Chapter 85

"I don't know if Zhang Jiao thinks highly of you, but I really don't see you." Chen Xi pointed at the god general standing behind him and said.

"Huh?" Jian Yong and Fan Qin had visible doubts on their heads. They were obviously confused by Chen Xi's statement. The meanings of "not seeing" and "looking down" seemed to be different.

"Tell me, what you are doing now can make the people of Taishan County recognize your achievements?" Although Chen Xi didn't know what the criteria were for gods to directly bless and confer burials, but he knew that the person who gave him burials was What is the origin of God General?

The God General is born from the fragments of the Yellow Turban will, and the Yellow Turban Will is born from the people's yearning for a better life. Therefore, those who can make the people live and work in peace and contentment will receive direct blessings and blessings from the God General.

Ordinary people who want to receive the conferment of divine generals can only obtain the conferment of divine generals by constantly visualizing the true form of the divine generals, outlining them in their minds, and resonating with the divine generals. But it is only a conferment. Without blessing, that means you have to refine the true form of God yourself.

Jian Yong and Fan Qin were choked. Jian Yong could still confidently say that he had done something for the people, but Fan Qin, a newcomer, did not have that confidence. After all, he only entered the Government Affairs Office today.

Although Jian Yong has the confidence to say that he has done something for the people, compared with Chen Xi, he seems to have never made any decent political achievements, and he does seem a bit mediocre.

Jian Yong and Fan Qin looked at each other again. They heard a key message from Chen Xi's words. The recognition of the people seemed to be the key node for being blessed and conferred. No wonder it was Liu Bei, Chen Xi, and Zhao Yun.

"To put it this way, it's true that what we did is not good enough." The two of them sighed in unison.

"However, there should be a version that ordinary people can practice, right?" Although it was a question, Jian Yong's tone was very firm, and then he looked at Yang Ji. After all, Yang Ji was usually responsible for such things.

After all, they have been hanging out with Chen Xi and the others for so long. Of course, they know that if it cannot be popularized, Chen Xi and Yang Ji will not bring the matter to such a scene. It will only make them realize it slowly in their daily life.

"There is indeed a version for ordinary people to practice." Seeing Jian Yong's eyes, Yang Ji nodded and said that Jian Yong was right.

Yang Ji took out the pamphlet he had prepared a long time ago. It was made of paper. Although the content inside was not written by him personally, it was etched by him with his mental power.

After all, the method of internal refining of the divine generals and the charm of the visualization diagrams required for the beginning of practice cannot be described by ordinary pen and ink, and Yang Ji could not find a suitable pen and ink for a while, so he could only use his mental power to write on paper The admiral God etched out the true form.

However, if you use mental etching in this kind of visualization training method, the effect is probably better than using pen and ink. After all, mental etching can completely remember the real picture in your mind. Reappear.

"No, this is the ordinary person's version of the method of internally refining a divine general." Yang Ji distributed the secret book in his hand to everyone at the scene. Even Liu Bei, Chen Xi, and Zhao Yun, who had already internally refined their true form, also had a share, oh , by the way, Xu Chu, who was guarding the door, also participated.

After Fan Qin got the secret book, he couldn't wait to open the booklet, wanting to see how to refine the divine general. After all, although he had introduced the Qi into his body now, he probably didn't want to do it with his lazy character. He worked hard to refine his martial arts.

Therefore, it is better to find a bodyguard for yourself, especially for a divine general who has been refined by himself. He only needs to refine his true form first, and after gaining sanity, the virtual seed will provide the internal energy required for true form cultivation. Qi and mental strength, this way you can be liberated.

But this only exists in Fan Qin's imagination. Although after the inner refining of the divine general, the divine general will have a certain level of sanity, and it is still as intelligent as an adult, but don't forget, the strength of the inner refining divine general is linked to the body.

In other words, the cultivation level of the internally refining divine generals is equal to the original body, but cannot exceed it. This is the shortcoming of the internally refining divine generals method, so the cultivation level of the internally refined divine generals by Yang Ji is only There will be highs and lows.

For a moment, the side hall became quiet, with only the sound of turning pages rustling, leaving Yang Ji looking out the window idly.Um?Xu Chu, who was sitting at the door, was carefully opening the small booklet with his thick fingers.

[Except for Xianhe, these people are either warriors with internal Qi separated from the body or wise men who have awakened their spiritual talents. It should be very simple to outline the true form of the gods in their minds]

[I just don’t know how long it will take for ordinary people to outline the true form of a god general. 】Yang Ji looked at the quiet side hall and couldn't help but think.

If you want to practice the method of internally refining a divine general, the first step is to visualize the true form of the divine general in your mind and completely outline the true form of the divine general in your mind.

The energy required for this step is nothing more than water for those present who are either those with awakened spiritual talents or warriors whose inner energy has left their bodies.

But for ordinary people, they have limited energy and cannot consume their limited energy as much as these people in front of them, because they have only a few ways to restore their energy.

Just like Jian Yong now, although his mental training is good, it has not exceeded the limit that ordinary people can reach, and his inner energy has only been condensed throughout his body for a few days.

Even with the continuous replenishment of virtual seeds, there is no way to outline the true form of the god general in a short period of time by consuming a lot of energy.

Jian Yong's slightly pale face is proof of this. The others are still looking at ease and have not over-consumed, which proves Yang Ji's conjecture.

After opening his eyes, Jian Yong saw that several people around him were still meditating, and he couldn't help but sigh. He didn't even have any brothers and sisters, so how could he survive here in the future.

Although he knew that he would become no weaker than any of them in the future, he didn't know how long it would take for this day to come.

Otherwise, I will be the one lagging behind every time, and my self-confidence will be completely shattered. I don't know if I can persist until the day comes.

Yang Ji saw that Jian Yong was in a daze after opening his eyes, and knew that he had developed a psychological gap. After all, the people around him were either inner Qi separated from the body or people with awakened spiritual talents. Working with such a group of people made him feel very sad. It's hard not to make a comparison.However, even Yang Ji can't interfere in this kind of matter. After all, this is an extremely personal matter. If an outsider wants to intervene and untie his knot, no matter how powerful his words are, it will be in vain if he doesn't have the right time.

Soon, others woke up one after another. After all, they were all standing at the pinnacle of their respective fields. It was a relatively simple matter to outline the true form of the god general. Jian Yong also took care of himself at this time. Mood.

However, after Guan Yu opened his eyes, he raised his head and looked somewhere in the sky. A flash of blue light flashed from Guan Yu's eyes, and then a sacred vessel fell from the air and sank into Guan Yu's head.

Obviously, Guan Yu has now received the Divine General's Ceremony, but there was no movement after the Divine Ceremony sank into Guan Yu's head, which disappointed everyone who hoped to see another divine general being refined from within.

Because they just sketched the true form of the divine general in their minds, and were not taught by the divine general, because the true form they sketched did not resonate enough with the divine general himself, and they needed to continue fine-tuning to outline the charm of the true form. come out.

"Yun Chang, how do you feel?" Liu Bei asked Guan Yu. After all, those of them who have been blessed by divine generals are different from ordinary people's path to internal training as divine generals, and cannot be used as a reference for the common people.

"The visualization diagram of the divine general is too detailed, and ordinary people's abilities may not be able to outline all the details." Guan Yu closed his eyes and thought for a while, then told Yang Ji his feelings, even though it was Liu Bei who asked him.

But the person responsible for this matter must be Yang Ji. After all, apart from Zhao Yun who may have the ability to adjust the visualization map, only Yang Ji has the ability to adjust the precision of the visualization map. affect its effect.

After hearing Guan Yu's words, Yang Ji frowned. He wanted to change the details of the visualization diagram without affecting the visualization effect. This workload was not ordinary.

Then, after others provided Yang Ji with some suggestions for changes, they slipped away smoothly, saying that there was still a lot of work to do, leaving Yang Ji and Yu Jin here who could not slip away. After all, the boss was still here. Leaving your boss behind and running away is a taboo in the workplace.

"Tsk, why did they all run away? Forget it, I'll do it alone. It's not a big problem anyway. I have an alternative plan here, but it's just a bit more computationally intensive." Yang Ji stretched and minded his own business. said.

"Hey, Wen Ze, why are you still here? Forget it, come with me to the military camp outside the city. I will tell you about your mission then." Yang Ji turned around and saw that Yu Jin did not retreat with Chen Xi and the others. Suddenly I was a little surprised.

"." Although Yu Jin has a bit of a talent, he was so shocked by what Yang Ji said that he didn't know what to say. Is this his future boss? He should probably be very happy.

When Yang Ji saw that Yu Jin was silent, he thought he was a little reserved now, so he didn't think much about it. Although he knew that Yu Jin's character was a bit showy, Yang Ji had long forgotten those things. After all, it was a novel, not reality, and He is in reality now.

Yang Ji took Yu Jin to the military camp outside the city, but because he was dragged to the Government Affairs Office by Chen Xi just now, which delayed a little time, the soldiers in the military camp have now begun a day of training under the leadership of their respective instructors.

"Wen Ze, have you had any experience in leading troops before?" Yang Ji and Yu Jin stood in the stands, looking at the soldiers training under the gravity circle below.

After Yang Ji arrived at the military camp, he activated the gravity array, allowing all the trainees to be bathed in the blessing of gravity. Even the stands were given a gravity effect by Yang Ji.

So now Yu Jin feels a little uncomfortable, because the gravity here in the stands is about twice the gravity. This was specially adjusted by Yang Ji because Yu Jin's current cultivation level is only the condensation of inner energy, otherwise the gravity here in the stands would be ten times the gravity.

"I led hundreds of people when the Prime Minister of Jibei conquered the Yellow Turbans." Yu Jin said with some difficulty. Logically speaking, he is now a warrior who has condensed his inner energy. He should not feel uncomfortable with only twice the gravity blessing. .

But who asked him to wear armor today? This was the armor he had obtained when he followed Jibei Prime Minister Bao Xin to attack the Yellow Turbans. Unexpectedly, just after he took office, his boss gave him a surprise. No wonder Yang Ji wore it. It's a commoner.

"So, do you have any experience in training soldiers?" Yang Ji continued to ask Yu Jin as if he didn't see Yu Jin's state.

"Does a few hundred people count?" Yu Jin did not ask Yang Ji to lower the gravity multiplier. After all, this was his request. Yesterday, Zhang Fei and the others had told Yu Jin that exercising under gravity would help the cultivation of internal energy.

"Is that so? Have you seen the 500-man phalanx over there without an instructor?" Yang Ji pointed to the 500-man phalanx below that was training on its own and asked Yu Jin. Now Yang Ji wanted to test Yu Jin's level first, and at the same time Let the soldiers in the military camp know Yu Jin.

"I saw it." Yu Jin turned his head and looked in the direction Yang Ji pointed. That was a recruit who was undergoing adaptive training, that is, a soldier who had only entered the recruit camp for a few days.

"It's good if you see them. Next, you go train them. Organization, coordination and physical fitness are the first priorities. You can make other training content yourself. Are there any questions?" Yang Ji looked at Yu Jin and asked.

"No problem!" Yu Jin replied firmly. Although he didn't know if he could do it, he had to give it a try first.

What's more, Yang Ji has solidified the three military formations of entrainment, cooperation and recovery in the entire military camp. If he can't train the soldiers' organizational power and physical fitness, then he doesn't need to be here. Mixed up.

And I heard that the next stage of Yang Ji's plan is to cover the entire military camp with gravity effects. Although the gravity blessing is not as great as that on the school field, I heard that there is also a one-third effect blessing.

"Let me tell you first, if you can train these 500 people well and make everyone in the military camp obey you, then I will hand over all the training in the military camp to you, and then I will be responsible for another train."

"Whether you can do it or not depends on you, damn! Sorry, I forgot that you are still wearing armor." Yang Ji patted Yu Jin's shoulder, and Yu Jin's shoulder collapsed instantly.

Yang Ji quickly took his hand away from Yu Jin's shoulder, and then Yu Jin silently lifted his shoulder and took a deep breath, feeling that his future life in the military camp would probably be exciting.

(End of this chapter)

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