Chapter 40 Xu Shu changed his path

Liu Bei left Yingchuan, taking with him profound memories, but it didn't mean he took nothing with him. He also took away the most shining pearl of Yingchuan, Chen Xi.

Oh, by the way, there is also Xu Shu, as for the other scholars, they are just additions.


"However, although the aristocratic family has many great talents, it does not mean that all the talents in the world can come from the aristocratic family. There will be no fewer talents hidden among the poor people than the aristocratic family."

"No, it should be said that there are far more talents among ordinary people from poor families than from aristocratic families. It all depends on how to develop this undeveloped virgin land."

"I believe there are great talents hidden among poor families, but how can ordinary people who can't read a few words find the talents hidden inside?"

Liu Bei frowned and asked. Although he knew that there were talents hidden in poor families, it was because he had no other options and was not qualified to serve as an official, so he did not show them to the world.

But how can ordinary people who are illiterate find the talents they need in the vast sea of ​​people?

What's more, how to distinguish talent from genius?In what way?How is the method of discrimination convincing?When can I work?These are all questions.

"This is my job, so I don't need to worry about it, Mr. Xuande. In short, there are many hidden geniuses among the common people. It just depends on whether the genius' talent can be discovered."

Geniuses are not easy to discover, and hardwood is not easy to mass-produce. Are you kidding me that you are a child educated in an examination-oriented manner?

"Speaking of this, I remembered a ranger I met a few days ago. He said he wanted to join me and become my chief registrar."

"This made me a little curious about his ability to be my chief clerk as soon as he came up, so I gave him a test."

"But this guy doesn't know anything except being good at swordsmanship. Then I asked the people around me and found that he is quite famous in the neighborhood."

"Then I will ask him to go back first and come to me after he is familiar with the Spring and Autumn Period and Sun Wu's Art of War. Then I will definitely recruit him as the master."

"Zichuan, do you know how he answered me at that time?" Liu Bei asked with a smile.

"He would have said at that time: He would be familiar with the Spring and Autumn Period, thoroughly understand Sun Wu's art of war, and let Duke Xuande retain the position of chief secretary. He would definitely come in three to five years at most, or one or two years at least. , right. And is he called Xu Fu or Xu Shu?"

Chen Xi has already guessed who this person is. Isn't it the talented Xu Shu?

A ranger can compete with the top advisers at this time in just five years of study.

A very talented person, but it’s a pity that I woke up a little late, otherwise it wouldn’t be impossible to go further.

But it's not too late to wake up now. After all, there will be opportunities for him to show his talents and create greater glory in the future.

"Huh? How did Zichuan know? I remember that Zi Yucai went to visit with me that day. How could you know so clearly? But his name is indeed Xu Shu."

Liu Bei was stunned for a moment, then glanced at Yang Ji. After seeing Yang Ji shake his head, he asked Chen Xi doubtfully.

"After all, he is a famous person in the world, so I know a little bit about him."

Chen Xi was already thinking about how to get Xu Shu to Mount Tai first. In the future, Taishan Academy will need talented people like Xu Shu to serve as role models to attract all kinds of future stars who have not yet matured.

Moreover, the future education model after Taishan will definitely attract those who are famous scholars, and top educational resources are indispensable. "Oh, in this case, you are not the only one I gained from Yingchuan. No wonder you didn't respond last night. It turns out you already knew about it."

After hearing Chen Xi's words, the smile on Liu Bei's face became even stronger.

"Mr. Xuande, let's take him to Taishan County. Anyway, at our level, it's more than enough to teach him some basic things."

Chen Xi had already thought about how Xu Shu, who came out of Taishan Academy, would beat up those children of aristocratic families who claimed to be geniuses in the future, and directly ignored Liu Bei's next words.

"Ah, I asked Ziyu to tell me last night that he would wait for us by the roadside today and follow the army back to Mount Tai. When I said this, weren't you also present, and you said it right in front of Ziyu? Liu Bei said with some confusion.

"Ah..." Chen Xi was also a little confused. He did hear Liu Bei and Yang Ji talking last night.

But isn't that talking about those scholars who have taken refuge with Liu Bei? , who knew there was a miserable Xu Shu inside.

"Look, he and his mother are waiting in front. If it weren't for his mother, he might not have made up his mind."

After Liu Bei's sharp eyes saw Xu Shu waving at the roadside, he quickly pulled Chen Xi up.

"Xu Shu, Xu Yuanzhi has met my lord." As soon as Liu Bei came to Xu Shu, Xu Shu bowed to Liu Bei at the reminder of the old woman next to him.

At this time, Xu Shu was about 18 years old, which was in his youth. Because he had not been baptized by knowledge, he had a chivalrous spirit. Just standing there made people think that he was a hero in the world.

"Yuan Zhi is exempt from the ceremony." Liu Bei did not avoid Xu Shu's ceremony, but waited until Xu Shu finished the ceremony before helping Xu Shu up.

"Yuanzhi, this boy has troubled you." Mrs. Xu saluted Liu Bei after seeing Xu Shu salute.

"Don't worry, Madam. I will live up to Madam Xu's instructions." Seeing Mrs. Xu salute, Liu Bei quickly supported her and prevented her from saluting.

After Liu Bei met the parents, he quickly invited Mrs. Xu into the carriage, and Xu Shu was also kicked out. According to Mrs. Xu, listen more, watch more, learn more, and don't embarrass her.

"Come on, Yuan Zhi, let me introduce you. This is Chen Xi and Chen Zichuan, the future county magistrate of Taishan County."

"Xu Yuanzhi met Mr. Chen."

"This is Yang Ji and Yang Ziyu. You have also met him, so I won't say more. However, he is very knowledgeable about military formations. If you have any questions about military formations in the future, you can also contact him."

After Liu Bei finished speaking, he directly took Xu Shu to introduce a few generals, without giving Xu Shu a chance to speak.

After all, if Xu Shu started talking to Yang Ji, it would be the kind of conversation that would go on forever and not be able to stop at all.

Although if Yang Ji hadn't caught Xu Shu and just chatted with him, Liu Bei wouldn't have been able to see Xu Shu.

But what Yang Ji and Xu Shu talked about were not serious matters at all, but some interesting things about wandering around the world. Liu Bei was really afraid that Xu Shu would be led astray by Yang Ji.

After all, the stories told by Yang Ji are so attractive. The fantasy, magnificent and imaginative world wanders in my mind and I can't stop at all.

(End of this chapter)

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