The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 39 Yingchuan is such a hospitable place

Chapter 39 Yingchuan is such a hospitable place

After Liu Bei learned that Chen Xi had been expelled from the Chen family, he immediately recovered from the joy of recruiting talents and hurried back to the camp to comfort Chen Xi.

What Liu Bei was most worried about was that this matter would make Chen Xi think that he had taken refuge in him, so he was expelled from the Chen family. This made him very worried that Chen Xi would be devastated by this.

Fortunately, Chen Xi is still the same as before, and he is not disappointed because of this. It is better to say that he has untied his shackles. Who said that Chen Xi is a branch of the Yingchuan Chen family.

If Chen Xi carries the shackles of the Yingchuan Chen family, after it develops to a certain level, there will be some things that are not easy for him to deal with personally.

"Zichuan, Yingchuan is indeed a place with outstanding people. I have only been here a few times and I have recruited a lot of scholars."

Seeing that Chen Xi didn't have much emotional ups and downs, Liu Bei also began to talk about his gains in the past few days.

"With Xuande's status as a clan member of the Han clan and Taishan County Sheriff, as well as the [-] elite troops stationed here, this is already a good choice for some scholars who want to show off their talents."

Chen Xi put aside the troubles of the Chen family and focused on the creation of the dream team.

"By the way, didn't Duke Xuande recruit a Xun family member from the Xun family?" Although Chen Xi knew the result of Liu Bei's visit, he still wanted to ask, this was also Liu Bei's journey of refining his heart.

The road of a king is always lonely. If you want to escape from the reincarnation trapped in the Central Plains and fight alone in the world, you don't need to think so much.

Just beat down all the qualified people and drive them out of the country. After all, there is no need to consider the issue of internal harmony.

"The person who received us was Xun Zhan. He said that if Xun Wen went out to visit friends, he might not be able to come back within three to five months, so I put down the invitations and gifts and came back."

It can only be said that Liu Bei is still too young now. If Xun Yu is not here, aren't there other Xun family members still there? It would be good to just pick out anyone from the Xun family.

But even if we go there again, it is estimated that the young people of the Xun family have already gone out. After all, Liu Bei is generally not favored.

With Liu Bei's current power, who in the Yingchuan family would like him? In addition, Chen Xi is also here with Liu Bei.

Those aristocratic families will consider the Chen family's ideas to some extent. After all, the Chen family's reputation in Yingchuan is too high.

Sure enough, when Liu Bei and a group of people came to visit again, all the guys in the younger generation who could go out to fly solo had already gone out.

At this point, how could Liu Bei still not know that it was time for him to return to Mount Tai? Yingchuan was not the place he was supposed to come to after all.

After all, this is a reserved place for talents from high-ranking families, and they will not be accepted after all. [Sure enough, Zichuan is right, loneliness is the right way, hahaha. 】


The opportunity has been given to you again. If you can't seize it, just wait to be crushed to death on the track by the wheel called the Nine-tailed Fox.

I really want to see the expressions of those aristocratic families when they see Liu Bei climb to the top. Liu Bei, a man with no foundation, only weaves mats and sells shoes. With the help of Chen Xi, he stands at the front and looks down at the people. He doesn't know what they are. If not, you will regret it.

"Yeah, it's really bad luck. Let's go back to Mount Tai. There's no room for us to interfere here now." Liu Bei said softly, without any pain, just calmness.

"Xuan Degong is very open-minded. You must know that Xun Yu is a talented person among the king's assistants. He is as talented as Liu Hou Zhang Liang. Any one of the Xun family members is a talented person."

The smile on Chen Xi's face is still there, now it depends on Liu Bei's courage. "So what, no matter how good you can't get, it's not as good as what you have, Zichuan, don't you think so?"

Liu Bei looked at Chen Xi with burning eyes, the determination in his eyes was like a vow of no regrets.

The brilliance in Liu Bei's eyes became more determined, even though Chen Xi was silent for a long time, "I will not let you down, at least I don't think I am weaker than them, let's go!"

"Since the aristocratic family does not welcome us, then let us show the strength that will make the world's families look at us, let the world tremble in our hands, and let them regret the choices they have made now!"

Chen Xi's aura at this time was completely different from that of an ordinary person in the past. He was bursting with strong self-confidence, wanton and high-spirited.

Everyone around him was excited about this. Even Yang Ji, who had seen the big world, was confused by the big fox's second grade speech. He wished he could come back twice now. The times are calling.

Liu Bei stretched out his hands to everyone and looked at them, "Okay, then let us show the strength that will make the world's families look on, let the world tremble in our hands, and let them regret their current choices."

He repeated Chen Xi's words sonorously and forcefully, and after finishing speaking, he made a fist with his right hand to show his determination.

The faces of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Zhao Yun, and Hua Xiong were already red, and their eyes seemed to have seen everything that the future revealed.

The words of Liu Bei and his party will definitely reach the ears of all the aristocratic families in Yingchuan, but what does it matter? This is the result that Chen Xi wants.

Now that Liu Bei has come to visit him, even if he doesn't want to serve as an official, he should come out to meet him according to etiquette.

If no one is seen like this, it's a matter of face. Since we have already broken up, let's pray that it will not fall into our hands in the future, otherwise even Chen Xi's words will not be able to be used!
"Let's go, Mr. Xuande, there is no room for us to interfere here. Now that we have said this, those aristocratic families are just waiting to see our jokes."

"However, please believe me, Mr. Xuande, in three years at most, when we set foot here again, I will make everyone bow to you!"

Chen Xi said softly and made a solemn promise.

The nine-tailed fox entrenched in the long river of time, we and others in this world are the first time travellers.

As for the pride of time travellers, those who have not experienced it will not understand it.

"Let's go." Liu Bei did not look back. Since Yingchuan had no room for him to intervene, he would no longer waste his efforts.

If you have that time, you might as well return to Taishan County as soon as possible, that is the place that truly belongs to you.

After Liu Bei returned to the camp, he directly ordered the army to pack up and set off to return to Taishan County tomorrow.

He didn't even attend the farewell banquet and left Yingchuan directly, leading the army away from this place that left a deep memory for him.

On the day of departure, only Fan Liang came to see him off and brought Chen Xi's fiancée Fan Jian with him, asking Chen Xi to take her to Mount Tai first.

He also told Liu Bei that he would bring someone from his family to Liu Bei's account.

(End of this chapter)

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