I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 122 Souji’s sister, Ryoma whose life hangs by a thread

Chapter 122 Souji’s sister, Ryoma whose life hangs on a thread
Okita Jin is the second sister of Okita Souji. She is 30 years old this year. She looks soft and has a gentle and graceful temperament. (non-heroine)
This time I came to Kyoto to visit Souji Okita.

Okita Kane's husband was a shogunate. He was killed by Okada Izo because of the massacre incident. Therefore, Okita Kane learned that his younger brother Okita Souji had become a member of the Shinsengumi to deal with the anti-barbarians. He was very happy, but also very worried. .

Fortunately, the Shinsengumi has become famous in Kyoto, especially since the four great masters all died in the hands of Yagyu. This made Okita Jin want to thank Yagyu in person, comfort his late husband, and take a look at his younger brother.

Okita Jin came to Kyoto via the Tokaido Road with his two children after the New Year. This journey took more than half a month. By the time Okita Jin arrived in Kyoto, the situation in Kyoto had eased.

At the end of January, Sakamoto Ryoma arrived in Kyoto to participate in negotiations between Saigo Takamori of the Satsuma Domain and Kogoro of the Choshu Domain.

Although the strength of the shogunate was declining, the Centipede was still alive. The Mikai Group still knew the news of Sakamoto Ryoma's entry into the capital. At the same time, the Mikai Group also learned about the alliance between the Satsuma Domain and the Choshu Domain.

Therefore, the Mikai team was dispatched to capture Sakamoto Ryoma and sabotage the negotiations.

However, Yagyu worked secretly to prevent the Mitsui Group from doing so, causing the Mitsui Group to fall short. Sakamoto Ryoma narrowly escaped and arrived at the Satsuma Domain mansion to participate in negotiations as a middleman.

With the participation of Sakamoto Ryoma, Saigo Takamori and Katsura Kogoro quickly reached an agreement and made a six-article alliance, and the Sachō Alliance was formally established.

Sakamoto Ryoma finally completed his mission, Katsura Kogoro left Kyoto with the alliance, and Saigo Takamori also prepared to continue supporting Sakamoto Ryoma's Kameyama Society.

"Director, the director-general's sister Akin will be in Kyoto today, do you think?" Toshizo Hijikata asked after reporting the matter.

Yagyu stood up and said, "We haven't had a party for a while. Call Kondo and the others and let's go take a look together."

"it is good!"

Soon, the first dozen or so members of the Shinsengumi gathered together. Only Shannan Keisuke was training the navy in Osaka and had no free time to come.

Among the group, Hijikata Toshizo couldn't help teasing the expectant Okita Souji: "Hey, Souji, when your sister arrives later, what are you going to say about Axiu?"

Kondo Isamu also laughed and said: "Yes, you are so lucky, Axiu is completely devoted to you."

Yagyu also said like an elder: "General Secretary, you are not young anymore. I think Axiu is so virtuous and will definitely be a good wife in the future."

Okita Souji has a strong understanding of kendo, but is not very mature in other aspects. However, even with a young mind, Okita Souji is also touched by emotions.

He said a little shyly: "Although I don't know what it feels like to get married, I like being with Axiu very much, and I will tell my sister."

Hijikata Toshizo smiled sincerely and said: "Hahaha, Souji is getting married, that's great!"

Isamu Kondo looked at Souji Okita and smiled fondly.

However, Harada Sanosuke said loudly: "Don't worry about Souji's marriage for now, Aya has already promised me, and I will get married soon!"

Nagakura Shinpachi widened his eyes and said, "What? I didn't expect that a guy like you with thick eyebrows and big eyes could be so fast!"

Todo Heisuke immediately shouted: "Then we have to go make some noise!"


There was a burst of laughter among the crowd.

"Oh, here it is, Ajin!"

Genzaburo Inoue shouted to remind everyone.

Okita Souji looked towards the road, immediately smiled like a flower, raised his hands and waved, rushed forward, and shouted: "Sister!"

Okita Souji ran to Okita Jin, hugged him directly, and shouted excitedly: "Sister!"

Okita Jin raised his hand and patted his back lovingly and said, "Okay, okay, a lot of people are watching."

Okita Souji then let go and looked at his sister.

Okita Jin looked at Souji Okita carefully, nodded and smiled: "I have grown taller and look like an adult. Sister will be happy if she knows about it.

By the way, take a look at your nephews and nieces. This time I came and I was worried that they would be in Edo, so I brought them with me. "

Okita Souji immediately squatted down and looked at the child who was cowering in his sister's legs. He immediately took out the toy and stretched out his hand and said: "I am your uncle, this is a gift for you."

When the two children saw the gift, their eyes lit up, but they still looked up at Okitakin, who smiled and said, "Take it and say thank you, uncle."

"Thank you uncle!"

The two children immediately bowed and took the toys, with smiles on their faces.

At this time, Yagyu and his party had already walked up to them. Hijikata Toshizo was the first to say hello: "Akin, it's been a long time no see. Your child is much cuter again."

Okitakin quickly saluted and said: "Hey, my brother, thanks to Mr. Kondo and Mr. Hijikata's greetings in the past two years, I am very grateful."

Isamu Kondo waved his hand and said, "Don't be so polite. We regard Souji as our younger brother."

Liu Sheng stepped forward, nodded and saluted, "My Excellency, I am Liu Sheng Xiyan."

Okitakin immediately bowed and said: "I pay my respects to Lord Yagyu. My younger brother is a naughty brother. Thanks to Lord Yagyu's protection all this time, my family is deeply grateful. This is a little thought from me and my sister, and I would like to ask you to serve under Lord Yagyu."

Yagyu accepted the gift and said with a smile: "Okay, then I'm welcome."

He looked at the two children and smiled: "Speaking of which, I can be regarded as the elder of these two children. When we meet for the first time, we can't let the children go away empty-handed. This is a gift I randomly selected. I hope the children can like."

Yagyu gave the girl a music box, and the boy a wakizashi made by a famous artist.

Okita Jin saw the valuables and quickly declined: "This is too expensive."

Yagyu smiled and said: "This is what I gave to my children. It is a gift from the elders and cannot be said without."

After hearing this, Okita Jin asked the children to accept it.

Yagyu clapped his hands and said, "It's quite cold outside. Let's go back first and then go to the wine house to hold a banquet."

"Huh? Aren't you going to Gion?"

Toudo Heisuke couldn't help but ask.

Hijikata Toisho stopped Toudo Heisuke and whispered: "Is that a place where women can go?"

Toudo Heisuke smiled awkwardly.

A group of people immediately went to the city.

At the banquet, Okita Jin knew that General Okita had a woman he liked. She was very happy and began to urge her brother to get married as soon as possible.

She originally planned to visit her brother and return to Edo in three to five days. Now she changed her mind and planned to settle her brother's marriage before returning to Edo, so she wrote a letter to her eldest sister Aguang.

After the banquet, Okita Jin said to the general secretary: "I plan to stay in Kyoto, and I will go back after I finish handling your affairs."

Okita Souji thought for a while and nodded: "Okay, sister, I'll take you to see more of Kyoto just in time."

It is actually a bit inconvenient for Souji Okita to have Okita Kane stay. The previous Souji lived with Kondo Isamu and the others, but it is inconvenient to have Okita Kane.

After Yagyu knew about it, he discussed with Okita Jin: "I have a mansion in Kyoto, but I am busy with the reform, so I usually live in the cabinet office. If you don't mind, you can live in my mansion and help me." I'll manage it."

Okitakin felt a little embarrassed and declined: "Sir Yagyu, this is really troublesome for you. How can I trouble you like this?"

Yagyu smiled and said: "Just think that I hired you as the housekeeper of my mansion. You don't have to mind. After all, the general secretary is also my right-hand man."

Okita Jin felt that Yagyu was trying to win over Okita Souji, and for the sake of his younger brother's future, Okita Jin agreed.Okita Souji was also very happy to learn that his sister Akin was placed in the Yagyu Mansion by Yagyu. After all, it was the focus of the police station's inspection. When he passed by the Yagyu Mansion during his inspection, he could also see his sister, which was very convenient.

Hijikata Toshizo teased: "Hey, Akin is also an iconic woman. The director of the department has a beautiful woman."

Yagyu looked at him sideways and sneered: "Hijikata, you have nothing to do? Do you want me to tell the Souji what you said and see if he can chop you?"

Hijikata Toshizo quickly smiled guiltily and said, "Hey, hey, no, Director, I know I was wrong. Now you are the only opponent of Souji's swordsmanship."

Yagyu laughed and cursed: "Get out of here quickly."

Although the situation in Kyoto has eased a lot now, there are still a lot of secret contests. Hijikata Toshizo just reported to him that Sakamoto Ryoma, the middleman of the Satsuma Alliance, has moved into Teradaya. Now the shogunate has received the news and plans to arrest Sakamoto Ryoma.

Although Ryoma Sakamoto escaped from Terada's house, his right hand was cut this time and his life hung on a thread.

Yagyu thought it would be better to play it safe.

He was about to send Tetsunosuke Ichimura to find Isamu Kondo. Tetsunosuke walked in with a lunch box and said excitedly: "Director, this is the lunch box sent by Mrs. Akin."

Yagyu didn't expect that Okita Jin would bring lunch. Normally, he would deal with it in the cafeteria.

Tetsunosuke opened the lunch box, and a scent of fragrance hit his nostrils.

"Oh, it smells so good."

Yagyu and Tetsunosuke said in unison.

Tetsunosuke put down the lid, took out the chopsticks and handed them to Yagyu, saying, "Hey, hey, I have one too."

"Hahaha, go and eat." Yagyu saw Tetsunosuke looking a little excited and let him go. After all, this kid was just a 16-year-old kid.

Yagyu ate the rice balls in the lunch box and couldn't help but nodded: "It's delicious!"

It's much better than the food in the canteen.

After eating and drinking, Tetsunosuke came in to tidy up.

Yagyu then said: "Tetsunosuke, go and call Director Kondo."


Fifteen minutes later, Kondo Isamu hurried into the office. He asked about the faint fragrance and smiled: "Akin also sent a lunch box to the Prime Minister?"

Yagyu nodded and said, "The bento is delicious. It seems we are in for a treat."

Kondo Isamu nodded and said, "That's right, Ah Jin's craftsmanship is very good."

"Yes." Yagyu nodded and said: "Kondo, Sakamoto Ryoma is now living in Teradaya. The shogunate has learned about him. You send a team of people to pay attention to the situation in Teradaya and ensure Sakamoto Ryoma's safety."

Kondo Isamu was surprised and said: "Prime Minister, I heard that Sakamoto Ryoma brokered an alliance between the Satsuma and Choshu clans. Why should we help him?"

Yagyu explained: "I know, but I know Sakamoto Ryoma. He did not want to eliminate the shogunate, and what he did was not just for Satsuma and Choshu.

This person doesn't seem very reliable, but he is the person I need. I will need him to help me promote peace in Japan in the future.

Kondo, don't worry, the shogunate is safe with Ryoma Sakamoto here. "

Isamu Kondo thought about it carefully and nodded: "Ha, I trust the judgment of the Prime Minister."

Near the Terada House, General Okita and his people hid in a dormitory to observe, waiting for opportunities.

They came here secretly at night, so they didn't attract anyone's attention.

At around one o'clock in the morning, there were chaotic footsteps on the quiet street, and the police officer on guard immediately woke up Okita Souji.

General Secretary Okita saw about 30 people, who were Fushimi's government officials, and their target was the Terada House.

He immediately told the police officers: "This is a secret mission. Our identity cannot be revealed. Once it is confirmed that Ryoma Sakamoto has escaped, we will withdraw immediately without leaving any evidence."

Okita Souji picked up a gray scarf to cover his face and wrapped his hair, dressing up like a ninja.

In Terada's house, Ryoma's lover Aaron was taking a bath. She happened to hear the footsteps outside. Through the air vent, she saw the shogunate's yamen.

She instantly understood that Ryoma was in a very dangerous situation, and she didn't care that she was taking a shower. She stood up immediately, without even taking a towel, and ran out. She quickly came to Ryoma's room, pushed forward and said: "Ryoma, run quickly, Shogunate The people are here!"

When Sakamoto Ryoma saw the naked Aaron, he quickly picked up his clothes and threw them to her, then walked out of the room and called his companion Sanji Shinzo.

The two men immediately picked up their weapons and walked out. Aaron, who simply put on his samurai uniform, immediately pulled them back. However, Fushimi's government servants had already rushed into Terada's house and shouted: "According to Higo Mamoru's order, arrest him." Arrest the wanted criminal Sakamoto Ryoma!"

Sakamoto Ryoma immediately replied: "I am a Satsuma feudal lord!"

The leader of the squad shouted: "Catch him!"

When Ryoma Sakamoto saw a group of people approaching, he immediately pushed Aaron back. At the same time, he took out the revolver in his arms and fired several shots. The two government officials who rushed upstairs bore the brunt of the attack and fell to the ground.

The squad leader said anxiously: "Come on, we can't let him escape!"

Sakamoto Ryoma immediately retreated and loaded the revolver, but a government servant rushed up. Ryoma wanted to draw his sword, but he was too slow, and his right hand holding the gun was slashed.

"Ah! Sanji, I can't reload!"

Sanji Shenzo immediately stepped forward to rescue Ryoma, but Aaron had already opened the back door and shouted: "This way, hurry up, Ryoma!"

Ryoma Sakamoto could only cover his wounds and run away, while Shinzo Miyoshi resisted desperately.

"Mr. Ryoma, hurry up!"

Okita Souji led his men to a surprise attack on the back of Fushimi Yamen, knocking down several people, and shouted loudly to attract the Yamen's attention.

The enemy suddenly appeared from behind, startling the squad leader, and the team was thrown into chaos. Sanji Shenzo didn't know who came to save her, so she immediately took advantage of the chaos and ran away.

"People ran away!"

A government official shouted.

When General Okita saw that the mission was completed, he immediately shouted: "Quickly retreat!"


The squad leader was unwilling to give in and wanted to pursue him.

Okita Souji drew his sword directly, blocked the door and said: "We just want to save Mr. Ryoma, but if you are stubborn, then I will have no choice but to kill!"

The Fushimi Yamen servants saw Okita Souji knocking down several people with the back of his sword. At this moment, the other party wanted to show his true strength, so they suddenly did not dare to step forward.

Okita Souji heard the footsteps behind him gradually getting blurry. He took advantage of the timidity of the group of people in front of him, quickly turned around and ran away, and soon disappeared into the night.

The squad leader cursed angrily and led the people away in dejection.

As for Sakamoto Ryoma, with the support of Aaron, he endured the pain and fled to the Satsuma Domain mansion, where he was rescued by Saigo Takamori.

 Okita Jin is the supporting actress, not the heroine.

(End of this chapter)

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