Chapter 120 Total Victory!

Originally, these grain merchants wanted to attack the cabinet by controlling grain, but unexpectedly, Yagyu had already guessed their method.

This method may have worked well in the past, but the same method will have different effects when faced with different people.

Yagyu realized this was a great opportunity to promote canned food.

Although Yagyu personally came forward to sell cans to Western countries, the quantity was limited and it would take a certain amount of time to promote, and it might also be suppressed by the can manufacturers of Western countries.

As for domestically, canned goods only have markets in a few places, and the market is very small.

But this time, the grain merchants' monopoly on not selling grain became an opportunity, and Yagyu quickly moved to let the canning business seize the market.

Moreover, the incident this time was so big that it would be used as a topic for after-dinner conversation in the future. This was free advertising, and he could also take advantage of the victory and make this incident a headline and suppress it severely. Those grain merchants!

Yagyu looked at the scenery outside and felt relaxed and happy. These grain merchants are good people. They must support the national cause even if they lose money. Good people!
Although he is a good person, the fine should not be less.

The grain merchants really didn't think about canned food. They had heard that Yagyu wanted to sell canned food to foreign businessmen as its flagship product, so the people behind the grain merchants didn't pay attention.

Now this time he was directly knocked to the ground by Yagyu's explosive liver punch. If they didn't handle it properly, most of them would have to close down.

The grain merchants relented, and in the afternoon a minister found Nijo Qi Jing to come forward and ask for peace with Yagyu.

Nijo Qi Jing couldn't resist, so he had to rush to the cabinet to meet with Yagyu.

Yagyu looked at the somewhat guilty Erjo Qi Jing and asked with a smile: "Master Guan Bai, you must have something important to come to my cabinet despite your busy schedule, right?"

Erjo Qi Jing immediately said with a pleasant expression: "No, no, compared to Yagyu Shou, I am busy with trivial things. I am annoyed to death by these trivial things."

Yagyu nodded and said: "Master Guanbai, if you can, tell me that we will serve the emperor together and we should help each other. As long as it is not a very troublesome matter, I will help you solve it."

"Ah ha ha ha..." Nijo Saikei relaxed a little. He gathered his words and said, "That's it. It's not like some people were confused just today and didn't know how powerful Prime Minister Yagyu is.

Now these people know that they are wrong and want to ask Prime Minister Yagyu to spare them this time. "

Liu Sheng stood up and said: "This matter is a bit complicated. Lord Guan Bai, let me tell you this, this matter not only involves me, but also the shogunate.

Think about it, the rise in food prices not only affects the people. The shogunate orders all the Western vassals to send troops, and everyone has to buy food. When the price rises, doesn't it affect the shogunate?
The shogunate spent most of the money originally used to conquer the Choshu Domain on buying military rations. This left the shogunate with less money to support the subsequent war. If this is serious, this group of grain merchants had colluded with the Choshu Domain. , whoever listens to it will believe it. "

When Erjo Qi Jing heard this, he immediately jumped up and said, "What! Oh, I don't know anything. These people didn't tell me, these bastards."

Yagyu quickly grabbed Erjo and said, "Don't worry, Master Guanbai. I know you definitely don't mean this. These people are dishonest. If you teach them a lesson, they will become more obedient."

Nijo Saikyo also said angrily: "These people really deserve it. Prime Minister Yagyu, just follow your rules. I won't care. I will watch over it for you from the court."

The corners of Yagyu's lips raised slightly and he said: "Easy to say, you and I are the Emperor's right-hand men, so we should work together."

Nijo Qi Jing stood up and took Yagyu's hand, nodded and said: "Prime Minister Yagyu, you are right, don't worry, I will be on your side from now on."

Yagyu and Nijo Saikei held hands and talked happily. Nijou Saikei left the cabinet talking and laughing and went back to his home.

When Erjo Qi Jing returned home, he saw the ministers who were waiting for news and immediately cursed and drove them away. “They are a bunch of idiots, they are so capable and still want to compete with a man like Yagyu, they don’t know whether to live or die.

Yagyu was so terrible. He blocked my mouth with just a few words. I was also confused. What was he mixing up?Oops, no memory! "

Nijo Saikei was annoyed that he had lost his mind and wrote down the matter.

After Erjo Qi Jing left, Yagyu sneered: "You are really evil-minded. Don't blame me for being cruel."

Although the grain merchants hurriedly opened their doors to do business, the price of canned food was obviously cheaper than that of grain. After all, they were all eaten, and it was not necessarily rice.

The canned business was still booming, which made the grain merchants impatient.

The next day, the cabinet released a new newspaper, and the grain and canned food became the headline news. The newspaper criticized these merchants for selling grain at high prices, and the lively citizens on the side also followed suit.

"These people are so evil and won't give us a way to survive!"

"It's just, it's so hateful. Fortunately, the money I earn for a day is not enough for food."

"Not only that, they also have a condescending attitude. They think selling food is a gift. Just thinking about it makes me so angry that my teeth hurt!"

As soon as this newspaper was published, it quickly aroused a wave of criticism of grain merchants from the citizens. Yesterday, everyone was targeting the cabinet and the tax bureau. Today, the tide has turned, and grain merchants are being targeted.

In order to vent their anger, everyone did not go to the grain merchants to buy rice, or even some miscellaneous grains.

Some people even sat near the grain store and began to curse. The grain merchant wanted to stop him, but police officers from the police station were nearby. If they used violence, the police would take action.

The boss in the grain store was furious and could only whisper in the store that the police department was bullying people.

Because the business of the grain store was not good, no one went to buy rice, and the price of grain plummeted. In just two days, it fell back to the usual [-] yuan.

It even forced the fan to come forward and apologize to the passing citizens with a doge seat.

But nothing works.


This is Yagyu's grasp of the Japanese character. The current political direction is to criticize unscrupulous grain merchants. If you buy rice at this time, you will be criticized by others.

These citizens are following the crowd and do not dare to do anything unique.

In addition, canned goods can support life, so there is no need to buy rice at the risk of social death.

In the Cabinet Office, Kondo Isamu and Ito Koshitaro reported the recent progress to Yagyu.

Taro Ito Koshiko praised: "The Prime Minister is really good at killing two birds with one stone. It can also let those conservatives know how powerful the cabinet is and they will restrain themselves in the future."

Yagyu shook his head and said: "How can it be that easy? We didn't force them into a corner. The final counterattack is very dangerous."

(End of this chapter)

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