The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 53 Yang Ji’s expectations for Jian Yong

Chapter 53 Yang Ji’s expectations for Jian Yong
When Liu Bei took Jian Yong back to the Government Affairs Office, Yang Ji, Chen Xi, and Zhao Yun were discussing how to carry out tomorrow's government affairs.

Although it is already evening, since the house where I live has not been cleaned up yet, I estimate that I will have to live in the Government Affairs Office for the next few days.

But this is not a big problem. After all, there are very few people in the current Government Affairs Office, and there are still many empty rooms. These few people are not satisfied at all.

"You haven't gone back to rest yet. That's just in time. Let me introduce to you. This is Jian Yong and Jian Xianhe. He is a good friend of mine when we were in Zhujun."

"He helped me when I was in Pingyuan County. When I left, he didn't come with me. Instead, he stayed in Pingyuan to help me guard some things."

"This time I came from Pingyuan County to help because I heard from Senior Brother Gongsun that I was in Taishan County."

"This is Chen Xi and Chen Zichuan, the county magistrate of Taishan County. From now on, he will manage all government affairs in Taishan County."

"You can come to him if you have any government issues, and you will work under him in the future."

Liu Bei directly pointed out Chen Xi's status to Jian Yong and hoped that there would be no conflicts between them.

Before, he would never have thought of this step, but now such thoughts came to his mind.

"This is Yang Ji and Yang Ziyu. He is responsible for technical support in Taishan. If you have any technical problems, you can come to him."

"Even if it's a military issue, you can come to him, but don't come to him when nothing happens, because our brain circuits can't keep up."


Liu Bei positioned Yang Ji as a scientific researcher who provided technical support, but he also acknowledged Chen Xi's words that the brain circuits of scientific researchers are different from those of normal people like them.

For example, Yang Ji suddenly took out a small ball that could light up the entire room.

Everyone who was almost blinded by the flash put down their arms that covered their eyes and looked at Yang Ji expressionlessly, wanting to see what kind of bad job he had done again.

There was a silent silence. Only the ball that was still emitting light was placed on a lampstand on the table by Yang Ji. In an instant, the whole room was lit up. .

"Ziyu, can you explain what you are doing?" Chen Xi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and sighed.

Obviously this is not the first time he has encountered such a situation. Although he knows that scientific researchers have relatively straightforward minds and come up with ideas as they come up.

But he has never met anyone like Yang Ji who can give you his whole life at any time.

"It's nothing, I just happened to have some inspiration. Let's use it to welcome Brother Xianhe to join us."

As soon as Yang Ji raised his hand, the ball of light that was still glowing on the lampstand flew into the air.

Then it exploded silently, exploding into tiny light points. As Yang Ji moved his fingers, thin lines stretched out between the light points, connecting all the light points.

"The next step is to witness the miracle!" Yang Ji injected his spiritual power into the magic circle.

Then they saw through the magic circle a starry sky composed of countless twinkling stars, large and small, which was grand and spectacular, mysterious and charming.


"Aren't there any special effects?" Chen Xi was silent for a while, not feeling anything unusual, and then couldn't help but ask.

"Isn't it a special effect to allow you to observe such a magnificent starry sky?"

Yang Ji's eyes were still staring at the star map at this time, as if there was some big secret hidden in it.

"Is this stargazing?" Zhao Yun said hesitantly.

"Hey, Zilong has seen a lot. This is indeed an application of stargazing. It is an attempt by me to observe the heaven and earth."

Yang Ji took his eyes away from the star map and looked at Jian Yong.

Jian Yong also looked at Yang Ji, but when Yang Ji's eyes swept over him, he was in a trance.He seemed to see a word in the star map reflected in Yang Ji's eyes, a word that he couldn't recognize.

"Oh, it seems Brother Xianhe has some understanding." Yang Ji seemed to sense something and said a riddle that confused everyone present.

"What was that just now?" Jian Yong still looked a little dazed and asked involuntarily.

"It's your talent." Yang Ji chuckled.

Jian Yong's eyes suddenly widened, and he asked in disbelief: "My talent?! Is it the talent I know?"

"Of course, it's what you think. As for how to realize this prophecy, it depends on you."

Yang Ji casually put away the dimmed star map and flicked it into Jian Yong's eyes.

"You should also learn stargazing when you have time. Talent can't only be used on humans themselves."

Yang Ji is looking forward to Jian Yong's future talent, otherwise Yang Ji wouldn't have done this.

If Jian Yong's talent could be developed to a certain extent, he could transform the original rules of the world into words that humans can interpret.

Then he can establish the heaven and earth rune system belonging to the Han Dynasty from Jian Yong's interpretation perspective.

Even before meeting Chen Xi, he was already thinking about how to interpret the rules of the world under the existing civilization system of the Han Dynasty.

How to transform the interpreted world rules into the rune system under the Han civilization system.

Finally, he thought of Jian Yong. The star map was Yang Ji's imprint of the rules of the starry sky in the Third World of God, and the words flashing in Jian Yong's eyes confirmed Yang Ji's thoughts.

"Thank you Ziyu for your advice." After Jian Yong was thrown into the star map by Yang Ji, he seemed to sense something and gave Yang Ji a big salute.

"It's up to you from now on." Yang Ji did not accept Jian Yong's gift.

After all, Jian Yong was just a casual chess piece he played casually. The success or failure did not depend on him, but on Jian Yong himself.

Chen Xi frowned, his eyes wandering back and forth between Jian Yong and Yang Ji, thinking about what Yang Ji needed Jian Yong's help for.

"Oh, you really know how to ask for help." Chen Xi thought for a while and figured out Yang Ji's purpose.

"Help me if you can. If you can't help me, don't talk nonsense." Yang Ji replied angrily.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Chen Xi said firmly. He didn't want to sacrifice his precious time in this big pit.

Liu Bei blinked, really not understanding what Chen Xi and Yang Ji were talking about, and then continued his introduction work.

"This is Zhao Yun and Zhao Zilong. He was a fierce general who could compete with Lu Bu at Hulao Pass."

Liu Bei also did not explain why Zhao Yun, a fierce general, was in the Government Affairs Office instead of in the military camp.

Jian Yong didn't ask. He probably had some special reasons. He would naturally know it after getting along for a long time. He was quite confident in this aspect.

However, it is also possible that Jian Yong is still in a trance and has not thought about this aspect at all.

"I've met General Zhao." Jian Yong saluted Zhao Yun.

"I've met Mr. Jian. Mr. Jian should call me Zilong." Zhao Yun returned the greeting with cupped fists.

"Then Zilong, please call me Xianhe." Jian Yong saw Zhao Yun giving him face like this, and he blended in smoothly.

(End of this chapter)

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