I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 147: Sending envoys to Europe and a night with Ah Jin

Chapter 147: Sending envoys to Europe and a night with Ah Jin

This mission to Europe is very important, and Yagyu has high hopes for it. The leader of the mission is Foreign Minister Tokugawa Yoshiki. The members of the mission include Kondo Shuhei, who was adopted by Kondo Isamu, Takeda Kanyanagi, and Ito. Koshi Taro and other members of the Yagyu faction.

Followed by others who came from the shogunate were Kosu Tadjun, Yamakawa Daizo, Matsudaira Sadake and others.

Then there are Shibusawa Eiichi, Itagaki Taisuke, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Iwasaki Yataro, Mutsu Munemitsu and others who came from the cabinet.

Finally, Iwakura Tomomi served as his deputy, plus Okubo Toshimichi, Kido Takayoshi, Fifth Generation Tomohiro and other officials of the powerful domain such as Sascho Tohi.

Basically, the mission included talents from all walks of life in Japan, which represented the determination of the Yagyu cabinet to Westernize.

The day of the mission was very lively. Yagyu asked the emperor to come forward and send Kyoto out of the city together.

On this day, the streets were cleaned, and Emperor Meiji left the palace in a carriage under the escort of the imperial guard camp.

This was the first time Emperor Meiji left the palace to see the outside world with his own eyes. Through the glass, he could see the civilians kneeling outside, the low houses on both sides of the street, and some foreigners who stopped to watch. people.

Emperor Meiji saw a foreign lady, looked at Yagyu opposite and asked: "My dear father, what will my wife look like? Will she be like the Western woman just now?"

Yagyu nodded and said: "It should be about the same. They are all blond and blue-eyed, with deep eye sockets and high nose bridges."

Emperor Meiji asked doubtfully: "Are all Western women like this?"

Yagyu shook his head and said: "Not entirely. If she is a descendant of the Romans, she should have black hair, but her appearance is also the kind with deep-set eye sockets, a high nose bridge, or the kind with naturally red hair. "

Emperor Meiji was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Westerners' hair was so different and they were born with different hair colors.

Emperor Meiji began to ask about Western knowledge again. He asked: "My father-in-law, the Queen Mother told me that the emperor should marry other concubines. I don't quite understand why my father-in-law wants to be monogamous?"

Yagyu thought for a while and said: "This is the result of the development of Western culture. Their kings are also monogamous. Even if the king only has a daughter, it doesn't matter. They allow the queen to appear.

The reason why I stipulate this is to show the West that Japan is also a civilized country. "

Emperor Meiji thought about the country's development and nodded: "My father-in-law is right, the country's development is the most important thing."

Yagyu mentioned: "After His Majesty gets married, he can participate in state affairs. At that time, His Majesty can also propose policies, which only need to be approved by the parliament before they can be implemented."

Emperor Meiji was overjoyed when he heard this. He couldn't help but ask: "Really? I can rule the world?"

"Of course, this is a power vested in His Majesty by the Constitution."

Yagyu didn't shy away and looked directly at Emperor Meiji and said.

Emperor Meiji took a deep breath. The emperor has not been in power for a thousand years. Even his father, Emperor Takamei, has not truly ruled the world. He will be the first emperor with real power in the new era.

"I won't let my father-in-law down."

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the cabinet will help your Majesty."


The emperor's motorcade arrived near the train station. Yagyu and Emperor Meiji stepped out of the carriage together. Tokugawa Keki and Iwakura Tomoe quickly came forward to salute.

Emperor Meiji said with a smile on his face: "I am very touched that all of you, my dear friends, have traveled across the ocean for our country. I hope that you will live up to my expectations. After you return from your studies, you will continue to serve the country and make Japan stronger! "

Tokugawa Qingxi was the first to say: "Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will escort the queen back."

Iwakura Tomoshi also said: "I will definitely learn Western culture and serve the country!"

Emperor Meiji smiled and nodded, then met with the other members and gave words of encouragement.

Finally, Yagyu said: "Gentlemen, I hope you will learn something from this trip and contribute to the development of the country when you come back!"

The encouraged members of the mission were even more excited. As if they were given a shot of blood, the mission said goodbye to Emperor Meiji and Yagyu, then boarded the train and headed to Osaka to take a ship. This time, they were escorted by Prussian warships.

After seeing off the mission to Europe, Yagyu and Emperor Meiji returned to the palace, but Yagyu still had one thing to be busy with, and that was to publicize the mission to Europe.

On the front page of the Kyoto Daily News was a photo of the mission and the emperor, with the eye-catching headline: New Era, New Changes!The emperor will marry a Western princess!

The headline talked about Princess Mary's origin and mentioned the relationship between the Grand Duchy of Hesse and Prussia, England and Tsarist Russia.

Then he wrote: In the sixth year of Kayei, General Perry of the United States led the black ships. Japan was forced to found a country under the governance of the shogunate. The incompetence of the shogunate caused turmoil in the world and made the people miserable.

However, since the late Emperor Xiaomei established the cabinet and supported Prime Minister Yagyu's reform, our country is gradually getting rid of the turbulent old world. As of this year, our country has been recognized by Western powers. This marriage with a Western princess is the first step for Japan to enter a civilized country. symbols of!

Celebrate, citizens. Under the guidance of the Emperor and the Cabinet, Japan will become stronger and stronger. We will become the people of a great civilized country. For this day, all Japanese citizens should devote themselves to this great cause. middle!
Yagyu looked at the Kyoto Daily News and couldn't help but nod. He said to Shuntaro Ogata on the side: "Well, yes, we will continue to promote according to this content in the future."

The number of people in the cabinet was much smaller, which also made Yagyu busy.

In the past, he only needed to issue orders and let cabinet ministers and officials make arrangements. Now, he basically sends capable officials to study abroad, and he has to personally guide many things.

This time the daily affairs were arranged by him. The first thing was to publicize the achievements of the cabinet and show the concept that the new government was more powerful than the shogunate.

The second is to improve the citizens' sense of honor and make them work harder.

This kind of publicity has a good effect. According to the information collected by the secret police of the Police Station, most people are very happy about the emperor marrying a Western princess.

After all, the Westernization of the country has been greatly affected, especially the citizens of Kyoto. They are all moving closer to Westernization, and they agree with this from the bottom of their hearts.

Yagyu was relieved that this matter had a good outcome.

"This matter is over. Let the people from the Ministry of Culture keep an eye on it and make a report to me. Tell me what to do next."

Ogata Shuntaro immediately took out a memo and said: "You should inspect the chicken factory outside Kyoto. Cornish chickens from England, White Rock chickens from America, and white feather chickens from France have been introduced here. According to the information, France's White-feathered chickens are probably a cross between Cornish chickens and White Rock chickens.”

The introduction of these chicken breeds is for the promotion of KFC. The short growth cycle of chickens of these breeds can reduce the cost of KFC.

"Okay, let's go to the chicken factory now."

Then Yagyu took a carriage to a chicken factory outside Kyoto. This chicken factory was large enough to raise about [-] chickens.

This scale may not be comparable to the modern scale, but in Japan, this scale is already huge.

Although Yagyu wants to use KFC and Coca-Cola to earn foreign exchange, they are not as large as Hyundai.

Liu Sheng was led by the leader of the chicken farm to visit inside. The largest buildings in the chicken farm are the chicken coops. Shelves have already been built inside, and cage after cage of broiler chickens are placed on the shelves.

Of course, the other chicken coop contains local free-range chickens for free-range chickens.

There are more than 200 staff members in the entire chicken farm, who are responsible for feeding and cleaning the chicken coops every day.

In addition, the chicken farm also has a breeding base, where the collected chicken breeds are cross-bred according to Yagyu's requirements.

I walked around on the road and found that the workers here were very hard-working and kept the chickens plump. As for the breeding base, it was relatively simple and the cross-breeding was still being explored.Yagyu encouraged the leader: "I see so many chickens living together and they are still very active. It shows that you are very serious about management. Keep it up."

The leader immediately saluted and said: "Thank you, Prime Minister, for the compliment. I will definitely work harder next time."

"Well, I believe what you said, but I have to pay attention to the crossbreeding and breeding of new varieties." Yagyu patted the leader on the shoulder, said something serious, and then left the chicken farm.

Next he had to visit Coca-Cola's manufacturing plants.

Today, Coca-Cola has seized a large portion of the beverage market, and some Western businessmen have successfully purchased cans of instant noodles and sold them in bundles with Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has also opened up sales abroad.

Yagyu came today to see the situation of the factory. If two factories cannot satisfy the market, he will consider opening a third one.

Coca-Cola's raw materials are all shipped back from Hainan in the Qing Dynasty, where there is a Japanese-invested tree planting company that grows the raw materials needed for Coca-Cola.

There are also several local processing plants that simply process the raw materials before loading them on ships and shipping them back home.

Coca-Cola is now packaged in glass bottles with the red Coca-Cola logo and the Japanese flag Hinomaru printed on it.

The retail price of a bottle of Coca-Cola is three cents yen, which is quite affordable.

Under the leadership of the factory director, Yagyu and others conducted an on-site inspection and entered the workshop with roaring machines to view the production of Coca-Cola.

The director made a detailed report on the factory's production, and then Yagyu gave important instructions on the factory's work.

Factories need to improve work efficiency as much as possible while paying attention to the safety of employees.

Then Yagyu talked about the cabinet's expectations for the Coke factory. The cabinet hoped that the Coke factory could take on its own responsibilities and ensure the production of Coke.

The factory director listened carefully to Yagyu's instructions and said that he would strictly follow the Prime Minister's instructions to work and so on.

On this day, Yagyu not only visited chicken farms and Coke factories, but also visited various emerging factories such as textile factories, and gave some suggestions of his own.

Yagyu was very satisfied with today's inspection.

The reporters accompanying us had already taken photos.

Yagyu said to Ogata Shuntaro: "When the time comes, you will review the press release and send it out as the headline.

One thing must be written in it, that is, the cabinet encourages business activities, businessmen with insufficient funds can go to the central bank for loans, and the government will also provide corresponding support policies. "

Ogata Shuntaro immediately wrote down: "I have remembered it, I will do it now."

Yagyu looked at Ogata Shuntaro leaving and called Ichimura Tetsunosuke to return to his mansion.

As soon as he returned home, Okita Jin came out to greet him, and then someone gave him a glass of ice water to quench his thirst.

Liu Sheng sat on the chair in the hall and breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Ajin, I will be very busy in the next period of time. I may have to go on inspections and won't come back to live."

Okita Jin quickly stepped forward to massage Yagyu and said, "Is it because many people in the cabinet have joined the mission, so they are so busy?"

"Yes." Yagyu closed his eyes and responded, "Now is the weakest time for the cabinet. I must look around and scare those with ill intentions."

Okitakin remembered what her brother had said before, and she was a little worried: "Will those people assassinate you?"

Yagyu was stunned for a moment, and then said: "It is very possible that most of my confidants have gone to Europe, Hijikata is in Hokkaido, and only Kondo Isamu and Shannan Keisuke are left. They can still cope with it when I am here, but if I die I’m afraid it will be difficult for them to deal with it.”

"Then you should stay in a safe place."

Okita Jin stopped what he was doing, squatted down in front of Yagyu, and looked at Yagyu.

Yagyu shook his head and said: "This is not possible. I must urge all government ministries to reform, and I must not stop because of this kind of thing. Don't worry, I am not someone who is easily assassinated."

The worry on Okita Jin's face did not disappear. Coupled with her gentle face as a married woman, Yagyu couldn't help but reach out and touch her face.

Okitajin's face turned red but he did not move away.

Yagyu just felt more charming, and he directly picked up Okita Jin. Okita Jin whispered, then quickly covered his mouth, and let Yagyu carry him to the bedroom.

In fact, Okita Kane has been staying at Yagyu Mansion for more than a year, especially in the past few months, and his behavior has become more intimate. This time he has broken the window paper.

After the clouds cleared and the rain stopped, Okita Jin stood up with shame, dressed Yagyu, then tidied himself up, and went out to prepare food.

Yagyu thought about the moist feeling just now, then stood up and left the bedroom, coming to the study, where Ichimura Tetsunosuke was standing outside the study.

As soon as he saw Yagyu, he quickly stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, someone from the Cabinet Department has just arrived. Mr. Sakuma needs to talk to you about the issuance of the second batch of banknotes from the bank."

Yagyu waved his hand and said: "I will find him tomorrow, Tetsunosuke. Now you go and find out which jewelry store is better, and there are some things that women need. I plan to buy some gifts for others."

Ichimura Tetsunosuke didn't ask any more questions and hurriedly ran out of Yagyu Mansion to inquire.

At dusk, Okita Jin prepared a sumptuous dinner for Yagyu Sheng. Yagyu took Okita Jin's hand and said, "Ask the maid to bring another one, and we will eat together."

Okita Jin was a little surprised, but then he became shy and happy in his heart. Seeing this, the maid immediately brought a piece of food and placed it in front of Okita Jin.

The two sat side by side and enjoyed the meal together.

After Yagyu was full, he smiled and said, "I never feel tired of the food you cook. When I am in Kyoto, I want to eat your bento every day."

With a happy smile, Okitajin replied gently: "Hey, I remember it."

Yagyu reached into his arms and took out an exquisite lacquer box. He opened the box and handed it to Okita Jin, saying, "This comb is very beautiful."

Okita Jin saw the exquisite comb in the lacquer box and took it carefully. He was very moved and said: "Sir, it is very beautiful. I like it very much!"

Yagyu breathed a sigh of relief and said, "As long as you like it."

Okitakin apologized: "Sir, I'm sorry that I couldn't prepare a gift for you."

"A gift?" Yagyu smiled slightly, "I have received it."

"Eh? Is there any?" Okita Jin was a little confused.

Yagyu looked into Okita Jin's eyes and said, "It's you, Akin."

When Okita Jin heard this, he blushed instantly and lowered his head shyly.

Yagyu was very direct and took Okita Jin back to the room.

 Thanks to book friend 20170517204350120 for the five hundred reward, and thanks to book friend 20170719115208303 for the one hundred reward!
(End of this chapter)

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