I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 112 General, buy some canned food, it’s convenient and delicious.

Chapter 112 General, buy some canned food, it’s convenient and delicious.
Although the process of contact between Yagyu and Keiki Hitotsubashi was not very pleasant, compared to Keiki Hitotsubashi, Tokugawa Iemo was a person with a gentler personality.

Although Yoshihashi returned to Tokugawa Iemo angrily and said a lot of bad things, Tokugawa Iemo still summoned Yagyu.

In the Imperial Palace in Osaka, Yagyu entered the wide room to meet with the general Tokugawa Iemo. This time, the veteran Ogasawara Nagayuki and others were not present, but there were also other senior shogunate officials, such as Kosu Tadatsun, Enomoto Takehiro, Nagai Hisashi and others.

Tokugawa Iemo looked at Yagyu and smiled: "Jubei, you occasionally give way to Ichihashi-sama, but you made him very angry yesterday."

Yagyu replied: "Shogun, I just tried to persuade you from the perspective of imperial reform, but Ichibashi-sama was too excited. In any case, the emperor still stands with the shogun."

Tokugawa Iemo nodded and said: "Of course I believe in your majesty's trust in the shogunate. It is really helpless to send troops this time. For the dignity of the shogunate, the Choshu clan must be punished. I hope your majesty can understand."

Yagyu nodded and said: "Of course your Majesty can understand the mood of the shogun. However, the shogun has raised so many troops to fight. The price of food in the market has been rising recently, which has added a lot of pressure to the shogunate.

If possible, I recommend that the shogunate purchase factory-produced cans. These canned foods can be stored for a long time and can effectively supplement the nutrients needed by the soldiers. "

Yagyu took out a canned fish directly from his arms and placed it in front of everyone.

"There are three ounces of fish in this can, with enough salt, oil and other condiments in it. It can be eaten as long as it is heated slightly. With the salt water rice balls, the soldiers can finish the meal in a short time.

In addition, we also have canned spicy food, canned miso soup, canned pickled radish, etc. This is a very convenient military ration. "

Takehiro Enomoto looked at the can that Yagyu opened, stepped forward to take a closer look, smelled it, and even picked up some fish to try.

He nodded and said: "Although it is a bit salty, it is a kind of delicacy for the soldiers, and it is indeed more convenient to operate Prime Minister Yagyu. Whether it is transportation or use, this is indeed an excellent military ration."

Tokugawa Iemo nodded and said: "Since even Enomoto agrees, it must be good. Jubei, what's the price of this can?"

Yagyu saluted and said, "There are 24 cans of fish like this in one box, and they cost one hundred cash, which is much cheaper than the current price of food."

Tokugawa Iemo immediately ordered: "Then the shogunate will first buy a thousand gold cans from Jubei's factory to try."

After Yagyu achieved his goal, he said goodbye to Tokugawa Iemo.

However, after he left, Hitotsubashi Yingxi immediately said: "It is suspicious that Prime Minister Yagyu suddenly changed his attitude! I heard that the mission sent by Prime Minister Yagyu to the Qing Dynasty has returned."

Tokugawa Iemo sighed: "Jubei has done a lot. Look how Osaka has changed. I heard Lord Aizu say that they took a Western steam train and it only took half an hour to get from Kyoto to Osaka. It's incredible." .

The innovations of the shogunate are still not as good as the footsteps of Jubei. After the Choshu clan is pacified, we should learn from Jubei and introduce Western machines. How about it? "

Nagai Hisashi said worriedly: "I'm afraid Ogasawara-sama and the others won't agree."

Tokugawa Iemo nodded and said: "Well, there is no rush at this time, just take your time."


Yagyu walked out of the imperial palace, looked back, and then returned to the affairs office. He found Ito Koshitaro and said, "I just went to see the shogun and recommended our cans to him. Please talk to the factory and give it to the shogunate." Arrange the best cans.”

Ito Koshitaro asked anxiously: "Does the Prime Minister want to support the shogunate in conquering Choshu?"

Yagyu wrote something and said: "Of course not, but it can be said that it is, but the issue between the shogunate and Choshu is not something we should deal with. The main task of the cabinet is the restoration."

Ito Koshitaro said with some reluctance: "I think that the shogunate's sending troops to attack the Choshu clan is of no use, and the imperial court should stop it."

Yagyu put down his pen, looked at Ito and said, "Ito, supporting the shogunate is the emperor's intention. Do we want to oppose His Majesty the Emperor?"

Ito shook his head and said: "Of course...can't..." Yagyu explained: "I have said it before, the most important thing now is to strengthen the strength of the imperial court. If the imperial court is strong, it can suppress the Choshu clan and the shogunate, allowing them to Negotiate peace under the mediation of the imperial court, instead of trying to stop it now with just one mouth.

Furthermore, you are not the only one who wants to stop the shogunate from attacking the Choshu clan, there are others who also want to stop it, and they are more anxious than you. "

Ito Koshitaro woke up and said, "Are you talking about Satsuma Domain?"

Yagyu lowered his head to sign the document again and said: "Our cabinet should not get too involved in this matter. Let them fight. We must seize the time to reform."

Although Ito Koshitaro wasn't quite sure what Yagyu was thinking, at this moment he felt that what Yagyu said made sense. He nodded thoughtfully and said, "Hey, I understand."

After Yagyu met General Tokugawa Iemo in Osaka, he returned to Kyoto with his cabinet members a few days later. At the same time, Hitotsubashi Keiki returned to Kyoto.

If the shogunate wants to attack the Choshu clan, it needs the approval of the imperial court and the issuance of an imperial edict. Only in this way can it have the right to send troops.

So Hitotsubashi Keixi came to seek justice from the court.

However, Yagyu didn't plan to get involved in this matter. He even discussed arms business with Hitotsubashi Keiki.

Yagyu now still has thousands of Enfield rifles and ammunition in the military arsenal of the Military Guard, as well as dozens of Napoleon cannons. He plans to take advantage of this time to sell them all to the shogunate.

Yagyu then asked Hijikata Toshizo to meet with Hitotsubashi Keiki to discuss the business.

Yoshihashi was surprised when he heard the business proposed by Hijikata Toshizo. He couldn't understand why Yagyu suddenly turned around. Although Yagyu only sold rations and arms to the shogunate, these actions could easily be misunderstood as support. actions of the shogunate.

No matter what others think, Yagyu doesn't care. What he has to do now is to earn 200 million pounds as savings as soon as possible to buy Alaska.

Now that the American Civil War has ended, President Lincoln was assassinated and was succeeded by Vice President Andrew Johnson. With Lincoln in front of him, Johnson was eager to make some achievements.

Now that the United States has established an affairs office in Kyoto, Yagyu immediately dispatched Ogata Shuntaro to discuss arms business with American officials in the affairs office.

During the American Civil War, millions of people joined the army. The war caused more than one million casualties. Now that the war is over, a large number of soldiers have been demobilized. However, the arms ordered by the military far exceed the number of standing armies.

It can be said that Yagyu's proposal of arms trade to the United States at this moment is a great help to the United States.

Following Yagyu's instructions, Ogata Shuntaro ordered [-] guns at a price of three dollars each, as well as five hundred artillery pieces. The artillery that originally cost three hundred dollars a piece cost only one hundred dollars, which was high quality and low price.

Regardless of the fact that Ogata Shuntaro purchased so many arms, for the United States, this amount is less than one-tenth.

The American military has millions of Enfield rifles and thousands of Napoleon cannons moldy in warehouses.

Yagyu looked at the signed arms contract and almost smiled.

Ogata Shuntaro said worriedly: "Prime Minister, our army does not need so many arms."

Yagyu retracted the contract into the box and said: "Shuntaro, these arms are not used to equip us, but to be sold. As for the targets, there are too many, including the Shogunate, Satsuma, Choshu, etc., and there are Our new ally, the Qing Dynasty.

There are so many cheap arms, even if we only triple the price, for these people, it is still cheap and high-quality, and they will make a fortune, hahaha! "

Ogata Shuntaro was surprised: "Isn't this a second-level dealer?"

"Make money, it's not shabby."

(End of this chapter)

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