The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 273 Jia Xu: It’s amazing that you have high combat power?!

Chapter 273 Jia Xu: Is it amazing that I have high combat power? /!

"According to the current status of Xuzhou and the surrounding princes, Tao Gongzu can only choose Lord Xuande.

The Xuzhou noble family would most likely choose Yuan Gonglu. "When Chen Xi said this, he glanced at Xun Yu out of the corner of his eye.

If Cao Cao still occupied Yanzhou and showed a prosperous situation, Cao Cao might be one of Tao Qian's choices.

Who knows, it might even drag both Cao Cao and Liu Bei into the battle for Xuzhou.

Sometimes, things you snatch with your own hands are much more precious than things given to you by others.

This is what Tao Qian's many years of experience as an official told him.

"What's the current situation on Yuangong Road?" Chen Xi turned his attention to Jia Xu.

Cao Cao has now been kicked out of the chess game and can only be regarded as a spectator, not even a chess piece.

The chess spectators can only make random comments outside the game and cannot influence the decision of the chess players at all.

Is it possible that one day the chess piece will jump out of the chessboard and become the chess player, rather than the spectator?

When the chess player is willing to put it into the game and turn it into a chess piece, he will say, "Just wait for a comeback."

Jia Xu did not answer Chen Xi's question immediately, but took out another intelligence document from his briefcase.

It’s not that Jia Xu hasn’t read this volume of official documents related to the current situation of Yuzhou and Yuan Shu, but first-hand information is very important.

Often, what is conveyed through human speech will inevitably be mixed with the communicator’s personal speculation or emotions, creating a superficial filter for the recipient.

This filter is likely to cause the recipient of the information to misjudge the basis of their judgment.

As for whether you can parse out what you really want from the complicated information that has been passed on countless times, it depends on your personal ability.

"This is the latest information delivered last night. I think you should take a look at it yourself." Jia Xu said this with a complicated tone.

Hearing Jia Xu's complicated tone, Chen Xi's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that Yuan Shu of Yuzhou was causing trouble again?
Yuan Shu’s last raid on Jingzhou was a chain reaction caused by the joint efforts of various forces.

But who the hell could have thought that Yuan Shu was so good at fighting and almost defeated Liu Biao.

If Liu Bei's army had not been strong enough, Yuan Shu would have been the number one lord in the world, covering the three states of Yu, Jing and Yang.
Who knows, he might be able to take over Jiaozhou as well with the power of the three states.

If Yuan Shu was strong enough, he would have directly appointed Sun Ce and Zhou Yu as the main generals to attack Yizhou and take Yizhou alone.

With Yuan Shu's silly personality, he might really entrust important tasks to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, whom he has adopted as his sons.

Moreover, according to Chen Xi's intuition, if Yuan Shu really entrusted important tasks to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, the authority given to them would not be low.

However, when Chen Xi opened the document that Jia Xu handed to him, his defenses were still broken.

"Has Yuan Shu finally lost his mind?" Chen Xi couldn't help but screamed.

Jia Xu looked at the speechless Chen Xi with a calm face. He had almost the same thought when he received the news last night.

Chen Xi's scream attracted more people's attention. Not to mention everyone who was paying close attention to this matter, there were also Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang who were daydreaming like Yang Ji.

On their first day at work, they encountered this heavy news concerning who would be able to take over Xuzhou, so Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang could only try to reduce their presence as much as possible to avoid being checked by Chen Xi.

This kind of thing is not something that the two newbies in the Government Affairs Office should know about or get involved in. It would be best for them to listen and learn more.

Only in such major events can these two young people learn things that only the big guys know.

Although there are quite a few people in the crowd who are about the same age as them, or even younger than them.

Regarding this, Zhuge Jin and Sima Lang could only say that people are different.

Genius, who hasn't called himself a genius when he was young, but there are always people in the world who are more talented than you.

What's more, for some people in the world, genius is just the threshold to seeing them.

"Zichuan, what has happened over there on Yuan Gonglu that surprised you so much.

Say it out loud and let us have some fun too." Fan Qin was the first to jump out and say.

The time when he is most excited is when he transforms into an Aha believer, although sometimes Fan Qin himself has to transform into Aha and become a source of entertainment for Aha believers.

Chen Xi suppressed the surprise on his face, glanced at the somewhat excited Fan Qin, and then handed the document in his hand directly to Fan Qin. He wanted to see if Fan Qin could still be happy later.

When Fan Qin opened the document, the smiling expression on his face froze on his face, and then it turned into shock frame by frame.

It was clearly written on the document: Yuan Shu handed over the affairs of Yuzhou to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu three days ago, while Yuan Shu himself was hiding in his mansion in Shouchun and no one knew what he was doing.

After Chen Xi handed the document to Fan Qin, he didn't care how funny the expression on his brother-in-law's face was, or how much shock this information brought to others.

Instead, he walked straight to Yang Ji, who was still in a trance.

"Zi Yu, come back to your senses. I have something to ask you." Chen Xi patted Yang Ji's shoulder and spoke to Yang Ji as calmly as possible.

Following Chen Xi's movements, Yang Ji's dull eyes gradually gathered the brilliance they should have.

Yang Ji looked at Chen Xi, who had walked in front of him for some unknown reason, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong?"

Chen Xi didn't say anything, he just stretched his hand back, and then a document fell into his hand.

Chen Xi did not rush to hand the document to Yang Ji, but asked Yang Ji first: "Do you know what Yuan Shu has done recently?"

"Yuan Shu?" Yang Ji scratched his head. "Didn't his latest move involve moving the government to Shouchun?"

Chen Xi didn't say anything, but handed the document in his hand to Yang Ji, motioning him to take a look first.

Yang Ji lowered his head to look at the document that Chen Xi handed over, which was marked with yesterday's date. He raised his head to look at Chen Xi, who looked a little serious, and then turned his head to look at everyone who was looking at him silently.

Yang Ji flipped open the document he had just received. He wanted to see what eye-catching move Yuan Shu had made recently.

After reading it, Yang Ji closed the document without any emotion.

If it was Yuan Shu, there would be nothing surprising about him doing such a thing.

After all, he is Yuan Shu.

The fact that Yuan Shu handed over his foundation to Sun Ce was just the conclusion of the timeline and there was nothing surprising about it.

What's more, Jia Xu waited until now to release this intelligence, which proves that the matter is still under control.

"..." Yang Ji closed his eyes and placed his left elbow on the table to support his forehead.

Although it was not surprising what Yuan Shu would do, when Yang Ji saw Yuan Shu entrusting the affairs to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, an idea still came to his mind.

[Could it be that Yu Ji had approached Sun Ce in advance?] Yang Ji now suspected that it was Yu Ji who had prompted Yuan Shu to make the choice.

After Sun Ce became tied to Zhou Yu, his luck was already flourishing, so it was not impossible that he was discovered by Yu Ji at this time.

[But, isn't this time too early?] Yang Ji was a little skeptical.

Although Yu Ji had been planning this matter a long time ago, it did not actually break out until twenty years later.

Sun Quan is only ten years old now, and Yu Ji can’t wait to seize Sun Ce’s luck?

This couldn't possibly be the influence of Yang Ji, Chen Xi was clearly also a huge source of influence...

"Zi Yu, did you discover something?" Seeing Yang Ji like this, Chen Xi asked hurriedly.

In addition to Jia Xu, others were also keeping a close eye on Yang Ji. They also wanted to know whether Sun Ce was really so lucky.

They don't need to care about the civil and military officials that Sun Ce picked up on the road, after all, Liu Bei is not bad either.

However, they could not tolerate the fact that Sun Ce just took over Yuan Shu's foundation.

Sun Ce simply recognized an adoptive father, and then reaped a share of the foundation laid by the adoptive father. Is this some kind of Long Aotian novel?
What is Sun Ce's reason? Is it because his father is dead?
Why did they fight so hard to establish their empire here, and then Sun Ce inherited it?

Report, I want to report that someone is cheating here!
After Yang Ji calmed down, he said to Chen Xi, "Tomorrow, check if Yuan Gonglu is among the crowd watching the ceremony."

Chen Xi frowned, "Do you think Yuan Shu handed the matter over to Sun Ce because he wanted to come to Fenggao to personally see our Jingling Hall Grand Ceremony?"

The others also frowned. It was just a sacrifice within Fenggao. Was it necessary for Yuan Shu to come in person?

Even if you want to test Liu Bei's military strength, you can just send a few envoys to investigate. There is no need to come here in person, right?
Yang Ji shook his head. "Yuan Shu's visit to the Jingling Hall to watch the ceremony was just a sideshow. His real target should be Doctor Hua and Doctor Zhang from Fenggao Medical College."

"Wenhe, you should have some relevant information, right?" Yang Ji looked at Jia Xu who was thinking about something.

Jia Xu nodded, then slid his index finger from top to bottom across a row of folders, and finally pulled out a document from a folder.

Combined with the information obtained from Yang Ji, Jia Xu finally filled in the missing part of the information.

It seems that I need to learn from Guo Jia and visit Yang Ji more often to chat.

"Yes, this should be what you want." Jia Xu handed the document to Yang Ji.

He had already seen what was in it, so he didn't need to see it again.

Yang Ji took the document handed over by Jia Xu, opened it and saw that it was exactly what he thought.

Yang Ji closed the document and handed it to the curious Chen Xi next to him, then said to Jia Xu: "Wenhe, you should explain it to them."

"Ahem," Jia Xu coughed lightly, and then said, "Yuan Shu's only son Yuan Yao is seriously ill. He must have heard that there are two great doctors, Hua and Zhang, in Fenggao Medical College, so he brought his only son here."

Chen Xi put down the document in his hand and said to Jia Xu with some resentment: "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

There was also a hint of coldness in the eyes of the others when they looked at Jia Xu.

You, Jia Xu, didn't even inform them of such an important event. Don't you want to do intelligence work anymore?

Especially the coldness in Li Ru's eyes, which seemed to condense into an ice arrow and nail Jia Xu to the ground.

[Let’s go find Jia Wenhe to practice after work.] This was revealed in Li Ru’s eyes.

Jia Xu just glanced at Li Ru with contempt, as if I, Jia Xu, was not a tough guy from Xiliang.

"If there was no additional information from Zi Yu, could you connect these pieces of information together?" Jia Xu said, pointing to several official documents on Yang Ji's desk.

Perhaps angered by Jia Xu's look, Li Ru said coldly, "Okay, let's put aside other things and talk about Yuan Shu temporarily handing over the affairs to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu. What do you think?"

Jia Xu sneered and said, "It's not just the aristocratic families in Xuzhou that have become active, many aristocratic families in Yuzhou have also become active."

Because of Yuan Shu's support, Sun Ce and Zhou Yu were able to gain recognition from Yuan Shu's subordinates.

However, the recognition of Yuan Shu and his subordinates does not mean that the Yuzhou aristocratic families will recognize it.

Sun Ce, Zhou Yu? Where did these young boys come from?

Oh, it turns out that they are the younger generations of the Sun family of Fuchun in Wujun and the Zhou family of Lujiang.

All right, since we are both from aristocratic families, I will reluctantly allow you to take over the affairs of Yuzhou temporarily.

However, your two families are just small families. Where do you get so many talents to support the development of Yuzhou, Yangzhou and Jingzhou?

So, let us uncles and aunts give you a hand - hahahaha.

This is probably what Sun Ce and Zhou Yu will encounter and solve next.

Similarly, this was probably the test that Yuan Shu left for Sun Ce and Zhou Yu.

"Well... okay." Chen Xi thought about it and felt that what Jia Xu said did make sense.

With the Yuzhou noble families holding them back, it would be difficult for Sun Ce and Zhou Yu to make any big moves in the near future.

After all, if the aristocratic families in Yuzhou want to hinder the development of the party, they are much more professional than the aristocratic families in Jiangnan.

Although the Jiangnan family is professional in dragging their feet, compared with the northern families, the fighting power of the Jiangnan family is just so-so.

How could the Jiangnan families, whose ambitions were dampened by the natural barrier of the Yangtze River, possibly compare with the Northern families in terms of combat effectiveness?

"Instead of paying attention to my affairs, Zichuan, you might as well pay attention to Yuan Gonglu."

Jia Xu tried to divert Chen Xi's attention. Chen Xi's fighting ability was indeed a little higher than that of this tough guy from Xiliang.

Chen Xi didn't think too much about it, and turned to Yang Ji and asked, "Zi Yu, what do you think?"

Yang Ji glanced at Jia Xu, who seemed to be fine, and said, "He is just a father who brought his son to see a doctor."

Yang Ji paused for a moment and said, "Just keep an eye on it, don't do anything unnecessary."

(End of this chapter)

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