kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 100 Conversation

Chapter 100 Conversation
Aomura Yusuke stepped on the turbine aircraft and rushed towards the location of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others.

The image of Zimli when she spoke just now flashed through her mind.

Zimli said with a smile on her face, pretending to be innocent.

"Ah, if you are swallowed up by the demonic realm, you will disappear...I forgot to mention~"

This is definitely not something an ordinary Zimli would do!
In the end what happened?When a game manager is changed, will even the game guide's behavior change?
Moreover, the evil demons who usually come out to cause destruction did not appear this time.

What replaced it was the shrinking demonic realm!

Yusuke Aomura turned around and took a closer look at the Demon Realm.

Different from the thin red barrier before, this time the barrier was thicker. What Yusuke Aomura saw through the barrier was a world of nothingness, as if everything had been swallowed up by the demonic realm.

There must be something wrong with this Desire Grand Prix!

"Ah! Help!"

Miserable screams came from the ground.

Aomura Yusuke looked down.

A middle-aged man was shouting and running away, with the demonic realm approaching behind him.

Yusuke Aomura dived down, grabbed the middle-aged man by the collar, and then climbed up again.

The middle-aged uncle was running when he was suddenly grabbed by Destiny's neck, looking a little flustered.

The screams were endless, and the screams were worse than killing a pig.

But it’s normal. Anyone who is running on the ground and is suddenly caught flying into the sky, or flying at high speed, will inevitably scream loudly.

Yusuke Aomura found a place and put the middle-aged uncle down.

"Look in that direction clearly, keep running in that direction, and don't look back."

The middle-aged uncle had not yet recovered from the excitement of high-speed flight, and his expression was a little dull.

Yusuke Aomura raised his voice and said it again.

The middle-aged uncle nodded quickly, "Thank you, thank you, I know."

Yusuke Aomura turned around and planned to leave, "If you see other people on the road, please inform them. It is safe only to run in that direction."

The middle-aged uncle stood up and asked anxiously: "Thank you for saving me. Who are you? What's going on with all this?"

Yusuke Aomura left the middle-aged uncle with a trace of his back and left gracefully.

"You will forget all this anyway, so you don't need to know this."

There are many situations like the middle-aged uncle in the city. Looking around, there are screams of terror, desperate shouts, and loud calls for help. Coupled with the red demonic realm, the whole city looks like Trapped in purgatory.

Yusuke Aomura remembered what Zimli said to him last time.

Zimli ordered with a smile.

"The demonic realm will continue to shrink until the end of the game~"

"If all the knights are swallowed by the demonic realm and fail to reach the end, the game will fail~"

"Everything in the evil realm will not be reset~"

The turbine aircraft suddenly accelerated, and strong air waves split the clouds.

End the game quickly!Otherwise, more people will be swallowed up by the demonic realm!
When the camera turned, Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others were driving on the road.

A huge purple king cobra rushed out from the side and stopped in front of several people.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others braked suddenly and almost hit the car. The car was destroyed and everyone died.

Wei Asakura walked out slowly with a poison summoning machine in his hand and a poison saber on his waist.

"Hey, come and play with me."

He touched the card box at his waist with his right hand, pulled out two cards, and stuffed them into the poison summoning machine in his left hand.

"ADVENT" x2 (Contract Advent x2)

The contracted beasts Metal Horn Rhinoceros and Evil Diving Ray ran out of the mirror world and roared upwards.

Asakura Wei drew out his poison saber and attacked Ukiyo Hidetoshi and the others with three contracted beasts, dragging four of them down by himself.

Sakurai Keikazu narrowly avoided the collision of the Metal Horned Rhinoceros, pulled the ninja belt buckle, and his body turned into a burst of green wind and caught up with the Metal Horned Rhinoceros, constantly cutting.

The hard shell of the metal rhinoceros made a clanking sound, and it was obvious that Sakurai Keikazu's attack did not work.

Sakurai Keikazu's figure appeared not far away, "This skin is too thick, it can't be hit!"

The evil stingray flew in the air and charged at Kurama Neone again and again.

Kurama Neone could only dodge constantly. The rhythm ax in her hand could not attack the evil ray at all, and the evil ray flew extremely fast. When she wanted to play the rhythm ax to launch a musical attack, she would be interrupted by it.

Azuma Michiko and the Viper King fought together, one wielding the Zombie Destroyer and the other swinging his thick tail.

This one man and one snake is the most normal group in the current battle.

The battle between Ukiyo Hidetoshi and Asakura Wei can be said to be a conflict between elegance and violence.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi's battles were always so calm and unhurried. His dexterous positioning, accurate marksmanship, and excellent physical skills were all powerful weapons for Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

But for Wei Asakura, Hidetoshi Ukiyo was like a slippery loach, always slipping away from his hands and making it difficult to fight with real swords and guns.

"Ah, that's really annoying."

Asakura Wei's pace quickened, and he swung the poison sword in his hand faster and faster. His chaotic sword skills blocked Ukiyo Hidetoshi's retreat.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo held up the Magnum Shooter 40X to block the attack of the poison saber, then raised his foot to kick Asakura Wei.

Asakura Wei did not dodge. He pulled out the poison summoning machine from his waist with his left hand and smashed it on Ukiyo Hidetoshi's feet. He held the poison saber in his right hand and slashed hard at Ukiyo Hidetoshi's body.

The propeller at Hidetoshi Ukiyo's ankle spurted out flames, and he increased the power on his feet. While kicking away the poison summoner, he also kicked Wei Asakura in the waist.

The two of them took two steps back at the same time and looked up at each other.

Asakura Wei said unhappily: "Tsk, I'm so annoyed."

Before he finished speaking, he rushed forward again holding the poisonous sword.

Azuma Taoist priest shook the rocker of the golden fanatic buckle, and the Zombie Destroyer slashed at the Viper King's tail with golden energy.


The huge force knocked the Viper King over and fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Asakura Wei became even more furious.

"Useless guy!"

The poison saber struck the ground hard, sparks emitting.

Asakura Wei walked to the position of the Poison Summoner and pulled out a card from the card box. Hidetoshi Ukiyo fired to stop him, but Asakura Wei jumped forward, rolled around on the ground, picked up the Poison Summoner, and used extremely fast hands. Quickly insert the card.


The three contract beasts roared and gathered in one direction at the same time.

Under the surprised eyes of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others, the three contract beasts merged into a chimera-type contract beast with the posture of a Western dragon.

Kurama Neone said in surprise: "What kind of monster is this!"

Azuma Daozhang took the Zombie Destroyer one step forward and said loudly.

"You guys rush to the finish line first! I'll stop you here!"

Sakurai Keikazu said worriedly: "How is it possible! One monster is so strong, and now three of them merge into one, it is too dangerous!"

Taoist priest Azuma said firmly: "The Dark Leopard can stop the black guy by himself, and I can also stop the purple guy!"

Sakurai Keikazu was stunned, is this the calculation?What colors block what enemies?Why doesn't it feel right?Then when will I stop a green enemy?

The camera turned to a house.

Sitting on the sofa, Todoroki Jiazhen looked at the performance of Ukiyo Hidetoshi and others on the TV screen and said softly.

"Can you really get the strongest power?"

Coras wore a red mask and spoke slowly in a hoarse voice.

"If you can get it, as long as it's a dark leopard or a polar fox, you can definitely get it."

Hong Jiezhen leaned forward and saw only Hidetoshi Ukiyo on the TV.

"Where's the guy named Ming Bao?"

Colas explained: "He is on his way here. He just stayed to stop Longya."

Hong Jiezhen snorted and said disdainfully.

"Hmph, Dark Leopard... Extreme Fox... These two guys are the former Gods of Desire, nothing more than that." The camera gradually zoomed in on the TV screen.

Azuma Daochang and others were still arguing over whether one person should be left alone to stop Asakura Wei.


A huge sound came from above everyone's heads!
Immediately afterwards, the sound effects of the special move also sounded above everyone's heads.


A figure descended from the sky accompanied by dark purple and blue energy!

Kick the Gene Exterminator on the head!


The sharp horn on the top of the Gene Exterminator's head was kicked off and fell to the side. His body was continuously infected by the energy of two colors, and suddenly disintegrated into three contracted beasts, lying on the ground.

Sakurai Keikazu shouted in surprise: "Yusuke! It's great that you are okay!"

Azuma Taoist priest carried the Zombie Destroyer on his shoulders and said arrogantly: "It's so slow."

Kurama Neone looked at Aomura Yusuke's back with starry eyes, "How amazing!"

Asakura Wei looked at the three contract beasts lying on the ground and roared angrily.

"It's so annoying. You who make me annoyed should die here."

Aomura Yusuke summoned a turbine aircraft to swoop down from the sky and crash into Asakura Wei. He turned around and said coldly.

"There's no need to delay. Get to the finish line as quickly as possible. The reason was stated on the way."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi and the four others felt the serious attitude of Aomura Yusuke, their faces straightened, they nodded, and the summoning forward vanguard rode up.

Yusuke Aomura recalled the turbine aircraft that was fighting Asakura Wei, jumped on it, and left straight away.

Asakura Wei was left alone, helpless and furious.

Oh, no, he still has his three contract beasts accompanying him.

On the way, Yusuke Aomura told everyone what little he knew.

Everyone was surprised but understood that Kiroli was fired and a new game manager took over.

But as the demonic realm involves ordinary people, everyone is not calm.

Each one of them turned the throttle to the maximum and rushed towards the finish line at full speed.

In the Hall of Desire.

Zimli looked at the knights advancing at full speed and said with a smile.

"That's right~ It finally looks like something~ But~ there are still people waiting for you~ I don't know if you can make it to the finish line~"

George Karisaki shouted excitedly.

"Did you see it? The knight from the Dark Leopard just dropped from the sky! He kicked the Gene Exterminator to pieces!"

"That's a monster made up of three contracted beasts! Hoho! It's so handsome!"

Zimli glanced at George Karisaki with some disgust and said nothing.


Through satellite positioning, the Igarashi family discovered that the entire city was being swallowed up in a circular contraction, and the group of people who snatched Koshiro's demon seemed to be heading towards the center of the circle.

So, they waited in advance on the path that Aomura Yusuke and his party must pass.

Igarashi Kazuki said angrily: "What on earth are these guys doing! That strange barrier swallowed everyone up!"

Igarashi, a sophomore, was holding a laptop and constantly operating something.

"Brother, Phoenix's satellite cannot analyze what this barrier is, and there is no way to prevent it from shrinking!"

Igarashi Sakura said anxiously: "What to do now? The whole city will disappear!"

Igarashi Ikki stared and looked not far away with a cold face.

"They're here! Ask them clearly. If that doesn't work, we have no choice but to fight!"

Aomura Yusuke and his party saw the Igarashi family blocking the road, with several motorcycles parked next to them.

Sakurai Keiwa said in surprise: "They are humans!? Not demons?"

Kurama Neone said in surprise: "Is that Sakura from the Happy Bathhouse?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi said calmly: "I met the person at the front at the Happy Bathhouse."

Priest Azuma looked at the three of them doubtfully, "Huh?"

Is it just someone I don’t know?

No, Yusuke doesn’t seem to know anyone.

Igarashi shouted loudly: "Stop! I think we can talk!"

Aomura Yusuke and the other five drifted and stopped in front of the Igarashi family.

Igarashi Ikki took a step forward and said seriously.

"Return Koshiro's demon, it's our family, and what's going on with that red barrier, are you causing trouble?"

Yusuke Aomura and others released their transformations and walked up to Igarashi Ikki.

Igarashi Ikki recognized Ukiyo Hidetoshi at a glance, "It's you! I remember you! The person in front of the Happy Bathhouse before!"

Kurama Nione repeated in a low voice: "Family?"

Igarashi Sakura recognized Kurama Mione and shouted in surprise: "Mione-chan!?"

Kurama Nione smiled and nodded, "It's me, you must be Sakura from the Happy Bathhouse."

Aomura Yusuke said with a frown.

"Time is tight now. Since we are all human beings, let's keep the story short."

"The red barrier is called the Demon Realm. This is the first time we have seen it shrink. It will devour anything that touches it."

"The devil cannot be left to you. We must take him to the end and end this game so that the devil's realm will stop shrinking."

"Now it's your turn, what do you know?"

Igarashi Ikki digested Aomura Yusuke's words and spoke.

"Koshiro is my younger brother. This demon was separated from his body as a baby, but was kidnapped by a man wearing a red mask."

"If the devil is not allowed to return to Koshiro's body, his life will be in danger."

The devil baby teased and said, "After all, Koshiro and I are of the same mind."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked at the takeaway bag in his hand, "No wonder this Desire Grand Prix is ​​completely different from the previous one."

Yusuke Aomura said softly: "We have never seen anyone wearing a red mask. The devil was given to us by our game guide."

Igarashi Sakura looked at Kurama Neone curiously and asked: "What is the Desire Grand Prix?"

Kurama Neon explained: "It is a game that can realize an ideal world and save the world."

Igarashi Sakura said doubtfully: "But now it doesn't seem like a game to save the world?"

Kurama Niyin opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

Yusuke Aomura ended the conversation, "That's it, we need to get to the finish line quickly."

Igarashi Ikki was hesitant, wanting to stop it, but not wanting to stop it.

"Those guys want to use this guy's power for evil."

Yusuke Aomura said softly: "This game must end. After the game is over, I will accompany you to snatch this demon back. Nothing will happen to your brother."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi echoed: "Yes, if you clear the game, the people who were swallowed will have the possibility of being rescued. After that, just defeat those guys."

Kurama Neon also said to Igarashi Sakura: "That's right, Sakura, let's go together when the time comes."

The Igarashi family looked at each other, nodded, and reached a consensus.

Igarashi Kazuki agreed: "I understand, send him there, we will also help."

There was a motorcycle parked not far away. Qiu Shanlian looked at the people gathered together and murmured.

"There are more and more people, and now is not the time to take action."

 Today I went to Hangzhou with my grandpa for a check-up. I came back too late, so I’m really sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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