kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 209 Everyone is here

Chapter 209 Everyone is here
Samas raised the Laser Leap Sublimation Device to hold the Great Sword of Original Sin. Although he blocked the slash, his body was still weighed down by the force.

"Why stop me! I've been waiting for two thousand years! I don't want to wait any longer!"

Samas opened his mouth and a tongue quickly shot out.

Azuma Taoist priest pressed the original sin belt buckle and put on the symbol of laziness. He blocked his tongue with two skeletal claws in front of him.


"This is not the reason for you to attack Yusuke! Such selfish desires of yours! Disappear!"

Priest Azuma pressed the symbol of rage again, and the energy in his body began to boil, and even the Great Sword of Original Sin was covered with a layer of energy.

He grasped the hilt of the sword tightly with both hands and pulled it down hard, leaving a scar on Samas' body.

Samas covered the wounds on his body with his left hand and roared loudly at Azuma Taoist Priest.

"What do you know! I just want to be a supervisor! I just want my abilities to be recognized!"

Priest Azuma stuck the original sin sword on the ground, and slowly moved one hand towards the skull on the original sin belt buckle.

Samas vented his energy and condensed a large number of energy balls, all of which were fired at Azuma.

The size continued to grow, gradually becoming the same as the commercial building next to it.

"Why can he take over the operation as soon as he comes!"

Samas screamed without hesitation for a second.

The body that was originally stitched together like a monster is now fused into one body.

"Why! Why did he send me over to be his assistant as soon as he arrived!"

"What about me? Why isn't that person me?"

Samas's body suddenly swelled, and his body also underwent changes.


"It's unfair. You can go to Suel to complain, but you shouldn't be dominated by desire to hurt others."

"I waited and waited! I waited until Yusek resigned on his own! But in exchange, Neelam airborne!"

"I am the best at all my work! Not to mention better than Yusek! At least better than anyone else!"

"Now! Yusek appears again! As soon as he appeared, he was appointed as the supervisor!"

Purple and green intertwined to form a somewhat dirty gray, a pair of horns appeared on the top of the head, and the outline of the cheeks became thinner and more feminine.

"What's wrong with me!"

"As long as he wants! He can become a supervisor at any time!"

"Then work hard! Use your own ability to become a supervisor! Instead of destroying your competitors here!"

"What do you think I've been doing for two thousand years!"

"No fair! Not fair at all!"

Priest Azuma pressed the gluttony symbol and responded with a volume not inferior to Samas.

Samus can't hear other people's words at all now. She activates the laser-leap sublimator. Anyone who stands in her way will be cleared away!

Priest Azuma pressed down the skull, kicked his feet on the ground, and at the same time reached out and pulled out the Great Sword of Original Sin on the ground.


The Great Sword of Original Sin was filled with rich energy, dragging a trail of tail flames in the air, heading straight for Samas.

Samus pulled the trigger, and a huge laser beam was fired at Azuma.


Priest Azuma waved her arms vigorously, and the Great Sword of Original Sin slashed towards the laser beam, bursting out with a dazzling light.

Samas continued to increase the output of energy, but the Great Sword of Original Sin went up against the laser beam, and chopped off the laser sublimator in her hand with one sword.

Azuma Daozhang's body continued to rise due to inertia. He stretched out his hand and pressed the skull twice in succession, and then pressed the arrogance symbol. "PRIDE"


The Great Sword of Original Sin turned into a giant sword and was raised high above the head by Azuma Priest. The sudden weight made Azuma Priest begin to fall.

Samus lost his laser leap sublimator and could only raise his arms to block.

The giant sword easily split Samas's body from top to bottom and fell heavily to the ground.

One sword cuts two!

Azuma stepped on the flames and walked out of the explosion. The aftermath of the violent explosion made Azuma's cloak rustle.

The battle between Suel and Aomura Yusuke also paused for a moment due to the explosion, and then quickly resumed.

"As expected, her value is limited to that of an assistant. I still have to do it myself."

As Suel spoke, he raised his foot and kicked Yusuke Aomura.

"I miss the time when everything could be solved by you without me having to do anything, Yosek."

Yusuke Aomura reached out to grab Suel's kicking leg, swung it aside forcefully, approached Suel in small steps, and punched continuously.

Suel's armor was indeed newly developed. Faced with so many attacks from Yusuke Aomura, it left no trace, as if he had not been harmed.


An energy bullet shot from behind Suel, but was blocked by the red and black mist.

Suel looked back and saw Hidetoshi Ukiyo holding the Extreme Fox Destroyer QB9 and aiming at him.

"I didn't expect you to break away from your restraints and want to use your human body to control the power of creation? It's ridiculous."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo walked over step by step, his gun constantly spitting out tongues of flame.

"Suel, your plan failed, now it's our turn."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo flicked the Extreme Fox Destroyer QB9, switched to blade mode, and rushed towards Suel with the sword in hand.

Yusuke Aomura kept up with Hidetoshi Ukiyo's rhythm and pulled out a dark sickle from the void.


Suel sided to avoid Ukiyo Hidetoshi's slashing blow and responded with a whip kick, but a sickle fell just in time, forcing Suel to change his moves to avoid it.

And this just gave Ukiyo Hidetoshi a chance.

With a twist of his wrist, he slashed the Extreme Fox Destroyer QB9 horizontally onto Suel.

Suel took two steps back, waved his hand and shot two energy balls of red and black mist, which were blocked by Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo with their weapons.

"Suel! I will never let you destroy this world!"

Sakurai Keikazu finally arrived at the battlefield at this time, shouting while inserting the buckle of the God of War into the Desire Drive to transform.

"That's right! I will protect this world with all my strength!"

Kurama Neone ran over holding the Final Fantasy belt buckle, also transforming while running.

Priest Azuma dragged the Great Sword of Original Sin and walked over step by step without saying a word, but the aura exuding from his body had already made his attitude clear.

Surrounded by Yusuke Aomura and five others, Suel was not worried or scared at all, but laughed.

"This world is so interesting, you guys can be found here, hahaha!"

"Since you care so much about this world, then I want to destroy it even more!"

"I believe that senior members of the Desire Grand Prix will be happy to see this scene!"

Suel turned into red and black mist and disappeared. When he reappeared, he had arrived at the second-floor balcony of a nearby restaurant.

"Let's play one last game!"

(End of this chapter)

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