kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 102 Tell the truth, Kiroli

Chapter 102 Tell the truth, Kiroli

Aomura Yusuke and Igarashi Ikki rushed towards Todoroki Kashin and Igarashi took the lead to punch, hitting Kasumi Todoroki's head.

Todoroki Kaizhen raised his left arm and cut Igarashi Ikki's wrist. He made a fist with his right hand and swung it out, knocking Igarashi away.

The ghost scythe in Aomura Yusuke's hand was slashed, but Todoroki Katsuma sided to avoid it. He swung out his right foot and kicked Aomura Yusuke in the waist.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi held up the Magnum Shooter 40X to provide fire support, but it was blocked by the armor on Todoroki Kaizhen's left arm.

Todoroki Kaizhen took the initiative and walked towards Igarashi Ikki. He pulled back his right arm as if bending a bow to gather strength, and then punched like an arrow, swiftly and fiercely, straight to Igarashi Ikki's heart.

Igarashi Ikki was not afraid at all. He twisted his hips, gathered all the strength in his right fist, and swung it out with a bang.

This head-on fighting style was exactly what he expected.


The fists of the two collided together, and a small shock wave surged out from between the two fists, shaking the surrounding air.

Igarashi Ikki and Todoroki Kashin each bounced away and took a step back at the same time.

Aomura Yusuke didn't wait for Todoroki Kaizhen to stand firm, and took three steps with the ghost sickle in front of Todoroki Kaizhen. He twisted his body and waved the ghost sickle in a round shape.

The sharp sickle cut the air, making a whistling sound.

Hong Jie really didn't have time to steady his body. In his haste, he could only block his body with his arms to minimize the damage he received.

Huge force was transmitted from the ghost sickle blade, causing pain in his arms. Hong Jiezhen stepped heavily on the ground to stop his retreating body.

Sakurai Keikazu and others couldn't intervene, and they were worried about causing trouble, so they simply rushed towards Colas.

When Koras saw everyone rushing towards him, he didn't panic at all. He took out the Vision Drive without any haste, put it on his waist, and the electronic data flow wrapped around his body and teleported it away from here.

"Playing against the game administrator without authorization is against the rules of the game."

Koras' figure appeared in another direction and said mockingly.

Priest Azuma looked at Coras's belt in surprise, "Is that also a driver?"

Kurama Niyin was at a loss as she held the rhythm axe, "What should I do? He can teleport at any time, and we can't get close at all."


Todoroki puts a small buckle into the Power Builder's buckle, summoning a giant two-handed hammer.

He hit Yusuke Aomura horizontally with force, knocking Yusuke Aomura back several meters with just one hammer.

Weiss stepped forward and caught Aomura Yusuke, "Hey! I caught it!"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi took the opportunity when no one was around Todoroki Kaizhen and fired several shots. The red bullets penetrated the air and flew towards Todoroki Kaizhen.

At the same time, Igarashi Kazuki rushed towards Todoroki Kashin.

Todoroki Kaishin hit the ground with a hammer, and walls rose up from the ground. While blocking Igarashi Ikki's progress, he also blocked Ukiyo Hidetoshi's bullet.

Igarashi Ikki stopped, touched the ground with his right foot, jumped up directly, jumped over the wall, and used the momentum of his fall to punch Kaizhen Todoroki in the chest.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi bypassed the wall covering from the other side, firing while approaching Kaizhen Todoroki.

Todoroki Kaizhen kept swinging the hammer, and metal pillars appeared in the open space, accurately blocking Ukiyo Hidetoshi's bullets, or blocking Igarashi Ikki's body.

Yusuke Aomura pressed the small scythe on the ghost belt buckle, and the ghost scythe made a flat slash.


The dark purple energy slashes continuously chopped off multiple metal pillars and came to Hong Jiezhen.

Todoroki Kaizhen waved his hands hard and smashed the energy slash with the Giga Hammer. Then he threw out the Giga Hammer and hit Aomura Yusuke.

Take another small buckle and put it into the Power Builder buckle.

Todoroki Jiazhen held up a gigabit blaster and fired at Yusuke Aomura and others. The fast and dense bullets, like the torrential rain in summer, hit Yusuke Aomura and others.

Koras' figure appeared on the right back side of Hong Jiezhen at some point, clapped his hands and said with a laugh.

"Since you are so enthusiastic, come and join me in my battle royale of desire!"

“The more people there are, the more lively it will be and the more exciting the show will be!”

Colas took out a few tickets from the inner pocket of his suit and threw them at the Igarashi family.

"Hahaha, let's meet again in the final battle of Desire Royale!"

Colas bowed slightly and made a ceremonial gesture.

Hong Jiezhen held up the Gigabit blaster and fired a shot into the air behind him, creating a portal out of thin air.

The two passed through the portal and left.


Igarashi Ikki stood up and hurriedly chased after him.

Everyone also reacted and went to surround him.

However, they still took a step slower, and the portal closed in front of them and disappeared into the air.

Igarashi looked at the ticket in his hand and murmured: "The final battle?"


in a house.

"Hahahaha, what a wonderful game ~ Game Manager."

Todoroki said with a big smile.

Colas bowed slightly and said respectfully: "It would be better for you to be satisfied than anything else."

Hong Rong looked at Hong Jiezhen sitting on the sofa and said softly.

"Thanks to you, my son has received great strength."

Hong Jiezhen looked at the desire drive in his hand and said nothing.

Koras took out a wish card with the Battle Royale pattern on it and said slowly.

"Desire Royale is a game where Kamen Riders fight each other, and the Kamen Rider who wins in the end will become the God of Desire standing at the top and be able to realize the ideal world."

"Knocking down all the opponents so far has established the status of my children. Finally, they are all grown up."

Hong Rong looked at the posters of various children on the wall, turned to Hong Jiezhen and said.

"Jie Zhen, as long as you are still the God of Desire, this country will be under our control."

Hong Jiezhen frowned and looked at the desire drive in his hand, not knowing what he was thinking.

Korath smiled at Todoroki and said.

"It won't take long for your ambition to be realized."

Hongrong said to Hongjiezhen in an admonishing tone.

"I'm looking forward to it, Jie Zhen."

Hong Jiezhen stood up from the sofa and said confidently.

"Whatever you wish for, I will conquer the world with my power!"


Yusuke Aomura and others released their transformations and gathered together to discuss what to do next.

Kurama Neone said worriedly: "What should we do now? The game administrator is the culprit who manipulates all this."

Igarashi said anxiously: "The first goal is to defeat the man named Shikatan and rescue the demon Koshiro!"

Sakurai Keikazu agreed: "Indeed, but that guy is so strong. Yusuke and the three of them didn't win."

Igarashi Ikki squeezed the ticket in his hand and said solemnly: "No matter what, I have to participate in this game!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo checked the information on his mobile phone and said softly to everyone.

"No wonder I always feel like I've seen him somewhere. It turns out he's a former fighting champion."

"The violence was covered up. Dad is a politician."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo put down his phone and said to Yusuke Aomura.

"What you are talking about has become clearer. I found where Kiroli is. He seems to be locked up."

Azuma Michio, Kurama Neon, and Sakurai Keikazu raised questions from their souls.


Aomura Yusuke nodded and said to Azuma Daochang and others: "Niu Niu, you go to the lounge first. Hidetoshi and I will go find Kiroli. We will meet in the lounge then."

Azuma Daochang, Kurama Nione and Sakurai Keikazu nodded and said.


The Igarashi family looked confused, what should we do?

Hidetoshi Ukiyo held the spider phone in his hand, and based on the navigation on it, he took Yusuke Aomura to a certain place in a certain building.

After twisting and turning, we came to a gate.

The spider mobile phone in Hidetoshi Ukiyo's hand transformed into a spider form, swaying with silk threads, and accurately landed on the electronic lock.

The code to the gate was cracked in seconds.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi smiled and praised: "Well done, Spider Taro."

Aomura Yusuke raised his eyebrows and said in surprise.

"You're quite skilled. You've done this a lot."

The two walked in and saw Kiroli locked in a red energy field. They also thoughtfully left a chair for Kiroli so that he could have a place to sit.

Kiroli saw the arrival of Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo, stood up and said softly.

"I knew if it was you, I would definitely come." Hidetoshi Ukiyo looked at Kiroli and said softly.

"If you want us to save you, tell us everything you know."

Kiroli looked at the energy field around him and said softly.

"It seems that I have no room for other negotiations."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo smiled, raised the Magnum Shooter 40X, and shattered the energy devices on both sides.

Yusuke Aomura said: "Let's go back to the lounge and explain the matter of this game clearly."

The lens turns.

"Woo ha ha ha ha!!"

Weiss walked into the lounge of the Desire Grand Prix and screamed in surprise.

"This place is really big~ The furniture is basically all red~"

"This is the lounge for the Grand Prix of Desire."

Kurama Nione introduced softly.

"Won't the enemy attack here?"

Igarashi Kazuki asked.

"Will not."

Kiroli appeared behind Azuma and others and slowly walked into the lounge.

"Because violence and obstruction are prohibited here."

Yusuke Aomura walked to the sofa and sat down, and said loudly: "Now let's explain everything clearly, that guy from Colas, a guy named George Karisaki, and the big change in Zimli's personality."


Weiss said confused.

Igarashi Ikki took a step forward and asked Aomura Yusuke: "Have you seen Karisaki?"

Yusuke Aomura nodded, "In the Hall of Desire, I stayed with Zimli. He said he was responsible for explaining this game."

Sophomore Igarashi wondered: "How could it be? How could he be with Coras?"

Kiroli said slowly: "They were brainwashed by Coras, and they are no longer who they were before."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo asked as he sat on the sofa with his back to Kiroli.

"So, what's the purpose of that gamemaster named Claes?"

Kiroli replied calmly.

"As a game master, he wants to manipulate the world as he pleases."

Yusuke Aomura then asked: "He was also a game administrator before?"

Kiroli nodded, "Yes, the game master before me."

Yusuke Aomura curled his lips and looked at Kiroli with a somewhat sarcastic look.

"You're not being honest."

"Coras is not the previous game master, but the game master of other Desire Grand Prix, right?"

Kiroli's eyes changed and he looked at Yusuke Aomura in surprise.

"There is no need to think about quibbles. Coras said it himself, so there is not just one game to save the world, but many."

Seeing that Kiroli wanted to open his mouth to speak, Aomura Yusuke interrupted directly.

"What is the essence of the Desire Grand Prix? It's not about saving the world at all."

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Sakurai Kagewa's head was a little dazed, and a trace of mist visible to the naked eye appeared above his head.

Why did you turn to this?I can't turn around at once!When did Colas say that?

My head feels so itchy and hot, Aba, Aba, Aba.

Kiroli said in a deep voice: "This is not something you should know."

"So what should we know?"

Aomura Yusuke asked in a cold voice.

"Know that you game administrators can control the world at will?"

"The world is now threatened because of you. Don't you have the same drive as Korath?"

"Why don't you use it? Let me guess, it's because the Coras one belongs to you."

"He is also a game administrator, but he still wants to come to you because you are the only one who has that drive. Everything happening now is probably because of that drive."

"Gamemaster, Killori."

After hearing what Aomura Yusuke said, everyone turned their attention to Kiroli.

Aomura Yusuke said quietly.

"You know better than me the power of that drive after its transformation. Who here can beat it?"

Kiroli was a little confused by Aomura Yusuke's series of words. He didn't know what happened during the time he was locked up, and how did Aomura Yusuke notice these things.

Yusuke Aomura whispered softly, as if tempted by a devil.

"Now we are the only ones with fighting power. Tell us, and together we can defeat Coras and save the world."

Kiroli's eyes were struggling. Now he couldn't contact Neelam and couldn't know Neelam's attitude.

But the world must be saved, and Coras cannot be allowed to control the world.

At this point, we can only rely on Aomura Yusuke and the others. At worst, all their memories will be deleted when the time comes!

Kiroli made a decision and spoke.

"Grand Prix of Desire is not a simple game about saving the world, but an entertainment program about saving the world."


It was like a thunder struck Aomura Yusuke and the others. The Desire Grand Prix they had been working so hard for was just an entertainment program, a performance for others to entertain themselves.

And those ordinary people and Kamen Riders who sacrificed their lives in the Grand Prix of Desire have become meaningless.

Thinking about this, Aomura Yusuke also understood why Koras didn't care about ordinary people. To him, they were just NPCs in a show. How could any player care about NPCs in the game? .

Yusuke Aomura had a cold face and said nothing, and his whole body was filled with an aura that was inaccessible.

Suddenly Wes's body began to become transparent.


Igarashi looked at Weiss in surprise.

Weiss saw Igarashi Kazuki looking at him in surprise, and looked down at himself.

"It's almost time to say goodbye..."

"what does it mean?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo asked doubtfully.

Weiss explained in a deep voice.

"I was miraculously resurrected because I answered Ikki's prayer, but this resurrection..."

"It's just a temporary thing."

"how come……"

Igarashi Ikki said in disappointment and disbelief.

"I will once again...forget everything about Weiss..."

Igarashi Daiji and Igarashi Sakura both showed sad expressions and turned their heads sadly, not daring to look at Weiss who was gradually becoming transparent.

Kiroli said aloud, holding two boxes in his hands.

"I have investigated your matters clearly. If the combat power is reduced in this situation, I will be very troubled. Just use this."

Kiroli handed two boxes to Igarashi Kazuki and Weiss.

Weiss looked back at Igarashi Kazuki, a little hesitant whether to answer or not, wanting to hear Igarashi Kazuki's opinion.

Igarashi Ikki stepped forward, took the box, and opened it.

Inside the two boxes are a desire drive and an ID core.

"Huh?" x2
"As long as you log in to the game, you can buy some time."

Kiroli said softly.

Igarashi Kazuki and Weiss looked at each other, picked up the ID core and put it into the drive.

"ENTRY" x2 (login x2)

Weiss put the driver on his waist, and his originally transparent body suddenly solidified.

"Phew! Ugh! Wahahahaha!"

Weiss looked at his hands in surprise and smiled happily.

"This thing is really easy to use!"

Igarashi looked at Weiss happily and smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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