kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 202 Sakurai Keika and Guagua

Chapter 202 Sakurai Keika and Guagua

After Mitsume returned, Aomura Yusuke left a few words and turned around and left the temple.

"I will find a way to get you out."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi looked at his petrified fingers, a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes, and then quickly calmed down, smiling easily.

"Ah, then I'll wait for you here."

Mitsume watched Aomura Yusuke leave the temple, and looked back at Ukiyo Hidetoshi with distress.

"Ace, it's better to just forget about me."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo shook his head firmly, "Mother, this is not your fault. As a son of a human being, how can you forget your mother?"

"This is the price I should pay in order to create a world where everyone is happy."


On the street, the battle between Sakurai Keiwa and Gua Guala also entered a heated stage.

Energy slashes flying everywhere, energy bubbles shooting out randomly, black mist that sometimes appears and disappears, flexibly flicking tongues, and the constant sound of blades colliding with flesh.

Guagua flicked his tongue and hit Sakurai Keikazu's body. The next second, Sakurai Keikazu's body turned into black mist and disappeared.

The Blade of the God of War appeared beside Gua Guala carrying black light, and he swung the sword down.

Gua Gua La raised the laser to move the sublimation device to block the downward blow of the God of War Blade, opened her mouth and spit out energy bubbles.

Sakurai Kagewa kicked the ground and flipped over Guagua's head. The God of War's sword slashed on the top of Guagua's head, causing him to stagger.

Guagua steadied her staggering body, wiped the top of her head, and laughed.

"Sakurai Keikazu, that's it, show some more strength!"

"The current level is not enough!"

Sakurai Keikazu turned around, faced Guagua, put the God of War blade back into the scabbard, leaned down slightly, holding the handle of the knife in his right hand and the scabbard in his left hand.

"Guaguala, I won't let you do whatever you want anymore!"

Guagua pointed the gun at Sakurai Jinghe, laughing at Sakurai Jinghe's big words.

"Then let's try it!"

The energy bomb roared out and hit Sakurai Keikazu's helmet!


The energy bomb caused an explosion, kicking up a cloud of dust!

A black mist appeared behind Gua Gua La, condensing the figure of Sakurai Keikazu, and the God of War blade was quickly drawn out!


The Martial God's Blade, glowing with cold light, struck Gua Guala on his back before he could react.

Guagua turned around and spit out several energy bubbles, but Sakurai Kagewa destroyed them one by one, and then waved the God of War blade to bully him.

The God of War's blade swung rapidly, slashing at Gua Gua La's body continuously. Gua Gua La was forced to retreat step by step, leaving many scars on her body.

Under Sakurai Kagewa's last slash, Guagua flew backwards and fell to the ground.


A bolt of scarlet lightning fell from the sky and struck Sakurai Keikazu.

Sakurai Kagewa's figure flashed and moved not far away, avoiding the lightning.

Gua Gua La took this opportunity to stand up and waved his hand, and several huge energy bubbles appeared behind him.

"Yes, that's it. To be a savior, you must have the power to defeat all disasters!"

"It's a pity that you haven't defeated me yet, and this disaster will continue."

After saying that, the energy bubble attacked Sakurai Keikazu, while Guagua planned to evacuate.

"Where do you want to run to?"

Sakurai Keihe's cold voice appeared behind Gua Guala, and the God of War blade in his hand was covered in black mist.



Guagua was thrown away by a sword and rolled twice on the ground in embarrassment.

"You have really grown a lot, Sakurai Keikazu, you are becoming more and more in line with the hero in my heart!"

As Sakurai Keikazu walked towards Guagua La, he sheathed and unsheathed the sword on the belt buckle of the God of War, then sheathed and unsheathed it again. "I won't let you go. This time, I must make it come to an end!"


Sakurai Kagewa held the Valkyrie Blade with both hands, and the energy quickly covered the blade of the Valkyrie Blade.

A scarlet full moon appeared behind Sakurai Keikazu.

Gua Gua pulled the mode switching lever of the laser sublimator and said with a smile.

"It seems good to end things with my favorite player."


The laser-leap sublimator condensed energy and shot a thick energy column at Sakurai Keikazu.

Sakurai Kagewa waved his sword and faced him, confronting the energy pillar.

His compound eyes lit up with red light and he roared loudly.

"That's it! Guaguala!"

The God of War blade cut through the energy pillar, came to Gua Guala, and struck Gua Gua La with a top-down knife.

Sakurai Keikazu and Gua Guala passed by each other, with their backs to each other.

Guagua fell to the ground first, canceling the transformation.

Sakurai Kagekazu's legs weakened and he almost fell down.

Using the black mist to teleport many times in a row consumed too much of his energy, and he couldn't stand it now.

"Sakurai Keikazu!"

Guagua struggled to get up from the ground and shouted loudly.

Sakurai Keihe turned around and looked at Gua Gua La who was lying on the ground.

Guagua turned around and looked at Sakurai Keikazu standing under the dark clouds, her eyes dazed for a moment.

"You must not slack off. The life of a Kamen Rider is much more difficult than you think!"

"Be mentally prepared and face your fate!"

Sakurai Kehe canceled the transformation and looked at Guagua with complicated eyes.

"Anyway, I still have to thank you."

Guagua made a confused sound.

"Thank you for allowing me to become a Kamen Rider and giving me the opportunity to come into contact with Yusuke and the others."

"This Kamen Rider experience is very important to me and taught me many things."

"That's why I can protect the peace of this world."

Guagua did not expect to hear these words from Sakurai Keikazu. She was stunned for a moment, and then her body seemed to have been drained of all its strength, and then it seemed as if a heavy burden had been put down. She turned over and lay on the ground, laughing. .

"Hahaha! Great! Sakurai Keikazu! You are the hero I have always wanted to see!"

Gua Gua La's body slowly turned into debris and dissipated in the wind amid the laughter.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, revealing the dazzling sunshine, and the demon statues on the high-rise buildings also disappeared.

Sakurai Keikazu successfully saved the world.

However, the ordinary citizens watching from the surrounding streets immediately either cheered that the world had been saved, or were concerned about another thing.

"Eh? Is this the end? Isn't the ideal world going to be realized?"

"Maybe it has come true. We don't know what Sakurai Keikazu's wish was."

"I really envy this guy."

Sarai Sakurai didn't hear this. She rushed over when Sakurai Keiwa released his transformation.

Priest Azuma glanced at Sakurai Keikazu, then at the ordinary citizens around him, then turned and left.

 I really don’t have time to type during the Chinese New Year. I’m extremely busy. I’m really sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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