kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 210 The war of desire begins!

Chapter 210 The war of desire begins!

Suel stood on the balcony, raised his chin slightly, and moved his eyes downward to glance at Aomura Yusuke and the others.

"Let's play one last game!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Sakurai Keikazu shouted, drew out the God of War Blade, stepped on it, and rushed towards Suel.

A pair of wings made of sharp swords appeared behind Kurama Nene, and with a magic circle under her feet, she flew straight to Suel.

Priest Azuma stepped out with one foot, creating a depression in the ground. He swung the Great Sword of Original Sin diagonally from behind, and struck Suel with an energy slash.

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi did not move their feet, and controlled the energy tail and energy claw respectively to draw towards Suel.

Facing the wave of attacks from everyone, Suel did not respond stupidly. He disappeared into red and black mist and reappeared in another place.

"It's rude to interrupt someone else."

"In that case, just declare it to the whole world!"

One type is looking forward to the start of a new game, having their own desires in their hearts, and wanting to achieve success in one step.

Suel waved his hand and shot out a ball of red and black mist, knocking back Sakurai Keikazu.

"No! I don't want to get involved in that terrible battle again! I don't want to fight with those guys at all!"

"Everyone is envious of the previous contestants who were able to participate in the Desire Grand Prix."

On the street, ordinary citizens coming and going stopped one after another and raised their heads to look at the big screen.

"Meet again? Did we meet last time?"


The other category is the group of people who participated in the final battle, or the people who retained the memories of Kamen Rider.

"Good afternoon to all viewers of this world!"

"It's really troublesome."

As soon as he finished speaking, Suel raised his hand and snapped his fingers. All the large screens around him lit up and the broadcast began.

"I never thought we would meet again~"

"Damn it, there's no way we can win with those guys here!"

The God of Valkyrie swung out from the black mist, but Suel reached out to grab the blade.

Suel himself also disappeared. Suel's figure appeared on the big screen, and a hoarse voice came out through the mask.

Sakurai Keikazui ignored Suel's words and immediately turned into black mist and chased after him.

"Let me introduce myself again, I am Suel, the founder of the Desire Grand Prix."

"I watched the video of the last game and I heard what you were saying."

Everyone has a different attitude towards Suel's sudden appearance, but they can be divided into two main groups.

"Is there going to be a new game again? Can I become a savior like that guy and realize the ideal world?"

Some of them clearly realize their own strength and have no hope of fighting Yusuke Aomura and others, so they don't want to participate in the Desire Grand Prix at all.

The other part of the population believes in 'what if? 'It's okay to try it, but what if it succeeds?

No one can guarantee that the God of Desire will always be the God of Desire.

Suel on the big screen continued to speak.

"Now's your chance!"

"Release your inner desires, accept the guidance of desires, and have a great time!"

"From now on, your deepest desire will be realized, no matter what it is!"

Ordinary citizens who heard this sentence really went crazy!

"Is what he said true? You can realize your desires without participating in the Desire Grand Prix!"

"Great! My desire is to become the richest man in the world! Realize my desire quickly!"

"Don't you have to fight those guys? Then I have to participate!"

"Hahaha! Here we come! The world in my dream is coming true!" "Call me Your Majesty! You ants!"

Ordinary citizens shouted their desires loudly, and the whole street was like a crazy party!

The ordinary citizen who wanted to be the richest man in the world took out his mobile phone to check and found that his assets really had many more zeros. The number one on the world's richest list was his name.

"It's true! I am now the richest man in the world!"

The shouts of ordinary citizens became louder, and even the clouds in the sky seemed to be lifted.


Suel simply uttered two words, causing all ordinary citizens to shut up, and the streets suddenly became quiet.

Ordinary citizens stared at the big screen without blinking. At this time, they couldn't even care about the problem of crying in the wind.

Suel was very satisfied with the performance of ordinary citizens, and even his tone was a bit happy.

"However, this is time-limited and will only last until midnight tonight."

"After zero o'clock, everything will return to the way it was before."

"Do you want your desires to come true forever?"

Ordinary citizens responded to Suel uniformly and loudly, probably even more enthusiastically and loudly than the leader's speech.

"Then come and participate in my Desire Grand Prix!"

"The final winner will get the right to realize the ideal world!"

"For the desire in your heart! Fight!"

A series of teleportation sound effects sounded, and countless prop boxes appeared in the air, accurately falling into the hands of ordinary citizens.

"The battle of desire! Start now!"

Suel opened his hands and announced the start of the game, and the big screen went dark.

Ordinary citizens were holding the prop box and didn't know what to do. Experienced people had already opened the box, started to transform, and attacked the people around them.

With the examples of these people, everyone knows what to do.

All of a sudden, various sound effects and light effects appeared on the street. It was obviously daytime, but it was too bright.

All kinds of melee followed!

The sound of weapons colliding was mixed with people's shouts, as well as the light effects of energy, and even the sound effects of special moves.

The whole world is in chaos.

Aomura Yusuke and others also finished watching Suel's video, and everyone turned to look at Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

Nothing was said, but each other understood what was being asked.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi frowned and shook his head.

"Without the feeling of being inspired by the power of creation, Suel would not have been able to realize the desires of so many people."

Sakurai Kagewa released the transformation and walked to Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"Then why is everyone in chaos?"

The shouts from other streets were so exaggerated that Aomura Yusuke and the others heard them.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi still shook his head. He was sure that the power of creation had not been triggered and the wish could not be realized.

What's more, to realize the desires of everyone in the world, it would require such huge creation power, how could Suel have it!
Aomura Yusuke calmly spoke out a few words.

"Virtual image."


Kurama Neon tilted her head in confusion and looked at Aomura Yusuke.

Yusuke Aomura raised his head and looked at the sky.

"Just like opening the game before, use virtual projection technology to temporarily rewrite the world and create a false world where everyone's desires are realized."

(End of this chapter)

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