I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 146 The reactions of several ambassadors to Japan

Chapter 146 The reactions of several ambassadors to Japan

The news that Emperor Meiji was going to marry the princess of the Grand Duchy of Hessen in Europe spread quickly. This was earth-shattering news.

For foreigners, it was really shocking and they didn’t know what to say for a while.

What is even more shocking is that the Japanese royal family, which was still resisting the foreigners a few years ago, suddenly wants to marry a Western princess as the queen. This is something that has never happened before in history, and this matter is enough to be recorded in the annals of history.

This matter has spread and everyone is talking about it, especially the Empress Dowager Eiteru, the mother of Emperor Meiji, who is very dissatisfied. She is the concubine of Emperor Komei and the aunt of Emperor Meiji. Her father is Kujo Naotada, one of the five regents. .

According to the old system, the Emperor of Japan wanted to marry into the Gosei family. Basically, the Goshu family took turns to be relatives. Previously, the Empress Dowager, under the guidance of Iwakura Tomomi, wanted Ichigo Katsuko to be the queen of Emperor Meiji.

However, Yagyu told Emperor Meiji about the marriage arrangements in advance, so the matter was shelved.

At that time, Iwakura Tomoshi and others felt that Western countries looked down on Japan, and there should be no princesses from Western countries marrying in Japan. Therefore, Iwakura Tomoshi was not eager to promote this matter, but was looking for opportunities.

But who would have thought that the Yagyu cabinet would actually accomplish this.

Now that the Yagyu Cabinet has found a marriage partner for the emperor, Japan's prestige in the world will definitely increase. When the time comes, the Yagyu Cabinet will use newspapers to publicize the honor of the nation and country and brainwash the people, then the reputation of the Yagyu Cabinet will be even higher. Floor, the emperor will also value Yagyu Kite more highly, then if they want to control the cabinet power, they will have to wait for Yagyu Kite's death.

But the problem is that Yagyu Heiyan is not yet 30 years old!If they are going to die, they old guys will die first. It’s really hard to hold on!

Regarding the fact that the Emperor of Japan is going to marry the princess of the Grand Duchy of Hessen, ministers from Britain, France, the United States, Russia and other countries have different reactions.

The Tsarist Ambassador Arissa was only happy because the Tsarist Queen was the sister of Ludwig III of the Grand Duchy of Hesse and the aunt of Princess Marie who was about to marry the Emperor.

This time, Tsarist Russia and Japan became even closer.

But Florentino Ariza is happy, and Britain and France are in pain!
British Ambassador Parkel immediately found Tokugawa Kexi and asked for details.

"Mr. Tokugawa, I need an explanation! Why did you marry the Grand Duchy of Hesse? Why did you go to Prussia instead of us? Your behavior makes me very suspicious of the friendship between our two countries!"

Tokugawa Qingxi quickly reassured: "Mr. Parkes, this matter is a bit accidental. On the order of the Prime Minister, I negotiated an arms deal with the Prussian Ambassador Mr. Barland.

While chatting, the emperor's marriage was mentioned. Mr. Barland immediately introduced several princesses to me. The Prime Minister wanted to ask His Majesty the Emperor to marry European princesses. Mr. Barland's proposal just met the Prime Minister's wishes. request, and then negotiations begin. "

"Don't use such boring rhetoric to excuse me, Mr. Tokugawa!" Parkes was even more dissatisfied. In fact, he didn't care that Prussia was the one helping to bridge the gap.

You know, the current rise of Prussia echoes the current policy of England, which is to let the rising Prussia block the strength of France.

Of course, the final result was that Prussia grew into Germany, replaced France as the hegemon of the European continent, and finally started a war.

Part of the reason for this situation is the policy of England.

So England also got the title of a shit stirrer.

When Tokugawa Qingxi saw Parkes getting angry, he immediately changed his words and said: "I'm very sorry, Mr. Parkes, we didn't expect that England would pay so much attention to the marriage of our emperor. This was our negligence.

However, now that the matter has become a foregone conclusion, we cannot end this matter. I wonder how I can make Mr. Parkes calm down? "

Parkes was also a little embarrassed. This matter was indeed made out of a fuss by England, but when it came to this, he could only pretend to be dignified and said: "I hope that next time, you guys will have something to do with Europe." Please let me know about the matters related to the various countries."

Tokugawa Qingxi immediately promised: "Yes, Mr. Parkes, don't worry, I will be the first to inform you next time."

Parkes returned to his gentlemanly appearance and couldn't help but admire: "Mr. Yagyu is really amazing. I can't understand how he convinced King William and Bismarck. They are difficult opponents." Tokugawa shook his head happily. : "I don't know about this, maybe it's because Japan has become a civilized country."

"This is indeed a reason." Parkes stood up and said, "I think it is Bismarck who is optimistic about Mr. Yagyu's ability. Look at the Qing Dynasty next door, and look at your Japan. It is really a world of difference.

If the Qing Dynasty could have a person like Mr. Yagyu, I am afraid we, the British, would never bully a big country like this. You are very lucky, Mr. Tokugawa. "

Tokugawa Yingxi also stood up and nodded: "You are right, Mr. Parkes. I used to think that I could revive the shogunate with my talents, but now I have clearly recognized the gap between me and the Prime Minister.

I am also very lucky that Japan has Prime Minister Yagyu. Otherwise, it is hard for me to imagine what Japan will look like if it is controlled by the president. I am afraid that Japan will not be as prosperous as it is today. "

Parkes and Tokugawa Yingxi exchanged a few words and left.

The French ambassador Rosius was very dissatisfied with the marriage between Japan and the Grand Duchy of Hesse. After William I of Prussia brokered the marriage, Prussia and the Grand Duchy of Hesse formed an alliance.

Such a situation is the last thing France wants to see. Now France has felt the threat posed by the rise of Prussia.

In addition, France's political investment in Japan was in vain and the economic losses were not significant. The Yagyu cabinet assumed the debts of the shogunate and repaid more than 300 million francs in arrears to France.

This little money puts no pressure on the Yagyu cabinet.

In general, France's business in Japan has been a waste, and its attitude towards the Yagyu cabinet is neutral, but now it has become hostile.

Therefore, Rosius did not go to see Tokugawa to celebrate, but he still publicly stated that the matter was a shame for Europe.

William I also hated France's statement and said to Bismarck in the palace: "I will definitely catch Napoleon III in the future and humiliate him to satisfy my resentment today!"

As for Yagyu knowing France's reaction, he didn't have much ripples in his heart. Instead, he wanted to thank France for his speech. When the Franco-Prussian War broke out in 1870, he would definitely take advantage of it!

Among the five countries, Britain, France, Russia, the United States and the Netherlands, the United States and the Netherlands are just watching the show. However, the ambassador of the United States is very envious of Japan for marrying a European princess.

They also want to marry a European princess to increase their status. Unfortunately, they have a federal presidential system, so no European country is willing to marry the United States.

Yagyu ignored the reactions of these ambassadors. He was considering the mission to Prussia. This was an opportunity to learn from Western countries.

He planned to send some officials who were willing to learn Western knowledge to go to Europe for a long experience. Among them were Shibusawa Eiichi, Kido Takayoshi, Okubo Toshimichi, Fukuzawa Yukichi and others.

These people are all celebrities. Regardless of their position, they are also very talented people. Yagyu plans to send them to Europe.

However, these people are also key officials in the cabinet. Without them, the burden on themselves will be heavier.

But in the long run, sending them to Europe would be beneficial to the New Deal.

Yagyu decided to add them to the mission. In addition to the officials, Mutsu Munemitsu, Hakumine Gunma and others went to Europe together.

Among them, Mutsu Munemitsu is currently an official of the Navy Ministry. He graduated from Katsujuku. He knows a lot about the navy. Yagyu arranged for him to join the Navy Ministry because of the temporary shortage of naval officers.

Bai Fengjunma is a professional naval architect and will learn the technology of building large ships when the time comes.

The mission this time has a very heavy task!
(End of this chapter)

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