I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 171 Kido Takayun proposes the conquest of Korea

Chapter 171 Kido Takayun proposes the conquest of Korea
The news that the Japanese fleet had arrived in Prussia had already spread. After all, in Europe, the speed of telegraphs was still very fast. Kido Takayoshi, who was studying in the UK, rushed back to Berlin as soon as possible.

Others including Fukuzawa Yukichi, Itagaki Taisuke, and Okubo Toshimichi all returned to Berlin.

As soon as Enomoto Takehi came out of the Prussian palace, he met this group of cabinet officials who were studying abroad.

Takeyō Enomoto naturally knew Kido Takayun and others. He greeted: "Do you have anything to do with me?"

Kido Takayun nodded and was about to speak when Tokugawa Keki interrupted: "This is not the place to talk. Let's return to the embassy first."

Prussia and Japan signed a formal alliance, so a new embassy was arranged. This is the Japanese embassy in the German Confederation. The architectural style is Gothic and is three stories high.

Enomoto Takeyang nodded and said: "Okay, let's go back to the embassy first."

The group immediately got into the carriage and returned to the embassy.

In front of the embassy is a square covering an area of ​​thousands of square meters, enough to park a dozen carriages.

They filed in and entered the embassy. Tokugawa Yingxi sat on the main seat and let the others take their seats.

After Enomoto Takeyang sat down, he asked: "I wonder what Kido-sama wants to say to me?"

Kido Takayun's expression was serious and he said in a serious tone: "These days, I am studying in London, England, where I saw the power of civilized countries. Now Japan is also moving closer to civilized countries, and the navy even defeated the Beibu Gulf. The combined fleet of France, Spain and the Netherlands is an unimaginable event.

This incident also caused discussion in England. Although Spain and the Netherlands are no longer powerful countries in Europe, they still have a reputation. In addition, the French navy is only inferior to that of Great Britain. Although it only sunk one battleship this time, it also made the French navy more famous. People are surprised.

Now people in Great Britain have a high regard for Japan. Compared with the Qing Dynasty, our Japan seems to be the number one in East Asia in the eyes of Westerners.

I have carefully studied the history of Great Britain in the past few days. Great Britain has grown from an island nation to the number one in the world. It not only relied on its powerful navy, but also relied on its navy to occupy rich colonies.

Now Japan is number one in East Asia. The Qing Dynasty was defeated twice by Britain and France, so there is nothing to fear. They occupied the land in East Asia and it was a waste of natural resources.

I believe that we, Japan, should forge ahead into the Central Plains and use the resources of the Central Plains to feed Japan. Within 30 years, we, Japan, will surely be able to compete with Great Britain! "

Itagaki Taisuke supported: "Yes, although the Qing Dynasty began to learn Western technology, there were too many internal contradictions and little progress, and we, Japan, were already far ahead. Instead of letting the Qing Dynasty waste the resources and time of the Central Plains, it would be better for our country to win and lead East Asia reaches its peak!”

Fukuzawa Yukichi also said: "It's okay to capture the Central Plains, but taking East Asia to the top is a bit exaggerated. I thought we should leave Asia and join Europe, just like Tsarist Russia."

After listening to the narratives of several people, Enomoto Takeyō looked at Tokugawa Qingxi and said, "What do you mean, Lord Tokugawa?"

Tokugawa Yingxi put down the coffee cup and said: "What you guys said makes sense, but Japan's reform has only been three or five years, and it is a bit urgent to open up colonies at this time.

Furthermore, the Central Plains is not so easy to win. If Hideyoshi hadn't gone on an expedition to Korea and became the enemy of the Ming Dynasty, how could the Tokugawa family have conquered the world? "

Kido Takayun was dissatisfied and said: "Hideyoshi's idea is not wrong. If you want to conquer the Central Plains, you must capture North Korea. If you want to capture North Korea, you must capture Korea!"
Hideyoshi's army quickly defeated North Korea, which showed that there was nothing wrong with this path. The reason for the failure was that the Ming Dynasty was too strong, but the current Qing Dynasty is not the Ming Dynasty, and Japan will definitely be able to defeat the Qing Dynasty.

Enomoto-sama, this is my opinion on the conquest of Korea. Please take it back home and hand it over to the Prime Minister. "

Itagaki Taisuke, Fukuzawa Yukichi and others immediately agreed. They hoped that Yagyu would lead Japan to conquer the Korean Peninsula.

Enomoto Takehi didn't know what Yagyu Heiyan was thinking. He accepted the confession letters from several people and said: "I will give your letters to the Prime Minister for inspection."

Kido Takayun was slightly relieved when he heard this. He had carefully calculated that it would not be difficult for Japan to win North Korea.

However, Shibusawa Eiichi, who had been silent for a long time, said: "Sir Enomoto, I also have a letter to give to the Prime Minister."

Takehiro Enomoto took the letter from Eiichi Shibusawa and looked at it. On the cover were suggestions for the development of Japan's internal affairs.

He was a little confused and said: "I thought Lord Shibusawa also supported the theory of conquering Korea."

Shibusawa Eiichi shook his head and said: "I think that our country's reform period is too short, and the current strength cannot support the cost of managing colonies. I think that Japan needs at least ten years of development before it has enough strength to operate colonies."

Itagaki Taisuke frowned and said: "Why does it take so long? Our navy has defeated the great powers in the West. Our army equipment is also more advanced than the Qing Dynasty and North Korea. As long as there is a war, our army will win."

Kido Takayun also said: "We must seize the time. Even if we do not take the Central Plains, we can take North Korea to shock the Qing Dynasty, and then seize Taiwan and Hainan. After that, we can advance from the north to the south at the same time. Taking the Central Plains will be easy!"

Tokugawa Yingxi knew that these people had already had a quarrel, and he immediately said: "Everyone, let Prime Minister Yagyu decide what to do. Your arguments are just a waste of words."

Shibusawa Ei heard this and stopped arguing. In his opinion, Prime Minister Yagyu was not very willing to attack the Central Plains.

Takehiro Enomoto accepted the letters from the two factions and asked his staff to keep them.

After a night's rest, he was invited to the palace by the Prussians early in the morning. He and Tokugawa Keki met the young Princess Mary together.

Enomoto Takehi immediately lowered his head and bowed to Princess Mary.

Princess Mary asked: "Are you the general who came to greet me?" Takehiro Enomoto listened to the interpreter and replied: "Yes, Princess, under the orders of His Majesty the Emperor and the Prime Minister, I am leading the Carolini to wait for the frontline Come and greet the princess."

"Carolini?" Princess Mary was a little confused.

Enomoto Takehi immediately explained: "Princess, this battleship is an iron-clad ship built independently by our country. It weighs more than three thousand tons. It was named by His Majesty the Emperor himself. Your surname will be used as the name of the new warship."

Princess Mary was a little happy and praised: "Wow, I think Your Majesty is really romantic, right, Lucy?"

The maid on the side replied: "Yes, Your Highness."

Princess Mary looked at Takeyoshi Enomoto and said, "I can't wait to see the battleship named after my surname."

"This is your honor. Your Highness the Princess is so happy, and your Majesty will also be happy."

Enomoto Takehi saluted again.

After some pleasantries, Princess Mary said goodbye to the Grand Duke of Hesse and her father and brother, and left Berlin in a carriage.

Along the way, there was a Japanese naval escort from Takehiro Enomoto, as well as a Prussian military escort.

A few days later, Princess Mary and her party arrived in Hamburg. Enomoto Takehi immediately asked people on the ship to carry Princess Mary's dowry. As for the bride price for Princess Mary, it had already been sent to Berlin.

The betrothal gift given by Japan was worth 20 pounds, and the dowry given by the Grand Duke of Hesse and the King of Prussia was also of the same amount, but the quality was inferior. After all, the porcelain and silk produced by the Qing Dynasty were of higher value.

Princess Mary saw the Carolini. Although she looked ferocious, Princess Mary did not dislike it. She boarded the Carolini for a tour, met with the officers and sailors on the ship, and gave everyone gifts. This made the naval officers and The sailors were very excited.

You know that Princess Mary will become the Emperor's Empress, and this gift represents honor.

Now that the fleet has received the princess, Enomoto Takehi immediately sent the fleet back. After all, the wedding will be held in June, and now it is almost May, so time is a bit tight.

On the way back, they were still escorted by British warships. The fleet safely left the Atlantic waters of Europe. The fleet followed the route it came from and circled Africa. In May, they arrived in the Indian Ocean and passed the Strait of Malacca a few days later. , entering Nanyang.

There were Moro pirates following the fleet before, but they returned in vain. This time they returned, originally thinking that there was no sign of the Moro pirates. However, when they arrived in the waters of northern Borneo, they encountered densely packed Moro pirates, including several ships. steam warships, and dozens of sailing battleships.

Enomoto Takehi looked at the densely packed enemy troops in the distance, and said with a gloomy expression: "Asshole, it must be the fault of France, the West, and the Netherlands!"

The staff officer hurriedly asked: "Enomoto-sama, what should we do? If we don't let other ships cover us, we rush out and send the princess back to Japan first."


Enomoto Takehi flatly refused.

"How can the prestige of our army in the Beibu Gulf be lost in your hands and mine? Tell all ships to prepare for battle and defeat the enemy for me!"

Tsugawa Kaibei on the Shikamaru received the news and said loudly: "Okay, tell Master Enomoto immediately and let me, the Shikamaru, take the lead!"

Soon, the staff reported: "Sir Tsugawa, Lord Enomoto gave the order, the Shikamaru is to attack!"

Tsugawa Kaibei laughed a few times and shouted: "Shikamaru, move forward at full speed!"

The first mate shouted through the brass trumpet: "Full speed ahead!"

The cabin below heard the sound and immediately sent the order.

The Shikamaru's speed, which was originally only ten knots, quickly increased to more than thirteen knots.


The Shikamaru broke through the waves and quickly overtook the Carolini and rushed to the opposite side.

The pirates were still a little panicked when they saw an ironclad ship coming.

But the leader on the ship immediately laughed and said: "What's the use of one ship? Can it defeat thousands of our ships? Brothers, we are outnumbered. As long as we rush over, we will definitely win!"

The pirates looked at the ships around them and saw that they were all their own people. No matter how powerful the opponent was, they only had ten warships. The number was too small. Even if the opponent was an elephant, they were just ants, but if there were too many ants, they could kill an elephant. .

A thousand ships versus ten ships, the advantage is mine!

Why do you lose when the flying dragon rides on the face?It’s hard to lose even if you want to!

(End of this chapter)

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