I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 145 The marriage is done!

Chapter 145 The marriage is done!

The Duchy of Hesse and the Rhine was originally the County of Hessen-Darmstadt and became a duchy in the hands of Ludwig I.

Archduke Ludwig I was originally Count Ludwig X.

In the "Important Resolution of the Represents of the Empire" in 1803, Hesse-Darmstadt obtained part of the territory of the Principality of Westphalia and the Electorate of Mainz that belonged to the Electorate of Cologne during the Holy Roman Empire era, making Hesse Sen-Darmstadt's territory increased significantly.

Due to its alliance with Napoleon, Hesse-Darmstadt became the Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1806 and joined the Confederation of the Rhine.

Ludwig X became Grand Duke of Hesse on August 8 of the same year, known as Ludwig I.

Later, after the Battle of Leipzig, Hesse joined the Sixth Anti-French Alliance.

At the Congress of Vienna, the Grand Duchy of Hesse was forced to cede the territory of Westphalia to Prussia, but received the territories known as Rheinhesse such as Worms, Arzer, Bingen, and Mainz.

Therefore, the Grand Duchy of Hesse was renamed the Grand Duchy of Hesse and the Rhine in 1816, or the Grand Duchy of Hesse and the Left Bank of the Rhine.

Hesse-Homburg, which was incorporated into the Grand Duchy of Hesse in 1806, gained independence in 1815 and joined the German Confederation along with the Grand Duchy of Hesse and the Rhine.

The current Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine is Ludwig III. This Grand Duke is old but has no heirs. His younger brother, Prince Karl, is the first heir.

Princess Marie Carolini was the niece of Ludwig III, and Ludwig IV, who succeeded the Grand Duke, was the son of Prince Karl.

Prince Karl died unexpectedly three months before Ludwig III's death.

The current situation of the Principality of Hesse and the Rhine is very dangerous. In the Austro-Prussian War, the Principality of Hesse and the Rhine sided with Austria.

Austria was defeated, and allied countries such as Hannover, Hesse, Kassel, and Nassau were annexed by Prussia. The Principality of Hesse and the Rhine River was related to Alexander II of Tsarist Russia, and Ludwig III wrote to his relative England for help. This allowed the principalities of Hesse and the Rhine to be preserved.

The Grand Duchy of Hesse wants to form an alliance with Prussia, but Prussia does not seem to believe in the Grand Duchy of Hesse.

Ludwig III was also looking for ways to repair relations with Prussia.

Originally, this was supposed to be completed after the Franco-Prussian War. During the Franco-Prussian War, the Grand Duchy of Hesse sided with Prussia and sent troops to become the enemy of France. Ludwig IV made great achievements in the war, so he gained the trust of Prussia and joined. of the North German Confederation.

However, on this day, Ludwig III received a letter from King William I of Prussia. In the letter, William I mentioned that his brother, Prince Carl's daughter, Princess Marie Carolini, had reached the age of marriage, and he wanted to give her a gift. Princess Mary introduces a marriageable partner.

Ludwig III was very happy after reading the letter. He had been thinking of ways to win the trust of William I. Marriage was a very good opportunity.

However, William I's son Frederick III has been married to Princess Victoria of England for ten years, so who will William I introduce?
Ludwig III shook his head. No matter who he introduced, this was the hope of the Grand Duchy of Hesse.

He immediately sent someone to find his brother Prince Carl. He handed the letter to Prince Carl and said: "Look, Carl, this is a letter written by His Majesty William to me. He wants to introduce a husband to Mary.

I think you should understand what this means?We have seen the power of Prussia with our own eyes. We were lucky last time and were able to survive. If we do not alliance with Prussia, we will not be so lucky next time. "

Prince Carl frowned and said: "But Mary is only 16 years old, she is still young."

Ludwig III shook his head and said: "I know, Karl, if I had a child, I would not let Mary go. If we refuse this request, Prussian troops will appear on our border."

Prince Carl said melancholy: "Well, I at least need to know who that gentleman is."

Ludwig III nodded and said: "Of course, you are Mary's father, this is your right."

He immediately wrote back to William I and asked which European family the young man belonged to.

When William I saw the reply, he was convinced that the thoughts of Derwig III on the Hesse Highway were biased toward Prussia. He wrote directly: "The person who hopes to marry Princess Mary is the king of Japan in Asia. They are an emerging civilized country. Carrying out reforms, national strength will also flourish.

The king was also 16 years old, a perfect match for Princess Mary, and Japan had a good relationship with Tsarist Russia. Japan was the one who purchased Alaska.

Although she married far away, Japan was a good choice for Hessen. "

Ludwig III was surprised to receive a letter from William I again. He did not expect that William I would introduce an Asian country.

Ludwig III didn't know anything about Japan, and he couldn't even talk to his brother, Prince Carl.

However, he still told Prince Carl about the matter, and Prince Carl said angrily: "How could he betroth Mary to Asia thousands of miles away? Once Mary gets married, I may never see her again in my life. This is so cruel!" "

"Calm down, Karl!" Ludwig III also said with a headache, "Of course I understand how you feel. This matter is very cruel to Mary, but how can I refuse?
The Grand Duchy of Hesse is in danger. I have no heirs. This position is to be passed to you or Louis. If you refuse now, the Grand Duchy of Hesse may become history. "

Prince Carl said sadly: "Damn it, my Mary, so pitiful!"

He turned around and left the hall.

Ludwig III did not dare to refuse William I, so he immediately wrote back and agreed to the marriage. William I, who was very satisfied, decided to form an alliance with the Grand Duchy of Hesse, which made Ludwig III very happy.

After William I settled this matter, he immediately sent a message to Baland and asked Japan to send an envoy to discuss the marriage.

When this letter traveled thousands of miles and arrived at the Prussian Embassy in Kyoto, Kyoto had already entered a hot summer.

The Yagyu cabinet comprehensively promoted Westernization. In order to emancipate the mind, the bold Ichijo Katsuko became a living sign. The Kyoto Daily News often reported news about Ichijo Katsuko.The front page of the newspaper had pictures of her studying, or learning about, Western affairs.

After Kyoto entered the hot summer, a photo of Katsuko wearing a long skirt and hat appeared in the Kyoto Daily News, showing off her girlish charm.

The Kyoto Daily News even vigorously promoted the idea, encouraging women to wear Western skirts to show off their style.

Nowadays, there are many Western buildings in Kyoto. You can see Japanese people wearing suits on the streets. Of course, there are also people wearing suits on the upper body and samurai uniforms on the lower body, with wooden swords on their waists. Of course, there are also people wearing traditional clothes.

Nowadays, various styles can be seen on the streets of Kyoto, which also represent the collision of various ideas.

After photos of Katsuko Ichijo wearing a skirt appeared, Japanese women wearing long Western skirts also appeared on the streets of Kyoto.

Some idle men saw the exposed arms, necks, etc., and couldn't help but say: "Westernization is good, it's really too white."

Women who hear the comments will leave immediately.

It is inevitable that such a situation will occur. Fortunately, these idlers do not dare to cause trouble.

After all, everyone knows that the development of Alaska needs people. Some criminals are directly sentenced and sent to Alaska to be tortured. It’s scary.

This is why the Yagyu cabinet implemented new reforms forcefully, but no one rioted. Even if some stubborn people made trouble, people from the police station would immediately dispatch to suppress it, and then the people would be sent out of Kyoto to Alaska that day.

There are quite a few such things, and they are almost public affairs.

Liu Sheng probably didn't expect this move to scare Xiao Xiao.

On the hot streets of Kyoto, Tokugawa Kexi sat in a sedan and kept fanning himself. Someone from the Prussian Embassy just invited him to discuss marriage, which made him very nervous. Even with the beautiful scenery on the street, he I have no intention of watching anymore.

"Hurry up!"

Tokugawa Qingxi hurried to the Prussian Embassy to meet with Barland.

Baland said with a smile on his face, congratulations: "Mr. Tokugawa, what you asked about has come to an end. Our King personally came forward to persuade Hessian Highway Derwig to marry his niece Princess Mary to your emperor. .”

Tokugawa Yingxi kept reading the list of the four princesses. He immediately remembered who Princess Mary was. He said excitedly: "Mr. Barland, this is really good news!"

Barland nodded and said: "Now you can go back and ask Prime Minister Yagyu to prepare a mission to Europe to discuss the details of the marriage."

Tokugawa Qingxi immediately gave the gift and said: "Thank you, Mr. Barland, I will go find the Prime Minister now."

Baland put away the box with great satisfaction and sent Tokugawa off happily.

Tokugawa Qingxi didn't have time to rest, so he immediately came to Yagyu's mansion. When he came to the study, he happened to see Yagyu drinking ice Coke.

Yagyu quickly put down the ice coke and coughed: "Why is Lord Tokugawa so anxious?"

Tokugawa Yingxi immediately stepped forward and said: "Prime Minister, the matter is settled. Prussia has come forward to let Princess Mary of the Grand Duchy of Hesse marry the emperor."

"Oh!" Yagyu couldn't help but get excited. As long as the news of Meiji marrying a European princess spreads, Japan's prestige will be greatly enhanced.

When the time comes, he will win over the United States and impress England with his interests. In addition, Prussia and Tsarist Russia will not come forward. Will the little Netherlands be at his disposal?

"Lord Tokugawa, since you are responsible for this matter, then as the head of the mission, you will go to Europe to discuss the details of the marriage. In short, the betrothal gift must be rich.

I will ask Zentaro and the others to purchase a batch of precious porcelain and silk from the Qing Dynasty as one of the betrothal gifts.

In addition, we have to let the Ministry of Industry select highly skilled craftsmen to make a batch of silverware, and prepare our country's specialties. Well... I will discuss it with other people then.

Lord Tokugawa, I leave this matter to you. As long as the other party's conditions are not excessive and can be solved with money, you can agree directly without hesitation. "

Tokugawa Yingxi had just breathed a sigh of relief, but now he had to mention it again, so he had no choice but to agree: "I'll do my best."

Yagyu turned around and said, "Ajin, I have to go to the palace. I have to talk to His Majesty and the Empress Dowager about this matter."

Okita Jin immediately left to arrange the carriage.

Tokugawa Yingxi couldn't help but ask: "Why has Prime Minister Yagyu never married a wife? In fact, many ministers and feudal lords want to marry Prime Minister Yagyu.

It's just that everyone thinks that Prime Minister Yagyu has no intention of starting a family. This makes everyone a little worried. Who will inherit your will? "

Yagyu walked out: "Hahaha, I may be the most romantic prime minister in history, right?"

Tokugawa Qingxi said with a smile: "It seems so. Even the common people in the countryside know that Prime Minister Yagyu always lives in the same room with five oirans. Wouldn't Mrs. Akin be jealous?"

Yagyu thought of the virtuous Ah Jin and said with a smile: "Probably a little bit, hahaha. But I'm talented and can still handle it. Lord Tokugawa doesn't have to worry."

Tokugawa Qingxi thought to himself: Good guy, are you afraid that you won’t be able to play with so many women after marrying a wife?
(End of this chapter)

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