I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 197 The Prime Minister arrives in loyal Manila

Chapter 197 The Prime Minister arrives in loyal Manila

The East Asia Economic Alliance held its first alliance ceremony in Nagasaki. The Qing Dynasty did not join the alliance in the end, but this did not affect the trade relations between Japan and the Qing Dynasty.

After the alliance meeting was held, Japan temporarily served as the host country of the alliance, and a new host country will be re-elected in five years.

In fact, the Qing Dynasty did not join the Tongmenghui, but it was part of Yagyu's plan. Although Yagyu said they were helping each other, they actually used the resources of these countries to develop Japan's economy.

Although these countries have developed, the previous international situation was complicated and could not match Japan's development speed. Although the seven countries have economic exchanges, Japan actually has an absolute leadership position.

When Japan has excess production capacity, these industrial goods will be dumped to these countries and the Qing Dynasty.

It doesn't matter whether the Qing Dynasty joined the Tongmenghui or not. In short, Vietnam, Siam and other countries have become Japan's leek fields.

Of course, these countries may or may not know it, but their current national sovereignty and independence are much better than when they were dominated by Britain and France.

Furthermore, economic exploitation will not affect their power and wealth. If it doesn't work, just suffer the people.

The political influence of the establishment of the Alliance was very great, and Earl Mayo also wanted to speed up the invasion of Burma, and then enter Siam and other countries.

But now that the remaining countries in the Indochina Peninsula have formed an alliance and are unanimous in dealing with the outside world, he has to consider the development of things.

The Earl of Mayo decided to send a telegram back to China to inquire about the next step.

After the Alliance conducted its first trade in Nagasaki, they went back to their respective countries. Siam and Vietnam mainly imported cheap Japanese machines, while Cambodia, Luang Prabang, Vientiane and Champasak mainly purchased arms.

This trade made Japan earn nearly 10 million yen.

As for the ironclads they want to order, Vietnam wants one cruiser and five gunboats, which are worth 50 million yen.

Siam wants two steam warships and four gunboats, worth 40 million yen.

Cambodia only has three gunboats, worth 10 million yen.

In addition to the cruisers to be built, the remaining steam battleships and gunboats can be renovated from old ships and then sold.

Of course, they couldn't afford that much gold and silver, so they could only pledge minerals and other resources, which was the result Yagyu wanted.

Yagyu just signed a contract with them, and as for the details, he left it to the cabinet and Deputy Prime Minister Matsudaira Yoshiho. Now that Shibusawa Eiichi and other overseas study envoys have returned, they can help Matsudaira handle these matters.

He was preparing for an expedition to France.

This time, General Ryoma Sakamoto led the fleet with Yagyu, accompanied by the 101st Division. The infantry division led by Kotaro Anzai had a head-on battle with the French army in Manila, and it was considered to have gained experience. Moreover, they were members of the Gyeonggi Army. The main infantry division has the best training and equipment. Naturally, the best will be used in this crusade against France.

However, Okubo Toshimichi and Shibusawa Eiichi both spoke out against Yagyu personally leading troops to fight in France.

"Prime Minister, this is really too dangerous. It's a bit unrealistic for you to want to land in the south of France with just such a small number of people."

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, the fleet in France is not the Far East fleet. We have investigated France and they also have a fleet in the Mediterranean."

"We have already secured victory in this battle. Why would the Prime Minister take the risk and go to Europe? Please think again, Prime Minister!"

Faced with everyone's advice, Yagyu also expressed his plan: "Now most of the French troops are in the north, and the main force and elite of the army have either surrendered or been annihilated, and the rest are militiamen.

Although our army only has more than 10,000 people landed, the militia army is no match for our army. You must know that the regular French army will be defeated by our army's artillery, not to mention the militia? "

"As for France's Mediterranean fleet, it is indeed an issue worth considering, but one very important point is that our action this time was unexpected. The French definitely did not expect that as long as we act quickly, the navy will send people to France Just leave, no problem at all.”

"The British won't let us cross the Strait of Malacca, right?"

Sakamoto Ryoma's question immediately made other people's eyes light up. The British would definitely not allow Japan to pass!

Yagyu couldn't help but fell silent.

The fastest route to the Mediterranean is to take the Strait of Malacca to the Suez Canal. From this sea route, you can reach the Mediterranean and reach the south of France in less than a month.

But there are two questions. One is that the Malacca Strait is controlled by the British. Will the British let Japan pass?

Secondly, the Suez Canal was built by the French, so it was naturally impossible for the Japanese army to pass through.

Yagyu had to consider whether this would force Daying to take action.

After considering all the factors, Yagyu gave up his plan to send troops to Europe. He originally thought of going to France to grab a wave of technological blueprints, but he could only give up now.

"Well, this plan is too risky, so we have to give it up. You and I can go to Manila. Let's stabilize the entire Philippine Islands first."

In the end, Yagyu did not go to Europe. Instead, he took Okubo Toshimichi, Shibusawa Eiichi and others to Manila.

It has still been more than four months since the capture of Manila. The Japanese army used Manila as a starting point and dispatched troops to all directions to make various places surrender and accept Japanese governance.

Although the governments everywhere were appointed by Spaniards, they quickly surrendered in the face of the Japanese army. The area around Manila is now controlled by Japanese troops, and most places in the Philippines are temporarily in a state of anarchy.

But this happened to be used by Naito Muneyoshi, Zheng Zhiqiang and others.

They went to various places to talk with local powerful people, and these powerful people temporarily controlled the local area, waiting for arrangements from Japan.

Now the four major Japanese infantry divisions have regrouped in Manila, and Yagyu has also arrived in Manila with a group of elites.

In the Manila port, several division commanders, Naito Muneyoshi and others were waiting at the port. Soon, the Fuso appeared on the sea not far away.

Da Xiong Chaoye immediately reminded: "The Prime Minister is coming soon."

Naito Muneyoshi immediately waved, and a group of wealthy gentry immediately raised their Hinomaru flags and waved them, shouting: "Welcome to the Prime Minister to loyal Manila!"

Standing on the deck of the Fuso, Yagyu saw the lively scene at the port. He pointed forward, tilted his head and smiled: "Look, these people just like to engage in formalism."

Okubo Toshimichi said with some disdain: "These people think they can win your favor in this way. They are really stupid."

Yagyu smiled and said: "Litong, don't underestimate them. They come to please me like this for the benefit of this land. They have a big appetite."

Kido Takayun immediately said: "These people are half-hearted and should be punished!"

"You are too extreme." Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "Xiaoyun, we have killed a group of people in Manila, and they were supported by me. If we kill this group, there will be no one to stabilize this place for us. A piece of land.

There is no need to worry that this group of people will unite and threaten us.

In this group of people, there are three forces. Naito Muneyoshi represents the outsiders, Zheng Zhiqiang represents the Chinese, and Marcos represents the local indigenous people.

We can make the three parties hostile to each other by threatening and coaxing them. This is the reason why I support the three agents. "

Shibusawa Ei smiled and said: "It turns out that the Prime Minister has already thought of the policy to govern this place, so it will be much easier for us."

"Plans are plans, we have to see what happens on the ground."

As the Fuso entered the port, Yagyu didn't say anything else and just got off the battleship.

Daxiong Chaoye, Naito Muneyoshi and others hurriedly came forward to pay homage to Yagyu.

"Your Majesty Prime Minister, the 301st Division Commander Xiong Chaoye salutes you!"

"You're doing well, Chaoye. If you persist for a while, other troops will replace you in a few days. Then you can return home."

With a look of relief on his face, Liu Sheng patted Daxiong Chaoye on the arm and spoke to him cordially.

Daxiong Chaoye felt a little disappointed. He thought he was going to be a prince in this place.

However, he immediately changed his mood and followed Yagyu.

Yagyu stepped forward and shook hands with Naito Muneyoshi and the others: "I already know your achievements. Are you satisfied with the rewards I give you?"

Naito Muneyoshi immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Satisfied, so satisfied, Prime Minister, you don't know, when the Spaniards were here in the past, they plundered all the good things, and the remaining bones were eaten by their people." Net, let's take some dregs.

But just like that, they also want to take it away. In the past two years, they have plundered our property unscrupulously. These days are really miserable.

Fortunately, Prime Minister, you came and drove away the evil Spaniards. From now on, we will live a good life under the protection of Mr. Prime Minister! "

Yagyu smiled and said: "Work hard. As long as you abide by the law, who can take away your wealth?"

"Yes, yes, Prime Minister, don't worry, we will definitely obey the government's arrangements." Naito Muneyoshi assured, patting his chest.

"That's good." Yagyu nodded and continued to walk forward, "We're all standing at the port. Let's talk again when we return to Manila."

A group of people immediately followed Yagyu's footsteps and headed to the Governor's Palace in Manila City.

The Governor's Mansion was damaged by artillery bombardment before, but it has now been repaired. As for the houses near the Governor's Mansion, it has been bulldozed so that new buildings can be built.

This area is inhabited by people of Spanish descent who are closely related to the Spaniards. However, these people have been eliminated, and this area has become a land without one and is under the control of Japan.

Originally, Naito Soyoshi and others wanted part of it, but they were directly rejected by Anzhai Kotaro.

Yagyu looked at this large open space and said: "Manila will be built into a metropolis in the future and needs to be re-planned. This place can be used as a model. Everyone should think carefully about how to build it."

(End of this chapter)

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