kamen rider polar fox twins

Chapter 228 The gods divided into 4 equal parts in the theater

Chapter 228 Theater - Quartered Gods ()
"Lord Hidetoshi! Be careful!"

Seeing an evil demon disciple behind Hidetoshi Ukiyo, Zimli called out a warning.

The fish in Hidetoshi Ukiyo's arms happened to fall to the ground. Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who bent down to pick up the fish, luckily avoided the demon's sword.

When Hidetoshi Ukiyo picked up the fish and stood upright again, he happened to bump into the body of the evil demon behind him.

Originally, such a small impact was nothing to the Demonic Disciple, but now, under the Demonic Disciple's feet was a semicircular stone.

Such a light impact became an important straw that affected the balance. The demon disciple danced with his hands like hot wheels, but he still could not resist the fate of falling into the sea.

Ukiyo Hidetoshi turned around when he heard the sound of falling into the water, showing a big smile.


Yusuke Aomura climbed up a big rock and cried sadly.

"It's over! Surrounded!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo turned around, still holding the fish in his arms.

"Yusuke, let's go down."

There were actually two evil demon disciples who turned around to chase Zimli, and the remaining evil demon disciple was still trying hard to climb the rocks.

The demonic disciple raised his head and dropped the stone with a thud.

Several evil demons were waving their weapons under the stone, trying to climb up the stone.

"Yeah, I'm saved!"

"I defeated the evil demon easily just by luck..."

Zimli picked up a stone and threw it at the evil devil, trying to lure the evil devil away.

"Hidetoshi! Zimli! Help!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo took a big step and climbed up the stone. The demon followers followed Hidetoshi Ukiyo's steps and wanted to repeat this action.

Zimli frowned, puffed her mouth, and shook her head.

It was the loose stone that Hidetoshi Ukiyo stepped on and rolled down.

On the other side, Zimli waved the tablet in her hand and fought off the evil demons, just in time to see what Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi had just experienced.

The two jumped off the stone and took just two steps when two evil demons stopped them on the left and right. They both raised their feet and approached Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.

"But, what's the situation, Yusuke-sama?"

Ukiyo Hidetoshi stretched out his hand towards Aomura Yusuke and grinned.

As soon as he stretched his head over the stone, several fist-sized stones gradually enlarged in the eyes of the evil demon.

Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi's eyes lit up, and they stepped over the two demon disciples.

Yusuke Aomura held Hidetoshi Ukiyo's hand, as happy as a child.


An evil demon chasing them fell to the ground because it stepped on the slippery seaweed. The swimming ring in his hand slid all the way and stopped at the feet of the two evil demons, tripping them down.

"No, no! Yusuke-sama and Hidetoshi-sama are not like this!"

Just as she was about to escape, several evil demon disciples armed with spears surrounded Zimli.

Yusuke Aomura and Hidetoshi Ukiyo, who had already escaped a little far, were also forced back by two evil demons holding spears, and slowly stood with Zimli.

"It's over, it's over!"

Aomura Yusuke and Zimli stood back to back, their brows furrowed and their whole faces wrinkled into bitter melon faces.

Zimli was a little scared and worried, and put her hands on her sides helplessly.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo still had the fish in his arms. Although there was worry on his face, he seemed confident.

"call out!"

An evil demon fell straight forward and fell to the ground, with a sharp arrow stuck in its back.

"Huh?" x3
The sudden change caused Yusuke Aomura and the others to question.

Not far in front of them, I, Na Baxi, held a long bow. He bent the bow again and shot a sharp arrow. An evil demon disciple fell to the ground.

After shooting arrows several times in a row, all the evil demon disciples present were shot to the ground by my naha.

"My domineering player!"

Zimli shouted in surprise.

I put down my long bow and said hello with a smile.

"Long time no see, Yusuke, Hidetoshi, Zimli."

Yusuke Aomura beamed instantly and waved enthusiastically.

"Wolf soul! You came to save me! Great! I survived!"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo hugged the fish and replied with a smile: "Lucky! Happy! I didn't expect to meet you here." My domineering eyes widened slightly, and I subconsciously took a step back with a look of disbelief on my face.

"Who are you two!?"

My overbearing hand grabbed the sharp arrow in the quiver behind me, ready to shoot again at any time.

"It feels so weird!"

Yusuke Aomura became sad again, "The wolf soul doesn't recognize me anymore..."

Hidetoshi Ukiyo put his right index finger on his chin and tilted his head.


The atmosphere was a little awkward for a moment, and Zimli turned her head to the side, shameless to look at the current appearance of Aomura Yusuke and Ukiyo Hidetoshi.


Yusuke Aomura held the ghost scythe in his hand and viciously knocked the evil demon disciples to the ground. The evil demon disciples were already lying at his feet.

"Any trash that dares to attack my lord should lie on the ground."

Ukiyo Hidetoshi held the barrel of the Magnum Shooter 40X with both hands and smashed it on the head of the evil demon, knocking over one of the evil demons at once.


Priest Azuma grabbed an evil demon and subdued it to the ground, shouting loudly and helplessly.

"Hey! It's almost done! Use the gun!"


The sound of horse hooves came from far and near, followed by a horse whistle, appearing in front of Taoist Priest Azuma.

"That's how you used the gun back then, wasn't it? Hahaha!"

Imai Toru sat on the horse and teased Azuma with a smile.

"Toru! Why are you here?"

Azuma Taoist priest casually threw away the subdued evil demon disciple and asked doubtfully.

Imai Toru pointed to his head, "I suddenly remembered something, so I rushed over to help."

"By the way, why do Yusuke and Hidetoshi fight like this?"

Priest Azuma turned around and looked around. Yusuke Aomura stood proudly on a high place with a group of demon disciples standing on top of him. Hidetoshi Ukiyo threw the Magnum Shooter 40X as a projectile, twisted his wrist, and rushed forward. Engage in hand-to-hand combat.

"Oh...it's a long story..."

"Anyway, the goal now is to destroy the tree."

Imai Toru looked at the Demonic Tree in the distance with a look of understanding.

"I understand. In that case, Yusuke and Hidetoshi, you two should ride on this horse and drive over first."

Toru Imai got off the horse and signaled Yusuke Aomura and the others to get on the horse.

Yusuke Aomura stood on the pyramid built by the demon disciples, looking down at Toru Imai from a high position.

"A lowly servant is not qualified to ride on the same horse as my lord."

Imai Toru was dumbfounded for a moment and stood there in shock.

Azuma Daozhang held his forehead and shook his head helplessly. He knew that Aomura Yusuke would definitely say this.

Hidetoshi Ukiyo was surprisingly obedient. He looked at the horse and shouted, "I know!"

He jumped on the horse.

It’s just that the riding posture is completely wrong!

Hidetoshi Ukiyo sat on the horse's buttocks, and as the horse took two small steps forward, Hidetoshi Ukiyo fell down as expected, lying face down on the ground.

Aomura Yusuke snorted coldly, Azuma Daozhang fell into silence, and Imai Toru asked weakly, "Are you okay?"

Hidetoshi Ukiyo ejected from the ground, rushed towards Azuma with a yell, grabbed Azuma's legs and threw him upwards, and then caught him with his shoulders.

The sudden behavior made Azuma Taoist priest a little panicked.

"Hey! What are you doing!"

"I am Ma! Xu!"

"No! You're a fox, right?"

Yusuke Aomura turned to look at Tohru Imai and spoke matter-of-factly.

"You lowly servant, come here and be my horse."

Imai Toru blinked his eyes and swallowed speechlessly.

Brother, I am a hedgehog! Do you really want to sit down?
Otherwise, I'd better let the Taoist priest act as a horse for you. He is a cow and can be ridden.

(End of this chapter)

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