I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 170 The fleet arrives in Europe

Chapter 170 The fleet arrives in Europe
Since the Age of Discovery, pirates have spread all over the world along with commercial shipping routes. The most famous are the Algiers pirates in North Africa. They are powerful and sell white slaves, forcing European coastal countries to build powerful navies.

In the [-]th and [-]th centuries, Algiers was occupied by France and this pirate force was eliminated.

In addition to the Pirates of Algiers, the other is the Royal Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Moro Pirates are famous in Southeast Asia.

Especially the Moro pirates, known as the Algiers pirates of the East.

Their rise in Southeast Asia came from the Muslim princes of Malaya, the Bugis lords east of Java, the Sulu people who made a living by selling slaves, and the headhunters of Borneo who were famous for their terror methods.

However, it was named after the Moro people who mainly live in the southern islands of the Philippines. The Moro people are used to refer to the indigenous ethnic groups in Southeast Asia who believe in religion.

Moro pirates emerged with the prosperous trade in the Southeast Asia. Thanks to the outbreak of the Seven Years War, the French Revolution and the Napoleonic Wars in Europe, European countries were at war with each other on their own soil and invariably reduced their military presence in the Southeast Asia.

This not only gave the pirates greater freedom of movement, but also allowed the colonial authorities to relax their control over princes and feudal lords across Southeast Asia.

The Moros did not have Western-style pirate speedboats. The main ships they took were some locally made light boats, such as catamarans, manned galleys, Malay hut boats and South Sea wooden sailing ships.

A typical South Sea wooden sailing ship has two masts at the front and rear, is 90 feet long, has a shed at the rear, and can carry fifty to 100 people. This is the ship most used by Moro pirates.

Generally speaking, these light boats have extremely weak firepower. Most of them only have three old-style rotary cannons installed on the sides of the ship, or a large-caliber cannon on the bow. Their combat effectiveness cannot be compared with that of Western-style ships.

However, a group of Moro pirates would own twenty to fifty such ships, and the total number of pirates would exceed 4000. Their wolf pack tactics were very effective when facing lone European merchant ships.

By 1840, even though the British steam warships defeated the Manchu navy, the Moro pirates still ignored Westerners and continued to rob merchant ships on the route.

Such rampant Moro pirates made the British East India Company no longer patient. Britain and Spain simultaneously dispatched fleets to attack the Moro pirates' nest.

Although the Moro pirates were defeated, they were still active in the South China Sea. Even after World War II, the Moro pirates were not extinct.

The wedding fleet led by Enomoto Takehi was in the Nanyang waters. The Dutch fleet and the French warships left after observing for a while, but there were still ships following behind the fleet.

Those ships were Moro pirates.

The Moro pirates followed from a distance, hoping to get alone on the transport ship next to the fleet and then grab a handful.

These Moro pirates have received news that the transport ship escorted by this fleet contains goods worth hundreds of thousands of pounds. As long as they seize one transport ship, it will be enough for them to make a fortune.

In Nanyang, the pound is the hard currency.

The Moro pirates who dared to follow the Japanese fleet had people behind them. After all, the Japanese fleet defeated the Spanish and Dutch fleets in the Battle of Beibu Gulf, which was enough to scare away a large number of Moro pirates.

You know, the Spanish Navy easily defeated the Moro pirates of the Sulu Islands with its sail battleships, not to mention the Spanish fleet equipped with steam warships was defeated in the Gulf of Tonkin.

Although Moro pirates are greedy, they are not stupid.

The pirate leader who had been following the Japanese fleet encouraged his men: "Brothers, don't worry, that fleet will soon enter British waters!
The prince has already said that the British don't like Japan. As long as they have a conflict with the British, we will look for opportunities to attack. As long as we grab a transport ship, we can go back to eat well, drink spicy food, and have fun with the best prostitutes in Manila. ! "

The pirates raised their Klee knives, raised their heads and shouted and howled to encourage themselves.

The Klee knife is a weapon commonly used by Moro pirates, and its shape is like the keris in CF.

On the Carolini, Takehi Enomoto was not surprised by the pirate information reminded by his staff. He was very familiar with pirates.

You should know that in Japan, pirates are also called pirates. Pirates have appeared since the advent of ships. The most rampant period was from the [-]th century to the end of the [-]th century.

Japanese pirates not only plundered the domestic coastal areas, but also colluded with wealthy merchants and gentry along the Ming Dynasty coast to plunder the Ming Dynasty waters, and even went ashore to capture cities and territories.

It was not until the Jiajing Dynasty of the Ming Dynasty that famous generals such as Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou appeared, knocking off the arrogance of the Japanese pirates.

The Japanese pirates were unable to succeed, and there were also domestic factors.

After the Onin Rebellion, Japan entered troubled times, with feuding princes and powerful families fighting each other. The pirates lost control and plundered everywhere to develop their power. Later, they were recruited by the princes and robbed legally.

The famous Murakami Suijun, Kumano Suijun, etc., and even the famous pirate name Kuuki Yoshitaka is famous all over the world, which is enough to see the prosperity of Japanese pirates.

However, as Toyotomi Hideyoshi conquered the world, the golden age of Japanese piracy ended. When the Tokugawa shogunate concentrated naval forces from all over the shogunate, this ended the development of Japanese piracy.

As a samurai of the shogunate, Enomoto Takehi naturally knew what pirates looked like, and he was convinced that these pirates did not dare to attack the fleet.However, the staff officer on the side reminded: "Sir Enomoto, according to common sense, it is impossible for pirates to attack our fleet. They should retreat in the face of difficulties. However, these pirates are chasing after them. I think there are people on the route ahead." question."

Enomoto Takehi glanced at the map and said: "In front is the British East India Company's sphere of influence. The British are somewhat dissatisfied with Japan. These pirates probably hope that the British navy will conflict with us so that they can fish in troubled waters."

The staff officer replied: "Will the British take action against us?"

Takehi Enomoto was a little nervous, but he didn't show it on his face. Prime Minister Yagyu had reminded him to be careful about this matter.

Subconsciously, he felt that there might be a conflict.

"Don't be nervous, just act as usual. As for these pirates, don't pay attention to them."

There was no reaction from the flagship, and the other ships continued to sail as usual.

After more than a day of sailing, the wedding fleet has arrived near Malacca.

A British warship took the lead and monitored the Japanese fleet passing through the Strait of Malacca and entering the Indian Ocean. Along the way, both sides were in peace.

At present, the Suez Canal is not open to traffic. The first trial navigation will not be until the end of the year at the earliest, and the official opening will be next year.

France paid nearly 2000 million pounds to open the Suez Canal. As a result, Napoleon III stepped down just two years after it was opened. Even in the Third French Republic, in 1875, the Egyptian Governor Pasha sold his shares to the British and French Blood loss!
The Japanese fleet could not use the Suez Canal to enter the Mediterranean. It could only follow the eastern coast of Africa, pass the Cape of Good Hope, and then turn to the western coast to enter the Atlantic Ocean and head to Europe.

The fleet resupplied once in Singapore, resupplied again in the Somali Peninsula, resupplied again in the Cape of Good Hope, and then resupplied in the colonies in the Gulf of Guinea.

After sailing for more than a month, the fleet arrived in European waters.

Although it has reached European waters, it does not mean that the fleet is safe and will soon enter French territory.

In addition, there is Denmark ahead. The Danish navy has several ironclad ships, all with a tonnage of more than [-] tons. Although they are coastal defense ships, they also forced Prussia to save their ships and avoid the battle.

Fortunately, Japan had already paid a sum of money, hoping that the British would ensure the safety of the fleet in European waters. Although the British were disgusting, they still had some credibility in doing business.

With one hundred thousand pounds, he was escorted by two warships of the British Royal Navy and arrived safely at the Prussian port of Hamburg.

Berlin learned of the arrival of the fleet as soon as possible and arranged accommodation immediately. A few days later, Takehiro Enomoto and others led more than a hundred naval officers to Berlin to meet with King William I of Prussia.

When William I saw Takehiro Enomoto and others, he immediately asked about the situation of the Battle of Beibu Gulf. Although various countries had already understood the situation, Takehiro Enomoto was a witness to the war and knew more details.

Takehiro Enomoto recalled the battlefield of the Battle of Tonkin Gulf with a serious expression.

He said: "After our decoy ship seriously damaged the French warship, the Prime Minister personally led ten warships including the Keio, Koshi, and Shikamaru to besiege the French warship.

The French army is very powerful. After the battle, our army suffered casualties on several warships. I was beside the Prime Minister at the time. The Prime Minister was injured by debris on the ship and his head began to bleed. However, the Prime Minister immediately ordered the Keio to fire.

At this dangerous moment, the Shikamaru on the left risked its own life and directly rammed the French warship, causing a fatal explosion. The two warships became silent. At this point, our army secured victory and the combined fleet was defeated. "

William I exclaimed: "I originally thought Prime Minister Yagyu was an excellent politician, but I didn't expect Prime Minister Yagyu to be so tough on the battlefield. It's really surprising."

Bismarck couldn't help but praise: "Prime Minister Yagyu's courage is really admirable. If possible, I really want to meet Prime Minister Yagyu in person and talk to him."

"Mr. Bismarck, in fact, the Prime Minister also wants to meet His Majesty William and you. At the right time, the Prime Minister will come to Europe."

Takehiro Enomoto responded.

William I and Bismarck were very happy, and they solemnly invited Yagyu to come to Prussia.

Later, Bismarck introduced the Hessian Grand Highway Derwig III to Enomoto Takehiro and said: "Tomorrow, the mission will be able to escort Princess Marie to Hamburg."

Tokugawa Qingxi, who was accompanying him, breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Your Majesty the King, His Highness the Grand Duke, please rest assured that we will definitely protect the safety of Princess Mary and the mission."

"The fact that your fleet can sail thousands of miles to get here speaks for itself. I believe Mary is very safe."

Ludwig III replied with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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