Chapter 54 Taishan County in operation
Liu Bei and Jian Yong were sitting in a corner of the Government Affairs Hall, while Zhao Yun was holding a blank bamboo slip, writing down the suggestions Chen Xi gave him today, and asking Chen Xi from time to time.

Chen Xi, on the other hand, was lying on the mat spread on the ground, staring at the roof with a confused look on his face, as if he was about to sleep here.

Yang Ji occupied another corner, with a ball of light popping out of his hand from time to time, muttering something unknown.

The light ball tickets in Yang Ji's hand reached the rafters and gathered into a large light ball, emitting a soft light.

The light enveloped the Government Affairs Hall, and the projected light was captured by the people, so there was light in the eyes of the people.

"How do you feel? They are all very good people, right?" Liu Bei asked with a smile.

"It's more than good. With their help, Xuande's dream will eventually come true."

Jian Yong looked at the few people in front of him and couldn't help but sigh, what a group of young and energetic young heroes.

The night is like flowing water, flowing towards the dawn.

"Okay, everyone has arrived. Now let's sort out the government affairs of Taishan County."

After Chen Xi saw that Yang Ji, Zhao Yun, Jian Yong and several scholars who stayed in the Government Affairs Office to work had all arrived, he was about to start sorting out Taishan's government affairs.

"Agricultural affairs, criminal affairs, civil affairs, engineering construction, refugee relief, census, taxation, commercial affairs, etc., you can do whatever you can do."

Without military affairs, military affairs must be left to Liu Bei. Military affairs are the biggest basis for measuring a monarch in troubled times.

Suddenly, more than a dozen people present were stunned and looked at Chen Xi dumbfounded. How could he choose to do this political matter?
"Huh? Why are you silent? Do you not know what to do? Or do you want me to distribute government affairs?"

"Okay, since you don't take action, then I will make the general control plan. After breaking down the political affairs, let you do it."

Chen Xi saw that no one was willing to say anything. Instead, he looked a little gloating. He didn't care and just took the biggest say. After all, now was the best time to establish authority.

"First of all, the farming affairs in Taishan County will be left to you, Zilong. It depends on you whether we will have enough to eat in the future or drink from the northwest wind."

Chen Xi casually put a little more pressure on Zhao Yun, without considering Zhao Yun's ability to withstand pressure or the surprise that a super general becoming a civil servant would bring to everyone.

"Next is."

As Chen Xi dismantled government affairs, established a good framework, and then distributed government affairs, everyone took action.

Busyness is the real current situation of Fenggao Government Affairs Office. Under the government affairs framework established by Chen Xi, Fenggao's government affairs platform has been established.

Government affairs have also begun to be handled in an orderly manner, and Taishan County, which has been dormant for several years, has begun to operate.

After breaking down the political affairs, Chen Xi was responsible for the general planning and control, Jian Yong was responsible for filling in the details of government affairs, and Zhao Yun was responsible for the specific affairs of the farming.

After breaking down the political affairs and sending them to the officials responsible for specific implementation, Chen Xi drank tea in the Government Affairs Office while explaining to the officials below.

After all, Chen Xi only breaks down government affairs and distributes them. It is inevitable that some people will not understand what Chen Xi writes, so now Chen Xi's specific job has become a tool for answering questions.

In fact, Yang Ji is responsible for the scientific research of military equipment in Taishan County, but Fenggao's scientific research has not officially started yet.

Not even a scientific research institute was built, so Yang Ji could only stay in the Government Affairs Office to develop secret techniques, and at the same time warm up a wave of leather armor and weapons sent by Liu Bei.

"Sure enough, no matter how many times I see it, I will still think your methods are magical."

Chen Xi stood in the yard in front of the Government Affairs Office, watching Yang Ji absorb the cloud energy to provide strong warming to the leather armor weapons.I saw piles of leather armor and weapons sent over by Liu Bei after the soldiers took off their clothes.

Yang Ji, on the other hand, stood aside and injected the collected cloud energy into the powerful warming circle.

When the soldiers saw Yang Ji stop to collect Yun Qi, they quickly moved away the warmed leather armor and put them neatly aside.

At the same time, he moved the leather armor that had not yet been warmed into the area covered by the magic circle, and then stood aside and waited for the next round of transportation.

Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi who was doing nothing, then withdrew his gaze and continued his great work of warmth and nourishment.

The powerful warming and nourishing array was developed by Yang Ji and Zhao Yun. Under Yang Ji's suggestion, Zhao Yun first developed the powerful warming and nourishing secret technique.

Then Yang Ji dismantled the secret technique and used the rune array to replace some of its elements.

However, the number of warm-cure items is not large, and it is not possible to warm thousands of pieces at one time, only a hundred or so pieces, and Fenggao's cloud gas reserves also limit the speed of warm-cure.

The essence of heaven and earth that has not been rendered by will cannot be directly used for the cultivation of secret arts.

When Chen Xi saw Yang Ji ignoring her, he didn't pay attention. Instead, he was chattering and harassing Yang Ji. After all, Yang Ji was the only one who wasn't in a hurry with his work.

Then he saw someone running into the Government Affairs Hall with bamboo slips. Chen Xi quickly returned to the Government Affairs Hall and sat there, holding a roll of bamboo slips and pretending to be doing something.

The soldiers carrying the leather armor and weapons stared intently at the leather armor and weapons in the array, as if they had not seen Chen Xi's movements.

Jian Yong, Zhao Yun and others who were busy in the Government Affairs Office did not notice that Chen Xi came back after sneaking around outside.

Before he knew it, one day had passed, and Yang Ji had warmed up a thousand pieces of leather armor.

It's a pity, if it hadn't been for the lack of cloud energy reserves just after arriving, there would have been more than a thousand pieces of leather armor to be warmed.

Logically speaking, if a mere thousand pieces of leather armor are to be warmed and cured one hundred pieces at a time, it would take an hour of curing time each time.

Now Yang Ji can only use a small part of the cloud gas reserves every day, and the other cloud gas needs to be allocated to the city wall as a reserve for the city wall's cloud gas protection.

If Feng Gao's people's hearts hadn't been scattered in the past few years, there would have been no way to store the clouds rendered by will into the city walls, and they could only dissipate in the air.

Therefore, every time a bit of cloud gas is generated in Fenggao City, Yang Ji will use a percentage of the cloud gas to warm and maintain the leather armor.

According to the discussion between Chen Xi and Liu Bei, on the premise of not affecting the defensive cloud reserves of the city wall, priority should be given to warming the leather armor, followed by weapons.

"Ziyu, let's go eat." As soon as it was time to get off work, Chen Xi rushed out of the Government Affairs Office.

I saw Yang Ji sitting on a mound, looking at the clouds above, but it was obviously not enough for a strong warming.

Yang Ji looked at the sky. It was just after five o'clock. Zhao Yun and others were still busy inside, but Chen Xi's people were already here.

"I don't know what Mr. Xuande has prepared today. I remember that there are wild boars in the woods nearby. I really hope Mr. Xuande can find it." Chen Xi stood beside Yang Ji and muttered.

Since there was not much food and grass, before Zhang Shiping and Su Shuang's food arrived, the entire Fenggao implemented a big pot rice model.

Yang Ji glanced at Chen Xi, then continued to look up at the sparse cloud dumplings above, waiting for Zhao Yun and others to come out.

(End of this chapter)

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