I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 119: High price of rice in Kyoto, citizens are dissatisfied

Chapter 119: High price of rice in Kyoto, citizens are dissatisfied
Now that the imperial court has issued an edict to attack the Choshu Domain, the shogunate's sending troops is justified and justified. The Satsuma Domain can no longer stop the shogunate from sending troops.

Hitotsubashi Yoshiki was the general person in charge of the shogunate's army. He ordered the Western Kingdom and Kyushu clans to send troops, but the Satsuma clan clearly refused to send troops.

Satsuma Domain's actions made some vassal states in Kyushu and Western Kingdoms confused.

In addition, signals such as the imperial court issuing edicts and the shogunate gathering troops and horses quickly affected the market. The Western vassals purchased military rations in advance because they were going to send troops.

This year's autumn harvest was affected by drought, and grain production was reduced. This coupled with the vassal state's purchase of military grain, and the price of grain began to rise again.

Food prices in Kyoto and Osaka have significantly doubled.

In the Cabinet Office, Taro Ito Koshiko reported to Yagyu Hui: "Prime Minister, the price of rice in Kyoto has now risen to the point where one stone of rice costs six taels of gold. If this continues, the price will skyrocket."

Yagyu frowned and said: "There is going to be a war, and this year's harvest is bad, and the people are panicking, which has led to the rise in rice prices. These businessmen are brave enough to raise prices at this time. It seems that the lessons learned four months ago are not enough."

Yagyu immediately called Takeda Kanryusai and said: "Let all the action teams of the tax bureau be dispatched, focus on those grain merchants who sell at high prices, and be sure to find out how much grain they sell and how much they cost."

Takeda Kanryusai immediately returned to his office and gave the order to Kawai Kisaburo, and then all the tax bureau's action teams were dispatched.

There are far fewer pedestrians on the streets of Kyoto, and there are not as many hawkers as before. The expressions of the citizens look a little hesitant.

Toudo Heisuke changed his clothes, sat down on the second floor of a wine shop opposite a grain store, and ordered a bartender. The girl was wearing heavy makeup, smiling coquettishly and pouring wine for Heisuke.

With a smile on his face, Toudo Heisuke took the glass of wine from the girl's hand and took a sip. He then took out his money bag and placed it on the table, revealing a few gold coins.

The girl smiled even more, and began to press Toudou Heisuke to persuade her to drink. Toudou Heisuke easily put his arm around the girl's waist, pulled her against the window, and pointed outside, making the girl smile.

Although Toudo Heisuke was having sex with the girl, he would also pay attention to the grain store diagonally opposite. The price of rice in the rice bucket outside the grain store was already two thousand five hundred cents per bucket of rice.

Just when Toudo Heisuke and the girl were inseparable, the head of the grain store ordered the clerk to change a sign, which read two pieces of eight hundred coins and a bucket of rice.

Citizens who were waiting to buy rice were surprised: "Why has the price increased by another three hundred cents? If this continues, I won't be able to buy much even if I spend all my money!"

Fantou mocked: "If you can't afford it, don't buy it. Don't stop others from buying it. There is no shortage of people to buy the food now."

The citizens felt very aggrieved when they saw Fan Tou's superior attitude, but if they didn't buy food, they would starve to death.

After watching such a farce, Toudo Heisuke felt a little disinterested. He pushed the girl away, took out a small gold coin from his wallet and threw it to the girl, then stood up and left.

"I'm so lucky today, I met a generous guest!"

The girl was so happy when she picked up Jin Xiaopan that she stuffed it directly into her underwear.

You must know that she just drank wine for a while, so the price was only about fifty cash at most. If it was physical contact, it would be about one hundred cash, sleeping with her would be two to three hundred cash, and a small gold medal would be about four thousand cash. , this is the price a girl can pay for sleeping with more than ten men.

Toudo Heisuke didn't care about this. He returned to the tax bureau, put on a blue action suit, equipped with a knife and a revolver, and summoned his team members.

"Beep beep!"



More than 30 team members quickly gathered.

Todo Heisuke looked at the team members and said: "Today, the price of food in Kyoto is skyrocketing. In order to prevent businessmen from making false accounts, it is now our action team's turn to take action.

The investigation team immediately used its own secret line to obtain the account books of the grain merchants in our jurisdiction, and other teams mobilized manpower to monitor the records nearby.have you understood! "


"Get out!"

The tax bureau's action team was quickly deployed to monitor the situation of grain stores everywhere.

In the afternoon, Toudo Heisuke led the action team directly to a grain store and pushed through the people queuing up.

"The tax bureau has been ordered to investigate. All people in the store are not allowed to move!"

Toudo Heisuke shouted, and the crowd retreated automatically.

The action team strode into the store.

Todo Heisuke looked at the price of rice three times and said, "Record it."

Fantou hurriedly smiled and said: "Sir, be merciful, be merciful..."

Todo Heisuke looked at Fantou and said with a serious expression: "What do you mean, do you want to hinder us from doing things?"

Fantou was startled and waved his hands quickly: "Don't dare, don't dare..."

The team member on the side took the account book and handed it to Toudou Heisuke and said: "Captain, this is the account book."

Todo Heisuke nodded and said: "Transcribe it and take the original copy with you."

Then a team member came out, quickly copied the account book, and finally stamped it with the seal of the tax bureau.

Toudo Heisuke walked up to Bantou and said: "We took the account books away and left a copy. If after our calculation, the actual discrepancy is too large, the tax bureau will impose a fine on you in accordance with regulations. Do you understand?"

Fantou wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with some fear: "The villain knows."

Toudo Heisuke then left with the others, but left one team member to continue supervision.

These account books will be calculated by the accounting team of the tax bureau. Todo Heisuke handed over five ledgers, and the accounting team will re-transcribe and re-calculate them.

Half an hour later, the first ledger was completed.

Chief Matsunaga took the first book and said to Toudo Heisuke: "According to this account book, Sannojiya Grain Store sold 530 three koku of rice, and more than a thousand koku of wheat, soybeans and other miscellaneous grains. The total sales amount was nearly four thousand koku. Pass." Todo Heisuke asked: "Did you make false accounts?"

Chief Matsunaga shook his head and said, "No, you can report it to the director now."

Toudo Heisuke immediately reported the situation, and Kawai Kisaburo said: "According to Vice Minister Takeda's wishes, we now need to collect their taxes in front of the citizens so that the citizens can vent their anger."

Early the next morning, there was already a long queue in front of Tennojiya's grain store. As soon as the store door opened, the waiter brought up the rice bucket and priced it at three times two hundred cents per dou of rice.

"Why did the price increase again!"

"The money I make is not as fast as the price of rice."

"Oh, all the money was used to buy food."

The citizens were discussing it in a lively manner.

Fan Tou stood in front of the stage and said: "Today's quota is limited, and we won't sell it when it's sold out. Hurry up."

Fan Tou's words stirred up a thousand waves, and the citizens below were excited, and they crowded forward and stretched out their hands to buy food.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way!"

"Inland Revenue Department, I'm here to serve you!"

Citizens who heard the roar could only step aside and wait anxiously when they saw the action team members.

When Ban Tou saw people from the tax bureau arriving, he immediately stepped forward to receive them and said, "Sir Todo."

Toudo Heisuke walked up to Bantou and said: "The tax bureau ordered that your grain store's tax revenue will be based on the new regulations negotiated by the cabinet. Previously, a bushel of rice was sold for 110 seven cents.

As of yesterday, your selling price has increased to three times. According to the new regulations, the tax bureau will collect value-added tax on the price that exceeds the price stipulated by the tax bureau. In addition, if your price increase exceeds twice the price stipulated by the tax bureau, you will have to divide it by a fine. It’s you Three times the sales amount is a fine of [-] gold.

If you continue to sell, our people will continue to watch and record the price of your sales, and the fines will continue to increase. "

Ban Tou was not too alarmed. He whispered: "Master Todo, the cabinet is forcing us to close our doors by doing this."

Todo Heisuke looked at Bantou with a sneer and said, "So what?"

Ban Tou narrowed his eyes when he heard this and said, "Master Todo, do you really want to kill the fish to the death?"

"You can give it a try." Toudo Heisuke took out the penalty sheet and threw it in Ban Tou's face, "Hurry and prepare the fine!"

With a livid face, Ban Tou immediately found the foreign affairs monk of his employer, Tennoji, who was behind him.

The monk snorted coldly and said: "How brave, then let them know that Buddha is also angry!"

The tax bureau's crackdown on grain stores immediately caused a backlash, and most of the grain stores in Kyoto simply closed their doors.

The closed fantou said loudly: "The tax bureau is bullying people too much. We won't sell it anymore. Let's go to the cabinet to buy food!"

Citizens who were eager to buy food immediately directed their anger at the tax bureau office, and some even went to protest near the imperial office.

After hearing the news, Hitotsubashi Yoshiki and the people of the Satsuma clan went to watch the show.

But Yagyu didn't panic at all. He got up and walked out of the office. Sanbei Ishikawa from the food processing factory was already waiting.

Yagyu asked: "How is it? Are you ready?"

Ishikawa Sanbei immediately saluted and said: "Prime Minister, don't worry, I have shipped all the inventory, and the factory is still working overtime to produce it, so we can definitely supply it in time!"

Liu Sheng nodded and said: "Okay, let's get started. These fools have done me a great favor."

On the avenue outside the Imperial Palace, citizens shouted loudly: "We want to buy food!"

“The tax bureau revokes the penalty!”

"Let the Emperor make the decision!"

The broad streets are clearly divided, and no one dares to directly rush into the imperial palace.

At this time, carts appeared at the end of the street, and people in front of them shouted: "Canned goods, buy canned goods, a box of [-] yuan, rice, meat, spicy, salty, sweet!" "

"Canned instant noodles, very fragrant, 120 yuan per box, cheap and delicious!"

"Do you want to buy canned food? A box only costs a few cents. One box is enough for one meal. It's much cheaper than buying rice!"

When the protesting people heard this price, they calculated carefully and found that it was indeed cheaper than rice.

The man continued: "This can can be stored for at least half a year, and it is very convenient to use!"

"I'll buy a hundred boxes!"

"I'll buy two hundred boxes!"

"I...I'll buy fifty boxes!"

If one person takes the lead, others will follow suit. A bucket of rice is more than three guans, which can't last half a month, but three guans can buy about thirty boxes of cans, which is enough for a family to eat for a month without going hungry.

"I didn't kill you because you had some use value." Yagyu sat firmly on the Diaoyutai.

 The foreign trade price of instant noodles in the previous article has been revised.

(End of this chapter)

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