The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 38 The main line of the Chen family is about to be overturned by a car again

Chapter 38 The main line of the Chen family is about to be overturned by a car again

The people present had already noticed the actions of Yang Ji and the three of them. When they saw that they were surrounded by Fanliang's magic circle, they planned to go over to see what was going on, but they were stopped by Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong.

There was some commotion among the wealthy families in Yangzhai. After all, the Fan family was also a family that had settled in Yingchuan for hundreds of years.

Even though it is somewhat in decline now, it is an ancient family that has been passed down for thousands of years. No matter what, there will still be people to help.

However, due to the obstruction of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong, they did not rush over directly.

However, the atmosphere at the scene turned cold instantly and was no longer as lively as before. The Yingchuan families gathered behind Chen Liang. After all, the Chen family was the home court here.

When the magic circle dissipated and Fan Liang saluted Yang Ji, the atmosphere on the field gradually recovered.

Although many of the disciples of the aristocratic families present also practiced spiritual power, Fan Liang's mental power quickly calmed down.

Therefore, most people did not realize what the fluctuations in Fan Liang's mental power at this time meant.

However, some people still noticed that something was wrong with Fan Liang. After all, Chen Liang, the governor of Yangzhai, was a descendant of the Chen family in Yingchuan and a man who had seen the world.

He had also seen the fluctuations in mental power of people with mental talents, but he was quickly attracted by another thing.

Coupled with Yang Ji's deliberate concealment and the release of some smoke bombs, everyone quickly abandoned the problem with Fan Liang's mental power and turned to Yang Ji to inquire about the effect of the magic circle he had just built.

After all, Fan Liang originally looked like a little old man, but after going through the magic circle, his face glowed red, as if he looked twenty years younger.

This makes them very jealous. Who can refuse to regain the vitality of their youth, even if it is only for a few years.

At the same time, they were also asking about Yang Ji. After all, he was able to arrange such a high-end and high-end magic circle with his bare hands. Not to mention they had seen it, they had never heard of it. Such a big man would not be able to support him at this time. when.

Although they all wanted to ask Yang Ji personally if he still lacked pendants, at this time Yang Ji and Chen Xi were already surrounded by generals such as Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Hua Xiong, and Zhao Yun, and no one dared to step forward once their momentum was unleashed.

In desperation, everyone could only turn around and ask Mr. Fanliang. After all, they were all members of the Yingchuan family. This kind of information had to be shared with their old buddies.

However, Fan Liang said that it was a favor that my son-in-law had obtained for me, which dampened his enthusiasm.

But how could an existence like the Aristocratic Family be dismissed with just one sentence? Isn't it just a favor?

As long as you live in the Han Dynasty, no matter which corner you hide in, there will always be strange favors coming to your door, or I owe you a favor.

The aristocratic families who had calmed down began to look for a breakthrough in Liu Bei, saying a bunch of nice things for free, and frantically making trouble. It was probably because they didn't praise others much, so they kept saying those few words over and over again.

But the aristocratic families are fooling Liu Bei, so Liu Bei is dealing with them. They all know what Liu Bei is like now, even if he already has his own territory.

Moreover, everyone present still knows what Taishan County is like now. No one believes that Liu Bei has the ability to govern Taishan County well.

So the words that come out of your mouth are all empty words, none of them are sincere, they are all played by old foxes - cunning.

The dusty banquet ended in such a hello, me, and everyone atmosphere. Everyone seemed to be unconscious from drinking, but as soon as they walked out of the door, they immediately became sober. It didn't look like that at all. Drunk look.In the next few days, Liu Bei went around Yingchuan looking for the great talents that Chen Xi mentioned, while Chen Xi was waiting for what the Chen family in Yingchuan would do to him.

For the Chen family, which valued etiquette, the children of the branch lineage went out to travel and returned to Yingchuan, but they did not immediately go to worship the main lineage.

Instead, he waited for three days before going. People who were interested probably thought that Chen Xi was about to become independent.

It's a pity that although I already knew Chen Qun's arrogance, I heard Chen's confidence in Chen Qun again.

Chen Xi still felt a little bit unhappy about the contempt for the branch line. He really didn't mind another scene of the branch line turning over the main line.

Let the world's aristocratic family watch the joke about Chen's main line again, the joke about the main line being overturned by the branch lines.

"Should I say that the Chen family is stubborn or stubborn? They have been overturned so many times. They haven't suffered enough from the branch bosses. They still haven't learned to treat their own branch children well."

Yang Ji said with some uncertainty after seeing the proud servant of the Chen family leaving.

After all, it’s not just once or twice that the main line of the Chen family has overturned on the big boss who emerged from the branch line. Who knows if the main line of the Chen family is pretending.

It's okay once, but it's happened several times. With the temperament of the family, it's impossible for the family to fall down twice on the same thing.

Especially for this kind of overturning event that is worthy of being recorded in history, who knows if the main line of the Chen family is just pretending, waiting to pick up the legacy of the branch leader.

After the servants of the Chen family's main line walked out of Chen Xi's tent with disdain on their faces, both Mr. Chen and Chen Lan had pale faces. After all, in their eyes, they could not see the bloody delivery of the family's inheritance in troubled times.

"Who knows, maybe it's Chen Qun's ability that makes them inflated. They feel that even if there is another big boss from the branch."

"Chen Qun's strength is enough to suppress them, but what makes them believe that this era is the era of their main lineage."

After comforting Old Man Chen and Chen Lan, Chen Xi looked up at the sky for a while before replying, after all, he was not from the main line, so how could he possibly know what the main line was thinking.

"Even if Chen Qun is strong enough to suppress the branch, how can they be sure that Chen Qun can suppress the heroes of this era? Or do they not know the level of many heroes in Yingchuan?"

Yang Ji didn't think the leaders of the Chen family knew what kind of people came out of the Yingchuan Academy they funded, but they still did it.

"It's Chen Qun after all. Coupled with the resources the Chen family has at their disposal, how can they have the confidence to be arrogant in the world?"

"As for the fact that the main line will always be beaten violently by the branch lines, maybe they have already prepared for it. After all, no matter how awesome the branch line is, it is still a branch line of the Chen family. No matter what, the main line of the Chen family will not fall."

"With this kind of ideological awareness, plus the fact that we finally have a powerful figure that can make the world remember the main line of the Chen family again, we can just use it as much as we want."

Chen Xi smiled and said a few good words for the leader of the Chen family, but the tone sounded wrong.

I always feel that the main line of the Chen family is going to suffer.

(End of this chapter)

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