I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 121: Meeting Matsudaira Chunue, Katsura Kogoro enters the capital

Chapter 121 Meeting Matsudaira Chunaku and Katsura Kogoro entering the capital
The Yagyu cabinet defeated the grain merchants in a crushing manner, which made Matsudaira Shunaku, Yamauchi Do and others feel incredible.

Throughout the ages, these big businessmen who have control of grain have been the targets of the feudal states and the shogunate, and they dare not do too much.

Once these grain merchants are angered, unrest will occur.

Therefore, the strength of these grain merchants is seen by others as a powerful force.

But now, this group of grain merchants who could talk to the powerful and on equal terms were defeated by the Yagyu cabinet in one day. Many people admired this courageous momentum.

All along, Yagyu has relied on his own strength and the emperor's trust to get to where he is now step by step.

This time, Yagyu quickly defeated the grain merchants, which attracted people's attention. Therefore, some swaying feudal states moved closer to the Yagyu cabinet and sent feudal officials to participate in the cabinet assessment.

As the real leader of Fukui Domain, Matsudaira Chunue decided to have a good talk with Yagyu.

Fukui Domain can also be called Echizen Domain, with a stone height of 32.

Former feudal lords like Matsudaira Harugaku who controlled the feudal administration had a great impact on the shogunate through their decisions.

Now the Satsuma Domain is secretly communicating with the Choshu Domain and is about to form an alliance, but the Satsuma Domain has not stopped and continues to communicate with Tosa Domain, Fukui Domain and other powerful feudal lords.

Matsudaira Chunue was not a die-hard supporter of the shogunate. He had been in contact with the Satsuma clan for a long time and was very dissatisfied with some of the actions of the shogunate.

However, Matsudaira Harugaku did not want to abandon the shogunate directly. Although he contacted Satsuma Domain, he did not make a real decision, so he came to Yagyu to ask for a solution.

Matsudaira Harugaku did not go directly to the cabinet to visit Yagyu. He asked Yokoi Konan to deliver a message and meet in Gion.

In the evening, Yagyu took Ichimura Tetsunosuke to the Kiyomizu House in Gion, which is the love nest of Matsudaira Harugaku and his best friend.

Matsudaira Harugaku personally came forward to receive Yagyu and said pleasantly: "Prime Minister Yagyu, the banquet has been prepared and is waiting for your Excellency to come."

Yagyu said very politely: "Master Chunyue, you are so polite."

"Please come in!"

The two of them walked into the lobby and took their seats respectively. Taifu Shimizu sat on the left side of Matsudaira Harugaku to serve him, and a beautiful woman was also arranged for Yagyu's side.

Matsudaira Harugaku asked: "Is Prime Minister Yagyu still satisfied?"

Liu Sheng nodded and said: "I am very satisfied. I think the main purpose of today is not to have fun over wine."

Matsudaira Harugaku nodded and said with a smile: "Prime Minister Yagyu is indeed quick-tongued. I observe that the cabinet officials act vigorously and resolutely, and are not as sluggish as the shogunate. I am really impressed."

Yagyu replied: "Reformation is an urgent matter for Japan. We are already too far behind. For example, the Qing Dynasty on the other side was bullied by Britain, France, the United States, Russia and other countries and ceded territory to pay compensation.

Now, although we, Japan, have only signed a treaty, perhaps it is just that the Western countries look down upon our country's barren land.

I heard someone say that being behind doesn't mean you will be beaten. That's just because the strong ones didn't think about taking action today. "

Matsudaira Harugaku felt enlightened when he heard the following words. He nodded and said: "Prime Minister Yagyu, you are absolutely right. Japan is too weak now, but the shogunate is still obsessed with suppressing the lord.

Prime Minister Yagyu, in fact, the power of the imperial court can completely prevent this war, no matter which side you join, but why don't you care? "

Yagyu groaned and said: "Master Chunyue, since you have asked me this, let me tell you straight away. People like Satsuma and Choshu cannot be persuaded with words. Likewise, a large part of the shogunate is still stubborn.

Therefore, only by letting them fight first and let their strength speak for themselves can the losers be silenced. As for the end of this storm, it will not affect Japan's internal affairs. "

Matsudaira Chunyue opened his eyes, leaned forward and said in surprise: "When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman wins!"

Yagyu shook his head slightly and said: "No, no, no, Lord Chun Yue misunderstood. I am like a mantis stalking a cicada and an oriole behind me. Moreover, I can say this, splitting the Guards Division into two is enough to suppress the armies of the Shogunate and Choshu. "

Matsudaira Harugaku looked at Yagyu who was in full swing, his eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "Impossible, the Guards Division has a maximum of 1 people. How can 5000 people stop the shogunate's army?"

Yagyu took out the revolver in his arms and said: "Master Chun Yue, this gun can fire several shots in the blink of an eye. Our Guards Division is equipped with advanced foreign guns and adopts advanced tactics that are not available in other Western countries. Not to mention the shogunate's army, I don't even look down on it even if the sha chief joins forces.

Lord Chun Yue, my enemy has never been a certain vassal state or shogunate in the country. My enemy is the Western powers that are pressing down on us. "

"That's it!" Matsudaira Harugaku sat back down and said with admiration, "It turns out that Prime Minister Yagyu has already thought about the future. The Satsuma clan and the shogunate who only think about domestic power are naturally no match for Prime Minister Yagyu."

Prime Minister Yagyu looked at Matsudaira Harugaku and said: "It seems that the people from the Satsuma Domain have already approached Harugaku-sama. It doesn't matter. No matter which side Harugaku-sama helps, I am already in an invincible position."

Matsudaira Harugaku raised his glass and said with a smile: "Hahaha, Prime Minister Yagyu is so courageous. So, I will cooperate with the Satsuma clan to see what the Satsuma clan can do. I also want to see what Prime Minister Yagyu can do. To what extent."

Yagyu raised his glass and said, "We'll see."

Half an hour later, Yagyu didn't stay long. He hurriedly left Gion with Ichimura Tetsunosuke before Gion closed and headed towards the Imperial Palace.

Ichimura Tetsunosuke asked in confusion: "Director, why do you have to tell him so much? I'm afraid he will tell the people of Satsuma Domain."

Yagyu shook his head slightly and said: "Tetsunosuke, don't worry, what I told him is just a fact, this victory will definitely belong to the Guards Division and the cabinet.

Even if the people of Satsuma Domain know about it, they will have to deal with the shogunate first. As for us, we are already beyond our reach, so it doesn't matter if we say it. "

Ichimura Tetsunosuke nodded and said, "I believe in the Director. No one in Kyoto is smarter than the Director."

Yagyu touched Tetsunosuke Ichimura's head and said with a smile: "Tetsunosuke, don't think too much of me, I am just a mortal. The reason why I can see far is because I stand on the shoulders of giants." superior."

Ichimura Tetsunosuke didn't quite understand, but he still nodded happily.

After Yagyu and Matsudaira Harugaku met, they had no further contact. Matsudaira Harugaku secretly favored the Satsuma clan and was not very active in the shogunate's crusade against the Choshu clan.

Although the shogunate obtained the title of Righteousness, the time was delayed until after September. By the time the soldiers and horses were gathered, it was already October. The weather was cold and it was not suitable to send troops, so the shogunate decided to postpone the dispatch of troops until next year.

Such a move by the shogunate gave the Choshu and Satsuma clans enough preparation time.

Previously, Saigo Takamori of the Satsuma Domain was supposed to go to Shimonoseki to meet with Katsura Kogoro. However, due to changes in the situation in Kyoto, Saigo Takamori returned to Kyoto urgently. As a result, only Nakaoka Shintaro arrived in Shimonoseki.

Katsura Kogoro was very angry and angrily scolded Sakamoto Ryoma: "Are you kidding me?"

Ryoma Sakamoto and Shintaro Nakaoka jointly apologized.In order to make up for his previous mistakes, and also to bridge the rift between the Choshu Domain and the Satsuma Domain, Sakamoto Ryoma decided to purchase foreign guns and artillery for the Choshu Domain.

And this was exactly what the Choshu clan needed. Katsura Kogoro decided to trust Sakamoto Ryoma again and asked Ito Hirobumi and Inoue Kaoru to take 15 taels of gold and follow Sakamoto Ryoma to Nagasaki.

Sakamoto Ryoma immediately rushed to Kyoto, secretly asked to see Saigo Takamori, and told the matter. Saigo Takamori originally thought that the matter with Choshu was going to be over, but Sakamoto Ryoma did not let him down.

So Saigo Takamori persuaded Komatsu to take his sword and purchase foreign guns, artillery and warships from the English merchant Grove in the name of Satsuma, and sent them to Choshu Domain. At the same time, Choshu Domain also sold military rations to Satsuma Domain.

It is precisely because of Sakamoto Ryoma's operations that the aborted Sacho Alliance came back to life and developed forward. The two sides will meet again.

Because Saigo Takamori cannot leave Kyoto, in order to express his sincerity to the Choshu Domain, Katsura Kogoro will personally rush to Kyoto to meet with Saigo Takamori.

Yagyu got general information from the Ministry of War Hijikata Toshizo. Although the Ministry of War has developed agents, they are still in the early stages and many technologies are not yet mature.

But this is enough for Yagyu. He only needs to know the movements of these people, and then rely on foresight to determine what these people are doing.

Yagyu told Hijikata Toizo: "Katsura Kogoro and Sakamoto Ryoma are about to enter the capital. Don't let the meeting team interrupt their meeting. Do you understand?"

Hijikata Toshizo said in confusion: "Director, shouldn't we be helping the shogunate?"

Yagyu shook his head and said: "The current shogunate is hopeless and needs to be broken and reorganized. This time I am borrowing a knife to kill someone."

Hijikata Toishan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said: "The director is indeed cunning...well...scheming, my subordinates will take care of it immediately."

Yagyu didn't arrange for Kondo Isamu to do it, mainly because he was worried that Kondo Isamu would favor the shogunate and ruin his plan, so he had to let Hijikata Toshizo secretly arrange it.

The winter in Kyoto is getting colder and colder. Although the Spring Festival has passed, the streets are still very lively.

Children are running happily on the streets, and those vendors selling candy or toys are always chased by a group of children.

The rich kids could buy a piece of candy to satisfy their craving, while the other kids could only sniff their noses and look on with envy.

"Be careful, kid, the carriages on the road are scary."

The police officers on patrol educate these little children who don’t know the heights of the world.

The leader, Okita Souji, tightened the scarf around his neck, breathed into his hands, and said with a smile: "Children love to play so much, Ozaburo, please be gentle."

Daisaburo Tamura was a little embarrassed: "Captain, I have never taken care of the children. I don't even have a wife."

The other police officers laughed and said, "Neither do we, but the captain seems to be different, hahaha."

Okita Souji touched the scarf around his neck and said with a smile: "Don't get me wrong, this is just Axiu's thank you gift."

The Ahide whom Soji Okita was talking about was Hide Yagi, the daughter of the local scholar Yagi Gennojo. Before Yagyu formed the Shinsengumi, Isamu Kondo and others established the Mibu Roshi group at Gennojo Yagi's home.

At that time, Okita Souji got acquainted with Yagi Hide, who was dressed as a man. However, when Yagyu left with the Shinsengumi, Yagi Hide met Okita Souji as his daughter. In the past two years, Yagi Hide also often came to see Okita. Director General.

However, Okita Souji was more sincere in his thoughts, so the two did not go further. However, Yagixiu also seemed very happy, so everyone did not interfere in the matter.

The scarf worn by Okita Souji was knitted by Yagi Hide himself. He thought it was Axiu's gift, so he brought it with him, but when others saw it, they started to make noises.

Of course, don't underestimate this shy boy. He kills people without mercy. Okita Souji takes kendo very seriously.

Souji Okita listened to the booing from the team members, and smiled and cursed with some embarrassment: "You guys actually dare to laugh at the captain, you bastards, go back later and see how I teach you a lesson."

Seeing Souji Okita using his position as captain to bully others, the team members dispersed.

Okita Souji immediately chased after him, but when he saw two people passing by, one of them quickly lowered his head and pulled down his hat.

"It's Katsura Kogoro who escaped."

Okita Souji suddenly remembered this person, and he wanted to turn around and catch up, but an ordinary citizen came over and blocked his sight, and Katsura Kogoro disappeared into the crowd.

General Okita grabbed the citizen and reached for the saber at his waist with one hand. The man was startled and said hurriedly: "Okita-sama, I am a secret agent of the Army Ministry."

General Okita frowned and said, "The Army Ministry is Mr. Hijikata's spy. Why are you helping Katsura Kogoro?"

The secret agent whispered: "I'm just following orders."

Okita Souji loosened the agent's clothes, shook his head and said: "Forget it, it must be the arrangement of the director. Mr. Hijikata is always mysterious. Forget it, please step back."

The spy immediately disappeared into the crowd.

In the cabinet, in the Prime Minister's Office, Yagyu holds the information.

"Kasura Kogoro has entered the capital, and Sakamoto Ryoma is coming soon."

Hijikata Toshizo nodded and said, "That boy Okita almost caught Katsura Kogoro."

Yagyu smiled and said: "Don't underestimate Okita. His swordsmanship is no longer inferior to mine. By the way, how are he and Yagi Hide?"

Hijikata Toshizo smiled and said: "What does he know about love? He is a child. He laughs silly every day. The other girl has already confessed. This bastard is so annoying. If she were me, she would have been my woman long ago."

"Hahaha..." Yagyu laughed when he heard this, "Souji is indeed like a child in this regard. You and Kondo are his elders. Watch carefully, otherwise his two sisters will not let you go."

Hijikata Toshizo was a little helpless, but he immediately said: "By the way, Director, the second sister of the Souji is coming to Beijing soon to see him."

Yagyu nodded and said: "Okay, you tell the director and let him receive his sister properly."

Hijikata Toshizo continued: "Akin said that he wanted to personally thank the director for taking care of the general secretary, so..."

Liu Sheng was stunned for a moment, nodded and said: "Yes, I will see you."

 If I don't update for a day or two every month, I won't issue a leave announcement, so you don't have to worry.

(End of this chapter)

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