kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 203 Beloba’s fate

Chapter 203 Beloba’s fate

On the street outside the hospital.

Kurama Nene punched Beloba in the head, surrounded by several energy swords.

Belloba raised her right hand holding the laser leaping sublimator, held Kurama Neon's returning fist, and threw her left hand towards Kurama Neon.

Kurama Nene controlled the energy sword beside her to stab Belloba, while she retreated.

Beloba reached out and grabbed an energy sword, crushed it hard, and then shot away the remaining energy swords.

Kurama Niyin took the opportunity to bully him and hit Beloba with a punch.

Beloba, who didn't react quickly, was punched by Kurama Nene and took several steps back.

As soon as she stabilized her body, Belloba waved her arms, and several dark purple energy balls appeared in the air. With the wave of Beloba's arms, they shot towards Kurama Nene.

"No one wants to see a happy ending!"

Kurama Neone stood still and turned her body into nothingness the second before the energy ball hit her.

The energy ball passed through Kurama Neone's body and hit the ground behind her.

"This world is not made for you!"

"It exists so that everyone can gain happiness!"


Beloba shouted, rushed in front of Kurama Neon, and punched out her right fist.

Kurama Nene's body turned into nothingness, allowing Belloba to fight with her fists and kicks, and raised her right hand.

A magic circle appeared at Beloba's feet, and several energy swords shot out from the magic formation, knocking Beloba into the air.

"People who appreciate misfortune will only fall into misfortune themselves!"

Kurama Niyin kicked off her feet, jumped into the air, stretched out her right hand, held an energy sword, and slashed at Beloba several times.

Belloba fell back to the ground, stood up and punched to fight back, but her fist penetrated Kurama Neon's body and fell into the air.

Kurama Niyin is like an phantom that cannot be grasped. Although Beloba tried hard to attack, it was to no avail.

Kurama Neone whipped Belloba's side with a whip kick, and energy exploded in her legs, kicking Belloba away.

Before Beloba could stand up again, Kurama Neon turned the magic circle of the Final Fantasy belt buckle.


Four energy swords appeared behind Kurama Nene, converging on his right hand and forming the shape of sharp claws.

Kurama Niyin kicked the ground with her right foot, rushed towards Beloba, and grabbed Beloba hard with her sharp claws.

Beloba flew backwards, and a magic circle appeared in the air, fixing Beloba in the air.

Kurama Nene turned the magic circle on the Final Fantasy belt buckle twice.

The energy sword flew behind Kurama Nene, combined into wings, and flew into the air with Kurama Nene.


As the sound effects of the special move sounded, Kurama Neone fell from the air in a knight kicking posture, and kicked Beloba in the chest.


Kurama Neone fell to the ground, followed by an explosion of flames.

Beloba fell from the flames, her transformation had been released, her body was damaged in many places, and she had no strength to get up again.


"I actually... would fall here..."

Kurama Neon turned around and released the transformation, panting slightly.

"You can never make others miserable again!"

Beloba turned her head slightly and looked at Kurama Niyin who was standing, her eyes full of unwillingness.

"I'm not willing to accept the misfortune of not being able to see you..."

Kurama Niyin chuckled, "You will never be able to see me again. I am very happy and will always be happy."

Beloba stared at Kurama Neon, wanting to say something, but it was too late, her body turned into debris and dissipated in the breeze.

Kurama Neon took a long breath, and now her parents' crisis was relieved.

Looking up at the center of the city, the dark clouds that originally shrouded the city had dispersed.

"It seems Jinghe has finished handling it. I wonder if he was injured."

Kurama Niyin stepped forward and hurried over, but a little less hastily.

... In the park, Priest Azuma was sitting alone on a bench.

"I've been looking for you for a long time, why are you sitting here alone?"

Imai Toru held a piece of bread and handed it to Priest Azuma, then sat down next to Priest Azuma.

Priest Azuma raised his head and took a look, took the bread from Imai Tohru, and lowered his head again.

"Toru, you said desire, does everyone have it?"

Imai Tohru didn't understand what question Azuma was asking, but he still answered.

"Desire is the original sin of mankind. I think it is inevitable for everyone."

Azuma Taoist priest spoke in a low voice and looked at the bread in his hand.

"You too?"

Imai Toru smiled and patted Azuma on the shoulder.

"Didn't I say it? I want to build a huge landmark tower in my hometown!"

"I guess this is what I want."

Priest Azuma turned to look at Toru Imai beside him, "That's a dream, isn't it?"

Imai Toru smiled disapprovingly, "Aren't dreams sometimes just desires?"


Priest Azuma suddenly sat upright and stared at Imai Tohru.

"Dreams are not desires! Dreams are goals that people work hard to achieve step by step!"

"And desire is selfishness, greed, and for enjoyment!"

Imai Toru was a little confused when he saw how serious Azuma Daozhang was.

"Taoist Priest, what's wrong with you?"

Azuma Taoist priest opened the bread in his hand and ate it in two or three bites.

"Toru, I figured it out, I know what I want to do."

Imai Tohru didn't know what Azuma Michichiro wanted to do, but he knew one thing.

"Then go ahead and do it boldly. I will always support you. Come on!"

Priest Azuma stood up and hurriedly left the park.


Inside the temple.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi, who had his head lowered, raised his head when he heard the footsteps.

"Ba Niu? It's really a rare visitor to see you."

Priest Azuma had a serious face and stared at Hidetoshi Ukiyo's face.

"Can I make a wish to you too?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Ukiyo Hidetoshi's eyes, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Of course you can, but I can't guarantee that it will be possible."

In the future world.

Samas gritted his teeth angrily as he looked at the virtual projection of Guagua and Beloba losing one after another.

"Two useless losers! They can't even handle such a small thing!"

A tablet appeared in his hand, and after a few operations, a sublimated business card holder with a black casing and purple and green intertwined patterns emerged in the air.

Samas held the sublimation business card holder, and a laser-leap sublimation device appeared in his hand.

"As long as I get rid of you, the position of supervisor will be mine and mine alone."

In the laboratory, Suel looked at the new driver that had been completed on the platform and nodded with satisfaction.

“Next, it’s time for the final stage performance.”

(End of this chapter)

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