I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 111 The steam train that takes people from the old era to the new world

Chapter 111 The steam train that takes people from the old era to the new world
Kyoto is a bit hot in May, and the gray sky is a bit depressing.

In order to speed up the reform and promote commerce, Yagyu allowed businessmen to invest in factories and trade with foreign merchants. Rich merchants such as Konoikeya, Mitsui, and Sumitomo invested in cooperation with the court. Dozens of factories were opened between Kyoto and Osaka in these few months.

The roar of machines and the billowing black smoke covering the sky are all signs that the old era is being phased out and a new era is coming.

Not far from Toba Street, there is a tall Western building with a cement wall surrounding the building and several large characters on it - Kyoto Train Station.

Today is the first day the train station is open for business. The passengers coming to board the train are the cabinet headed by Yagyu and the officers and soldiers of the [-]st Battalion of the [-]st Infantry Regiment of the Kyoto Guards Division.

Standing in front of the train carriage, Yagyu said to a group of cabinet officials: "Everyone, this is a steam train. It can run fifty kilometers an hour. It only takes more than an hour to get from Kyoto to Osaka!"

Matsudaira Yongho was surprised: "This... is actually so fast, it's amazing!"

Ito Koshitaro said excitedly: "Now we also have such advanced machines!"

Okubo Toshimichi secretly said: Satsuma must speed up the pace. Unfortunately, the shogunate is restricting us. We only hope that the Choshu Domain can live up to our expectations.

Yagyu looked at the people with different expressions and said loudly: "This is the power of Western machines. We must face the gap between ourselves and Western countries. We must learn from Western countries, become Western countries, and finally surpass Western countries!"

"Yes, we will definitely surpass them!"

Shibusawa Eiichi couldn't help shouting.

"Beyond them!"

a number of cabinet officials chanted.

Yagyu raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and pointed at the steam train: "Let us experience it now, so that everyone will deeply understand the importance of the restoration!"

As Prime Minister, Yagyu was the first to enter the train. He went to the VIP carriage, which was equipped with sofas, long tables and other items. There was even a carriage with a bed covered with goose down cushions. Even at full speed, In this state, the person on the bed will sleep peacefully.

As for the noise, there is no need to worry, this bedroom car has been soundproofed to reduce the noise of the train to a minimum.

After everyone got on the train, the train driver immediately asked someone to start the preheated locomotive.

"Boom boom boom..."

The steam train gradually started to start, and soon, the train accelerated, and the giant steel dragon like a long dragon began to fly, and disappeared in front of everyone in a moment.

Matsudaira Yongho and others sitting on the train looked through the windows and marveled at the scenery that quickly disappeared behind them. In a short period of time, they saw people working in the fields in the distance, travelers on the road, etc.

The appearance of this giant steel dragon also startled pedestrians and farmers in the distance.


The sound of steam chirping is like the howling of a dragon.

People who had never seen a steam train screamed and fled in all directions.

"Dragon God, that's the Dragon God!"

"It's the roar of the dragon!"


Ignorant people were frightened by the ferocious steel machines and only regarded steam trains as ancient gods. They were either frightened or worshiped.

This is the collision of the old era and the new world, and the old era will eventually be shattered.


The steam train once again emitted billowing smoke, awakening the shocked people.

Matsudaira Yoshiho said to Sagawa Kanbei, Yamakawa Daizo and others: "I just heard what Prime Minister Yagyu said. I didn't feel much. I was just surprised by the ugliness of Western machines. But now, I feel what Prime Minister Yagyu said."

Sagawa Kanbei grabbed the edge of the table tightly, his face was very nervous, and he said: "This is not something that a mortal can do. It's too fast, it's like a god's method!"

Yamakawa Daizo said excitedly: "This is the technology of Western countries, so Prime Minister Yagyu wants to reform. Reform is right, Japan needs to change!"

Not far away, Okubo Toshimichi was not as shocked as the people on the shogunate side. As a member of the Satsuma Domain, he had been surprised more than ten years ago.

Shimazu Saibin, the lord of the Satsuma Domain at that time, was very curious about Western things and actively studied. He opened a collection hall to learn about the novelties of Western countries.

The Satsuma Domain has long known about cameras, trains, foreign guns, artillery, steamships, etc.

However, even though Shimazu Qibin worked so hard, the Satsuma clan did not change qualitatively.

Okubo Toshimichi looked at another carriage and murmured: "If the Satsuma clan had such a strange man as Prime Minister Yagyu, the Satsuma clan might have dominated the world..."

In just an hour, the train arrived at Osaka Station.

As the train slowly stopped, Yagyu, who had been closing his eyes to rest, opened his eyes and stood up and said, "Osaka is here."

Ichimura Tetsunosuke opened the window and took a look, then turned around and said: "Director, we arrived in Osaka so fast!" Yagyu smiled and said: "Let's go, this kind of thing will no longer be a novelty in the future. Cheer up. Come on, we’re going to see the General later.”

"Hi Yi!"

Ichimura Tetsunosuke immediately followed Yagyu out of the train.

Yagyu looked at the officials who got out of the car and asked, "How are you doing? Do you feel this almost divine power?"

Matsudaira Yongho nodded excitedly and said: "Prime Minister Yagyu, I understand why you must reform. Japan must reform!"

Yagyu was a little relieved and said: "Sir Matsudaira can understand my painstaking efforts. It seems that my efforts have not been in vain. I will go to see the general later, so Matsudaira-sama should cheer up."

Yagyu and his party immediately left the train station. A carriage had already been arranged outside to take Yagyu and his party to the Osaka office.

Today, in addition to the Osaka East-West Office, Osaka Castle houses the offices established by the Cabinet and the Osaka branch of the Police Bureau.

Yagyu rushed to the office, and the director of the police branch, Yamazaki Hao, appeared in front of Yagyu and said: "Prime Minister, the shogun has arrived at Osaka Castle, and Hitotsubashi Qingxi, who came from Kyoto, is beside the shogun.

Now that the shogun is sitting in Osaka, the lords of the Western Kingdom are responding to the shogunate's call and leading their troops to Osaka. "

Yagyu nodded and said: "Well, you have to work harder these days. I will transfer manpower from Kyoto to support you. If those feudal soldiers violate laws and disciplines in Osaka, don't be polite. You can deal with them how you want."

"Hey, I understand."

Not long after Yamazaki Hao retreated, Ichimura Tetsunosuke came to announce that Hitotsubashi Keiki had arrived.

Yagyu understood what Hitotsubashi was here for, but unfortunately this trip was destined to end in disappointment.

"I'll go and greet you."

Said to be a greeting, Yagyu was just waiting for Hitotsubashi to celebrate on the second floor.

It seemed that the weather in Osaka was a bit hot, and Hitotsubashi Keiki seemed a little impatient. He walked to the second floor with an ugly face, glared at Yagyu and said: "Prime Minister Yagyu, your pomp is really grand. You may have forgotten that the two Years ago, you were just a robber who escaped from the feudal clan!"

Yagyu looked at Hitotsubashi Keiki, who had stretched his face in front of him, and said: "Master Hitotsubashi, please note that I am now the Prime Minister of the Cabinet personally appointed by the Emperor to assist the Emperor in his reform."

Ichihashi Yingxi gritted his teeth, shook his sleeves angrily, and snorted: "Ah, he is indeed the murderous Prime Minister Yagyu, he is indeed very courageous.

Now, the shogun has come to Osaka in person and summoned tens of thousands of troops to Osaka Castle. Prime Minister Yagyu, how long can you remain stubborn?Hahaha! "

Hitotsubashi laughed happily and walked to Yagyu's office.

Yagyu and Hitotsubashi Keiki came to the office and sat down. Hitotsubashi Keiki said politely: "The shogunate is going to conquer the Choshu Domain. Prime Minister Yagyu should go back to Kyoto early and let the court issue an edict against the thieves."

Yagyu sat down and said: "Now is a critical moment for the imperial court to reform. If a war breaks out at home, it will only affect the Western countries' views on Japan, which is not good for the country."

Kazuhashi Qingxi suddenly stood up and said: "Changzhou Domain is the enemy of the court!"

Yagyu leaned back on his chair and said with a smile: "The imperial court has the final say on who the enemy is."

Hitotsubashi Yingxi was furious, turned around and left, going directly to find Matsudaira Yongho.

Yagyu didn't get up to chase him. He leaned on his chair and pondered the next road.

At this time, Tetsunosuke Ichimura burst in and said breathlessly: "Director, someone just came to report that the mission fleet sent to the Qing Dynasty has returned!"

Yagyu stood up immediately and said with some surprise: "I came back at this time. Prepare the carriage immediately. I'll go take a look."

Half an hour later, Yagyu and his men arrived at the military port. He saw the Jiazi, which had been away for nearly three months.

Cai Shantaro immediately rushed over with the Qing's credentials and said excitedly: "Prime Minister, we have fulfilled our mission and have established diplomatic relations with the Qing on an equal footing. Mr. Zhou is waiting in Tianjin of the Qing."

Yagyu took the certificate and looked at it, and said happily: "Okay, you really did not disappoint me. Developing trade with the Qing Dynasty will be of great benefit to our country!"

Cai Shantaro saluted and said: "Prime Minister, there is one more thing that I must report to you alone."

Yagyu immediately took Zentaro Cai and the rest of the mission back to the office. He took Zentaro Cai to the office and asked Tetsunosuke Ichimura to watch outside. Then he asked, "But have you contacted Tsarist Russia?"

Shantaro Cai nodded and said: "Yes, Mr. Zhou met with the ambassador of Tsarist Russia and submitted his credentials and the two treaties. The ambassador of Tsarist Russia asked about the price and our purpose."

Yagyu clapped his hands excitedly and said, "You have done a great job. Being able to purchase 170 million square kilometers of land with money is of great significance to Japan! That is the land of almost six Japanese countries!"

Zentaro Cai felt a little proud when he saw Yagyu so excited.

However, he still asked with some confusion: "But, Mr. Prime Minister, Alaska is a vast barren land covered with ice and snow."

Yagyu raised his lips slightly and said: "No, that is a land of treasures, inexhaustible wealth for hundreds of years. It seems that I can't stop the shogunate from attacking Changzhou."

(End of this chapter)

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