Chapter 84 I also want to get one done

The will of the Yellow Turban was born from the people's yearning for a better life, and the God of Protection of the People was born from the fragments of the Will of the Yellow Turban, so it is conceivable what kind of people this righteous god would favor.

Liu Bei is the lord who brought peace and stable life here, and he has been recognized by the people. Chen Xi is the one in charge, and all policies are made by Chen Xi. Even if the people have not seen Chen Xi much, it does not hinder the people. Admiration for Chen Xi.

Zhao Yun is running around so that the people can have enough to eat in the future. These people naturally see it. The people will naturally care for these people, and the gods will naturally send their blessings to them.

However, only those who have truly done something practical for the people can receive blessings from the god general. They can directly refine the true form of the god general within themselves. There is no need to work hard to absorb the essence of heaven and earth and mix it with one's own spirit to refine the god within. True form.

If an average person wants to refine the true form of a god general, he must first visualize the true form of the god general, and then use the true form he has visualized to resonate with the god general himself. After receiving the instructions, he can then absorb the heaven and earth. The essence is mixed with one's own spirit to refine the true form of the divine general.

Internally refining a divine general is just like a warrior. Giving a divine general is to introduce Qi into the body, and refining the true form of a divine general internally is condensing the inner Qi. The two can be done at the same time, or the teaching can be regarded as A means of entraining air.

But if you refine the true form of the divine general, you will have an additional helper who can condense the inner energy, and it will be a super assistant with some of the magical powers of the divine general. Don't forget where the divine general was born.

The superiors can use talisman water to cure diseases and save people, while the inferiors can farm and work without eating. They only need a little bit of the essence of heaven and earth to feed them. The root of the god general's continued growth in such an environment lies in these bits and pieces of life. .

"How dare you arrange for her to come to my home without knowing the specific situation?" Yang Ji asked Chen Xi with some confusion. After all, he personally arranged Zhang Ning's stay. Who would believe him if he said he didn't know anything about the situation?

Liu Bei was still looking around. Zhao Yun's solemn expression softened after hearing Yang Ji's rhetorical question. The other people still had confused expressions like "What riddle are you trying to solve?"

"Although I know that Zhang Jue left a little backhand on the fragments on her body, even I couldn't have expected that this guy Zhang Jue would be so fierce." Chen Xi said helplessly, and at the same time, there was a picture on his hand. A sacred vessel.

"And who would have thought that he could actually calculate your abilities? This is not something that normal people can do!" Chen Xi threw the divine instrument in his hand into the air, and the essence of heaven and earth immediately moved towards Chen Xi's body Flooded in.

The divine jar was spinning on top of Chen Xi's head, and a little light lit up in Chen Xi's body. As the inner energy, mental power and the influx of heaven and earth essence in Chen Xi's body were quickly refined into an invisible mass in Chen Xi's body. The qualitative Qi gradually covered Chen Xi's body.

Suddenly, the sacred vessel on Chen Xi's head suddenly sank from Chen Xi's head into Chen Xi's head, matching the energy in Chen Xi's body, and then a figure walked out from behind Chen Xi.

This is the true form of a divine general who is almost the same height as an ordinary person. It is almost carved from the same mold as the divine general that Yang Ji saw last night, but his temperament is somewhat similar to Chen Xi's laziness.

Originally, everyone in the side hall except Liu Bei and Zhao Yun had their pupils turned on them after hearing Chen Xi say Zhang Jue's name and the news that Zhang Jue might still be alive and seemed to have used Yang Ji's ability to do something. It shook violently.

Now seeing Chen Xi doing this unimaginable scene, his mouth that was still closed could not be closed at all. Anyway, Yang Ji looked very happy, especially Zhang Fei, who had wide eyes. , turned out to be round.

Moreover, the true form of the divine general released by Chen Xi, judging from the breath alone, already has the level of internal energy that can be practiced to become a gang. It is estimated that as long as it is trained well, the internal energy leaving the body will not be a problem.

This is the wonderful thing about internally refining a god general. The higher the level of cultivation of the main body, the stronger the power the god general shows in his true form, although the strength cannot reach the level of the main body.

However, it is no problem to reach the level of the body in terms of inner energy cultivation. As long as you are willing to work hard and polish it, having a divine helper with inner energy separated from the body will no longer be a dream.

Although the fighting power of the internally refined generals is not as good as those of the real generals from the Central Plains, they still have great advantages over the Brahmin God and Buddha visualization system. After all, they are the generals who have been trained through hard work.

Although the method of internal refining of divine generals requires teaching to get started, it is still fundamentally different from the method of contemplating gods and Buddhas in Nangui. The method of contemplating gods and Buddhas is essentially extracting the essence of Brahma. Achieve yourself.

However, the method of internally refining a divine general requires one's own efforts to continuously draw in the essence of the outside world and mix it with one's own spirit to internally refine a divine general. Therefore, the divine generals that emerge from internal training are equivalent to the results of one's own cultivation.

This is essentially different from Nan Gui's visualization of gods and Buddhas. One is to rely on the power of others to achieve one's own body, and the other is to have others lead you in and then achieve oneself through one's own efforts. This is the essential difference.

"I have to say that Zhang Jiao is really a genius. Such things can make him materialize from the fantasy of the lower reaches of time." Chen Xi looked at the protector general in front of him who was somewhat similar to him.

"No matter how talented he is, you can't see him now." Yang Ji saw their stunned expressions and knew that they had gone astray.

"What do you mean, do you know his current situation?" Chen Xi stopped playing with his general and turned to Yang Ji and asked. Even Liu Bei, who had been looking around without knowing what he was looking for, also looked at Yang Ji.

"He should be no longer in this world now." Looking at Liu Bei's moved eyes, Yang Ji knew that he also wanted to know Zhang Jue's situation. After all, Zhang Jue greatly accelerated the collapse of the Han Empire.

It would be ridiculous to say that Liu Bei didn't know that Chen Xi arranged for Zhang Ning to enter Yang Ji's home. No matter what, Chen Xi would not be able to poke the old Liu family's sensitive areas at this time. He must have consulted Liu Bei first before proceeding. of.

With Liu Bei's many years of experience at the bottom, he really wouldn't have trouble with a little girl, so after thinking of Yang Ji's magical ability, he also wanted to see what kind of backup Zhang Jiao had left behind.

As a result, what he did as a descendant of the old Liu family was recognized by the righteous god created by Zhang Jiao, and the core authority of this god who protects the people and protects the law seems to be in line with his own wishes. This is a bit catchy. ah.

"Didn't you say that Zhang Jue is still alive?" Liu Bei was a little surprised. Yang Ji was still saying that Zhang Jue was still alive before, but why did he say that Zhang Jue is no longer in this world now?

"Being alive doesn't affect his absence from this world." Yang Ji said something that made people confused. Isn't there a conflicting relationship between being alive and not being in this world?

"Outside the world? But how did he get out of the world?" Chen Xi reacted very quickly. After all, he was a person who knew the concept of the universe. His eyes could see farther than the ancients. "I don't know. I guess I was tricked by the Imperial Will when I smashed it. Who knows what weird abilities the Imperial Will of the Han Empire has." Yang Ji shrugged.

"Maybe, after all, no one knows what the miracle of group consciousness, the Imperial Will, is like." Chen Xi agreed with Yang Ji's speculation. Although he later developed an Imperial Will, it does not mean that he understands the Imperial Will.

"Hey, hey, you two, don't be the Riddler. Tell us clearly what is outside the world." Jian Yong probably had more experience, so he asked directly when faced with something he didn't understand.

Zhao Yun looked thoughtful, Guan Yu frowned slightly, Zhang Fei, Hua Xiong, Yu Jin Fanqin and the others looked numb, but they couldn't be blamed. After all, Chen Xi and Yang Ji were discussing these things before. .

Except for Zhao Yun who listened most attentively, Guan Yu was the only one who paid a little attention to what Yang Ji and Chen Xi were talking about. Zhang Fei and Hua Xiong were walking their horses and didn't pay much attention to the discussion between Yang Ji and Chen Xi.

Liu Bei, Liu Bei went to the training camp and did not participate in the nonsense between Yang Ji and Chen Xi. After all, it was really nonsense.

"Have you ever thought about what the scene will look like after crossing this sky?" Chen Xi and Yang Ji looked at each other. Yang Ji shrugged, indicating that Chen Xi came to explain and his eloquence was not good enough.

Chen Xi looked up at the sky above his head, his eyes dim. That was a dream that was once out of reach for us, but now it is within reach, or in other words, it has been touched.

"Is there a world beyond the sky?" Zhao Yun asked puzzledly.

"You can understand it this way." Chen Xi neither agreed nor refuted Zhao Yun's statement. After all, with their current cognitive level, it was still too difficult for them to understand the world in different dimensions.

"..." Everyone blinked, indicating that they didn't understand. I know every word you said individually, but I can't understand them when they are put together.

Now except for Yang Ji and Chen Xi, everyone else has a look like what are you talking about. Even Zhao Yun, who has the highest cognitive level, is frowning now, trying hard to think about the truth hidden in Chen Xi's words.

[Zichuan did not object to the statement that there is a world outside the sky, which shows that my understanding is not wrong, it is just outside the world] Zhao Yun still cannot imagine what the situation is outside the world that Chen Xi said.

"Okay, don't worry about it. Your current understanding of the world is still stuck in the idea that the world is where you see it. It is reasonable to understand that you cannot understand what Zichuan said is outside the world."

"If you want to understand our world, let's start by observing the world we live in. Don't aim too high." Yang Ji's words directly pulled people out of their thinking storm.

After everyone heard Yang Ji's words, although they put aside their thoughts, they quietly took the grand proposition of the world to their hearts, although they had no feeling about the grand proposition of the world.

After all, the world to them is everything they see in front of them. If they want to make them realize that what they see is not the whole world, there are quite a few big guys who need to fill it in.

"If you put it this way, can it be considered that Zhang Jiao died in August of that year?" Although Zhang Fei didn't understand what Chen Xi and Yang Ji were talking about, he wanted to understand one thing. Even now Zhang Jiao is still alive, but it is no longer possible for him to appear. Isn't this equivalent to death?

Everyone who didn't understand what Zhang Fei said at first immediately put their thoughts on Zhang Fei's point of view after hearing Zhang Fei say such strange words, and by the way, they forgot about the conversation between Chen Xi and Yang Ji.

Although Zhang Jue is still alive now, he will never be able to appear in front of them in the future. Isn't this equivalent to death?

"So, this is Zhang Jue's backup plan? But why did he come to Zichuan for you? Zhang Jue has never seen you, right?" Fan Qin pointed at the general standing behind Chen Xi and said.

"This is indeed a back-up left by Zhang Jiao, but it is not a back-up left for himself, but for the people living in this land." Yang Ji saw Chen Xi's gesturing eyes and said to they explained.

"Not only Zichuan has it, but also Xuande Gong, Zilong and I have it." Yang Ji stretched out his hand and showed his own divine urn. After Liu Bei and Zhao Yun saw Yang Ji's movements, they also followed He took out his own sacred urn.

Then the three of them threw the divine urn into the air just like Chen Xi. The process was the same as Chen Xi's. The condensed appearance of the divine general was almost exactly the same as that of the divine general behind Chen Xi, but the temperament revealed was different. Just the same.

However, the divine generals of Zhao Yun and Yang Ji showed their internal Qi separation from the body as soon as they appeared, while Liu Bei's cultivation was at the peak of Qi Chenggang, while the divine generals behind Chen Xi were only at the beginning of Qi Liancheng.

The comparison of force value is clear at a glance. Except for Jian Yong and Fan Qin, Chen Xi has the best force value among those present. He is worthy of being the fierce general of Hulao Pass who almost couldn't catch a big goose.

There is one thing to say, if Chen Xi had just honed his martial arts a little, he wouldn't be at the bottom now. He obviously has the ability to leave the inner Qi from the body, but the divine generals who have been refined from the inner Qi are like those who have just begun to practice Qi to become a gang.

I hope Brother Tiao doesn't care about Chen Xi's waste of his talent.

"Explain yourself, why are we not there? Is that guy Zhang Jiao looking down on us?" Jian Yong and Fan Qin looked at each other, confirmed their relationship as teammates, and said seriously.

Although after condensing the virtual seed, accumulating their inner energy has become a very simple matter, but faced with the unknown back-up plan left by Zhang Jiao, they expressed that they also wanted to find one.

After all, everyone has it, but I don’t, so I don’t want to lose face.

(End of this chapter)

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