Chapter 274 People on the viewing platform

"You wouldn't go and cause trouble for a father who is running around everywhere for his child's illness, right?" Yang Ji said to Chen Xi.

"..." Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji speechlessly. Could it be that in Yang Ji's stereotype, he was such a bored person?
If you have that much free time, you might as well have a cup of tea and some snacks in the Government Affairs Hall.

Yang Ji raised his eyes and glanced at the others, especially Li Ru, Jia Xu, and Cheng Yu, the dark and ruthless characters.

Yang Ji dared to guarantee that these people had definitely thought of tying up Yuan Shu right now.

Chen Xi shook his head. "Okay, don't think too much about it. Just like Zi Yu said, just treat him as a person seeking medical treatment."

How could Chen Xi not know what other people were thinking? It was just like Yang Ji said, Yuan Shu was now just a father who was running around to get his child's medical treatment.

Just treat yourself as an ordinary patient seeking medical treatment. There is no need to do anything unnecessary.

Li Ru glanced at Jia Xu, who was also in the dark camp, and then retracted his gaze.

Since Chen Xi and Yang Ji both said that there was no need to cause trouble for Yuan Shu, a small figure like him who followed behind the big guys would of course listen to the big guys.

I just don't know whether that cruel old man Jia Xu will listen to the boss.

Of course, in the end, Jia Xu said one thing in front of others and another behind their backs, and would go looking for trouble with Yuan Shu after work.

Then Li Ru would go to Chen Xi or Yang Ji to tell tales, and then he would stand by and watch the two big guys beat up the disobedient younger brothers. It sounded very interesting.

Li Ru had wanted to beat Jia Xu up for a long time, but because the two were equally powerful, he had never been able to carry out this plan.

However, it is also a very wonderful thing to rely on two powerful bosses to achieve things that you cannot do for the time being and make your mood smooth for a while.

Jia Xu's dark eyes moved, and his eyes swept over Li Ru, and a plan came to his mind.

Don't think that Li Ru is the only one who wants to beat Jia Xu up. Jia Xu has been wanting to beat Li Ru up for a long time.

Chen Xi ignored other people's messy thoughts and turned his gaze to Zhuge Jin.

Since we are talking about Xuzhou, of course we have to ask Zhuge Jin, a local of Xuzhou, not to mention that Zhuge Jin is a member of a Xuzhou family.

"Zi Yu, what do you think of the relationship between Tao Gongzu and the Xuzhou family?" Chen Xi asked Zhuge Jin.

Zhuge Jin blinked. He never expected that Chen Xi would bring up the topic of him. He just entered the Government Affairs Hall today. Is this really okay?
However, since Chen Xi asked, Zhuge Jin had to answer. He couldn't really say that he knew nothing.

Zhuge Jin pondered for a while, turning over the information he knew in his mind.

"There are roughly two most powerful forces in Xuzhou. One is the Danyang faction where Tao Gongzu belongs, and the other is the local aristocratic families in Xuzhou."

After Zhuge Jin's words, everyone present roughly understood why Xuzhou had come to this point.

After all, Tao Qian was from Danyang County in the neighboring Yangzhou, and not a native of Xuzhou.

If Tao Qian wants to truly control the power of Xuzhou, then he must have his own strength in Xuzhou that can compete with the Xuzhou aristocratic families.

Therefore, the Danyang faction, a warlord faction centered on the elite of Danyang, was newly formed under Tao Qian's leadership.

"The elite troops of Danyang?" Chen Xi looked at Yang Ji. This guy had applied the cooperation talents of the elite troops of Danyang to all the military organizations under Liu Bei's rule.

However, the shield guard that Chen Xi asked Huangfu Song to make is probably about to be completed. By then, the main army under Liu Bei's rule will not be the auxiliary army created by Yang Ji, but the shield guard that Chen Xi has drawn with krypton gold recharge.

Moreover, among the cooperative legions created by Yang Ji, there are many double-talented legions that have achieved legion cooperation.

At that time, let Huangfu Song clean up his talent and replace it with the adaptive and heavy armor defense talents exclusive to shield guards.

When Yang Ji suggested that Chen Xi go find Huangfu Song, Chen Xi didn't know why.

However, when Huangfu Song took out the shield guard, Chen Xi knew that his shortcomings had been made up.

Suddenly, Chen Xi felt that it was boring to talk about the ownership of Xuzhou.

Might as well go have tea.

Chen Xi subconsciously looked at Yang Ji, who had not participated in the discussion.

Sure enough, Yang Ji had seen all of this clearly a long time ago. He just sat there quietly watching others enthusiastically discussing an outcome that had already been predetermined.

Retracting his gaze, Chen Xi sat back in his seat and poured himself a cup of tea.

[Although the fate of Xuzhou has long been determined, but... let Lord Xuande handle it. I believe he will be very happy when he sees Tao Qian again. ]

Chen Xi took a sip of hot tea, thinking about Liu Bei who was still preparing for the grand ceremony in Jingling Hall.

Since Tao Qian asked Liu Bei to go to Xuzhou on his own, he must have been well prepared.

Although Liu Bei's overthrow of Yuan Shu in Yuzhou caused Tao Qian to feel estranged from Liu Bei, Liu Bei's benevolence also made Tao Qian make up his mind.

After searching around Xuzhou, Tao Qian could not find any other princes who could compare with Liu Bei except Liu Bei.

Yuan Shao of Jizhou is quite powerful. After joining forces with Yuan Shu, he should be able to compete with Liu Bei.

However, given Yuan Shu's character, would he really hand over his foundation to Yuan Shao?
As for the elders of the old Yuan family? Yuan Shu's stubborn temper would not tolerate the elders of his family arbitrarily deciding the future of Yuzhou.

If you want Yuan Shu and Yuan Shao to join forces, it is better to kill Yuan Shu and then plan for the two Yuans to join forces.

As for Sun Ce and Zhou Yu who have just emerged, it would be better for them to first deal with the aristocratic families in Yuzhou and take over Yangzhou before discussing Xuzhou.

If you want Liu Bei to accept your favor and all his subordinates to make a promise, the seal of the governor of Xuzhou alone is not enough.

Therefore, the Xuzhou aristocratic families will probably suffer a series of blows from Tao Qian next.

Don’t think that Cao Bao, that idiot, is unaware of the dealings between Tao Qian and the Xuzhou noble families just because he is old.

It just so happens that I will use your lives to exchange for the lifetime of wealth and honor that Liu Bei promised for my two sons!


The next day, the Jingling Hall Grand Ceremony officially began, and Liu Bei led everyone to the Jingling Hall from the east gate.

Yang Ji was wearing a black linen robe and standing on the viewing platform not far from the Jingling Hall.

Yuan Shu, Ju Shou, Xun Chen, Xun Shuang and others nearby looked at Yang Ji in surprise as he was not part of the sacrificial team.

"Zi Yu, what are you doing?" Xun Shuang glanced at the sacrificial team in the Jingling Hall and asked with some confusion.

According to Yang Ji's status under Liu Bei's rule, he should have appeared in the sacrificial team at this time, instead of standing on the viewing stand as a spectator.

Could it be that something happened recently within Liu Bei's circle that led to Yang Ji being excluded from Liu Bei's core circle?
However, Xun Shuang had not received any news about the major changes that had occurred within Liu Bei's organization.

Although Xunshang did not know as much about the internal affairs of Fenggao as Lu Zhi and Huangfu Song, his status was there after all, and he was also a good friend of Lu Zhi, Wang Lie and other great scholars.

So if Xun Shuang wanted to know something, it would be relatively easy for him to get some information from other people who knew about it.

However, Yang Ji's current situation really made him a little confused.

Yang Ji was not in the sacrificial team at the Jingling Temple, but appeared on the viewing platform outside.

There is so much that can be revealed from this.

It couldn't be that an internal conflict really broke out within Liu Bei, and then Yang Ji was squeezed out of the core, right?
However, Fenggao has been very peaceful recently, with no news of any unexpected events.

"Xun Sikong has been at Taishan Academy for a while. Hasn't he asked Lu Zhonglang and the others about me?"

Yang Ji glanced at Xun Shuang, then glanced at the others who had their ears perked up.

Xun Shuang hesitated for a moment, and said somewhat unnaturally: "Could the rumor that Lu Zigan and the others are talking about be true?"

"What do you think? I was personally asked to leave Jingling Temple by the chief priest of Jingling Temple." Yang Ji said with a smile.

"This... I thought it was just something made up by someone else." Xun Shuang forced an explanation, then looked Yang Ji up and down as if he was looking at a rare mythical beast.

Yang Ji felt a chill in his heart, and said with malicious eyes: "Can you please stop staring at me like that? Be careful or I'll go and pay my respects to you, a fellow buried up to his neck in the earth."

"Um, this... no need for that. I still want to live a few more years." A drop of cold sweat dripped from Xun Shuang's forehead.

Yang Ji's threat is really intimidating to elderly people like them who don't want to die for the time being.

Ju Su, who was standing by, whispered to Xun Chen, "Why don't you go ask your old man what's going on?"

Yuan Shu glanced at Yang Ji and Xun Shuang who were communicating happily, and then looked at the young man next to him who was craning his neck to see farther.

Yuan Yao, who was holding on to his father's clothes, didn't pay any attention to what Yang Ji and Xun Shuang were saying next to him. He just focused his attention on the sacrificial ceremony in the Jingling Hall.

At this moment, a rare hint of redness appeared on Yuan Yao's face, which stood out more against his pale face.

"Yuan Gonglu, are you bringing him here to see a doctor?" Xun Shuang turned his attention to Yuan Yao at some point.

Yuan Shu glanced at Xun Shuang, touched Yuan Yao's head, and nodded silently.

"It seems that the names of doctors Hua and Zhang have spread throughout the Han Dynasty." Xun Shuang stroked his beard and sighed.

"However, it was a good decision for you to bring him to see those two miracle doctors." Xun Shuang pointed at Yuan Yao and said.

"Have you ever dealt with those two?" Yuan Shu's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly asked Xun Shuang.

Yuan Shu knew what kind of person Xun Shuang was, so when Xun Shuang said that, Yuan Shu's uneasy mood instantly calmed down.

Yuan Yao, who was originally looking at the Jingling Palace, turned his attention back after hearing his father's words.

If possible, Yuan Yao didn't want to pretend to be strong to comfort his father.

He also wants to bloom his youth as freely as other people of his age.

His bright eyes stared at Xun Shuang, and the anticipation in his eyes seemed to be overflowing from them.

Looking at the expectant eyes of the father and son, Xun Shuang chuckled, “Those two are miracle doctors with quasi-spiritual talents.

I think you should know the meaning of quasi-spiritual talent, right?" Xun Shuang said while looking at Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment. Yuan Yao looked at his father, as if asking his father what Xun Shuang meant.

Ju Su and Xun Chen, who were eavesdropping nearby, as well as the envoys of other princes, also had lights in their eyes that suddenly brightened and then faded away.

These envoys glanced at the envoys from other princes except themselves. They were now all competitors.

If it was just an ordinary healer, they wouldn't care too much.

But, he is a miracle doctor, he is a miracle doctor, everyone has headaches and fevers sometimes.

Although people at that time were very reluctant to see doctors, it did not prevent them from preparing a doctor for themselves in case the doctor really needed it.

The story of Duke Huan of Cai, don’t these children from noble families know what’s going on?

After suppressing his excitement, Yuan Shu asked Xun Shuang, "How can I meet those two miracle doctors?"

Yuan Shu was willing to give corresponding respect to those who were born with spiritual talents.

What's more, this is related to whether his son can recover his health.

"You're asking me about this?" Xun Shuang shook his head and pointed at Yang Ji, "You should ask him. After all, the two great doctors Zhang Hua are now from Fenggao Medical College."

Yuan Shu hesitated for only a moment, then took Yuan Yao and walked directly towards Yang Ji.

"Shu, hello to Marquis Bushanting." Yuan Shu pulled Yuan Yao to salute Yang Ji.

Bushantinghou was Yang Ji's brother. After the battle of Yanzhou, Li Ru sent a letter to the Three Idiots of Xiliang.

Then he asked Liu Bei to submit a memorial to Chang'an, asking them to confer the title of marquis on Yang Ji.

After all, he was one of the two major military and political giants under Liu Bei's rule. How could Chen Xi be the only marquis?

Then, under the coercion of Li Jue, Guo Si and others, the officials in the court reluctantly accepted Liu Bei's request for the title for Yang Ji.

However, choosing a fiefdom of Yulin County in Jiaozhou for Yang Ji was the last struggle of the officials in the court.

After all, it was the seat of Yulin County, so Li Jue and others had to accept it. After all, it was their fault for not knowing Yang Ji.

The officials in the court did not give the fiefdoms of Jiuzhen County and Rinnan County, so Li Jue and others turned a blind eye.

After all, in his letter to them, Li Ru only asked for a title for Yang Ji, and did not ask for a fiefdom.

According to their understanding of Li Ru, Li Ru just wanted to ask for a marquis title for that guy named Yang Ji, and he had no requirements for the fiefdom.

Afterwards, just as they expected, Li Ru did not mention this matter at all in the letter he sent later, but just said verbally that it was a good job.

Seeing Yuan Shu saluting him, Yang Ji hurriedly gave him a half-salute.

Then he returned the greeting to Yuan Shu, "Ji, I greet the Marquis of Yangdi."

After seeing Yang Ji accept half a salute, Yuan Shu's uneasy heart finally calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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