I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 159 This is not a discussion, but a notification!

Chapter 159 This is not a discussion, but a notification!

In the Haikou port, Cai Shantaro and the Haikou County magistrate are looking forward to it. The fleet has set off at seven in the morning. It is now sunset, the sea is sparkling with golden light, and there is infinite beauty.

But this beautiful scenery did not bring a good mood to Cai Shantaro. He just wanted to see the fleet return, even if there was only one ship.

The Haikou County magistrate on the side shook his head slightly and thought: These Japanese people don't know what they are thinking. They actually want to go to war with the Westerners. The French barbarians are so powerful. They even invaded the capital a few years ago. Little Japan is really asking for trouble. ah.

For the sake of money, he consoled him: "Master Cai, it's already this time. Let's not wait any longer. Send the letter back as soon as possible and prepare to apologize to the Westerners."

For the Haikou County Magistrate, it was just a treaty signed, and it was not about ceding land and paying compensation, so why did he make such a fuss? Now that it's over, he probably had to cede land and pay compensation, which was a bit stupid.

Cai Shantaro gritted his teeth and said: "No, no news is good news. I will wait here!"

The Haikou County Magistrate shook his head helplessly and said, "Okay, I'll go back first."

As soon as he turned around, before taking two steps, Cai Shantaro asked: "There seems to be a sound."

The Haikou County Magistrate turned around and asked, "Master Cai?"

Shantaro Cai immediately pointed to the distance and shouted: "Look, the fleet is back!"

The Haikou County Magistrate turned around and saw that in front of the setting sun, the Japanese fleet was returning in a row, with the most eye-catching Hinomaru flag fluttering in the wind.

"Win or lose?"

The Haikou County Magistrate muttered to himself.

Cai Shantaro didn't care about this. He immediately greeted himself and said: "Quick, get ready to welcome the Prime Minister!"

The Haikou County Magistrate shook his head slightly and said: "It doesn't look like we won. It looks like half of the fleet is missing, but the formation doesn't look like it's a retreat. Could it be that we really defeated the Westerners?"

He decided to stay and see.


The Keio slowly entered the port. The Keio, which had been hit by a cannon, was now smoking. The steam engine had reached its limit and needed to be completely replaced.

With a white bandage on his head, Yagyu led a group of crew members off the ship. Zentaro Cai hurried over and asked in surprise: "Prime Minister, are you okay?"

Yagyu laughed loudly and patted his shoulder, saying, "What can happen? These are all skin injuries! Zentaro, get ready. We will return tomorrow and leave the seriously injured battleship here for repairs."

Cai Shantaro looked at the prisoners being taken down from behind and said excitedly: "We won?"


Sakamoto Ryoma responded with a smile.

"Master Cai, prepare rooms for these prisoners."

The Haikou County magistrate on the side was shocked when he saw the Western prisoners being escorted away. He quickly stepped forward and said with a flattering smile: "Master Yagyu is really awesome. I see there are Western prisoners?"

Yagyu said directly: "Yes, that is the French general. His ship was sunk. He wanted to escape in a small boat, but we caught him."

The Haikou County Magistrate asked again: "I think Master Yagyu's fleet has been reduced by half, and the losses are relatively high."

Yagyu looked at the Haikou County Magistrate, and said irritably for a moment: "We won, and the country will stand up from now on. We don't have to be afraid of the Westerners. Our soldiers and warships did not sacrifice in vain. If your country had such determination as mine, it would not This is what it’s like now!”

The Haikou County Magistrate was a little embarrassed and thought to himself: You bastard, even a small country like Zuer dares to talk nonsense about our Qing Dynasty!

Zentaro Cai saw that Prime Minister Yagyu got angry for no reason, and quickly pulled the Haikou County Magistrate to comfort him: "Sir, please calm down, this navy was built by the Prime Minister, and it suffered heavy losses. Naturally, I feel unhappy. I will apologize to the next Prime Minister. Look at how comfortable it is." Some?"

When the Haikou County Magistrate saw the gold and silver that Cai Shantaro took out, he relaxed and said: "Well... I..."

He saw Cai Shantaro taking out a few more pieces of gold and silver.

"Well... I think it's excusable. It's excusable."

He smiled instantly, quickly took away the gold and silver, and left quickly.

Cai Shantaro couldn't help but shook his head and said: "The Qing Dynasty is so corrupt. I should advise the prime minister, otherwise it will be a waste of natural resources."

He immediately returned to Yagyu, who nodded slightly and said: "You did a good job, now we still need to stabilize them."

Cai Shantaro whispered: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, the Qing Dynasty..."

Yagyu raised his hand and said: "There are big countries such as Britain, France, the United States, and Russia here. How much can we swallow? The people on this land are not so easy to surrender. Those big countries will not allow us to occupy this place. If we offend them now, our descendants will not be able to swallow it in the future." Just bear retaliation a thousandfold, and don’t be obsessed by desire.”

Cai Shantaro was shocked, lowered his head and said: "Your Excellency, the Prime Minister is wise."



It has been half a month since the news of Yagyu's accident reached Kyoto. No matter what, the naval fleet should have arrived in Osaka. As a result, there has been no sign of it in the past half month.

The cabinet's negotiations with the Netherlands were at a disadvantage. Shimazu Hisamitsu, Mori Noriuchika and Ohara Shigenori and others forced the cabinet to abandon negotiations. Eto Shinpei and others tried to reduce the power of Deputy Prime Minister Matsudaira Yoshiyasu and the shogunate faction.

Parkes, Roches and Van Bols sat firmly on the Diaoyutai, watching the chaos in Kyoto.

Emperor Meiji, who had not seen Yagyu Nobita for a long time, also began to panic. If it weren't for the imperial guard battalion in charge of Toudo Heisuke guarding the inner palace, Shimazu Hisamitsu and others would have rushed into the palace and forced Emperor Meiji.

But the Sixth Guards Division was still in Kyoto, and no one dared to act rashly.

On January [-], in Osaka Bay, the busy waterway was filled with ships traveling from various places, including advanced steam sailing ships and old-fashioned Western-style paddle boats.These are merchant ships. They come to Osaka with specialties from various places to sell to foreign merchants, and then convert them into foreign goods and sell them to merchants in other places to earn the price difference.


Led by the Koshi, a fleet of more than ten steam warships appeared on the waterway of Osaka Bay. All ships immediately avoided and gave way to the road.

Everyone looked at the scarred fleet and talked a lot.

As the fleet returned to the military port, news of the navy's return quickly spread in the streets, and then spies immediately bought train tickets and went to Kyoto to report the news.

At present, telegraph has not been rolled out on a large scale in Japan. It is only rolled out in a small area in Kyoto and Edo.

The spies took the train back to Kyoto first, and then all parties immediately learned that the flagship Keio was missing. The ship that came back also had scars, and it was obvious that it had been involved in a naval battle.

Parkesli immediately said to Fanbols and Roches: "Nothing happened to Yagyu. He was cheating and deceiving us. He led a naval fleet to ambush you, but judging from the news, he lost."

Roches said with some arrogance: "Their battleships are too small and cannot be our opponents."

Van Pols licked his face and said, "Mr. Roches, we also have merit."

Parkesli said: "Van Bols, you should go to the Japanese cabinet immediately and ask them to immediately recognize your privileges and not to mention the amendment of the treaty."

Van Pols could no longer hold back, and immediately brought his people to the cabinet in an aggressive manner to issue a final warning.

Now that the cabinet also knows about the navy, Shimazu Hisamitsu and others even brought a group of members of the House of Representatives to put pressure on Matsudaira Yoshiho.

Shimazu Hisamitsu said loudly: "I have long said that Prime Minister Yagyu is harming Japan. Now Japan is in danger, and we must change Prime Minister Yagyu's policy!"

Ohara Shigenori also criticized: "You people have completely become Yagyu Hien's lackeys. The parliament should dissolve the cabinet and re-elect the prime minister!"

Matsudaira Rongbo said angrily: "You are not qualified!"

Shimazu Hisamitsu shouted: "You traitors and traitors, don't say anything more. If you don't apologize to the Netherlands, the Western troops will land in Osaka and Kyoto will be in danger!"

Ohara Shigenori then shouted: "I propose that Mr. Shimazu be temporarily appointed as prime minister. Whoever agrees and who opposes!"

"I object."

Yagyu walked directly into the conference room, making everyone in the room quiet.

Ohara Shigetori felt guilty and didn't know what to say, so he looked at Shimazu Hisamitsu.

Shimazu Hisamitsu swallowed his saliva and then bravely said: "Prime Minister Yagyu, you still have the nerve to come back. I think you should die to apologize!"

Yagyu asked, "Why should I die to apologize?"

Shimazu Hisamitsu was a little flustered. Why was Yagyu Heeyan so confident?But now that the words have come to this, he has no way out!

"You still want to be tough? It's all your fault that the navy has been defeated by the Westerners, and we are no longer able to stop the Western invasion!"

Yagyu glanced at Shimazu Hisamitsu, then walked to his seat, looked at everyone solemnly, and said: "I don't know where Shimazu-sama got the news of our army's defeat.

All I know is that our soldiers were not afraid of sacrifice, sank the French warship, captured the French general, and the remaining Spanish and Dutch fleets fled in panic!

Gentlemen, we have won!This is an unprecedented victory. It was won by our navy with their own flesh and blood. The naval officers used their lives to win this battle of dignity. From this moment on, we in Japan will no longer be inferior! "

"Oh, long live the Prime Minister!"

Ogata Shuntaro and others immediately cheered loudly.

Sakuma Shoyama and others were stunned for a moment, then raised their heads and laughed, even to tears. The young officials burst into tears and shouted wildly.

Most people went crazy, they were having so much fun.

Shimazu Hisamitsu couldn't believe it, stared and said: "False, France is so powerful, how could it lose?"

Yagyu stared at Shimazu Hisamitsu, so scared that he fell down on his chair.

"You will be able to see the captives tomorrow."

Yagyu shouted loudly: "Come here, send someone to inform Van Bols in the Netherlands and tell him that if he doesn't sign a new treaty, Japan will declare war on the Netherlands!"

In fact, Van Bols already knew the news. The prisoners of the French, Spanish and Dutch armies were on the street outside the imperial palace. Van Bols also saw an acquaintance.

"This... we lost..."

Van Pols looked in disbelief.

Now that Parkes and Roches also knew about it, Parkes immediately ignored the matter. As for Roches, he was autistic and was sending people to leave Kyoto to find out the news.

No one can care about the Netherlands anymore.

Yamakawa Daizo ran outside the Imperial Palace and saw Van Bols who had not yet left. He immediately raised his eyebrows and said: "Mr. Van Bols, the Prime Minister is giving you a final warning. If you don't sign a new treaty, you will have no choice but to go to war."

"Start a war? That won't work!" Van Bols was startled. The prisoners in front of him greatly stimulated him. He felt that the Netherlands would lose if they started a war.

He quickly relented and said: "Please reply to the Prime Minister. We are willing to negotiate. Please give us some time to ask for opinions from home."

Yamakawa Dazang said coldly: "This is not a discussion, but a notification."

(End of this chapter)

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