I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 160 Abolition of treaty and demand for compensation

Chapter 160 Abolition of treaty and demand for compensation

Van Bols saw such a tough attitude on the other side, and there were prisoners in French military uniforms nearby, which made him feel that Japan had won a great victory in this battle.

He quickly ran to the prisoner's side, and the guarding soldier immediately yelled: "Back off!"

When Van Pols saw the muzzle of the gun, he stopped instantly. He could only shout loudly: "Colison, what happened!"

The dejected Collison heard someone calling him. He immediately looked up and looked for it. Soon he saw Van Bols. He quickly shouted: "Mr. Van Bols, you must save us!"

Van Pols looked very depressed, and he asked unwillingly: "Has the French army also been defeated?"

"Failed, the Japanese are too crazy!" Collison struggled and shouted, "They crashed the French warship in a suicide attack. It's terrible, Mr. Van Pols, save us!"

Van Pols felt weak all over and staggered a few steps, but was supported by the clerk.

The clerk said quickly: "Sir, we can go to Mr. Parkes in Great Britain."

Van Bols was a little hesitant. Didn't he still know about Daying's behavior?If Daying really wants to attack Japan, why should he go to France?
But he was still a little unwilling, and he had to give it a try no matter what.

He immediately left the royal road and rushed to the British Embassy. Parkes did not avoid Van Pols. Instead, he asked: "How is the situation?"

Van Bols did not act rude. He introduced: "The Japanese won. I saw the prisoners, and there were people I knew among them. He said that the Japanese were crazy. They destroyed the French warship in a suicide attack and obtained The final victory.”

Parkes had an expression on his face that was indeed true. He just wanted to say that this is the style of the Japanese, crazy and fearless of death.

Although Parkes arrived in Japan not long ago, he already knew about the previous Bakumatsu era.

"Suicide attacks are really terrifying." Parkes shook his head slightly and said, "Although Japan has established a civilized system, it was only for a short time. Their thoughts are still very barbaric and they don't take human life seriously.

Moreover, it can be seen from what happened this time that Japan is determined to amend the treaty. Mr. Van Bols, the help provided by Great Britain is extremely limited, so you should make preparations early. "

Van Bols asked unwillingly: "Now that Japan has just risen, it dares to show its teeth to our Netherlands. In the future, they will definitely take action against Great Britain. Mr. Parkes, Japan's navy has suffered heavy losses now. As long as Great Britain takes action , all troubles will be solved."

Parkes declined: "Of course I know, but we can't spare our hands, so this matter ends here."

Seeing Parkale's clear refusal, Van Pols had no choice but to say: "Please give me more help, Mr. Parkale, and at least guarantee my Netherlands' legal rights and interests in Japan."

"Of course."

Parkes sent Fanbols away, and he thought to himself: It's not that I don't help, it's actually a matter of interest.

You must know that Great Britain supports Japan just to have an extra market for dumping goods. If a war breaks out, he cannot guarantee the losses of the army. In addition, it is very likely to destroy Japan.

But now they can maintain this market and continue to make money. At least for a long time, Japan will not fall out with Great Britain. As the ambassador of the Empire on which the sun never sets, he has such confidence.

The price paid for going to war is completely different from maintaining the status quo. Going to war requires military expenditures, losses, and destroys the market. Maintaining the status quo sacrifices the interests of the Netherlands. The domestic nobles know with their toes that they have chosen the latter.

But Parkes will not let Yagyu Yantai bully Holland. After all, he is Daying's younger brother, so he still has to support him.


The news that Yagyu returned to the capital with his captives had already spread in the court and among the people. Kyoto, which was originally a little dull, was instantly excited by this news.

Since the signing of the treaty, foreigners can act freely in Japan's coastal cities, and their embassies will punish them if they commit crimes, which makes the Japanese feel ashamed.

But today is different. The Japanese navy defeated the foreign fleet, and the foreign prisoners outside the Imperial Palace are the evidence.

The people just felt that they had a place to vent their depressed mood, and some businesses took the lead in offering discounts and promotions to celebrate today's happy event.

Many citizens celebrated with singing and dancing, and the streets of Kyoto were lively.

Yamamoto Yae had just entered Kyoto. Looking at the festive scenes on the streets, she felt a little confused. She looked at her husband Kawasaki Naunosuke beside her. Kawasaki Naunosuke shook his head and said: "I don't know what's going on. Why don't we ask my brother? .”

Yamamoto Yae's elder brother is Yamamoto Kurama. Due to vision problems, he has taken a back seat and teaches students in a military school.

This time Yamamoto Yae came to Kyoto. After learning that the country supported women joining the army, she came with Kawasaki Nanosuke.

"Leave a way... let a way..."

Yamamoto Kakuma squeezed through the crowd, came to Yamamoto Yae, and said with a happy face: "Ye!"

"elder brother!"

Yamamoto Kaku immediately stepped forward and greeted: "There are too many people today, follow me closely."

Yamamoto Yae immediately asked: "Brother, what happened?"

Yamamoto Kakuma said excitedly: "What a great news. You also know that the cabinet recently negotiated the customs treaty with the Netherlands. The Netherlands was dissatisfied and joined forces with France and Spain to try to teach us a lesson.

As a result, the Prime Minister devised a plan to ambush the combined fleet. We won the final victory and captured many Westerners! "


Kawasaki Naunosuke was shocked. He just felt that the news was too exciting and made him think it was false. After all, the two great vassals of Sa and Naga were defeated by the West a few years ago. Since then, no one has shouted to resist the foreigners.

In everyone's mind, the Westerners seemed invincible.

But today's news directly breaks this concept. Japan is no worse than Western countries. "That's amazing! You deserve to be the Prime Minister!"

Yamamoto Yae exclaimed with admiration.

Yamamoto Kakuma continued: "This is just the beginning, we will sign a new treaty with the Netherlands soon!"

"Great. From now on, Japan will have dignity in the world!"

Nanosuke Kawasaki admired.

"That's right!" Yamamoto Kakuma nodded, "We have stood up and will no longer allow other countries to bully us wantonly."

It was not just Yamamoto Kakuma and his sister and brother-in-law who had such a conversation. As the news spread, the whole country was in a state of excitement, and Yagyu Nobita's reputation reached a new height at this moment.

Now, even if the emperor is unfavorable to Yagyu, it will be difficult to shake his status.

In fact, Emperor Meiji was equally excited when he received the news. After all, he is the emperor of Japan. Japan has dignity and his face is bright.

Emperor Meiji immediately issued an imperial edict granting the hereditary title of Count Yagyu as a reward.

This edict was sent to the cabinet. The young officials felt that it was low and should be given the title of marquis.

But Yagyu refused. Since the emperor rewarded a count, he should follow the emperor's wishes.

Matsudaira Yongho understood what Yagyu meant. He was worried that the emperor would have no room for rewards in the future.

The next day, Yagyu resumed treaty negotiations.

Faboors felt guilty when facing Yagyu. He took the lead in saying: "It is possible to amend the treaty, but the previous conditions were too harsh..."

Yagyu raised his hand and interrupted: "It seems that you are still unwilling. In that case, let's stop talking and let your fleet be ready. This time, Japan will directly send troops to Dutch India. How about it?"

When Van Bols heard this, his heart went red instantly. This was a naked threat. Except for powerful countries such as Britain and France, the Netherlands had never received such a threat.

"Barbaric, so barbaric!" Van Bols said angrily, "Mr. Yagyu, is this the etiquette that a civilized country should have? How can you bring up war so easily?"

Yagyu leaned back on his chair and said with disdain: "Van Bols, I'm just repeating what you did before. You directly united France and Spain to attack us.

This time we lost twenty warships, thirty transport ships, a total of 1 casualties, and at least 50 yen in cargo. This loss will be compensated by the Netherlands and Spain. "

Van Bols said in frustration: "We also lost a lot!"


Yagyu stood up and said: "What are you talking about when you say this? We won't talk about it from now on. You should quickly notify your fleet. Our army will assemble the troops immediately and set off to fight another battle."

Fanbols Yagyu stood up and was about to leave, and said quickly: "Wait a minute, Mr. Yagyu, give me some more time."

Yagyu snorted and said, "As soon as possible, my patience is limited."

Van Pols came to Parkes in a state of despair and talked about today's meeting. Parkes frowned and said: "Well... Japan is a little arrogant, but his conditions are still very reasonable.

In this way, I will talk to Mr. Yagyu, but I won't let you get hurt. "

Later, Parkes invited Yagyu to meet.

Parkes' attitude was normal: "Prime Minister Yagyu has been so dazzling recently. He actually personally led the army to defeat the combined fleet of the three countries. However, Japan also suffered a lot of losses."

When Yagyu heard this, he knew that Parkel was trying to put pressure on him, and Yagyu could only make a small step back according to the plan.

There is nothing that can be done about it. At this stage, Dai Ying is really not someone that Japan can provoke. The reason why Yagyu is so tough on France, Spain and the Netherlands is that he has seen the right time. After all, he is not a reckless man who chooses his opponents randomly.

However, Yagyu would not relent directly.

"Mr. Parkes, I understand what you mean, but this time it was Holland who was the one who took the lead, and he must pay a price.

Besides, our country’s initial demand was just a treaty with the Netherlands to modify tariffs. If the Netherlands hadn’t been playing tricks, how could things be happening now?From beginning to end, our appeal has been only one.

As for asking Spain and the Netherlands to compensate, I think this is what they should do. "

Parkes was still a little dissatisfied and said: "After all, Holland is my friend of Great Britain, we can't just sit idly by."

Yagyu then backed down and said: "Our cabinet is going to promulgate a policy to attract investment. As long as foreigners do business in Japan, they will have certain preferential treatment and policy support. As for the Dutch treaty, it must be abolished."

Parkes saw Yagyu relenting and nodded. With this investment promotion policy, he could also explain to Van Pols.

Once Great Britain relented, things became much easier, and the Netherlands agreed to sign a new treaty with Japan.

At the same time, the Netherlands will repay half of the compensation in installments, which is 3000 million yen, and the remaining 3000 million yen will be compensated by Spain.

As for France, he was completely invisible throughout the process, reducing his sense of presence.

(End of this chapter)

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