li Ru could understand Tao Qian's approach. After all, since ancient times, the people on this land have always had ancestors who considered their descendants.

"I have a doubt. Will Tao Gongzu really choose Lord Xuande? You know, we defeated Yuan Gonglu in Yuzhou."

Fa Zheng looked at Chen Xi and said, if he remembered correctly, it was Chen Xi who broke through Pingyu.

After Hulao Pass, although Liu Bei never actually joined the Alliance, Tao Qian and Gongsun Zan, who provided Liu Bei with the greatest help in external aid, were actual members of the Alliance.

As a result, Liu Bei turned around and defeated Yuan Shu, the leader of the Shu Alliance. It was hard for Tao Qian not to have some thoughts after seeing this behavior.

"Do you think the Xuzhou family will let Tao Gongzu choose Yuan Gonglu?" Jia Xu said lightly.

"Compared to Yuan Gonglu, it seems that Lord Xuande is more dangerous." Fa Zheng said pointedly.

Jia Xu looked at Fa Zheng with a provocative look on his face and wanted to make Fa Zheng feel the pain of being shrouded by his shadow again.

But after thinking about it carefully, forget it. After all, there is no Guo Jia standing in front of him. It would be funny if he was defeated by Fa Zheng.

After Fa Zheng awakened his spiritual talent, it became increasingly difficult for people like them to suppress him in the areas that Fa Zheng was truly good at.

It is estimated that in two or three years, Fa Zheng will be able to truly compete with these old seniors.

Moreover, Jia Xu felt that what Fa Zheng said this time was very right. Compared to a fool like Yuan Shu, Liu Bei was indeed more like a big devil.

What's more, Yuan Shu was a member of their aristocratic family circle. Compared with Liu Bei, a down-and-out wandering royal family member who started out as a mat weaver and shoe seller, Yuan Shu was their fellow traveler.

Moreover, judging from the decrees issued by the Fenggao Government Affairs Office and implemented in two states and three counties, Liu Bei did not favor the aristocratic families very much.

To say that he doesn't like him is a nice way of putting it. To put it bluntly, Liu Bei's current behavior is digging at the roots of the aristocratic family.

Therefore, compared to a reformer like Liu Bei who wanted to uproot the foundation of the aristocratic family, a fool like Yuan Shu who only wanted to restore the glory of his ancestors was more worthy of allegiance.

"So, Tao Gongzu came to see Lord Xuande." Jia Xu looked at Fa Zheng and said.

Although I don't want to argue with Fa Zheng, this hot-tempered middle school boy, some things still need to be said.

Fa Zheng opened his mouth and said, "Fuck, why are we coming back to this?"

For the Xuzhou families, compared to having their roots dug out by the reformer Liu Bei, Yuan Shu, who only encroached on their interests in Xuzhou, was more trustworthy.

Therefore, with the continuous activation of the local families in Xuzhou, Tao Qian chose Liu Bei, who had been distracted before.

For no other reason than because the Xuzhou aristocratic families chose Yuan Shu, so Tao Qian had to choose Liu Bei, whom the Xuzhou aristocratic families opposed.

"What if Tao Gongzu chooses someone other than Lord Xuande and Yuan Gonglu?" Fa Zheng thought about it and finally found a way out.

Seeing everyone's faces full of "Are you serious?", Fa Zheng coughed lightly and said, "Ahem, just treat me as bullshit."

Chen Xi raised his eyes to look at Fa Zheng, and suddenly said: "No, besides us and Yuan Gonglu, there is really a prince who is worthy of trust around Xuzhou."

"Ah?" Fa Zheng was a little confused. Did Chen Xi know what he was talking about? How come he didn't know that there were such princes around Xuzhou?

Li Ru, Jia Xu and others immediately looked at Chen Xi. They were very interested in the guy with great potential that Chen Xi mentioned.

Now let's get to know this hero from Chen Xi. After the meeting, we will find trouble with him and see if this hero is worthy of Chen Xi's praise.

As for where Chen Xi learned the news about this hero, that was none of their business.

Apart from Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai and others who might care more about it, how could other people care about such things?

Anyway, they were in the same camp as Chen Xi. The stronger Chen Xi was, the more they could benefit from it, or even eat its meat. Chen Xi didn't hesitate and directly mentioned the names of two people that the big guys had never paid much attention to before, "They are Sun Bofu and Zhou Gongjin."

Although there were Yangzhou and Yuzhou between Jiangxia County and Xuzhou, which were originally occupied by Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

However, as long as Zhou Yu can capture Yangzhou within this period of time, it will not be a waste of time to look forward to Xuzhou.

Sun Ce and Zhou Yu are not the kind of aristocratic families in the south of the Yangtze River whose fighting spirit has been worn down by the natural dangers of the Yangtze River.

After taking Yangzhou, no one knows what choice Sun Ce will make, but Zhou Yu will definitely look north to the Central Plains.

After Chen Xi said the names of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, everyone was confused for a moment before they realized who Chen Xi was talking about.

Jia Xu glanced at Chen Xi who was looking at him, then silently took out a document from his briefcase.

"Yes, these are the recent changes in Jiangnan." Jia Xu placed the intelligence document on the table for everyone to review.

"It seems that you, Wenhe, have already noticed the two sworn brothers." Chen Xi smiled and pulled out a book of intelligence and opened it to check.

"Sure enough, he is worthy of being called Zhou Gongjin. He actually sent his navy to directly capture Yuzhang County.

And... Jiujiang and Lujiang counties?" Chen Xi frowned and looked at Jia Xu.

Chen Xi remembered that Jiujiang and Lujiang counties should have been directly occupied by Yuan Shu, so how come they were now under the rule of Sun Ce?
Jia Xu said succinctly: "Yuan Gonglu adopted Sun Bofu and Zhou Gongjin as his adopted sons, and then handed over the two counties of Jiujiang and Lujiang to them."


No, what kind of luck is this? Yuan Shu actually gave away two counties...

No, it was three counties, and there was also a Jiangxia County. Yuan Shu actually gave three counties to Sun Bofu.

Li Ru, Xun Yu, Xi Zhicai and others were speechless. Isn't it true that Sun Jian's son is too lucky?

And it seems that Zu Mao died at the hands of Hua Xiong because of Yuan Shu...

If that's the case, then the reason Yuan Shu gave Jiujiang and Lujiang counties to Sun Ce couldn't be to compensate him...

This thought suddenly popped up in Chen Xi's mind.

However, sheltering Sun Jian's family was already Yuan Shu's compensation for this matter. How could Yuan Shu give the two counties of Jiujiang and Lujiang to Sun Ce?
Although Yuan Shu did not have any top-notch wise men under his command, he still had some second-rate counselors. How could he not prevent this from happening?

Either Yuan Shu acted arbitrarily and used the fact that Sun Ce was his adopted son as an excuse to hand over the two counties of Jiujiang and Lujiang to Sun Ce.

Either Zhou Yu convinced the advisers under Yuan Shu and made them acquiesce in Yuan Shu's actions.

However, no matter which method Sun Ce and Zhou Yu used to obtain the two counties of Jiujiang and Lujiang.

Sun Ce, who controlled the four counties of Jiangxia, Jiujiang, Lujiang and Yuzhang, could be said to be one of the most powerful princes in the world.

Looking at the Han Dynasty today, there are only a few princes who have completely occupied a state.

Liu Bei, who occupied Qingzhou and Yanzhou plus three counties, Gongsun Zan of Youzhou, Yuan Shao of Jizhou, Yuan Shu of Yuzhou, Lu Bu of Bingzhou, and Liu Yan of Yizhou.

Who else?
Oh, by the way, there is also a Shi Xie from Jiaozhou.

However, even in Shi Xie's case, can he really be considered a prince who occupied an entire state?
Chen Xi calmed down and continued reading. His brows twitched when he saw a few names.

The two brothers Zhang Zhao and Zhang Hong, Zhou Tai, Jiang Qin, Wen Pin, Liao Li, Gu Yong, Yu Fan, Dong Xi, Ling Cao and his son, etc.

Chen Xi gently pointed at these names with his fingers, with an inexplicable expression on his face.

The history of this world has more to do with the involvement of Chen Xi and Yang Ji. Sun Ce was able to gather so many people under his command. The luck of the Little Overlord of Jiangdong should not be underestimated.

Chen Xi shook his head. Even if Sun Ce had so many talented people under his command, in the end he could only sigh helplessly.

Because, as long as they completely digest the three states of Qing, Xu and Yan, the world will be unified.

What? You said Xuzhou was not under Liu Bei's rule?
Haha, it’s just a matter of time. Even if Sun Ce’s luck explodes and he is really chosen by Tao Qian, what does it matter?

Would Li Ru, Jia Xu and others really watch Sun Ce take control of Xuzhou?

Stop daydreaming. If it wasn’t Liu Bei who finally took over Xuzhou, the army under Liu Bei’s command would not be a mere decoration.

If Sun Ce really wanted to have a fight with Liu Bei, Chen Xi wouldn't mind throwing Yang Ji up.

At least show some respect to General Zhou Yu.

"Wenhe did a good job in intelligence work." Chen Xi put down the document in his hand and praised Jia Xu.

Judging from the dates marked on the intelligence documents, most of them were delivered to Fenggao in the past half month.

"Ahem," Jia Xu coughed a few times, "This is not all my credit. These were basically the connections that Feng Xiao had laid out a long time ago. I just followed Feng Xiao and picked up the leaks."

To be honest, Jia Xu was also very shocked when he learned that Guo Jia actually had such an in-depth layout in Jiangnan.

This group of people basically focuses on the Central Plains in the north, and rarely turn their attention to the areas south of the Yangtze River.

What was the area south of the Yangtze River during the late Han Dynasty?
Is it because the population of this place is large, or is the grain production high enough, or is the economy good enough?

Hearing Jia Xu say this, Chen Xi's gaze couldn't help but drift towards Yang Ji, who was still daydreaming.

Chen Xi vaguely remembered that after Guo Jia took over and established the intelligence system under Liu Bei, he seemed to have often visited Yang Ji.

"Okay, let's not discuss Sun Bofu and Zhou Gongjin for now. Potential is just potential after all, and it doesn't mean anything."

Chen Xi knocked on the table, drawing everyone's attention back to Sun Ce's amazing luck.

Just like he said just now, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu have potential, but it is just potential.

Although Yuan Shu attracted everyone's attention because he was extremely generous in giving him three counties.

But, in fact, that's all. After all, the potential has not yet been converted into strength.

Are you surprised by the strength of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu?
No, they were surprised at the luck of Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

Of course, if Sun Ce took over Yuzhou under Yuan Shu’s rule, Chen Xi would not be as calm as he is now.

(End of this chapter)

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