kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 101 Reaching the End

Chapter 101 Reaching the End
the devil baby urged excitedly.

"Hurry, hurry! Let's get on our way!"

Kurama Neone poked her take-out bag with her finger, "You really don't care at all. You must know that you are kidnapped now."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi took out the Magnum belt buckle and said loudly.

"Let's go! Until the end!"

Everyone transformed in unison, and all kinds of light and shadow special effects were flying in the air for a while.

In fact, the special effects of flying around all belong to the Igarashi family. The special effects of Aomura Yusuke and others were too simple, so they had to wait for the special effects of the Igarashi family to finish. Several suits of armor stood alone in the air, like It stayed for a few seconds like a guardian spirit.

Igarashi Ikki took out the Winged Dragon Sin Seal and looked at Yusuke Aomura and the others.

"Your armor is different from just now? Where is the motorcycle?"

Yusuke Aomura took out the gold fanatic buckle and explained: "Propulsion vanguard or turbine aircraft are not something we can have if we want. It depends on luck."

"I just canceled the transformation to show my sincerity. If I try to draw the prize now, I may not be able to win it."

The main reason is that Yusuke Aomura has been able to get whatever he wants three times today. Things can only go as far as three times.

To sum up, Aomura Yusuke's luck has run out today, and he will lose his longevity if he uses it again.

Azuma Taoist priest turned his head to the side and made a cut, looking like he didn't want to use the gold fanatic buckle.

Kurama Neone and Sakurai Kagewa noticed this scene, looked at each other, and then started to snicker.

Igarashi Sakura, who was standing next to Kurama Monone, looked at Kurama Monone with a confused look on her face and asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Azuma frowned and stubbornly took a few steps forward.

"Hurry up and go!"

Yusuke Aomura inserted the gold fanatic buckle and said, "Let's give it a try."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo said nonchalantly: "Those who believe in themselves will always have good luck."

Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu also took out the gold fanatic buckle, but Azuma Michichiro and others had their backs to Aomura Yusuke and did not move.

This is Azuma Taoist priest’s last stubbornness!
Civet cats, Persian cats, foxes and cheetahs stare.jpg
Two canines and two cats are quite symmetrical.

Priest Azuma's back was like a ray of light, and her back was hairy after being stared at.

"Just try it!"

"SET" x4 (Place x4)

"FEVER" x4 (Fever x4)

"LUCK" x4 (good luck x4)

Yusuke Aomura looked at the scissors in his hand and pulled out the gold fanatic buckle in disgust.

"Sure enough."

The corners of Azuma Taoist Priest's mouth slightly rose slightly, feeling inexplicably happy.

A strange sound sounded, and Wei Asakura's figure appeared in the rearview mirror of the motorcycle, and a man and a snake rushed out of the mirror world.

The Viper King flicked his tail and knocked several motorcycles aside.

Asakura Wei said angrily: "The celebration is not over yet, let me have more fun."

Longya also walked over slowly and said coldly: "I will definitely kill you this time."

Dragon Black One hovered behind Long Ya and roared.

Asakura Wei shouted to Ryuga angrily: "That guy is mine!"

Not to be outdone, Ryuga replied: "I am the one who wants to destroy him!"

As the person involved, Yusuke Aomura didn't even look at them and led everyone to run towards the finish line.

Then, a very magical scene happened on the street.

Two people in strange costumes, one black and one purple, holding swords, chased a group of people in strange clothes.

Sakurai Keikazu suggested: "Let me stay and stop the two of them."

Sophomore Igarashi dissuaded: "It's not necessary. Our first goal now is to get to the finish line without fighting them."

Weiss led the way and shouted loudly as he passed a sushi restaurant.

"Ikki! I want to eat sushi! Come into this restaurant!"

After speaking, he ran in.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi was led astray and urged the people behind him.

"Hurry up! This way!"

Igarashi Kazuki specifically glanced at the name of the sushi restaurant and was then taken into the sushi restaurant.

After Weiss ran into the sushi restaurant, he operated the machine with some unfamiliarity.

"Well... we need to choose a few seats first..."

Then he started counting people with his fingers.

"Me, Ikki, Daiji, Sakura..."

Igarashi Kazuki ran into the store and pushed Weiss.

"What are you doing, Weiss!"

Weiss looked back at Igarashi Kazuki and cried.

"Ikki! I can't count how many of us there are now, my fingers are not enough!"

Igarashi pushed Weiss inside, "Now is not the time to worry about this! Let's go quickly!"

Weiss was pushed away by Igarashi Ikki and kept shouting.

“But do people really want to eat it!!!”

Sakurai Keiwa belatedly asked: "Why did we escape to the sushi restaurant?"

The sophomore Igarashi covered his face, feeling a little embarrassed.

"This guy Weiss is really..."

The already overcrowded sushi restaurant suddenly became overcrowded when nine people squeezed in, all of them wearing armor.

Kurama Nene and others evacuated the customers in the sushi restaurant, trying to make room.

Asakura Wei kicked the door with such force that it fell to the ground.

Long Ya followed closely behind, stepped on the door on the ground and walked in, pushing aside the waiter at the door.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo threw the takeaway bag in his hand at Weiss and shouted.

"Wes! I'll leave this guy to you!"

"Hey! Stop! No!"

The demon baby screamed and was thrown into the air.

Weiss watched the take-out bag draw a parabola in front of his eyes, and then fell to the ground.

Ryuga looked at Aomura Yusuke who was retreating towards the other door, swiped his right hand across the card box, took out a card, and put it into the Jet Black Dragon Summoning Machine.


The dragon's claws were set in Ryuga's hands, and flames were sprayed towards Yusuke Aomura in the distance.

Ryuga paid no attention to the other ordinary citizens and Kamen Riders along the way.

Priest Azuma summoned a zombie claw to protect the guests at one side of the table.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi took a few steps forward, held up the Magnum shield, and protected the guests on the other side.

The flame in the middle was blocked by Igarashi Ikki raising his arms.

Yusuke Aomura ran outside from another door and shouted to Ryuga through the glass window.

"Come out if you have the ability!"

After saying that, he even raised his fingers provocatively.

Dragon Ya was so angry that he immediately smashed the glass window and rushed outside.

Wei Asakura brandished his poison saber and fought with Hidetoshi Ukiyo and the three of them.

"Wes! We're running away! Hurry up!"

Igarashi knocked back Asakura Wei with one punch and greeted Weiss loudly.

Weiss picked up the doll on the ground and said, "Okay~Okay~Let's go~Devil Baby~"

"Ah! No! It's a mistake!"

Weiss hurriedly threw away the doll and looked for the demon baby on the ground.

"Ah!? Where is Devil-chan? Where is it?"

"Can you please stop messing around..."

The demon baby complained helplessly.

"Hurry up!" "Yes, yes, yes~"

Weiss hurriedly left the sushi restaurant with the devil baby in his arms.

When the camera turned, Ryuga and Asakura Wei, who were originally chasing everyone, were nowhere to be found.

Aomura Yusuke and the others were stepping on various "vehicles" and were moving forward hard. Behind them was the demonic realm that was constantly approaching.

There was a scooter under Yusuke Aomura's feet, and his right foot was struggling to push on the ground.

The Ukiyo Hidetoshi is a two-legged tricycle, and the Azuma Michichi is a children's bicycle with training wheels.

Sakurai Keikazu rides a very small tricycle, and Kurama Neon rides a twist bike.

The Igarashi family consists of a tricycle that moves forward with both feet, a skateboard that requires constant twisting, an electric car that drives very slowly, and a children's bicycle.

From the looks of it, only Azuma Michichi and Weiss are normal bicycles, and the others are all weird "transportation vehicles."

The devil baby urged: "The barrier is coming, move faster!"

Kurama Nione complained loudly: "Why do we have to ride this! We can't get up at all!"

Sakurai Keihe leaned on his back and rode the tricycle with difficulty, "That's right, why do you want to ride such a thing!?"

Weiss shouted for help from behind, "Oops! We're going to be caught up! Help me!"

Yusuke Aomura dropped his scooter and started running by himself.

"Why don't we run! We can run faster than this!"

The devil baby said nonchalantly: "I think it's quite comfortable to sit on."

The rest of the people also got out of the car and started running.

Weiss shouted excitedly: "Ah! I can see the end!"

The demon baby shouted excitedly.

"Run! The faster you run, the better! Run!"

Everyone crossed the finish line and finally reached the finish line.


The announcement that the mission was completed rang out.

Igarashi looked back and saw that the demonic realm, which was still gradually approaching, had disappeared.

This also proves that Aomura Yusuke and others did not lie to him. Once the game is really cleared, the evil realm will disappear.

Zimli, who was wearing red clothes, came over and said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work, please give me the devil baby~"

Everyone turned their attention to Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who did not hesitate and walked towards Zimli holding the takeaway bag.

Zimli took the takeaway bag and looked at it.

The devil baby said happily: "Sister, we meet again~ This is fate~"

Zimli didn't reply, but turned and walked back.

Colas' figure suddenly appeared, applauded and praised.

"You are worthy of the Desire Gods Dark Leopard and Extreme Fox. Thanks to you, the development of the game is really unexpected."

"However, thanks to your activity, the atmosphere has become more lively."

Igarashi Ikki's eyes widened and he said to Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"That's the guy! He's the one who captured Koshiro's demon!"

Yusuke Aomura said coldly: "Are you Coras? Did you plan all this?"

Colas laughed loudly and said: "Yes, I am the game administrator of this game, Colas. What do you think of this game?"

"This is a thrilling qualifier~"

"A game that involves all innocent ordinary citizens is not a Grand Prix of Desire at all!"

Yusuke Aomura scolded.

Klaas took off his mask, put on a top hat, and smiled.

"What you are participating in this time is not the Desire Grand Prix."

"From now on is the most exciting part, the bloody performance is about to begin!"

Sakurai Keikazu said in surprise: "Not the Desire Grand Prix?"

Koras said excitedly: "This is a game where Kamen Riders fight to realize an ideal world!"

"Desire Battle Royale!"

"As for those ordinary citizens, it is their honor to be able to participate in My Desire Battle Royale. Anyway, they will appear again when the world is reshaped."

Sakurai Keikazu recalled that Sakurai Sharo said that his parents were killed by evil demons and then left his side forever.

He clenched his fists suddenly and roared loudly.

"What a joke! Not everyone can come back!"

Colas said disapprovingly: "So what, they are just a few ordinary people."

Yusuke Aomura said in a cold tone: "What do you think of life!"

Koras smiled disdainfully and announced loudly.

"The eight people who survived through the preliminaries are Mingbao, Jihu, Ba Niu, Taili, Namao, Longya, Yeqi and King Snake."

Ryuga, Asakura Wei and Akiyama Ren appeared behind Koras.

Colas continued.

"Then there is another person, and he is participating as a seed player!"

A stretched luxury car drove over and parked next to Claes.

Hong Jiezhen walked out of the luxury car and looked at Yusuke Aomura and others with an arrogant expression.

Zimli held the box and walked over.

"Congratulations! From today on, you are a Kamen Rider~"

Hong Jiezhen opened the box and took the desire drive and ID core from inside.


Kras laughed loudly, pointed at Hong Jiezhen and said.

"He is the strongest god of desire! Kamen Rider Shikatan!"

"He is the man who continues to win the Grand Prix of My Desire!"

Todoroki Jiazhen inserted the powerful builder belt buckle and the giant weapon belt buckle and began to transform.



"HENSHIN" (Transformation)

A flash of thought flashed in Aomura Yusuke's eyes, and he murmured: "Another Desire Grand Prix?"

Klaas pointed at the people on both sides and laughed.

"Desire God VS Desire God! Which side will win in the Desire Battle Royale?"

Zimli grabbed the demon baby with both hands and handed it to Hong Jiezhen.

Hong Jiezhen grabbed the demon baby's body and said softly.

"This is the strongest power."

"Aww, what do you want to do? Let me go! Stop it!"

The demon baby struggled and shouted.

Igarashi Ikki rushed over in a hurry, trying to stop Todoroki Kashin.

"stop it!"

Yusuke Aomura inserted the ghost belt buckle and rushed forward.

Hong Jiezhen pressed the devil baby into his body, and a dazzling light lit up!

A strong wave of energy struck, knocking back Aomura Yusuke and Igarashi Ikki.

Hong Jie really absorbed the devil baby!

"I don't care what games or desires, don't involve my family in it!"

Igarashi Ikki took out the lion seal and shouted.

"Give me back Koshiro's demon quickly!!!"

The rest of the people also transformed and rushed towards Hong Jiezhen.

(End of this chapter)

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