I started with the Shinsengumi in Bakumatsu

Chapter 198 Nankaido Development Plan

Chapter 198 Nankaido Development Plan

Chapter 195 has been modified.

Although Yagyu asked for his opinion, Naito Muneyoshi, Zheng Zhiqiang and others were not reckless young people. Naturally, they would not directly propose construction in response to Yagyu's question.

Is this question asked out of politeness or sincerely?

If Yagyu Heeyan was being polite and you actually gave advice, how should the Prime Minister respond in public?

If you really answer, whether it is out of public motives or private interests, you will be putting the Prime Minister on the fire. If you offend the Prime Minister, how can you continue to live in this land?

Naito Muneyoshi immediately said: "Your Majesty Prime Minister, we have few talents, how dare we give random suggestions? The talents behind you are all top students who have returned from studying in Europe, and their suggestions must be of reference value."

Zheng Zhiqiang and Marcos nodded in agreement with Naito Muneyoshi's words.

Yagyu smiled slightly and said: "Zongyi, there is no need to belittle yourself. The construction of a place still requires the participation of local people. After all, you know the local customs better.

Regarding the customs of various ethnic groups, we generally take the essence and discard the dross, and everyone unites to build a beautiful motherland together. "

Naito Muneyoshi immediately praised: "The Prime Minister is so right. We absolutely support the government's policies!"

"Hehehe, okay, it would be best if everyone has this awareness."

Yagyu stopped talking. It seemed too urgent to be busy with official duties on the first day. He immediately led a group of people into the Governor's Mansion to attend the ball to welcome him.

Those attending the ball were all powerful figures who firmly stood on the side of Japan in this purge movement, mainly Chinese and local aborigines.

Especially the Chinese, who have been suppressed by both Spain and the locals, and have long-standing grievances. Therefore, they reported many powerful people who were friendly to the Spanish government and were highly used.

They have made full preparations for this banquet. The young girls competing at the banquet are the most beautiful daughters of each of their families.

Yagyu knew their little thoughts, but he didn't have too much contact. All he had to do was balance the forces of all parties and cultivate the prestige of the Japanese government.

If he ends up taking sides, the land will be in chaos.

The next day, Yagyu held a symposium on Manila construction work. In the conference room of the Governor's Palace, nearly a hundred people gathered together to listen to Yagyu's guidance.

Yagyu sat on the main seat, took out the plan he had already prepared, and said: "The cabinet has decided to divide this land into three states. Manila will be renamed Xinpu, and Luzon State will be established with Xinpu as the capital.

In the central part of the country, Yingzhou was established with Cebu City as its capital.

Sulu State was established in the south with Dabao City as its capital.

The following is divided into counties, towns, etc. Here are the detailed information, please take a look. "

Behind him, Tetsunosuke Ichimura immediately distributed the printed information.

Yagyu continued: "From now on, this land will be Japan's Nankaido Islands. Of course, our country's laws will be implemented. Now that states and counties have been divided, officials must be arranged.

The selection of officials must go through an assessment before they can be appointed. Next, I will arrange for someone to organize a national examination. I hope you can cooperate with this national examination and select outstanding talents for the country. "

Naito Muneyoshi and others had different expressions when they heard the news. For Naito Muneyoshi, the power in his hands was the weakest. After all, there were too few Japanese people developing here. As for Zheng Zhiqiang and Marcos, they were overjoyed. Those who can take the exam must be those who have studied, and only their powerful children can receive higher education.

Children like Zheng Zhiqiang and Marcos were sent directly to Europe to study. It can be said that the national examination is beneficial to them.

When they heard about the division of prefectures and counties, they were worried that Yagyu would only support Naito Muneyoshi, a Japanese. Now this news quickly calmed their minds. They looked at the somewhat melancholy Naito Muneyoshi and smiled.

Naturally, Yagyu saw their little moves. These people must not know that he had asked Matsudaira Yongho to preside over the second local national examination in Kyoto.

This time there were hundreds of thousands of local people taking the national examination. The first national examination was mainly open to old warriors. This time the national examination directly relaxed the identity restrictions, and many educated citizens also participated in the national examination.

The second local national examination was to fill the vacancies caused by the Saga Rebellion, and also to cope with the subsequent in-depth reforms.

Of course, after this time's local national examination, some local officials will move to the Nankaido Islands to serve as officials and be responsible for the restoration.

Zheng Zhiqiang was the first to say: "The exam is good, this is the fairest, the Prime Minister is wise!"

Marcos also said: "Prime Minister, we absolutely support your policies!"

The other powerful people also smiled and clapped their hands to support Yagyu's national examination policy.

Yagyu raised his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then said: "The schools purchased by the Spaniards must be reopened. As for the content of teaching, it must be changed. All church content must be removed. Spanish should be replaced with Japanese and English, and Chinese can also be used as a lingua franca."

In Japan, high-level officials all know Chinese, and all members of the royal family and the public can communicate in Chinese.

"In addition, Nankai Province must also implement compulsory education. Even the children of ordinary people must go to school. This matter must be done well. Education is the foundation of the country and cannot be ignored!"

Naito Muneyoshi immediately answered: "Prime Minister, don't worry, we will definitely handle this matter."

Yagyu nodded and smiled, and then talked about the details of the national examination and education. Others nodded while listening.

After more than an hour, Yagyu stopped and took a sip of honey water to moisten his throat.

After taking a break, he picked up another piece of information and said: "Next, we will talk about the economic development of Nankaido. After careful investigation, we found that the industrial and agricultural distribution of Nankaido is as follows.

Establish industrial zones in areas rich in coal and iron resources, such as northern and southern Luzon, Mindoro Island in Yingzhou, and southern Sulu. There are coal and iron mines in these places, and industrial zones can be established to develop industry.

In flat areas, agriculture must be developed, and in hilly and mountainous areas, cash crops such as tea must be grown. In addition, tropical cash crops such as rubber trees should be introduced. "

The reason why Yagyu wants to occupy this place is to use it as a substitute for Hainan Island. He cannot put everything on the territory of other countries, which will make him jealous.

Besides, a sum of money had to be paid to the Qing Dynasty every year to bring back those raw materials. Now this money can be left.

The development plan for Nankaido has been finalized, but it will take some time to develop. However, there will be few wars for a long time, and Japan has enough energy to stabilize the situation in Nankaido.

(End of this chapter)

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