The Mythical Version of the Three Kingdoms: The Evil God Arrives

Chapter 55: A worker with an unbalanced mind

Chapter 55: A worker with an unbalanced mind

"Zichuan, you seem to have nothing to do all the time." When Jian Yong took a break to drink tea, he saw Chen Xi dozing off again.

Speaking of this, Jian Yong's mood was a little subtle. Almost every time he looked up, he would see Chen Xi drinking tea or dozing off.

After enduring it for a few days, I really couldn't bear it anymore. I wanted to tactfully persuade Chen Xi to help. Didn't you see that they were all busy?

And even Yang Ji, who was originally warming up weapons and armor, is helping to sort out the data reported by the execution staff below. Can't you, Chen Xi, help?

Dozing off in the Government Affairs Office openly and openly has a bad influence. Aren't you afraid that it will affect your enthusiasm for work?

"I have already solved the general work policy. What to do, how to do it, how many people to do it, and how to manage it are not my business."

"What I want to do is to establish a framework for you so that you can complete your work better within this framework without losing direction."

Chen Xi's eyes were half-closed and his head was placed on the table. He didn't look like a nobleman from a big family at all.

However, if the person in front of him was not a casual person like Jian Yong, and a good-tempered fellow Liu Bei, he would not be so careless about his demeanor.

If they were facing a child from an aristocratic family like Chen Qun who dared to do this, they would really dare to go up and fight with Chen Xi.

"But haven't you been saying that those who are capable work hard these days? Now even the general Zilong has been roped in to handle government affairs."

"And you are still in the mood to sleep, and you sleep so soundly. Moreover, your energy is not very good during the day. You always look tired. You need to control yourself."

Jian Yong frowned and asked. He was really confused, even though Chen Xi was now living with Fan Jian.

But according to Chen Xi's character, he shouldn't indulge in it. What's more, according to his own statement, Fan Jian is still a bit young now.

"What are you thinking about? I don't feel energetic at night, okay? My mental fatigue is because of my spiritual talent."

"Ah~ What's more, that's not what you said when you assigned the task."

"Ziyu can testify that your expressions at that time were all filled with gloating."

Chen Xi opened his eyes, picked up the tea cup and drank a large bowl of tea.

"And it's not like I have nothing to do. You see, I not only have to deal with the awns, but also deal with land reclamation, disaster relief, dealing with refugees, and building city defenses."

"We also need to quickly raise taxes, identify the population, promote commerce and a series of other things. How can you say that I have nothing to do?"

Chen Xi clasped his fingers and counted his government affairs one by one. Isn't he just a little more efficient? Why did he attract dissatisfaction from his colleagues?

The fox scratched his head, expressing confusion.

Jian Yong was extremely depressed when he heard Chen Xi's statistics. When assigning tasks a few days ago, Chen Xi waved his hand and said that he would be responsible for the overall control plan.

Everyone was happy to let Chen Xi do everything, saying that we just wanted to see Chen Xi's abilities and see if Chen Xi was worthy of Liu Bei's trust.

As a result, they all overturned, and only Yang Ji was able to sit firmly on the Diaoyutai.

Even Zhao Yun was almost pulled down by their firm expressions. Fortunately, in these few months of getting along, Zhao Yun got to know Chen Xi relatively well and knew that he was not a person who uttered wild words.

Under their noses, Chen Xi finished everything in only five or six days, and even had time to go out for a walk in between.Then I sat in the Government Affairs Hall, drank tea, dozed off, and watched them busy dealing with political affairs here.

Although Zhao Yun was only responsible for the specific details of the farming, it was still a bit reluctant to let a military general who had been practicing martial arts handle the farming.

Although according to Chen Xi's suggestion, Chen Xi's data can be used in terms of population, but Zhao Yun needs to calculate the food consumption himself.

If it weren't for the help of Yang Ji's humanoid computer, he wouldn't be able to calculate how much land needs to be cultivated this year within a few days.

In addition, the population that may increase in the future must be added. This variable is difficult to control. Zhao Yun was tortured to the point of ecstasy.
Originally, he didn't want to go to Yang Ji. After all, Yang Ji had already said that he was not good at mathematics and relied purely on intuition.

But Chen Xi directly said to go find Yang Ji, but there was nothing he could do, so Zhao Yun turned around and went to find Yang Ji.

In the end, Yang Ji just asked a few questions, such as how much food a person consumes every day.

How many people are there in Taishan County, how many people are there in Qingzhou as a whole, how much arable land is there in Taishan, etc.

Then Yang Ji's mental power surged, and in less than half a quarter of an hour, Yang Ji reported the data.

Zhao Yun could feel the fluctuations of the spiritual organs in Yang Ji's body when his spiritual power surged.

He didn't expect that the lucid dream organ could be used in such a place.

After getting the data given by Yang Ji, Zhao Yun couldn't help but imitate Yang Ji's operations.

He mobilized the calculation power of his lunar organ and calculated it again based on his meager mathematical knowledge.

Although it took a little longer and consumed a little more inner energy, the result was very satisfying.

A data similar to Yang Ji's was fed back in his mind. After Jian Yong found out, Yang Ji was arrested for data analysis.

But maybe because he was too busy, Jian Yong didn't notice why Yang Ji got the calculated data so quickly.

Moreover, Yang Ji sometimes asked Chen Xi for some calculation formulas and cases for reference.

However, even with Yang Ji's help, Zhao Yun's preliminary preparations for farming were still very difficult.

When Zhao Yun handed over the plan to Chen Xi for review, he was beaten back several times and still faced death.

However, Chen Xi pointed out the areas that needed to be changed in Zhao Yun's farm plan. Zhao Yun revised it several times before barely passing Chen Xi's review.

It can only be said that if a military general who has never been exposed to government affairs takes over the government affairs, he will be in a hurry at the beginning, even if this person is Zhao Yun.

When Zhao Yun was recalling what happened in the Government Affairs Office these days, Jian Yong's voice came again.

"Who would have thought that you could complete three months' work in five days!"

Jian Yong's voice sounded slightly crazy, maybe because of his long-term habit of keeping his emotions in check.

And the people in the Government Affairs Office obviously agreed with Jian Yong's statement. Even Yang Ji, who always followed Chen Xi's lead, nodded.

And everyone is working hard, but the leader Chen Xi is drinking tea and taking a nap in front of everyone. How can this make the workers feel balanced?
(End of this chapter)

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